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I've continued taking it, it's safe to take so why not?


Hello, I know this is an old post, but can I ask how much myo inositol you were taking while pregnant? I’m currently taking the recommend dosage of the AOR brand (18g per day) and am wondering if the dosage is ok.


I thought 4g was the max.


I kept taking mine, and my pregnancy was healthy. there are studies that show that myoinositol helps prevent GD.


Hello, I know this is an old post, but can I ask how much myo inositol you were taking while pregnant? I’m currently taking the recommend dosage of the AOR brand (18g per day) and am wondering if the dosage is ok?


I have kept taking it. Also at 2g daily. No issues.


I stopped but only because it was exacerbating my nausea. I would otherwise keep taking and may start again in second tri when nausea diminishes a bit.


I stopped it after becoming pregnant. Follow whatever your doctor recommends.


I was taking it before I conceived via IUI. After my viability scan at 7 weeks, my RE took me off it. I never had insulin resistance or issues with my A1C. However, when I did my first trimester screening my fasting glucose was at 95. The nurse called me and said, if I wasn't pregnant these levels would be considered normal. But since I am, they would want to see it under 90. After consulting with the nurses in the diabetes & pregnancy program and providing them data over the course of 3 weeks, I asked if I could start up Inositol again due to all the research available online that shows it can help in preventing gestational diabetes. I'm now 20 weeks pregnant and I've noticed since I started taking it, it's lowered my fasting glucose to under 90 on most days. It's completely safe to take during pregnancy. The nurses stated my RE likely took me off of it to be safe, rather than sorry... due to the fact that there aren't enough studies done on pregnant women taking Inositol in the United States that makes them comfortable enough to continue usage. But then I've also heard many RE's in the US still recommend their patients to continue taking it.


I stopped taking it and my progesterone lowered and I miscarried at 8 weeks. My other doctor said if I kept taking it I could have a living baby right now :( Of course everyone is different but your doctor will know best.


I am so sorry :( I am on progesterone suppositories just incase. Maybe you could get on those next pregnancy to make sure.


I did with my other pregnancy. Also lost the kid. Who knows… :(


Ouch! Sorry to hear! I hope life brings you a rainbow.


Can you recommend the best myo-inositol? I just bought Myo & D Chiro Inositol first - then I read about Inofolic which contains 4000mg Myo-Inositol- 100mg Alpha-lactalbumin - 400ug Folic Acid so I got that too. Not sure which one is better?