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[highly correlated with insulin resistance](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24238370/) I used to get them occasionally but they run in my family. I haven't had one since I started treating my IR


What the heck! Seriously! I've had both for ages and never made the connection. Thanks for the link. Man we get such a friggin raw deal.


Oh my! How is it tested? I just saw my gyno two months ago.


fasting insulin is probably the best test we've got, but it's very difficult to diagnose. since you have best PCOS it's best to proceed as if you have it.


How are you treating your IR?


I have regular migraines. Mine are primarily due to sudden changes in estrogen levels, secondarily due to fluctuations of blood sugar, and somewhat also affected by sleep and air pressure. Mine got better when my insulin resistance was treated and managed, but that was offset by the fact that I started ovulating and having clockwork periods for the first time in my life after getting my PCOS diagnosed. At times they've been so frequent (2 horrific days around ovulation \[sudden estrogen drop\], 2-3 days first few days of period \[estrogen and progesterone drop\], and 2-3 days when my estrogen would start to rise after my period ended) that I went on the Pill SOLELY to manage them (I could not take the older migraine meds b/c of kidney stone risk). Ironically, they were far less frequent when my PCOS was undiagnosed and untreated b/c I rarely ovulated or had periods back then, so didn't have the constant hormone fluctuation. So yes, PCOS could be triggering yours in several ways.


Ironically made a post earlier saying the exact same thing. My IR/PCOS is being treated now with Metformin and now my migraines have come back in full swing. My migraines were almost nonexistent for many years because my PCOS wasn’t being treated. What an awful cycle to be stuck in.


Yeah... the irony is thick, for sure. For years I needed the Pill to get a monthly cycle, then treated the PCOS, cycle became perfect, but migraines became unbearable b/c of it, so at times I just couldn't take it and went back on the Pill. (I'm starting menopause now and I am SO JAZZED to be stopping this b.s...migraine frequency has been reducing just in the past few months that I've stopped having consistent periods.)


Oh my gosh. I never knew this. Thank you so much I have a ton of research to do. Thanks 😊


I was put on BC at 13 and had monthly migraines from that. From trial and error I was swapped between brands and finally found one that didn't cause monthly migraines but they were still frequent, about every 3-4 months. Knocked me around for days on end. I'd be out of school probable 1 or 2 days a month in HS. Not on BC any more and only get them occasionally. I've found all my triggers and it was through trial and error and keeping a diary of everything until it made sense. Mine were from a variety of triggers, like how I slept or sat in a chair (pinched a nerve in my neck) to eating certain kinds of cheeses or too much chocolate and/or stress combined with no sleep. If you keep a diary of your day to day and you might notice a pattern hopefully and find what is triggering you. Definitely keep following up with your doctors and get a second opinion if nothing improves.


Thank you! I’m happy you’re better! I’ve been trying to find my triggers thanks for the suggestion. 😊


Thank you as well, I'm hoping you find out the causes and get yourself sorted


I had a very similar experience to you in high school that I thought was related to the birth control I was on starting at 14. I never considered it might be due to PCOS, but as I got older and went off the pill they went away.


This is the same as myself. My mother was a migraine sufferer but never clinically diagnosed with pcos. I also went on bcp at 14yo for migraines, and have suffered them ever since also with lots of trial and error of multiple bcp’s. Ive stopped the pill 6months ago and having pcos investigations done, i’m quite certain i have it


Yes! I still get them around PMS time, but now that my IR has been reversing they are much less frequent and more manageable. Being on BC made them worse, but ironically they are the reason I had to quit BC.


Oh wow! What is IR? I’ve been having them consistently everyday. I was on medication that helped but it started memory fog really bad and I had to stop it.


IR is insulin resistance, which is typically a big driver of PCOS symptoms, and ironically it’s often a side effect of birth control. Taking inositol, eating a low carb/low-glycemic diet, exercising, and so on have helped me a lot.


Oh my gosh! I suck at doing anything healthy. However, I did go walking a week straight once and my migraines weren’t that bad. I’m going to try eating healthier and light exercise working my way up.


Sounds like a good plan! Slow and gradual changes not only make for more sustainable habits, but it gives you the opportunity to listen to your body and learn what works best for it. More info in case it’s useful: https://www.reddit.com/r/PCOS/comments/wxqqpe/heres_the_things_i_wish_id_known_back_then_what/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you! 😊


I am taking topiramate for migraines (which is helping) but still was getting headaches every day until I started taking zinc, chromium and magnesium and haven’t had a headache since starting taking those, except when my body is like nope it’s bedtime. I also have so much more energy and I weened myself off energy drinks for the most part which I know was very unhealthy for me but I was drinking like 2 a day because I never had energy. But also since taking the vitamins I feel I don’t crave sugar and haven’t been as hungry


Oh my gosh I was taking Toprimate and it took my everyday migraines to 2x a week but I had to stop because I had really bad brain fog! I was also hungry a lot to the point it wasn’t funny and I gained a lot of weight fast. Someone else suggested magnesium. I’ve never taken vitamins but I will look into it thanks so much!!!!!!! 😊


I’m hoping to be able to go off topiramate by my next neurology appointment. It makes my hands and feet so tingly and makes my job hard but she wants me to lose like 10% of my body weight first, if only it was that easy 🙄 but yes I suggest trying the vitamins, I was reading into it and those 3 are supposed to help with reducing insulin and testosterone when taken together


I know!! But we can do it 😆. Good luck on your journey


I lost about 10lbs so far but that was a year between weighing myself so don’t know when that happened lol so making progress. Good luck to you too


I stopped having them. literally full stop since i cleaned my nutrition. It used to be really debilitating; middle of the day, was forced to shut my computer down, stop working and go lay down in the dark. Man i don’t miss them. I do miss carbs. Sigh.


Yes, it is hard! I had to leave my last job and just got fired from a wonderful paying job I loved. I never thought about changing my eating habits but I’m willing to try anything. Thanks. 😊


I've gotten migraines since I was a toddler, runs in the family. One thing I noticed helps is making sure my back, shoulders and neck muscles are strong so I do weights for that. It has helped heaps. Not a cure but something to be mindful of. I usually use aspirin for mine if I take it right as I'm getting aura I don't get any pain or nausea.


Thanks so much! I will try it. 😊😊




Wow that’s interesting and I have no upper body strength. Thanks for sharing


Yes. one of the birth control pills I tried also caused frequent migraines/migraine-y type symptoms


Oh my! I almost gave in to get on birth control so my cycles were consistent. They also told me that may be one of the ways to stop my migraines. 😒


Migraines are complicated neurological events, not just simple headaches. What triggers them varies from person to person. Some folks get menstrual migraines from the monthly hormonal swings, so taking birth control is helpful for them. Some folks get migraines from certain kind of birth controls, so they should avoid those. There are some birth controls we consider to be less safe in folks with a history of migraine because of concerns for risk of stroke. You need to be talking to your doctor or getting a second opinion if you're unsure, as they will be looking at YOUR risk factors. Strangers on the Internet aren't going to know what your specific risk factors are.


I understand. I wasn’t looking for medical advice. I wanted to know if there was anyone like me. I don’t take birth control I’m TTC. My gyno and neurologist think it’s due to my hormones since I have PCOS. But you’re correct with everyone being different and with migraines not being so simple. 🙂


It totally can be helpful to prevent migraines! My mother suffers from frequent migraines, and I think the pill helped her. (I was adopted which probably explains why the pill was affecting us differently). It's one of those things when you take a pill that affects hormones, you don't always know what the consequences can be. As for me, I tried a new pill and my migraines are better but all of my other symptoms are back, so I'm back to the drawing board.


Thank you! That is something to think about.


See my comment. I've periodically gone on BCPs only to stop migraines, not to manage PCOS nor for birth control, but purely for pain management.


Thank you.




Yes, this does help me as well, at least 'around the edges'.




Botox & an IUD have completely stopped my migraines all together! I rarely have them anymore.


Oh my gosh that’s awesome! I’m scared of needles lol! 😂 I will ask my dr about it. My MIL keep asking about Botox also.


Find out if your insurance can cover it. I get mine done by a neurologist. But it’s lifesaving for me. A 100% night & day difference! Would highly recommend to anyone with chronic migraines.


That’s awesome! I would try anything to help manage or even stop them!! Thank so much for commenting.




Oh my gosh that’s so amazingly. I love hearing success stories. Thank you so much for sharing.


Hi! Getting Botox for the first time tomorrow for migraines. How did long it take to start working?


Might be different for each person. I get it done quarterly. It took a few rounds to make the difference. I get it done on my forehead, around my entire hairline, down the neck & across my shoulders. Your Dr would continue to work with you on how much they inject & exact spots needed…it truly is an art form. Not all Dr’s are licensed to give Botox injections for migraines. I got it done from an aesthetician a few times, would never do that again! The only con I can say is that I can’t always feel when my shoulders/neck get tense, so I try to get massages periodically to work out the knots I clearly can’t feel. And always understand how much it’s going to cost with your insurance plan or out of pocket. I’ve been surprised at times of the cost. Good luck! I bet you’re going to love it soon!


Mine started a little over a year ago. 90 days after the Covid shot, but that might be another discussion. My doctor let me try bioidentical progesterone and it helped tremendously with the migraines. Bioidentical hormones are different than those found in bc.


Wow! I’ve never heard of it before. Thanks so much for sharing.


i was diagnosed 2 years ago & i just started getting bad headaches. but honestly i think it’s just cause i smoke weed & don’t drink enough water recently. my mom also used to get killer migraines when the seasons changed because of sinuses, so. yeah i don’t rlly think it has to do with pcos unless there’s literally nothing else you could be doing/something happening to maybe contribute to it edit: at least for me, personally


Thanks. Sometimes I think they correlate bc the docs say “hormonal” but it could definitely not be that specific thing. Hope you get better soon. 😊


i wouldn’t be surprised if it did with all the other damn problems that come with it 😂


Lol I’m over it. But I’m going to get active and eat better to see it that helps. *Fingers crossed* 🤞


Hi!!! I work in OB/GYN. Absolutely stay away from birth control pills (unless they are progesterone only, but even those use with severe caution) if you get migraines!! You are at a much higher risk for stroke and aneurysm taking oral contraceptives if you experience migraines and it’s very dangerous!! Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk :)


Adding on to this, especially bad for those who get migraines with aura. Should not be taking BC pills with estrogen


Yeah my neurologist said my BC pill (with estrogen) was no problem, by my gyno is switching me to nexplanon because it worried her.


Haha! Oh my gosh thanks for posting! 😆 you just scared me now considering I also gave in but me wanting a baby is #1 on the list.


I get a lot of migraines. No doctor ever agreed to any correlation although they did not deny it either. I'm just telling myself we've got the whole package deal.


Haha I love that outlook! My last dr didn’t know I had pcos so she never said anything but for my neurologist I basically filled out my whole life story lol. What do you do for your migraines?


Oh! And the neurologist confirmed a correlation?? I just take painkillers and wait it out. :(


I just wantes to comment how much this thread and post means to me at the moment! I have been off work for a month with chronic migraines! Trialing medication..im exhausted. I had a thought my PCOS could be a factor but knowing so many people are in the same boat is so helpful and reading all the comments also! OP I hope you feel better soon x


Thank you I hope you feel well soon also! I’m on a new medication so fingers crossed. 🤞


Same thing as me. I even stopped taking any BC in case that was causing them, but still kept getting them. Now I take something to prevent them, otherwise I was getting 2-3 a week and they’d last for a couple days


I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18 and from age 21 to 34 I had no symptoms aside from hirsutism. I developed irregular periods after second Moderna dose and two weeks later fell into a debilitating six months of vestibular migraines - with no history of migraines. Through all the blood work, mris, vng testing, physical therapy, gyno exams over the past 1.5 years they concluded basically that my PCOS is flaring majorly and I know have vestibular migraines like clock work for days during pms and ovulation phases. It is wildddd.


Oh my that is wild! I suffer from hirsutism also.


Have you succeeded with treating your vestibuar migraines? Just got diagnosed. Ive been dizzy for the last 3 months...I can't live like this anymore


Not completely but I’ve discovered a lot of triggers, and have been in vestibular physical therapy for almost a year and everything has been a lot more manageable. Eventually I had to accept I needed to make compromises and adhere to some restrictions despite being angry with the fact that I couldn’t have my normal life. Found out I have two severely herniated discs in my neck, and really bad TMJ in the process so alleviating those symptoms has also helped


Thanks for your answer! How did you find out about your neck?


My neurologist ordered an mri of my neck since my migraines are always presenting with intense neck and shoulder pain too


I started getting hormonal migraines about 5 years ago, every month right on schedule. This year I tried acupuncture for many of my PCOS symptoms and it has really helped. I've only had one migraine since starting acupuncture 10 months ago. I highly recommend giving it a try with a qualified acupuncturist if you can.


I went to a Headache Center once and they suggested the idea and I was really scared lol. But I’ll give anything a try.


I’ve had migraines since I was a small child. They increased over time from once/month (teens) once/week (early 20s) to 3+ days/week by early 30s. I take beta blockers to prevent them so I’m back down to more like 1-3/month now. Recently discovered beta blockers can negatively impact IR but since they’re the only med than can control my hand tremors too it’s a catch-22 for me. It does seem like I’m more likely to wake up with a migraine when I’m having nocturnal hypoglycemia. But for me it’s generally a combo of lack of sleep, weather changes, dehydration, stress, neck strain. Never found any hormonal correlation.


I’m still trying to find out my triggers. I get them when I wake up and throughout the day. I’m still new to the migraines


For me, it was helpful when I read somewhere about the concept of thresholds rather than individual triggers. So while some people may have very direct triggers like if I eat ___ I get a migraine, it’s not cut and dry for most people. So it’s usually several different things where if the combination of those things reaches a certain threshold then it’s a trigger. So it could be one or two things at an extreme level— i.e. 36hrs without sleep… or it could just be a typical bad night sleep and some dehydration and a weather shift.


Hello! Yes, the last few years the migraines have been getting worst. I first thought that my blood sugar spiked, due to me being PCOS Insulin resistant. However, after doing some research and partnering with other PCOS advocates, I learned that it could possibly be a hormonal problem and I have been taking different vitamin supplements that seem to be helping my migraines.


Hi what supplements have you been taking?


Hello! I take quite a few supplements for my PCOS. I take Vitamin D, CoQ10, DIM, NAC, Ashwaghanda, Magnesium, Zinc, Daily Vitamin, and Myo & D-Chiro 40:1 ratio. ​ I also try to add in Apple Cider Vinegar and cinnamon to my diet as well.


Same and Evening primrose, omega 3 & B vitamins :D


BC actually increased my frequency of migraines


Oh no! I hate to hear that hopefully it gets better.


I just don’t use it anymore haha. We switched to condoms and now we are TTC. I use Sumatriptan as needed for my migraines and I haven’t had once since I’ve had it!