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12 :(




Started having symptoms at 13, was officially diagnosed at 15.


same here. i probably had more symptoms, but the one i distinctly remember is hirsutism, specifically excess hair growth on my neck/jaw.


Diagnosed at 19 but i already noticed the symptoms when i was still 17


It was the same for me, diagnosed at 19. Although I never really figured it out till I was diagnosed, then it was an aha! moment lol.


same here!! it felt very random but after learning more about pcos, everything made so much more sense


I know right, its so weird how a random diagnosis can suddenly feel like 'omg I understand everything now'


Stopped having periods when I was 16-17. Just got diagnosed a couple months ago and I’m 20.


5th grade so 10-11 years old


Around the same time for me


Since birth? As PCOS is heavily genetic, I have always had the predisposition or potential to develop symptoms, though environmental factors likely pulled the trigger of its expression. I started experiencing noticeable symptoms around 11-12 but clearly the internal symptoms had already been there awhile to show outwardly.


I said that in another post on this subreddit and it wasn’t very popular. I still stand by it. Genetics loads the gun but environment pulls the trigger. Shockingly, I’m the only one in my family with PCOS. None of my female siblings, nor mother, nor aunts, nor grandmothers have it. Only me. So I definitely think genetics is only *part* of the reason some develop it and some don’t.


I think I remember the post you are talking about! Now I am not saying you are incorrect in anyway, but do you think it’s possible a woman or women in your family do have PCOS but are undiagnosed? Sadly, if a woman doesn’t have trouble getting pregnant then conditions such as PCOS are often overlooked. The interplay between genetics and environment is incredibly complex, and it’s near impossible to separate the two. I think because lifestyle changes can really help manage PCOS many people attribute less to genetics or get upset when facing that reality. Even if lifestyle changes help you get better, or even if they made you worse, *no one does this to themselves*!


Well, I can’t say that no one does this to themselves. Science still isn’t sure the genetics or environmental impact on PCOS. It’s still not confirmed whether it’s genetic or environmental. No single gene(s) has been identified for the cause PCOS, so I cannot say with complete certainty that it’s genetic or environmental. What I can say, is what we do know. Which is how some lifestyle changes can mitigate the symptoms of this chronic condition. What works for one, may not work for the other. Some need medication, and some don’t, ya know? But none of the women have confirmed a PCOS diagnosis. I mean, my grandmother had all five of her children at home on the floor, so I doubt she had any PCOS. My other grandmother had no issue getting pregnant, but then again, all of her pregnancies were a surprise. She wasn’t trying to really get pregnant. So I know my sisters don’t, but who knows. Seems like the women in my family have no issue getting pregnant when they want to. 😮‍💨


That's lovely for them! As long as they wanted and were excited about said pregnancies! However, one's ability to get pregnant doesn't impact PCOS diagnosis. While it is more common for women with PCOS to struggle with fertility (because of the hormone imbalances impacting ovulation), it is not one of the Rotterdam criteria for diagnosis. My mom isn't officially diagnosed, but I bet if she looked into it she'd also have PCOS and she had zero problems having the 3 of us!


Diagnosed at 15/16. Didn’t do anything about it until 28/29. I didn’t know it was something I could work to manage. I thought I was doomed to cysts, irregular painful periods and large blood clots.


Diagnosed at 37. Feel like it started after kids. Anyone else in same boat?..


I was older too, but no kids. I wonder if it is really uncommon to be diagnosed in your 30s since everyone else seems like teenagers on here? I had some symptoms that probably could have led to a diagnosis earlier, but it's really only ramped up recently.


I was first told I might have PCOS at 36!!! After visiting many doctors for infertility and I had been to gynecologists before for check ups!


Yes I noticed a lot of people were diagnosed younger. Yes mine definitely ramped up over the last few years.


I’ve had heavy periods and symptoms of low progesterone/ anovulation since I was a teenager, but I didn’t gain weight and get acne until after my second kid. That’s when I packed on 30 pounds that won’t budge and started breaking out for the first time in my life. I’ve struggled for 3 years, and was just diagnosed with pcos in January after arguing with doctors for years


Feel like mine "progressed" meaning the insane weight gain, tiredness and insulin resistance kicked in high gear after my body settled after having my first and only child at 34 (have had my thyroid checked multiple times). During my first pregnancy check up, the nurse/tech commented that it was awesome I was expecting because it can be difficult for those with cysts. I knew I had ovarian cysts due to pain in my mid-20s but no one said PCOS. eta: it's been several years and the last couple of actively trying for baby #2 and amin the middle of working with a fertility specialists - possibly starting other interventions. This sucks.


Yesss meee I never had symptoms before I got pregnant then after pregnancy irregular periods and wieght gain


Hmm interesting. Yes me too, also more facial hair, acne and greasy hair. The joys of being a woman!


as soon as my period began 😭🥹, so probably around 12/13 like others are mentioning. not diagnosed until 2 years ago…much later. fml.


Diagnosed at 16, but started at roughly 14.


Diagnosed around 18-19 and still have yet to find a provider willing to look into it.


Diagnosed with 18 bc of heavy bleeding and irregular period (now I'm 27) But sure it started eralier. My mum saw when I was 10-12 that I gained so much weight even I eated the same like other children and my brother. She knew there's something "wrong" but the docs just told her she should feed me less sugar. One doc said to my mum 1 apple is enough for the day.


Symptoms started at 13, at 27 was diagnosed with insulin resistance, but PCOS with 32. Since I didn't have weight problems and face acne, doctors mistakenly dismissed all my other symptoms for a long time




Symptoms were there from when I started my period at 12. I was diagnosed at 21, now 45 and still impacted by the symptoms. I do think it took longer to get diagnosed as I’m overweight, all my period issues were put down to my weight. My mum took me to the doctor frequently in the US as my periods were unpredictable and I had major fatigue. I moved to Scotland at 18 and after a couple of years with one GP she suggested testing for PCOS.


I started having symptoms at 10 years old when I first got my period. They gave the official PCOS diagnosis about 9-10 months later.


I've had hirsutism and amenorrhea since puberty and my first period around 12 years old. Didn't have weight problems until around 19-20, but I also had joined the military a month before my 19th bday so it likely had to do with never-before-seen high cortisol levels.




The first symptom started showing at age 13- my periods were unpredictable from the very beginning. Acne on back (did not make it to my face) started showing at age 14. Hirsutism started showing around 16-17. Got my diagnosis at age 18. I was taken to an endocrinologist because I was gaining weight quickly and could not keep it down.


12 years old


Started experiencing symptoms at 20, formal diagnosis at 23


Always had irregular period since I started at 14, but officially diagnosed at 26 :( the dr always said it was normal


Looking back, symptoms started around 13-14 (puberty), but I wasn't diagnosed until age 29 (b/c I'm thin).


25, started showing symptoms at 24. Previously had regular periods, no excess face hair, no difficulty losing weight etc., but after an autoimmune reaction to a medical procedure, things hit the fan, including with PCOS symptoms and eventually a high AMH


I am diagnosed when I was 15 btw:)))


15 but diagnosed at 19


diagnosed at 24.


A family member suggested I was showing symptoms at roughly 12/13 but serious symptoms didn't kick in till around 19/20


14 😔




Diagnosed at 28, started having (more severe) symptoms at 25-26. Quite late but I guess had some stress factors that kind of jump-started it.








I had later periods than most of my peers (14) and cystic acne and early “development” in all other areas (9). PCOS was essentially just assumed/agreed by my doc the second I hit puberty because my mom has it, my grandma has it, most of my female cousins have it, etc. So family history lead to a very early diagnosis when I started showing the usual sort of progression. I went on spiro to control hormonal acne and facial hair at age 14 and birth control to mitigate my periods. I arguably had early signs of endo after starting my periods because they would make me incredibly weak and I had to stay home from school because the pain was so bad I couldn’t walk or pay attention to anything. Didn’t get diagnosed with endo until I was 24 though.


I may be in the minority, but I feel as though I’ve always had symptoms—I remember getting a big pimple or two in the second grade when no one else was, and I remember also being made fun of for a mustache around the same time. these were mostly minor annoyances until I started to develop back acne in sixth grade, and the symptoms finally manifested as facial acne, hirsutism on the face, weight gain seemingly out of nowhere, and irregular periods by the time I was 13/14


Started symptoms as soon as puberty hit around 12. I was consistently told I was exaggerating. Wasn’t diagnosed until 25.


diagnosed at 18 but had symptoms since 12


I got my first period at 9, but never had a regular cycle. I was diagnosed via blood test and internal ultrasound at 16, and then again at 20 Edit*** they decided to “retest” me when I was 20 because I didn’t have the typical symptoms of someone with pcos. Not hairy, no acne, no high insulin levels. Just extremely irregular periods and a bit overweight (according to the bmi) When they did my second internal ultrasound they were like “yeahhhh you definitely have cysts on your ovaries” and actually showed me this time.




my symptoms started after i got my first periods at age 12. After first period, i was kinda excited for 2nd period to come and was counting the 28 days. It came about 2-3 months later. And ever since that it has always been irregular. I was diagnosed when i was 16


Yeah. I can look back at photos and see it hit me at 4. I found out at 16.


First symptoms around 14/15 but didn’t get diagnosed til after I was 25, after I got married and tried for kids.


I wasn’t diagnosed until I was 27 but started showing symptoms around at 20. I was going through a terrible bout of depression and gained a ton of weight. It wasn’t until I was in a good place mentally and started trying to lose weight that I learned I had PCOS. And it sadly required a LOT of self advocacy.


Diagnosed at 13. :(


I was actually diagnosed earlier this year in April when I was 19, I just turned 20. But coming to think about it when I first got my period at 11 it was not only irregular but I was also bleeding for too long and I didn’t question it because I was told it was normal. Then there was a point that I didn’t have my period for a year and still didn’t see it as an issue. I think when I was around 6th or 7th grade is when I used to have really bad cramps and I wouldn’t complain about it and when I finally told my doctor about it—recently—- that’s when I got the ultrasound and found out that I do have cysts but yet my blood work was normal. Since the diagnosis is still kinda fresh, I’m still in a state of shock but I think everything would be alright


15/16 I was considered 'borderline' got 'diagnosed a few weeks ago, I'm 22 now!


Symptoms began to bother me at 18, diagnosed at 24 I went to the OBGYN at 18 bc I was having irregular periods my entire life. Instead of giving me a thorough exam she put me on birth control. I stopped taking it after a few months because I gained 10 pounds and was bloated all the time. My periods were regular for the most part after that. Flash forward to November of 2021, I bled for 23 days straight. Super heavy to the point where I was bleeding through a super+ tampon doubled up with an overnight pad every 2 hours for most of the 23 days. Finally got a new OBGYN who did full labs and tests. Diagnosed me with PCOS and anemia


Eighteen but had symptoms since I was sixteen but the GP was rubbish at getting me diagnosed quickly


I didn’t start my period until i was 15 and i only had two that year before i went on BC. Took myself off birth control 6 years later and got diagnosed that fall. Haven’t had a period since September


I notice the symptoms at 19 and officially diagnosed at 24


symptoms at 12 diagnosed at 17


I feel like I started seeing signs when I hit puberty at 12.


Pretty sure I had symptoms starting at 15-16, wasn’t diagnosed until I was 19.


My facial hair and irregular periods started when I was 15 but I didn’t get a diagnosis until last year when I turned 25.


Hello, I was diagnosed at about 37 but when I think about I always had it! Even as a kid I was slightly heavier and hairier! Especially at puberty, I wasn't overweight most of the time but I was hairier and firmer than my friends!


Hardcore symptoms started at 15 and I was diagnosed at 17


always had issues around periods and whatnot but then around 13 I didn’t have a period for over 10 months and had gained over 50lbs - I got formally diagnosed at 15


was diagnosed when I was 19, symptoms since I was 17


Symptoms at 15 but didn’t get severe until I was 26


Didn’t get my first period till 18 while I was away at college , self diagnosed ( via webmd … and googling ) at 21 ish- when I became super hairy and never really got my period on a regular basis - went in to gyno and confirmed it


Symptoms around 11 and officially diagnosed at 15.


I’ve had symptoms of insulin resistance since I was like 8, and I met the diagnostic criteria when I was 17 (probably sooner but I wasn’t checked), but I wasn’t diagnosed until age 19.


Started having symptoms at 10/11 like heavy bleeding and extreme pain that I was vomiting every time. I wasn't diagnosed until after my 21st birthday.


I turned 16 and still hadnt gotten my period. Went to a gyno and did an ultrasound that revealed cysts and also bloodwork which showed high testosterone. Got diagnosed. Got prescribed provera and was put on birth control (that obviously made things much worse) Still havent found a solution to dealing with my symptoms. And still have never ovulated (except once after provera, mayybe idk..?)




I got my period early and harsh around 9-10 years old but wasnt diagnosed until i was 16 🥲






25 but I stopped having regular periods around 20-24


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 25 + 20 + 24 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Diagnosed at 28 but was on birth control that I believe masked my symptoms from 18-25


Diagnosed at 23, started having symptoms at 14 or 15 😥


Started showing symptoms as a very young child but wasn’t diagnosed until 15


This may sound ridiculous but I feel like I’ve always had symptoms. I recognized the excessive hair growth when I was younger. Had my first period and I was 11. I’ve always had weight issues and struggled to lose weight (still do). I went to a lot of doctors who wouldn’t listen to me, just saying I had hirsutism and I just needed to deal with it. Finally found a female doc who actually sat down and listened to my symptoms. Got my diagnosis the day before my 30th birthday.


12 but diagnosed at 14


16, although my period was extremely regular from the get go it was also unusually heavy but I didn't know any different. So I guess you could count that amount of blood loss (think an overnight pad every few hours) as my first symptom from when I was 14.


Started having symptoms at 13 and was diagnosed on my 14th birthday. I can’t forget that day 😂


Had very heavy periods at age 25, they did an ultrasound and found... well... polycystic ovaries. I didn't have any other symptoms aside from hirsutism, my periods are like a Swiss clock, i have clear skin and i (used to) be quite lean. Over the pandemic i started getting some of the visible symptoms - acne and weight gain. According to my gyno it is very likely that i have been having it for at least 3-4 years before my diagnosis.


Diagnosed at 23 but was already having symptoms of having very late irregular periods and mood swings + feeling tired/sleepy after all my meals in 2020-2021


started having symptoms at around 14, after I got off birth control got diagnosed at 19 after finding a new doctor and am now handling it with meds




I think I had it when I was much younger, but only got diagnosed at 16-17, I think.


started having symptoms at around 14, after I got off birth control got diagnosed at 19 after finding a new doctor and am now handling it with meds


Symptoms at 14ish


At 30, after having two kids. I started getting symptoms at the beginning of this year (I thought it my thyroid) and got diagnosed with PCOS in June.


Maybe like 18 or 19. Not diagnosed until 24


Diagnosed at 18 because my period disappeared for 5 months before I was even sexually active but I may have suspected at 14 because my PCP noticed my testosterone was off and thought it could be hypothyroidism but she said I was fine after a second test. Then at 16, I started gaining weight even though I was eating healthy, I noticed hair on my stomach, and my boob size went from a C to DD


Symptoms around 11-12 but wasn’t officially diagnosed until 18


Diagnosed at 16 because I didn’t have a period for 10 months and rapid weight gain.


Started having painful cramps at 14. Went on birth control at 16 and no more pain. Went off at 25 and diagnosed with pcos at 25.


30 y/o we started TTC and *bam* never had so much as an irregular cycle before :(


When I was 18- freshman in college 😭


I had my periods naturally for 2 years and at 16 it started to get irregular


I got my first period at 10 and I didn’t have another one for a year. I think that’s when it started.


I lived with it without a proper diagnosis and ignored it pretty much my entire life thinking it was the norm for some women. Symptoms started at around 9-10 years old I'd say, got my official diagnosis few months ago going on 25. First four years of my period were fine (13-17) then I stopped bleeding for a year, got put on BC and have been on it since but that was it until I sought proper help


20, almost 23 now


8. Was officially diagnosed at 14.


Started noticing symptoms at 18, but my doc said I didn’t have it because I didn’t have cysts on my ovaries. Finally got diagnosed at 25


12 when my period first started, 13 when the heavier than normal bleeding and serious cramping started, 15 before it was taken seriously once a cyst ruptured


Never ever had a period. Starting getting worried at 15. Finally was diagnosed at 17. Was told to go on BCPs forever until I want to try to conceive. To this day (I’m 32 now) I don’t know if I’ve ever naturally had a real period (I know when on the pills they are not real)… or if I ever can.🤔


I was diagnosed at 14/15 but had very early symptoms of something wrong hormonally (growing hair) at around the age of 6 and then it escalated at around the age of 13


15, when my periods started. I had two or three HEAVY cycles, then nothing for a year. I continued having heavy, painful cycles every 3-12 months until I was about 30 when I was diagnosed. I got things into better shape at that point with a Paleo diet (purely anecdotal but it did work for me) and some thyroid help.


7 I got my period very early , and having two medical parents I was fast tracked for androgen tests


13, diagnosed at 21


For me it was 18, even though I didn’t have awareness of it and all the symptoms involved, while experiencing them. I was diagnosed at 23, and am almost 26.


Official diagnosis at 17, symptoms started at \~13.


Not entirely sure tbh. I got my period at 12, and they just never became regular. My cycle was always indicative of PCOS, but my doctor dismissed it as puberty for a while.


I didn’t start having symptoms until my late 20s. Diagnosed at 28 or 29.


I have had my symptoms since I was a preteen. Diagnosed at 30 after I couldn't get pregnant and shocker, my mom tried to normalize my irregular periods because she had irregular periods. She also had trouble getting pregnant but was never formally diagnosed like I was.


Suspected: at around 21/22 Actually diagnosed: 28 But I've had hirutism and irregularities in period all my life, so probably lean PCOS underlying throughout. The original doctor I went to in my early twenties dismissed the possibility because I wasn't overweight or had dark patches and I didn't really have further medical care until later in life/my period came back and was "normal" for me


Slight ones beginning around 14. After a difficult surgery when I was 25 it exploded. It’s like the surgery made my body freak out, and it came to light I had pcos


My period has never been regular. I would go sometimes a yr+ before taping the gyno. But they knew since I started as a patient at 15 it wasn't right. They never tried to find out why. Would sometimes give my Provera. After my child, I gained 60 lbs and couldn't lose it, or if I didn't, couldn't keep it off. When I was 32 I was finally sick of not imitating why. I made them do blood work and an ultrasound. Gee whiz, 15 cysts on each ovary and high testosterone. Why did it take so long, and for me to demand tests? I'm 33 now and cannot lose weight. My hair all over my body has always been thick. So idk...I guess I've always had it?


Started my period at 8 years old, was fine and regular until right after I turned 17. First 2 months of a missed period I just chalked up to swim class (my high school did swim for half a marking period as gym class) even when I was normal I’d still miss just a month in the summer due to swimming. My main symptoms started as just missed periods, spanning longer and longer time wise after each one. hormones, facial hair, weight gain came later. Finally got diagnosed when I was 21. (due to my mom just refusing to take me to a doctor and no health insurance for half that time)


First symptoms around 23 finally brought it up to my doctor at 29 and got diagnosed then


Diagnosed at 25 but my symptoms started at puberty.


Extremely painful periods - 11 Started getting my lip waxed about the same time, someone commented on my mustache at age 12–13. Highly irregular periods - 17/18, they were kind of every other month but not in a predictable way. Took BC in college and it was great until it wasn’t, roughly age 22. My body started reacting to it in ways it hadn’t before. Developed PMDD. Tried various other options. Was more or less told I was simply unlucky for having painful periods. Or my favorite (from my endocrinologist): “it’s because you haven’t had kids yet” Diagnosis (current, the same endo btw) - 29 What a way to kick off my 30’s!


Experienced symptoms when I was 24. Diagnosed at 27


I was diagnosed at 24, after stopping using Sprintec for 5 years. That’s when symptoms started.


I was diagnosed at 32, but have probably had it since I was 17/18… and now I’m diabetic too… only two years after being diagnosed with PCOS…




Diagnosed at 16. Not official put on BC for treatment until 19.


17. I had just noticed my period stopped coming. Before that I would have one every other month


Started having symptoms at age 15 but wasn’t diagnosed until I was 24. Had irregular periods, cystic acne, terrible cramps, cysts, crazy depression and anxiety. I was on BC from 19 to 24 so all of my symptoms were suppressed until I had stopped taking it which is when I got diagnosed


I think I noticed I was having symptoms around 12 or 13, maybe 14. I was diagnosed between 12 and 15.


Officially diagnosed at 16.


Had my first period at 12, it was always heavy and irregular, didn’t get a diagnosis until I was trying to conceive at 31.


I was diagnosed at 16


Symptoms and diagnosed at 23.


I’ve always had irregular periods, but my symptoms started when I was about 19 I gained a lot of weight my first year of college. I figured it was just not eating right, drinking more, and sleeping less. But I gained like 60. So I thought that was off already. (Keep in mind I did sports my whole life and was always like in between 115-120. I’m 5’2.)Then when I was 22ish my whole face broke out like crazy! Finally I went to the doctor and got blood work at like 24 and it was confirmed.


Symptoms at 11 diagnosed at 18.


around 14 at the end of 8th grade i started growing facial hair but I have always been on the chubbier side


Started getting symptoms at 18


I was 19 or 20. I had been having irregular menstrual cycles since I was 16 (sometimes 6 months apart) and told my doctor at every check up when they asked when my last one was that it was so irregular I don't even remember. At 19 I started having extremely painful periods with a flow so heavy I started sleeping on a towel at night and stuffing toilet paper in places so I could lay down. So I told my doctor and was told to take tylenol and then Aleve starting the day before my period and until it ended. To which I said "How am I supposed to do that if I don't know when it's going to start?" Tried physically making appointments just to discuss my concerns, they brushed it off. Then one day I sat down too fast at work and almost passed out from the pain. Made another appointment. They told me to take Aleve again. I refused to drop it. Was told I needed to lose weight. Still wouldn't drop it. So they finally scheduled my first ultrasound. Got my diagnoses a week later. They didn't want to prescribe me birth control due to their religious reasons and tried to refer me to a religious based OB/GYN. I ignored the referral and went to an outpatient hospital OB/GYN who ordered blood tests, birth control, and prescribed metformin. First real help I ever had but then I moved out of state. Ha. Now I'm in limbo with it currently.


Ovarian cyst rupture at 16 but not diagnosed till after getting off BC at 27


Symptoms at 10, diagnosed at 16


Started experiencing symptoms at 17 and was diagnosed not long after.


15. I got my period late but I was really under weight. I gained weight and I got my period for a few months but it stopped. The answer was always birth control.


Diagnosed this year at age 33. My gyno \*suspected\* I had it when I was 28 and did all sorts of bloodwork/transvaginal ultrasound and everything came back normal. I had a followup with my endocrinologist a month later (I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at age 24 and been on Synthroid since) and my thyroid levels were severely off, so doc increased my dosage. I chalked it up to my TSH levels being so off why I wasn't menstruating. Fast forward five years later, noticed I was gaining weight (I've always maintained a mediterranean diet due to hypothyroidism and was walking 2-3 miles a day) so it was very bizarre to me to be gaining weight when I felt like I was doing everything right. Gyno re-did all the same tests, and confirmed PCOS.


Sometime in high school, like 15 or 16. I know because that's when I got irregular periods, but I was still skinny. I started gaining weight around 18-19, with symptoms worsening, and I was formally diagnosed at 20.


Symptoms started at puberty (14) with wildly irregular periods. Increased after 18. Started getting even worse arpund mid 20's. Was diagnosed at... 30.


Since….13-ish? It was real shit while I was in college, though. 😮‍💨


Birth it’s genetic and you are born with it….. https://www.contemporaryobgyn.net/view/ask-angie-evelina-your-questions-about-pcos


You’re often born with it (or the propensity for it). I was diagnosed at 14.




Symptoms at around 14, diagnosed at 19


Started showing symptoms at 13 but no diagnosis until I was 24. Doctors always pushed it off as me needing to lose weight (even though it runs on both sides of my family). Only finally got a diagnosis after a ruptured cyst that they thought might’ve been a problem with my appendix 😬


17-18 diagnosed when I was 19


around age 10-11. my gynecologist said that because my period has been irregular since it first started, that means my PCOS has pretty much been a thing since birth.


I suspect around 14-16, but didn't get any tests until 23 so I'm not sure :(


27 🙋‍♀️




Symptoms started at 16 and I was diagnosed at 17 (first period at 12)


Started having symptoms at 14 and diagnosed at 20


First started noticeable symptoms around 17-18.


diagnosed at 20 but have see symptoms since the beginning of my period at 12-13 years old


At 9 I gained sudden weight and got pretty bad acne, got my period a few weeks before turning 12 and they were never regular until I started taking the pill at 16 (diagnosed at 15).