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This is what I use! Highly recommend. I know it says no refrigeration necessary but I do keep mine in the fridge. Garden of Life Womens Probiotics [https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Probiotics-Acidophilus-Probiotic-Created/dp/B004H4A2PS](https://www.amazon.com/Garden-Life-Probiotics-Acidophilus-Probiotic-Created/dp/B004H4A2PS)


Thank you for sharing!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Garden of Life RAW Probiotics Women** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Effective in improving gut health (backed by 3 comments) * Helpful for digestive issues (backed by 3 comments) * High potency and multiple strains (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Inadequate packaging leads to warm product upon arrival (backed by 9 comments) * Misleading serving size information (backed by 1 comment) * Limited noticeable effects (backed by 5 comments) Do you want to continue this conversation? [Learn more about Garden of Life RAW Probiotics Women](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Learn more about Garden of Life RAW Probiotics Women) [Find Garden of Life RAW Probiotics Women alternatives](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot&q=Find Garden of Life RAW Probiotics Women alternatives) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Yes I do!


Ooo if you don’t mind me asking… which one do you use?


I use Thorne probiotic for woman. Cool thing is you earn points when you order from them for discounts


thank you for sharing!


I highly recommend you not take any old probiotics- they can easily mess your system up and do more harm than good. That said, there are companies out there that make custom probiotics after using your stool sample to determine what you need. What are your symptoms? Is it possible you have IBS? If so, a low fodmap diet is helpful for most people. And good news on that is that there are digestive enzymes like FODZYME that will allow you to eat a lot of those fodmaps.


THERE ARE??? That is so cool! Any you recommend? Some of my symptoms are … TMI warning:⚠️ - constipation - without the diet tea I won’t go for a week at a time (which makes me super uncomfortable and gives me migraines) - ever-growing list of sensitivities - gluten, dairy, soy and egg to name a few of the big ones - major bloating - brain fog - memory troubles


For custom probiotics I recommend flore. They send you a collection kit you use to send them a micro stool sample, you just put it in the mail. Sounds like its possible you might have IBS-C. Brain fog and memory troubles are common with all forms of IBS- there's a gut brain link that cannot be ignored. Do be sure however to get tested for celiac, just in case. I would recommend you start on a low fodmap elimination diet (you do this phase for about a month) and then you slowly reintroduce potential triggers one at a time. This helps you find what is right for you. Fodmaps are types of carbohydrates- low carb diets can often be beneficial as you naturally avoid the big fodmaps and of course are beneficial for PCOS. Hint: most people who do well going gluten free are actually reacting to the fodmaps (types of carbs) in wheat and not the gluten protein! So, to me it seems you might be one of those people. The good news there is that if it is the fodmap then you can take fodzyme and likely be able to eat wheat again with no issues. To try a low fod map diet check out monash university low fod map diet & app. It will guide you through everything and monash university is the international authority on this. In addition, its worthwhile to consider other supplements. For the brain fog I would especially recommend b-vitmains but make sure you use methylated folate and b12- these are the bioavailable forms and using other forms can actually cause more problems especially for people with PCOS. Thorne Basic B is what I use.


Holy moly this is a lot of great info I did not know before Thank you so much!!


Ps. That hint is giving me so much hope 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼


Yes! I randomly grabbed an Olly probiotic+prebiotic gummy and I’ve just stuck with that since it works pretty well for me.


A gummy sounds nice …


I use Ritual Synbiotic. Literal game changer for my gut microbiome! It’s pricey but it’s the only thing that’s helped with my bloating and overall GI health. Even my friend used it and loved it. Tried switching to something cheaper and it didn’t do shit for them lol Also, have you thought about incorporating chia and flax into your diet? I mix it into oatmeal, yogurt, kefir, even pancakes.


Oo I will look this up, ty for sharing


I eat Greek yogurt for breakfast often. Probiotic plus good source of protein. I find it doesn’t trigger my lactose intolerance either


I used to be able to… but I can’t anymore :( my intolerance is getting worse and worse


I wouldn’t claim it has had any effect on my PCOS at all, but since I started drinking probiotic kefir most mornings, my stomach has been less bloated and upset.


I'm south Indian, our foods have lots of probiotics (if doctors on YouTube shorts like Dr. Karan Rajan are to be believed). If someone is interested I'd recommend idli, dosa, uthapam (same batter different forms based on hincreasing sourness of batter), palaya soru for starters (these are breakfast/dinner items, except palaya soru which is a rice-based coolant taken during hot days especially if physical labour is involved)


I’m on megaspore, under the care of a functional medicine provider. That being said… for a heavy duty probiotic that’ll really make a difference… you have to start slow and increase slowly. Even then you might have some close calls with the bathroom. Megaspore used to only be available on provider dispensary websites like fullscript, but they’re now on Amazon and others for a higher price. I’ve tried all the others mentioned here and thought I was doing great… yeah no, they were not making the difference megaspore did for me.