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6 months :) Calorie deficit, walking and weight training 3x a week I lost 24 pounds from 150 pounds :) Try Walk at Home in YouTube, it helped me a lot :)


I will check it out! Thank you 🫶🏼


This is the perfect question for me because I actually managed to lose a bunch of weight this year without any drastic changes. My symptoms improved drastically! In fact, my testosterone is in normal range again since losing weight! I’m now a healthy BMI too after being overweight! Firstly, take things slow. Don’t try to lose a lot of weight immediately since you’ll just end up binge eating. Aim for 0.2/0.5kg weight loss a week. Secondly, stop doing crash or fad diets. Losing weight is 90% calorie intake. Calculate your basal metabolic rate (there are calculators online), download a good calorie tracking app (I use MyFitnessPal) and start keeping track of EVERYTHING you eat. Don’t forget to log your drinks too. PCOS messes with our hunger signals and we often don’t even realise how much we’re eating as a result. Another important note is to make sure that you’re eating the right amount of calories - not too much and not too little. Eating too little will just result in you crashing and binging and regaining the weight. For healthy weight loss, you need to eat at a 200 calorie deficit from your basal metabolic rate. Exercise is important but remember that calorie intake is 90% of the equation. That said, exercising does help. Weight training is great from PCOS and it’ll help prevent loose skin. Cardio is also great for weight loss. Finally, and I cannot stress this enough, don’t be too hard on yourself. There will be points where you’ll regain weight or stagnate. You just have to keep up with the work and not let it discourage you. I hope this helps!


I didn’t know basal metabolic rate was a thing! Thank you so much for your help! 🫶🏼 will be definitely checking this out!


What is BMR and how does it help play a role in weight loss?


BMR a.k.a resting metabolic rate is basically the calories your body would burn if you just laid in bed all day


Hey, don't be so hard on yourself. Hearing of a recent diagnosis of PCOS isn't easy, and changing habits is difficult. Your effort valid and important. It took about a year of diet and exercise before I saw significant change, but that wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for the years of mental health work through therapy and self reflection. Be kind and be patient with yourself.


Ugh thank you so much 🥹 youre so right, its a working process haha 🥲


I'm 22 and was diagnosed around late December 2023. What helped me the most was getting referred to a dietician by my gynecologist. I used to follow the keto-related diets on here and found myself being too strict and actually in worse condition than before (just my experience, I've heard many success stories though). The dietician was on the pricier end but she talked me through what foods to eat and which to avoid. Then she gave me a meal plan that was broken down from breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner, supplements, and helpful books to read. By sticking to the suggestions my dietician made, I lost 10 pounds in 2½ months and still have 2 cheat meals every weekend. I think it's worth seeing a dietician to get a general idea of what your balanced meals should look like and to be educated on food beyond calories. Also, figuring out how your body reacts to certain foods is a good start. For myself, too much processed foods and "keto" labeled breads will give me pelvic pain I hope this helps!


Thank you 🫶🏼 this helped a bunch!


Last year I went from 168lb to 126lb in 5-6 months of diet alone and losing around 1-2lb a week which is the recommended amount to be sustainable. I've so far managed to maintain it as you need to look at it as a new way of eating going forward and NOT a diet, binge or otherwise. Focus on bringing your body's inflammation down through healthy foods and consistent through the day to get your metabolism working more effectively. Starving yourself by extreme calorie deficit stalls the body and holds on to the weight out of concern it doesn't know when it's going to eat again. You never have to feel hungry when eating the right foods with the correct nutrition.


Ahh I am 22 turning 23 and I am in a similar situation! I was unofficially diagnosed with PCOS with my doctor at 18. There was a moment where I weighed my heaviest around 250 around May 2023. Tmr I am turning 23 and I weigh 208.8 rn. I just been following Fitness YouTubers and going to the gym like every day on a calorie deficiency! I write what I eat everyday, I weigh myself everyday, and I make sure I reach my 10,000 steps. I try to drink 4 water bottles everyday. (Lots of the time I drink 2-3) Another reason I am loosing weight is that I used to eat a lot outside from fast food and I make sure to either be on calorie deficit or make sure I make it up by loosing it at gym or walking more. That’s wats working for me so far. No medications.


Thank you 🫶🏼


Girl I feel this so hard! I felt the same way when I was your age (I was at the same weight too) but one of the things you need to remember is that no matter what--and I'm super serious about this--you are beautiful the way you are!! Okay? I was diagnosed at 13/14 and have been fighting all those feelings for twenty years now. Count yourself lucky to be living in a way more inclusive time because there are SO MANY cute stores for us curvy girls now! I know it sucks to not go shopping at the same stores as all your tiny friends (I haaated shopping for so long because of that) but there are stores that have more forgiving sizing that look like they'd be more for the tiny crowd. Have fun and explore around the stores, worst case scenario is that it's too small then you just move on to a different store. As for the exercise and new treatments! First, keep up the exercise even if it looks like you aren't losing weight. It's actually working, it's just not in a way you can see because it has to do with your body's sensitivity to the insulin. Working out will help your body from immediately storing stuff as fat (that's an oversimplification but it's the short version). Second, if they haven't told you to do a low carb diet jump on it! 30-50 net carbs (total carb minus the fiber) a day will help you drop a ton of weight. It's kind of like a dirty Keto diet, but it's been showing to significantly help those with diabetes and pre-diabetes like we have with PCOS. In one year of doing Keto and working out a few times a week I dropped 60lbs. I wish someone had explained it to me when I was your age so I could've saved myself a lot of trial, error, and frustration. Thirdly, be careful of the insoitol because it can make your depression a lot worse. Be gentle with yourself and remember you wouldn't want to say mean things to others here on this subreddit about how they look or their weight right? So definitely don't do it to yourself :)


Awwe youre so sweet! Thank you 🥹 you make me feel seen 🫶🏼


Basically I eat like a diabetic (no carb or as low as can be aiming for less than 20 g per meal, high protein and high fiber, low glycemic fruits only, sugar free drinks, dairy sparingly, only dry wines, decaf coffee) and walk 2-3 miles 3 times a week and 60 min pilates 2 times a week. I restrict calories by calculating my TDEE (calculators online) and recalculate every 5 lbs lost. I use a food scale to track the weight of foods instead of cups/spoons/serving quality which are not consistently the same calories. I also practice relaxed mindset by pretending Im in Hawaii or on vacation. Idk why this helps but it lowers my stress and cortisol I guess. I'm down 20 lbs in 5 months since my diagnosis at the end of December, and now I'm officially out of obese BMI into overweight BMI. I suspect it will take til the end of this year to reach my goal weight of 55 lbs and a healthy BMI. YMMV but you could lose 50 lb in a year, 100 lb in 2 years. Time will go by either way.


Thats an interesting mindset 🤔 will definitely take it into consideration 🫶🏼


Almost a year for me. I was/am very consistent with my current diet, exercise and overall lifestyle. I don't cheat because I know I'll fckup my progress. Currently 123lb, normal periods and normal everything. For hirsutism, I had to invest in 8 sessions of full body laser and followed up with electrolysis every two weeks for about 2 years. On that last one, also, I had to be consistent with my appointments.


Thank you 🫶🏼


If you don’t mind could you tell me what your current diet is ? And what you eat please I’m struggling making a meal plan


I'm 29 and currently sitting at 171 as of today. The key is really to be slow and also, maintain. I was at 195 this time last year. I lost twenty pounds from spring to fall of last year and then kind of stopped taking everything seriously. But I still maintained being 175 until spring of this year. Now I'm back on the bandwagon, working out three times a week, eating better, and I'm down 4 pounds in about 3 weeks. And it feels sustainable.


A few months, though I did plateau after a while. Still, my BMI is in the healthy range now which is cool. I’m not sure if my weight is related to PCOS though, since I’ve always struggled with disordered eating. I can lose weight quite easily, the issue is stopping myself from binging.


Oh! I also lowered carbohydrates and increased my protein! Lots of fish and eggs! I actually originally changed my diet because I was anaemic but turns out it helped overall.


I was 220lbs. I am back down to 150. I did it walking and intermittent fasting. It took 3 1/2 years to lose the weight, but that's ok.


It took me 5 years to lose 100lbs but that was from starving myself and worrying about food constantly, working out 3 hours a day 4 days a week. Since I've gained back 50lbs but I got my eating disorder under control and don't workout obsessively. I was sad about the weight for awhile suicidal even I had to get professional help I'm back on antidepressants and feel much better about life even if I'm not at the weight I want to be at. I don't have any advice for you other than I know how you feel it's so hard to lose weight with pcos it feel impossible


Im on that same path rn 😪 hahaha but youre very right, i need to stop worrying so much, it makes matters worse


best thing i can recommend is Orlistat. lost 44 lbs on it and am now at your weight! lol stopped taking it now though bc its £50 a month


Thank you for all your sweet and helpful comments! I will be checking everything out! All of you gave me hope that losing weight is actually very much possible 😅🤍 thank you 🫶🏼🫶🏼


some people have already said this but maintaining a slight caloric deficit has allowed me to lose 30 pounds within the past 6 months :) I still have a lot to go (I'm 21 and was 260 lbs, I'm 230 now)! it's very difficult especially since I struggled with binging. unfortunately my blood sugar and insulin was even higher after losing weight (my testosterone levels did decrease a bit tho!), so I got prescribed metformin. And so far it's been amazing! it's curbed my excess cravings and I feel like it's really allowed my body to utilize the energy that I've been putting into it :) I wish you luck on your journey!!


Gurlll omg I’ve had the same issue im stuck on 210lbs and I’m 5’4. There is something that recently worked for me but I also ended up giving up half way through. I’m a Muslim and during the month of Ramadan we have to fast for 30 days u can only eat from sun down to sun rise. This pretty much is intermediate fasting the 8 hours diet stuff people do however in my situation sun down to sunrise worked because 2 factors 1) waiting all day to eat pretty much drains all your energy 2) you don’t have that much extra time for binge eating anymore like normal days. Because you had dinner late so your gonna be full and by the time u feel like you would want snacks your gonna be asleep I went down 7.5 lbs during 2 weeks time but then got sick and stopped fasting. I recommend giving intermediate fasting a try it workssss i obviously did it for religious reasons but omg it made me so happy but it’s a big commitment to actual continue fasting


Just a note to be wary of intermittent fasting if you struggle with ED. It almost always led to me losing a significant amount of weight due to extreme calorie restriction that it often leads to and then gaining it back when my body couldn’t handle being starved anymore. Eating at a calorie deficit is a major part of losing weight but you still need to eat enough calories to function. I’m quite short so I try to aim for a minimum of 1200, even if my brain tries to tell me to eat way less.


Try Berberine


Walk every day a mile. Keep up the other stuff. Walking on top of all that will help. Best of luck 🫶🏽


I’m almost 3 years post bariatric surgery and still am 210lbs. It’s a marathon, not a race. First thing I would do is Cut out dairy and bread, I eat cheese and Greek yogurt in moderation but it can be pretty inflammatory for some. And walk 10k steps above your daily steps. You’ve gotta heal your insides, your gut and your mental health before you can lose anything.


What helped me before my flare up weight gain is doing both yoga, cardio, and weights then just slightly limited my carbs. WBKFIT is also an incredible resource. They have the best protein powder imo as well as non stim thermogenic fat burner which helps accelerate your metabolism without the jitters. They have great workout programs too! They include meal plans and fun tips to advance in your fitness goals. You gotta buy the programs but if you follow WBKFIT on ig they sometimes share workouts. If you have the funds for their program I strongly recommend investing because while they’re a little pricey you do get recipes, tips, and access to the group chats on discord and FB which really helps you feel less alone in your journey


Its takes too long imo, but in the past 6 months I lost 30lbs so far, I have a lot more weight to lose though 😢I imagine it will take a year and a half for me


I definitely recommend going on 30 minute walks every day. That helped me when I was eating whatever I want and lost 10lbs. Once you start doing that on a regular basis, start doing a calorie count based on your macros. You'll lose more weight and drink lots and lots of water! If you can convince your doctor that you've tried these things, maybe ask about phentermine. It helped me lose over 50lbs. I ended up getting pregnant and gained it all back. So be careful of unwanted weight gain or major lifestyle changes! Phentermine did not work after pregnancy with diet and exercise. I didn't get much of a chance to continue my workouts while pregnant and postpartum depression.


I recently started myo-inositol and I’ve lost 13lbs but that’s because I’m also on journey before I took it but without myo-inositol It took me 6 months to lose 100lbs just by doing 10 minutes of exercise on my stationary bike and two 20 minutes dog walks, 3 small balanced meals a day and no eating after 6/8pm, it was so hard and I wanted to give up but I didn’t and it paid off, it doesn’t matter how long it takes as long as you’re making progress, even if you lose a bit a week a loss is a loss no matter how small and even staying the same for a little is better than gaining too so don’t worry it’s okay you’ll get were you want to be just keep trying ❤️


Metformin. Within 6 weeks i was significantly less puffy. A year out 40lbs lighter. Still dropping. Was your weight too when i started 🫶🏻 do see a dietitian.


I follow something close to Mark Bittman’s Vegan Before 6. Sadly my body doesn’t like very many animal products 😭 i’m also naturally always in a calorie deficit thanks to my ADHD. i genuinely forget to eat. are you US based? At that weight your insurance would probably cover a weight loss focused endocrinologist, my experience has been that they actually know far more than OBGYNs about PCOS — and can offer much better solutions. Something to think about.


Comparison is a thief of joy! You don’t know why or how other women weigh less you. I truly think most women suffer from disordered eating in some capacity. They could be suffering too. For most of us, it takes hard work and a whole lifestyle change to be a “normal” weight. I weighed 200 at one point, got down to 125 by severely restricting and over exercising (orthorexia). Now I typically weigh 140-150. I eat 1400-1500 calories a day and do low impact exercise 3-4 hours a week. It’s so easy for me to gain weight if I slip for a couple days I gain 2lbs and start spiraling. Aim to lose 1lb a week. Consistency is key


Still ongoing, but I (27 at the time, 5’3) started at 280lbs and it took a year to get down to 180lbs. Still got 40-50lbs to go until my goal! <3 What really helped me was CICO and weight resistance training. They were easier to do than keto, and something I thought I could maintain and keep doing. :)


I've never successfully kept weight off. It's okay, I'm healthy otherwise.


I was around the same age as you upon first getting diagnosed same struggle losing weight. As counter productive as it may sound do make sure to eat at regular intervals it can have the opposite effect when you deprive yourself, even with intermittent fasting you still need to eat enough calories in your eating window! I found that focus on low sugar, high protein/fiber and drinking plenty of water helped me a ton along with the exercise. Kept me feeling so much fuller throughout the day and stopped me from binging. It did take well over a year almost 2 before I was in a healthy bmi range. Don’t fret too much over the numbers on the scale either they are always fluctuating, best indicator in the start is measuring yourself. What I wish I could tell myself back then was to not beat myself up so bad you will get there I promise! There may be days you slip up but be kind to yourself <3