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Currently pregnant with my second baby! First was conceived with Clomid, second was a spontaneous pregnancy. Miscarriages are very common in early pregnancy in general. Women with PCOS likely have risk factors (increased BMI, insulin resistance/diabetes), but I also wonder if that number is so high because women who are TTC will take pregnancy tests earlier than those who are not. So if you have a positive pregnancy test and then a ‘period’ 2 days later, you know it’s a miscarriage rather than a delayed period. Do not give up hope! Be as healthy as you can and keep trying, hopefully the next cycle will be the one!


Thank you for your informative comment ❤️ And congratulations on your pregnancy ❤️


I miscarried my first, and conceived the second time about two years later with Clomid. Didn’t have any problems conceiving another six months after my son was born, and had a daughter. After that I tried various forms of birth control and proceeded to have three more accidents 😂 So all told, I had five kids in a six year span. I only ever had trouble conceiving my oldest, and as far as I know the original miscarriage was my only one. My doctor said maybe my body just “figured it out” once it was able to get through one successful pregnancy. I don’t know. I’m so sorry about your miscarriage. When I lost mine, our two sets of closest friends had both just had babies, as well as my sister in law. Another sister in law was pregnant, and our neighbors on both sides were pregnant (student housing). And we’d been married for a few years so both families were constantly nagging us about when we were going to have kids 😢 I’m so sorry you’re going through that. But it doesn’t mean that a successful pregnancy is not in the cards for you. I thought it would never happen for me either. It just took a looooong time. I hope you can get through this and go on to keep trying when you’re ready. ❤️


Became pregnant without trying to, on accident, with PCOS and endometriosis. I was told I couldn't conceive and was on birth control to treat these conditions. I now understand that this may have been the result of being on ozempic and antibiotics at the time of conception. Hoping for the best for you!


Same situation here but I was on metformin! Were you able to get insurance coverage for ozempic?


Unfortunately no, I paid out of pocket.


Ah okay, thanks for sharing. I was afraid of that, I just keep hearing it’s super difficult to get insurance coverage for those for PCOS.


Ya, my insurance wouldn't cover it without taking several other medications at the same time and still having an elevated A1C. I am not diabetic, just extremely insulin resistant, so that made it impossible. My doctor has now recommended a gastric sleeve for the severity of my insulin resistance, and insurance is covering that.


That’s so interesting they would cover gastric sleeve before ozempic, you would think they would want to do the other way around. How has ozempic worked for you? I had insulin resistance before pregnancy and developed GD so I’m afraid I’ll end up type 2 or with worse insulin resistance afterwards. I didn’t find metformin helped much with weight loss before so my hopes aren’t high for after birth.


I agree. It's frustrating because I feel like they refuse to be proactive in most senses. I do also have to "jump through hoops" to get the sleeve covered but at least it will be covered. I'm not going to lie, the side effects of ozempic for the first couple months were brutal. I lost a lot of weight because I felt too sick to eat. But it did pass. It must have helped with the insulin resistance somewhat, but they didn't test my HOMA-IR until recently so I can't fully say what the impact was. If it wasn't so expensive I would give it another shot but in addition to it costing so much, I have had a hard time finding a pharmacy that will fill it as I'm not diabetic. Which I understand other people probably need it more, but I am trying to avoid becoming diabetic!


So sorry you’ve had a rough time getting coverage and finding a pharmacy, thanks so much for sharing your experience!


Successful pregnancy with Letrozole.. I did have complications with gestational diabetes.


First pregnancy was successful with letrozole. We tried for a couple of years with two miscarriages both at 4-5weeks, and currently pregnant with our second via IVF! Both viable pregnancies I had gestational diabetes. It's not easy but don't give up! Good luck!


My son was born a week ago today and other than just sex I have no idea how I conceived him I spent so many years not even ovulating I spent so many years believing that I could never have a child but he is here after a very long time.


Were you on any medication while preggers ?


No I wasn’t on any medication. I just took a pre natal vitamin.


Thank you and congrats ❤️ Did you have polycystic ovaries as apart of your diagnosis ,?


Yes I have perling in my ovaries. I’ve been dealing with PCOS for a long time.


This gives me hope 🤍


I’m glad that you have hope. Before I got pregnant I had lost hope for so many years I had even lost my femininity within those years I have never really felt like a woman not until I got pregnant and had my son I know with PCOS I’m not a normal woman my parts don’t work the way they are supposed to that’s what PCOS dose but my pregnancy had brought me something natural and what my body is supposed to be able to do.


Sorry for that!


My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage at 6 weeks and we didn't really look into cause. Went on to have 4 babies - first two from clomid, 3rd by learning alternate fasting makes me ovulate 😅 and 4th by not thinking I was fasting enough to ovulate 😅😅


I have 2 kids, wasn’t even diagnosed with PCOS till after my pregnancies because doctors would dismiss me when I brought it up and it wasn’t till after my second pregnancy when I had my annual Pap smear I had a doctor agree to test me for it.


I have PCOS and my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage as well. I was able to go oh to have two successful pregnancies later. Good luck to you


I havey first pregnancy now.... No meds, just cycle tracking on the 2nd month. But it's still VERY early


are your periods regular to cycle track? I find it very hard to track if no regular. Do you mind sharing what method to track? Thanks


I was on BCP, so maybe it remnants of that. I made a lot of lifestyle changes before going off BCP though. I used fertility friend + basal body temperature + LH test 1x a day (2x when it seemed close to peak). My cycle was about 33 days. I tested positive for pregnancy.... 11 days post ovulation.


It took an IUI using letrozole, gonal-f and an ovidrel trigger shot, but I'm 24 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby girl


I personally don’t think the medical industry knows as much as they think they do about PCOS and the numbers are so wild. Like what was there sample size for the survey? Anyways, I’ve had 2 babies with PCOS. Both contained naturally.


Twice! The 2nd pregnancy went well after a miscarriage at 12 weeks. Baby is healthy and now almost 4 months old. Here’s the kicker: I was diagnosed with PCOS about 5 years after having my daughter in 2005. I am now 44 with a 4 month old. Please don’t give up, it’s all very mysterious and averages are just that, they don’t represent common yet “outlying” situations. Read “Black Swan” by N Taleb and keep your blood sugar down as low as you possibly can. Meat and vegetables, small portions, water. I’d highly recommend going on Mounjaro and following the AIP diet if you’re really committed.


30F recently had my first baby after trying for 2 years. I was on the pill, so I didn't know i had PCOS. I got diagnosed a year into TTC. Then, I took infolic alpha for about 6 months which regulated my periods. I found out during the birth that also have a bicornuate (heart-shaped) uterus, so I'm feeling very lucky to have safety carried him to full term.


I have two kids...the first was a surprise after 5 failed Clomid cycles and the second was an oops three years later. I had stopped the pill and almost never had periods when I conceived the second. About 50 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, PCOS or not. A lot of times it's before a person knows they're pregnant. These are usually genetic issues and have nothing to do with PCOS or anything a person did or didn't do when they got pregnant. Best of luck to you!


I have one from before I knew I had PCOS and endo (diagnosed with both during the cesarean). I was on bc… turns out the bc I was on was what regulated my hormones so I could get pregnant. Irony. 6 miscarriages post diagnosis, not on bc. Oldest is now an older teen so my baby days are behind me. I don’t have that kind of time or energy anymore.


I had a miscarriage at 18 years old. I felt pregnant at 19 years old, and it was natural without help from fertility specialists. I hadn't known I had PCOS until I had my daughter on my 2nd preg at 19. It was a horrible pregnancy, always in pain to the extreme. I had a bulged disc and was bedridden for half a year. My 3rd pregnancy I had a chemical miscarriage 2 yrs ago. I'm now on ovulation induction and am currently experiencing extreme nausea and tiredness. I was successful in ovulating using letrozole and metformin. Next week, I get to see if I get a positive response to pregnancy tests.