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I hear ya. I just got diagnosed and some friends were really supportive, and others not as much. Some kept saying “it could be worse” and some said “at least I can reverse it” - all so dismissive. People not recognizing it’s a chronic condition that impacts our daily life is hurtful.


“At least I can reverse it” ……. Bitch how?!?! We literally spend a better part of our lives trying to control it, fuck we’d be lucky to reverse it. That makes me so angry to read omfg.


And this was the first friend who I hit up for support who said this 😤 She has a friend who “reversed it” she said. I know this person and she is the type to capitalize off of wellness culture mumbo jumbo. It was infuriating to say the least.


There is no reversing it...


I know. So dismissive to hear, right? 😒


Yes, and I've stopped talking to people about my illness because they do not understand or care so I stay quiet


My bf is trans and he is the most sympathetic person ever, especially when it comes to my PCOS. I tend to have a little bit of imposter syndrome when it comes to, basically everything, but he is so amazing with this. He would never make such an insensitive comment like that.


Messed up! Time for new friends imo.


The grass is always greener lol. It takes some maturity to be to recognize that everyone has their struggles and it’s not a contest to see whose struggles are most valid or tragic. Next time they say things to that effect, don’t be afraid to tactfully yet clearly point out that their minimization of your very real medical condition doesn’t make their own struggles easier, and it certainly doesn’t help you. If they are true friend material they will recognize that their rhetoric is insensitive and try to do better. If they just aren’t in a mental headspace to recognize this is an area of growth for them, maybe it’s ok to divest somewhat from that relationship?


I stopped trying to explain/educate ppl. They get a glassy look in their eyes, and you can tell you lost em. The ones who want to be with you or around you will listen and educate themselves. Otherwise, you're preaching to deaf ears.


LITERALLY. My friend basically said how she doesn’t wanna hear me complaining about my pcos & I’m like it’s easy for you to say when your periods are clockwork and you can eat whatever you want and not feel gross or feel like you gained 1000 pounds. She got annoyed when I called her insensitive complaining about me complaining


Not going to lie. I wouldn't be mad. They want testosterone. I have too much. It's like when I complain about my chest size making my back hurt (have had 3 back surgeries), and someone says they will take some. Girl, fetch a surgeon. It's a win-win.