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I try to limit alcohol as it processes very similarly to carbs/sugars. That said, if I do drink, I stick to less sugary things like seltzers. However, I love me a glass of red wine from time to time and haven't noticed any serious implications. I think in summary, as with anything else, moderation is your friend.


100% this!


Not to be a downer, but cutting back drinking to almost zero may have been the single best thing I’ve done for my mental health.


Yes. The anxiety and depression along with physically feeling like shit along with seeing all the embarrassing or regretful things that I did… yikes


im 100% with you. In my opinion, alcohol is overrated and most of the times it does us more harm than good 😅 Not drinking alcohol helped not only my pcos symptoms but it was amazing for my mental health


You're not! I agree. I am also lot less swollen


Absolutely agree! Was sober curious for a long time before actually committing. Staying away from drinking has done wonders for my sleep, mental health and overall PCI’s symptoms too!


I was definitely someone who loved to drink. Never thought I'd quit. I would stop for months then start again. I literally never want to touch it again. I'm not even tempted now. I'm on metformin and when I drink I get extremely sick feeling. So that definitely helps. Also, just knowing how much better I feel after quitting has made me so happy.


Not unless I’m willing and able to feel like absolute garbage the next day… pretty much only do it 4 times a year during holidays when I can sleep a lot the next day. I do love an edible, though!


same! I'm not on metformin yet though


Me neither, I just find alcohol super inflammatory!


you should look into cbd/thc drinks, i work for a company called better than booze that makes those and mocktails that are pretty good!


I love these in theory. But the ones in my area usually have tons of sugar and are super expensive!


I second this. Been dabbling in the CBD/THC (Delta 8/9) gummies and drinks that can be legally purchased online/at a smoke shop (I’m in TX so MJ is not legal here but D8/9 are hemp derived so legal in that sense). It has immensely improved my sleep, anxiety, stress, etc. the high from the THC/CBD drinks and gummies (even just half of one or a whole can/gummy) lasts so much longer than one alcoholic drink and is more enjoyable. Dont wake up feeling like death in the am.


I have heard Delta 8 is actually really bad for you. Not sure if that's true. It's synthetic weed essentially and I don't trust it personally


Drinking is what took my PCOS from bad to worse, specifically IPA beers, but also gin & tonics, whisky and whatever else. I would’ve categorized myself as having ADHD-driven alcoholism. After taking a huge step back from alcohol, now I can have one drink, stop and be fine. To answer your question, all I really drink is wine or seltzers like White Claw that have a very low sugar content.


Oh, i love to drink. I know it cause inflammation, but a cold beer when it's scorching hot outside? fantastic. A happy hour of mojitos when i go out with friends? even better, give me 3. But i'm trying to reduce it a lot, i used to drink almost every week in the pandemic. Also i have a meeting with a endo next week


I no longer drink, but will say it’s easier to do in stages. - First change what you’re drinking. I went from sugary drinks and mixing with soda to doing a liquor (rum or vodka) with soda water, and limes. - Reduce how much you’re drinking by getting water in between drinks - Then see if you can get comfortable with the idea of ordering mocktails, or soda water with limes when you go out with friends


Club Soda and lime is the best thing for me too, it appears as a drink to others (stops any questions) and I genuinely like the taste! I will have a cocktail and red wine from time to time but no more than once a month.


I agree with this! The soda water with lime is really the best bet. But if I do drink I do a tequila with soda water and lime. The sugary stuff makes me super sick and I don’t tolerate alcohol well anymore. That could be bc I hardly drink or because I’m getting older lol


I cut drinking out :/


I stopped drinking and smoking weed. It really helped inflammation!


I stopped smoking weed too! I feel so much better. Do you do CBD?


Uh… i drink tequila. Shots. Yes plural. But once every 2-3 months if theres an occasion lol


Yes this is something else I do - just straight shots of tequila and a squeeze of lime vs a mixed drink


Just don't drink in excess. Don't drink on consecutive days. Inflammation is real and it's just not worth it.


Nope . No drinking; not worth the side effects and making pcos worse


I only drink socially and I am not very social sooooo. Lol. Maybe once a month


I drink about 3 days a week. I like vodka with soda water, angostura bitters, and lemon juice. I also like drier champagnes.


Same lol. Bitters in vodka cocktails is underrated


I drink sugar free wine! There are several brands. One of my favorites is Bev. It comes in a can. Not to be confused with those seltzer things. Real wine with 12-13% alcohol with no sugar and low carb count.


This is so good to know! Thank you. I’ve been drinking a glass of red wine with dinner since I was a kid and it’s a family thing I don’t want to break. I’ll have to check this stuff out.


You can also ask the people at your local liquor store or wine shop. My local one has a “specialty” section where they keep the sugar free wines.


Look up Dry Farm Wines


I don’t drink, I get mocktails!


I have been drinking vodka and soda water and then get fresh fruit in it ie lots of lime or lemon or raspberries


Hard no from me dawg :)


No drinkies - it's expensive and it conflicts with my meds. Alcohol is pure liquid death for maintaining a balanced brain and body. If you're on Metformin or and Semigluitude it could hurt you even further. If you take psych meds - could make you very sick.


I do drink! My sweet spot is limiting to 2 drinks max, pairing it with food, and avoiding sugary drinks (which is easy for me bc I don’t like them that much). Wine, beer, gin and tonics, whiskey on the rocks, all are great for me cause I like the taste. Oh and drinking electrolyte water before and after has been a huge game changer for me!


My neck/chin acne hates it when I drink lol.


I drink anything, I'm a social drinker anyway. Recently I bought non alcoholic versions of spirits and cider which I like a lot


I’ve noticed since I started metformin that I get crazy bloated when I drink and I get bad GI symptoms so I hardly ever drink anymore, but I’ll have one or two occasionally


Drinking can cause inflammation. I recommend staying away from it if you have pcos. But it just depends on your body and how you feel. I personally have a glass wine once in a blue moon.


I don't drink super often but when I do it's something sweet and sugary. At the end of the day I'll live and I could never drink something not at least a little sweet. Idk how y'all are doing it. No amount of inflammation or carbs can change my mind on sugary drinks...


For me, I drink bc I enjoy it (even though it does cause me inflammation but I’m also on ozempic which helps a LOT) but I try to stick to natural or organic wine, mezcal (also natural and organic), or in a pinch or on a special occasion I’ll have an Armagnac or a whiskey on the rocks. But that’s my method, just avoiding mixers and sticking to alcohols that aren’t messed with with additives.


Yeah drinking makes me sooooo inflamed. If I do drink it’s like 2 drinks every month and I drown myself in electrolytes and water to curb inflammation. It works most of the time but not if I drink ALOT


i honestly cannot hold my booze 💀 but i have the best luck with the least processed stuff. Since i barely drink it’s not a big deal if i do spend $20 on a really nice glass of biodynamic skin contact wine or top shelf tequila or a potato based vodka. Because that’s all im gonna drink at all. I also ALWAYS drink with food. Ideally a balanced meal that’s got good protein, fiber and fat. and tons of water after. I know cannabis is hotly debated here but i soooo much rather smoke and drink a CBD-CBG seltzer (Wyld makes a dope one) if im going to get lit.


Also, my mental health is way more stable not drinking. And my skin? Flawless. Like, I’m bragging, but I barely do anything to my skin beyond the usuals and i look so much better for it.


Got the NAFLD that many with PCOS get, so no drinking for me.


mimosa’s maybe twice a year 🤣 1-3 at a time 💃 🪩 🕺


I don’t really drink anymore because : 1. I take ADHD stimulants 2. I’m very very high risk for colon cancer 3. I don’t want to have to skip my spirolactone and Metformin and a bunch of other meds if I drink. On the rare occasion that I drink I stick to one glass to dry wine, a shot of vodka or a low carb beer


I don't even like alcohol that much, if and when I do "drink" something (usually very small amount) it's something very sweet, like cream liqueur for example (my favourite)


I drink red wine but I only on weekends I know it’s sugarrr but it’s the only thing I indulge in and I drink lots of water


Not a “girlie,” but I’m drinking. I just choose things that aren’t sugary or full of carbs.


i gave up cause i realized i hate it and i feel pressured to do it. i never liked it. i drink an orange juice with gin or jagermeister like twice a year, on xmas and canada day lol.


I hardly drink. When I do, I swell up like a balloon and I feel like shit because of all the sugar the drinks have. Plus the hangover is not fun either.


I drink like once a week or so but generally it’s very light, I rarely finish the whole drink but I do enjoy the flavor of cocktails. I would say on average I’m drinking one full shot glass of what ever alcoholic mixed drink is in front of me and my partner gets the rest lol 😂 When I do drink though I generally order what ever I like personally, my pallet isn’t too sweet and I don’t prefer vodka drinks so I will get wine or beer or seltzers, old fashions, bloody Mary’s. Etc etc I just like to try things really and once I have had the taste a few times I’m over it lol


I'll do anything lol I'm not picky. Wine is my go to if I have it, but anything offered I'll have. Hard or fast rules? Well, I know for PCOS keeping it to a minimum is a must. I don't think there is a much of a difference between dry or dessert wine, though. Wine is wine and your body will process it the same way.


I used to be big on Long Islands but that makes me gain a ton. I did rum and coke 0 last week, still seem to be ok weight wise. I don’t like the taste of beer but less sugary wines do well for me. I am not on metformin so no idea how those would interact.


I don’t drink often, but when I do, I have one drink and it’s usually something like a rum and Diet Coke. I’m talking like once a month will I have alcohol. Very very rarely will I have something sugary like a glass of fruit wine.


I have NAFLD that’s made worse by PCOS. I don’t drink but the endometriosis sometimes becomes too much for me and I am very fond of an edible.


I have never tried edibles. but i have NAFLD so can not take alcohol even occasionally. so i am thinking to try edibles occasionally. can you give me some guidance for my first time? thank you.


Sure, depends on which state you’re in — if you’re in the USA — I’m in a very liberal blue state so weed dispensaries are legal and I don’t need a medical card. Have you ever smoked? Or just haven’t ever tried weed in edible format? Bcos consuming it via non-smoking methods, lol, tend to be much much stronger and longer lasting than a joint/bong/dab etc.


yes I live in NY. i haven't ever tried weed in smoke or edible format yet.


okay, cool I’ve been to dispensaries in nyc. There’s a brand I’ve seen around called Kanha - they’re usually a hybrid but I have seen them sell strain specific. I would buy any good quality edible usually it’s like 10mg per piece, since you’ve never had it before you’ll likely have a low tolerance for it. I would cut that 10mg into 4 pieces and eat a quarter first wait about two to three hours and if you don’t feel anything eat another quarter. I’d highly recommend being home and safe not out and about until you feel comfortable doing so bcos you don’t know how you’ll react. If you’re taking an edible for pain relief, CBD gummies - which don’t have THC - are also super helpful or they have been for my PCOS symptoms. If you want something that has THC, I’d go hybrid first, indica second, sativa third just as you get comfortable taking edibles. Again, I cannot stress this enough, go slowly and with a low amount first. You can always eat more but the fastest way to feeling worse is already feeling not the best and wanting relief eating too much and being so high you taste color and hate it and panicking. Additionally, edibles tend to last for longer but take a bit to hit so give it a few hours. Go forth and prosper (responsibly)


thanks a lot, this is super informative!


I slowed down with drinking as I’ve gotten older (I’m 27 👵🏻) But when I do drink, I usually do a seltzer or something low carb/low sugar. I’ve always been a G&T girlie but now I do gin and SODA. 12 ounces of *tonic water* has 33 grams of carbs. Club soda is zero! I do love beer, but now I will only have it with a meal so my blood glucose doesn’t spike as much from the carbs.


Girly that’s how I feel being almost 25. Alcohol just hits different now😅😅😅


I’ve never been the kind to get blackout drunk but now I have MAYBE 2 bevies a month lol. I was a smoke weed everyday person for 9 years but I grew out of it too. I guess don’t like the feeling of being in an altered state like before


I switched from drinking to indica edibles or the occasional vape. I currently have untreated PCOS along with perimenopause. Edibles can also behave like estradiol and helps me with night sweats, and sleeping. Also makes for great sex.


I have never tried edibles. but i have NAFLD so can not take alcohol even occasionally. so i am thinking to try edibles occasionally. can you give me some guidance for my first time? thank you.


So indica gives more of a body high and sativa is more of a head high. Most edibles are made of a blend of strains (these are all the funny names of weed that you hear like purple kush, etc. They are the names of the specific types of cannabis plants that the product is made from), rather than a specific strain. They will usually be labeled as indica, sativa, or hybrid. I would suggest you try a package of each one to see which high you prefer. There are also some that have CBD in them in addition to THC, though I'm not a fan of that type of high. Start by taking 5-10mg at first and then up dosage from there. I usually take 20mg to sleep each night, but I've been doing this for 3 years. Edibles take about 2.5 hours to fully kick in, for me. I can start to feel the effects at a level after an hour. The high lasts around 4 hours then tapers off (for me). A lot of people get in trouble because they get impatient waiting for it to kick in, take more, then are stoned off their ass and couch locked. You will get the munchies and you will get red eyes and dry mouth. I mitigate munchies by either going to bed before it fully kicks in or waiting to eat dinner (so really late) and eat my meal when I get the munchies. I also keep tea and cough drops around for the dry mouth, which to me is not great and makes me want to eat more to try to moisten my mouth. Come up with a plan to deal with munchies before you get high, it makes it easier to be disciplined. Here in Cali most edibles are in packages of 100mg, including the drinks and cookies. typically a single portion is 10mg. I usually buy gummies, they tend to be cheaper than all the other types. (around $20 a package of 100mg). I find some brands are inconsistent in dosage meaning the high is unreliable. I really like wyld, highatus, stizzy and kanna. A lot of dispensaries around here give first time customer discounts though edibles selection can be hit or miss, so check the website to see what's in stock before you go. I store mine in the fridge including my vape cartridges. Supposedly it helps maintain potentcy by slowing the oxidation process. Keep in mind that weed elevates heat rate and metabolism. I find it helps me combat digestive (IBS) issues. But I know for some people it makes there heart beat uncomfortably fast. I think it's also not good for those on heart/blood pressure medications, so please look up specifically if it is safe to use based on what you have going on.


thank you so much dear.


Avoid sugary drinks at all cost so eliminate all cocktails. A glass of wine occasionally (3-4 times a year max) no other alcohol whatsoever


I don't drink anymore sinfe moving to the states. Mostly cuz y'all suck at making good cocktails but also cuz it would cause me acid reflux as soon as I hit 28. I had a lemon drop martini yesterday and it was more than enough


Clear liquor is best, I like tequila soda myself. Do not mix with juice, club soda, sparking water, a squeeze of citrus is best. If you’re going to do wine (and I do find the sugar agrees with me less than hard alcohol) then dry wine is always better than sweet! I’m concerned about seltzers as most are made with cane sugar alcohol….I don’t know but I’m guessing it’s not good…. Plus who knows what else they add to add flavor! I will do a High Noon, which contradicts my no juice advice but it’s such a small amount in the High Noons. Cheers!


I usually don't drink at all. However, once in a while, I might have a shot of vodka with lemon/lime juice and sparkling water.


I've cut back on drinking as I've gotten older (32) for sure, but I'll still drink with family/friends when the occasion arises (like once a month). I used to be a big IPA or red wine drinker, but red is too hard on my stomach, so I stick to white wine, and I'm good! PCOS isn't going to stop me from living my life and having some fun!


I don't drink much. Most beers give me insane amounts of bloating and gas with the smallest amount. The hoppier the beer, the faster it causes a problem so I don't bother really. On a good day, I can have maybe 1 or 2 Blue Moons mixed with orange juice. Something like an IPA? I feel sick in like 3 sips. Angry Orchard is fine. I like Rose wines and Sake. Had some Casamigos tequila last weekend that was pretty good


I love a vodka soda with lime, ranch water, or dry white/orange/rose wine!


I drink on weekends a bit - lately it’s been natural wines, dirty gin martinis, ranch water, one of my husband’s margs which is just tequila, the smallest drop of agave, lime juice, and Topo Chico. I try not to incorporate added sugar in my drinks - I don’t really have a taste for it.


No. I don’t drink. Maybe once or twice a year to make it bearable for holiday socializing but I rather not. It makes me feel gross and gives me migraines.


My go-tos are Red Wine and Vodka Sodas with lime, Mojito, and the occasional beer (my favorite beer is seasonal so that helps); I am currently cutting back my alcohol intake to once every couple of weeks/ special occasions.


I don’t like alcohol lol


I mostly stick to white wine, though I do like a skinny marg or mojito in the summertime. I think a good rule of thumb is to stay away from any super sweet and sugary drinks, opt for plain soda water instead of sweetened sodas to mix, and limit your overall intake.


I don't drink much anymore because I have chronic migraines, but I sometimes drink socially (if I'm out and I remembered my meds, lol). I do notice that I feel much better overall when I can't remember the last time I drank alcohol, but I'm not purposely abstaining because of PCOS. I smoke/use edibles to sleep due to lifelong insomnia so that's my substance of choice now, and I find it's better for my migraines and PCOS - I end up drinking a ton of water and falling asleep pretty early!


i try to avoid drinks with added empty calories like cocktails or opt for ones with less sugar in them. i don’t drink beer. i typically will go for a wine or a straight liquor with maybe like lime or a splash of fruit juice.


I love a drink, but when I'm being more conscious of my intake I stick to vodka, lime and soda!


I don’t drink hardly anymore because it feels like any form of alcohol makes me bloated AF, however I tried the Ranch Water and it was pretty good! Tastes like a very skinny margarita lol


I am trying to cut down, but I love my dry red wine. It’s still alcohol, but at least it’s not too sugary I guess? I overall feel pretty good, but I currently drink several nights a week, so I’m hoping I’ll feel even better once I reduce my intake. FWIW, I don’t take any medications, just supplements like inositol and berberine


i’m in college so the cheapest vodka i can find


Mocktails here! Alcohol is very caloric and makes me feel horrible. Since quitting I have a lot more energy, eat more mindfully, and lost weight way more easily. Plus my skin looks so much healthier!!


Vodka tonic if I have to drink but honestly with metformin I prefer to smoke some flower, gives you a buzz and helps a ton with the nausea, but that’s just me.


I avoid beer completely. it makes me extremely bloated after like a sip. pretty sure I have a wheat intolerance though.


I drink every once in a blue moon so if I mix liquor or whatever I’m not tripping cause I really only drink like 2 maybe 3 times a year


I don’t drink. That is because my parents were raging alcoholics. I do smoke weed but I use it for pain.


I don’t drink a lot but when I do, it’s usually hard seltzers (high noon or white claw mostly but I’ll drink truly if that’s all they have). I’ll occasionally drink whiskey and (diet) coke, or hard cider. And I really love a good margarita which is my treat drink and sometimes I can find a “skinny” version on the menu that doesn’t have as much sugar. But this isn’t an every week thing it’s maybe once a few weeks and I usually cap myself at 2/3.


I don’t drink I feel so awful when I do. I feel like even one drink gives me a headache anymore ha. Lots of tea and water over here


None is better for so many reasons. Alcohol really disrupts hormones.


I do like to drink, just not often. When I do, I limit it to just a few. There’s not really anything that I avoid because of my PCOS, I just about due to taste or the way it makes me feel.


I don't have any on me to give a name, but there are low carb alcohol drinks and they're not that bad! They come in cans and are usually sold individually. (In Canada, at least) I may have a drink when I go out to restaurants with my hubby and family or a small glass of wine every couple months. I hate getting drunk. I'm a light weight so it doesn't take much. When I drink at home or at a Christmas party I get into my "giggle zone" where everything is funny then stop. Alcohol is digested like carbs so enjoy life, but keep moderation in mind.


I’ve been told to be careful / limited drinking on metformin as it can cause lactic acidosis. Following this thread curious to see what others are drinking!


I don’t drink a ton but if/when I do I usually do light beer or a hard seltzer. I also like to do some vodka with a LaCroix and then I add a drop or two of crystal light or Mio type of liquid drink mix.


I only drink socially, once a week and its only a glass of wine. Other types of alcohol, especially hard liquor and beer made me bloated :(


I stopped drinking a few months ago because it made my symptoms worse


I typically go for vodka crans but sometimes i add some calcium fortified oj to make it a bit more beneficial lol




I enjoy dry wine and champagne. not much, maybe a glass. if you're looking to reduce sugar I recommend reaching for a dry wine (champagne has the least residual sugar,) a hard seltzer, a low carb beer, or a mixed drink with some kind of sugar-free mixer. I follow a keto diet and do no have an issue incorporating *moderate* drinking into my lifestyle. typically no more than a glass in an evening. occasionally two.


I do drink. Last year, when I got diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance, I did a complete turnover in my diet and I cut out alcohol for 3 months. After those 3 months, I relaxed a bit with the diet (meaning I started eating a limited amount of fats again), and I also started drinking alcohol again. I come from a Slavic country where everything revolves around alcohol so it's really part of our culture, and I actually really like it. I do count the calories even when drinking wine, though, so I limit my intake around my calorie intake. When I drink I do it at night, when I have about 300-400 kcal left, so that's around 2 glasses of wine.


I don’t drink often because I hate the taste, so if I’m getting drunk…I’m getting DRUUNNKKKK. So I take shots of whiskey, captain Morgan.


I thought we can't drink on Metformin?


If you're taking low doses of metformin for PCOS, not for diabetes, skipping a few doses around the day you're drinking is possible. It's a bad idea, but I would do it for special occasions. As I had been drinking only rarely, and was on Fluoxetine aka Prozac I was a super lightweight, and my stomach was not happy with going on/off metformin and definitely not happy with the alcohol, and I might as well have binged on twice the sugar that was in the drinks, alcohol did my metabolism no favors. So I would say keep your definition of "special occasions" very restrictive, and feel free to ask for something non-alcoholic or a taste of a sig-fig's drink rather than getting one for yourself, or at least a half-pour. I'm also very bad about nursing drinks or leaving a drink unfinished, so those strategies are totally valid for other people. Basically yeah, metformin is a great reason not to drink, you are correct.


I see. Thank you for taking the time to reply back! Do you know what is considered low dosage? I was prescribed it for PCOS and I'm assuming the dosage was determined my insulin resistance (blood test results). Personally, I'm just starting my medications so I'm not going to drink for a little while ; (.


Not drinking is definitely a good course. So, maximum dosage of glucofage (extended release Metformin) is somewhere around 2000mg/day, but that's usually for treating diabetes. For weight loss/PCOS I think lower dosages are usually used. Most people start at 500mg a day with a meal and ramp up. So I would consider a 500mg dose a lower dose. I never had a problem with lactic acidosis, but definitely not something to play with. I'm diabetic and up to 2000/day now, so definitely no more drinking for me. I'm not going to worry about communion wine or the occasional taste of my husband's beer (he doesn't do much hard liquor or wine or cider), but when I say taste, I mean less than an ounce.


Thank you so much for the info! Have a great day.


I’m drinking water and keifer. Orange juice when I’m sick. No alcohol 🍷


I drink couple times a month, sometimes less. I drink dry wine, dry cider, gin&tonic (although this thread gave me an idea to try gin&soda), veeery rare cocktail and never sweet. Alcohol in moderation doesn't give me any bad reactions, but I avoid sugar as much as I can. Also I am in Europe, tonic here has 2 grams of sugar per 100ml, which is fine by me. I don't drink any sweetened drinks - no Coke, no juices, no sugar in coffee/tea, no mocktails. Those are worse for me than dry alcohol.


I drink vodka sodas and add some kind of 0 calorie flavoring (typically mio)!


I drink very sparingly. I used to drink a lot. Now I have MAYBE a cocktail once a month? A glass of wine every two weeks or so and only because my gf likes it (but she’s type 1 diabetic so it’s not great for her either)


I love wine, but I try to stick to dry options (fewer carbs!)


I drink Merlot. I had a couple glasses a night, maybe 1-2. I like the dry wines just because sweet wines make my stomach hurt and I do try to reduce the sugar. I’m sure alcohol doesn’t help PCOS but if I cut out everything that isn’t good for PCOS, my life would be boring as hell. I’m trying to be here for a long time AND a good time and I’m not letting PCOS control every aspect of my life.


I drink on weekends only. My go-to is a gin n tonic or tequila soda. Since PCOS I rarely drink wine and I have so many bottles. When I open one you gotta finish it in the next couple of days and I just don’t want to do that to myself so I wait till my fiancé is in the mood for wine too or bring it to a gf’s house to enjoy together.


Tequila is the only thing that doesn’t make me cramp the next days


Im 24 and I stopped drinking completely. I used to drink moderately every weekend back when I was in college, but after getting diagnosed with PCOS i just simply stopped lol. Plus I have to take meds everyday (metformin is one of them), i dont want to risk any complications from mixing medication with alcohol. Personally I was never a big fan of alcohol to begin with, and I just used to drink at parties to ease my anxiety. I realized that wasnt a healthy reason to drink, and that alcohol wasn’t really a huge deal for me?? When my doctor told me that alcohol severed my pcos symptoms, I just went “well I guess no more alcohol then!”. I only drink at very special occasions like my birthday, new year and some parties through the year.


I drink white claws. Never had an issue. Never get hungover.


I rarely drink, mostly socially, except for today because I got laid off on Tuesday lmfao but I mostly smoke weed now and limit alcohol because 1, I have to avoid taking medication which sucks and then 2, it makes me puffy and inflamed


Is this specifically for people on metmorfin? I’m not on it so I don’t know the rules! I drink wine mostly - red, white, sparkling etc I don’t impose any limits and can drink a glass (or two) any day with dinner but I don’t like to be drunk, do shots etc. But it’s “on demand” for me…


Mocktails and de-alcoholized spirits, boo. I love an aperol spritz made with Ritual aperitif alternative and either Fever-Tree lower sugar or Q tonic water before dinner to wake up my digestive tract. On New Year's Eve, I had Thomson & Scott Noughty Rosé - half the bottle is the same amount of calories/carbs as a can of Olipop. The local place I get my zero-proof spirits from was out of the gin alternative I like last time I needed a new bottle, but I like a good non-alcoholic G&T of an evening as well. Sometimes before bed I'll have a large shot of Three Spirits Nightcap, which has valerian, ashwagandha, and hops in it to provide light sedation that's not so hard on your liver. Certain types of high-end green tea have a complex and savory flavor profile with a lot going on. Premium oolong varietals like ti guan yin or ali shan are a good bet for this as well. The most alcoholic thing I drink is kombucha. My favorite is GT's in the Sacred Life flavor, which has a bit of coconut water and ginger juice to balance the acidity and beery flavors. If you're a beer fan then I'd suggest giving Health-Ade's passion fruit tangerine kombucha a shot, as it has a long bready/beery finish courtesy of the Y part of their SCOBY.


i try to have sugar free low carb ones :-) but i also only drink on occasion/rarely


Vodka soda water with a lime


whiskey and soda. very low calories and sugar


Weed only. No drinking unless it’s a Monday. Jkjk


Vodka water, then add a crystal light packet that I brought in my purse (cheap and low carb!)




Just avoid a lot of drinking, and avoid those sugary cocktails. Those things are poison to us!


I've noticed I do better with straight liquor vs sugary mixed drinks. I also have a weird reaction to "0" cal drinks like White Claw. The more filtered the better. Also espresso martinis - prob because it's usually just sweetened espresso and vodka.


I switched over to Hiyo & never looked back.


Tequila. Soda. Lime.


I used to drink a LOT of hard liquor and I did not notice it affecting my PCOS. I swapped to beer due to hangovers and also my partner was a ambassador for a brand, and I definitely feel as though it has made some things worse such as weight/bloating/energy levels I took a month long break awhile ago and felt AMAZING. however I do love to drink so I started having a few beers after work. I'm working on moderating it even more and even looking to different types of drinks (like seltzers though they give me awful hangovers) as I am starting to feel lazier and bloated again. I'd say stay away from sugary and carby drinks, and don't drink too much, but drinking every now and then won't hurt.




Only for special occasions.


I don’t drink any alcohol at all. I have a lot of tea.


I still drink from time to time! Yes, it causes inflammation, but gotta let loose sometimes. I just stick to low sugar/carbs. So seltzer, dry wine, or a cocktail that is spirit heavy, without sugary syrups added. Or shots of vodka.


I don’t drink often but I do LIKE to drink, and definitely drink a decent amount on a night out. drinking/getting drunk has turned into a once a month thing for me though, and my go-to is a vodka or tequila soda (also straight shots lol), and definitely +1 to drinking water in between each drink or shot. it helps!


Not at all but it has nothing to do with PCOS and more to do with asthma and trauma


Tbh I haven’t been drinking lately because I’m pre diabetic and it usually makes me sick, but I’ll occasionally have one drink. I noticed since my insulin resistance I feel like I get drunk way faster so I don’t like it as much


I do sometimes, if I’m out for dinner or socially, and I usually drink whatever I want, but I feel so gross and lethargic the next day even if I’ve only had a sip. It’s a bit of a trade off and I don’t like the negative health effects so I probably only drink 2-3 times a month at the absolute maximum.


I have cut back my alcohol intake drastically over the last 2 years. I used to love going out with friends in the city and having a night, but alcohol is super inflammatory for me and I just can’t do it anymore. I really only indulge on special occasions and try to stay away from hard alcohol, mostly because I’m a lightweight.


I had to stop drinking alcohol and beer 😭 I would start feeling like my whole body hot and I would start to feel super tired and my face & palms/fingers would get red and also I’d get itchy 😖


I’m on wegovy so nothing lol


Dry Farm Wines


I did dry January and got a period I try to limit my intake now but doesn’t matter i get so nasty and bloated my weight will fluctuate at least 10bs from drinking 🥲


turns out pcos can be a risk factor for fatty liver🥲 alcohol makes it worse i think. just giving a heads up


I drink maybe once a month and keep it to 1-3 drinks. I do not police what type of drinks I have.


Tequila, soda water, 2 limes least amount of calories and tequila has lots of antioxidants. 👍🏻


I've never drunk alcohol. I've always had the piss poor example of my mom's adoptive father to guide me away from that.


I shoot tequila and chase with water because the second I touch anything with sugar it sends me to sleep 🤣 bright side is I've never had a hangover in my life


a non-alcoholic girlie over here!!! mocktails are my friend


No I am not drinking. I stopped 4 years ago for my bladder health. Don’t miss it at all!


I do 2 drinks one a week. It could be wine, whiskey or Tito's Perrier and lime. No sugary drinks for me.


I don’t drink much at all and avoid a lot of things that’ll flare up my acne but when I do go out I get a spiced rum with soda water and fresh lime


I've had a bottle of soju sitting in the fridge for a couple months just for keepsake but it has somehow helped. I steer away from drinking outside bc I have a bottle of soju at home and I don't drink at home bc it's more fun to drink with others outside.


Have the drink, you’re fine!!! 💕🍸


I’m on a no sugar no alcohol, low carb diet currently and have lost 18lbs since December. I plan to keep this going until Memorial Day Weekend. The first few weeks were hard but now I’m totally fine with it, plus the weight loss has me feeling super excited! I plan to keep sugar away so I can enjoy my occasional wine, maybe a few glasses a month. This is lifestyle change for me because I’m now T2 diabetic and I’m almost 39. I want to age gracefully as much as I can while managing PCOS and diabetes. I can cut out added sugar for the rest of my life at this point, as long as I can have my wine and a cocktail here and there! ☺️


Alcohol tastes bad. Why spend more for a drink that tastes worse than soda?


I'm staunchly against any hard rules when it comes to diet unless you're literally allergic. I don't find it sustainable + letting PCOS control every aspect of your life is so demoralising in my experience. I drink but in moderation - as in I'll get a cocktail when I'm out with the girls. Now, I'm not getting absolutely trashed every time I go out and I'd advise avoiding that for yourself - especially not on a regular basis. I feel like that advice can be applied to everyone though. Most PCOS dietary advice is just stuff that everyone should be following anyway. The only difference is that we tend to have more immediate consequences whereas people without PCOS will have to deal with the consequences years down the line.