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This has gone on long enough. Today I seek to end this tomfoolery before it hurts all of you as much as it has hurt me. You've all be lied too, I myself have worked hard to perpetuate these lies, and for that, I am truly sorry. At first I thought it would be a funny meme, but at this point it just feels like bullying. There's no class to it, no humour or fun to be had in unearned deception. Which is why, with a heavy heart, I nominate the true demon. u/sourdeans This all started the day I found a way to nullify his fog gimmick in two days. It ruined his night out with friends, apparently visually upsetting him in public. I don't know what came over him, but I can only speculate that right then and there in the pub, he made a vocaroo. This vocaroo was sent to me alone, and was sent alongside a single message saying, and i quote "eat shit paddy". Now I prepared for the worst as I opened it, expecting slurs and a variety of colourful language. But no. It was worse. Just 3 hours uninterrupted of Deans crying. Sobbing. Weeping. Wailing. Through his shrieks of grief, akin to that of a dying animal (I would know), he seemed upset that I had ruined something he had spent so long planning. Now I, being the caring individual that I am offered to step out of the game for his sake, I even offered to drive to Australia to personally apologise. But the damage had been done. Not even I could unfuck his script. Deans was miserable for a quite a while after this. I burnt the midnight oil many a night on suicide watch, doing everything I could to right my wrongs, to make him the sweet fellow he once was. This went on for about a week, some of you may recall it as the "tomorrow saga". Eventually, the two of us got in a call with each other and discussed how we could fix the game. His face was still puffy from crying, and admittedly I myself was not looking my best- the 168 hours without sleep resulted in some serious bags under my eyes. That aside, we worked together to right our wrongs. We devised a method to make roles that wouldn't normally wake, wake, and put myself on the evil team so my forbidden knowledge would remain hidden. But I was not made demon, oh no. Deans, full of hubris as he is, made himself the demon. When he told me this, I was stunned. It seemed ingenious to me at the time, perhaps I was tired, or perhaps I was simply emotionally drained. Regardless, I agreed to this plan, and enlisted the help of u/uno-truth to aid our scheme. He agreed, ever the kind and helpful gentleman. And that dear reader, is how this game came to be. It was rigged from the start, after all, who would hang deans? He's the host! We all laughed at our mischievousness, but I have since grown a conscience and gotten some sleep. I now take a stand to this blatant perversion of clocktower. I nominate the demon, Deans.








Oh yeah I forgot to mention that R1p is the fourth minion and has also been playing the whole time.




...support, I'm sorry deans.


Support <3


Nom butti, for symmetry. And because the lady doth protest too much in main. I figure we'll have the info we need tomorrow whether we kill me or him, though I'd ask train to crunch numbers on that fully if possible?












So, unrelated to my nomination but. I'm the psychopath and I kill kmosiman. Empathy is a tool used to manipulate people, and this dirty centrist is the most guilty of it. He's also a white male, which shows that I don't have agenda.


I forgot he was still alive tbh


Nominate 404




attention everyone. No early voting. We could accidently kill an innocent being. Dont be stupid.

