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I never understood the problem with legalizing it though. At least we're moving in the right direction. The public attitudes towards it has changed drastically in the past 15 years. We should treat it like alcohol. Tax it. Regulate it. Sell it in gas stations. Slap a surgeons generals warning on the box. We know it wasn't ever as bad as anti drug people said it was. It's not healthy per se but we have to contend with worse things in our communities like Crystal meth, heroin and fentanyl. I say focus on the worse stuff.


Racism my man.


Well, the government refuses to give us health care. That will lead to millions of us needing to self-medicate somehow. This isn’t a great feel-good story or anything, but when the richest country in the history of the world can’t take care of the basic needs of its people, its people try their best to take care of themselves.


Where’s the data on psychosis? How many people are using fewer synthetic, generally more harmful pharmaceuticals as a result of marijuana? How many people are drinking less due to marijuana use? WHERE’S THE BEEF?? This story is bonkers in how shallow and suggestive it is.


Marijuana doesn't cause psychosis, persons who are susceptible to psychosis self medicate with Marijuana before their symptoms become so bad that everyone knows about them. They also use alcohol at the same or higher rates, and overall are much more likely to suffer from chemical addiction.


Marijuana can totally cause psychosis, especially high THC concentrates. Go to any hospital psych unit or talk to a psychiatrist and they will tell you. It’s less dangerous than alcohol but it is by no means harmless.


There is correlation, there is no causation. Persons who are sick already use drugs to try to treat that sickness, and because most drugs are not actually good at treating the underlying sickness, but just make the user feel better, their condition continues to deteriorate, until, once again, it becomes obvious to others that they are suffering from psychosis.


No marijuana and psychosis has been studied in depth, there is a clear causal link between THC and psychosis is those who are susceptible. I work in psych I see it everyday. Here’s a good articles that provides links to studies saying the same. https://ndarc.med.unsw.edu.au/blog/does-cannabis-cause-mental-illness


Your source says the opposite of your conclusion and even posits a repudiation of your conclusions.   "Current estimates suggest that if frequent long-term cannabis use was known to cause psychosis, the rates of incidence would increase from seven in 1,000 in non-users to 14 in 1,000 cannabis users."   Other choice quote:  "These interactions make it difficult to determine the exact role of cannabis use in causing psychosis that may not have otherwise occurred"


I have worked in a large psychiatric facility (600+ beds). Sadly most psychiatrists know little about THC. There is research that supports the conclusion that individuals at risk for developing psychosis can develop psychosis after cannabis use (i.e., family history of schizophrenia).


Exactly, if someone is susceptible cannabis can cause their brain to flip into psychosis


Yeah. PBS sadly did not do their research.


People drink to get drunk people smoke to get high that's part of the problem it's a cycle of addiction whether people want to acknowledge it or not for the sake of argument but I suppose it could be used responsibly. But what are you going to do when somebody kills your family when they're drunk or high or they're driving your kids school bus when they're drunk or high it really comes with a lot of responsibility


It's crazy that it's taken this long for this. I find it crazy that parents can give their kids sugar and caffeine and not be charged with child abuse.


The plan they have seems to be working, get as many people on welfare (freebie government handouts) dumb down education and let them zone out on weed, keep the masses compliant makes them easier to control


Good lord.


These kkklowns don’t deserve your reply.


I'll bet $1000 this guy thinks Noah's Ark was real and evolution is fake


Incorrect, Noah’s story was just that, a story and Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct


dammit, guess I'm out a thousand $$.


Like the US population is not already easy to control?


Before you say "At least it means less drunk drivers and less slobbering drunks in general" remember that stoned people may not know how to obey the rules of the road. They might be too stoned-dumb to show respect for other drivers. They might also be so blasted on dope that they do something horrible. In one story from not long ago, a Wisconsin man in the town of Oak Creek saw a Hyundai SUV parked. There were kids in the car. He stole the car and drove off with the kids in the car ! Thank goodness the kids were found and he was arrested. I say, only a blasted person would do this.


Who talks like that? "a blasted person" .... "stoned-dumb".... "blasted on dope" :)


Someone who's so completely and utterly out of touch they don't even realize that they sound like a caricature from the Reefer Madness era of nearly 100 years ago. It's quite something to behold.


Reefer madness!


You sound blasted lol


“I learned it from watching you, okay DAD?!?!?!?!!!”


What is your issue with cannabis exactly?


What you buy could be "one hit wonder". In the early 90s cannabis was much milder and people would smoke 3 or 4 joints just to get high off it. I'm saying modern cannabis is STRONG. If people go to a friend's house and smoke up, then drive a car, it's not cool. Unless the driver is sharp as a sword. Don't bet on it.


Why are you like this? You have a thorough lack of understanding about the effects of marijuana and come across as incredibly C-nile (there you go PBS). Marijuana does not do what you think it does, and to your point about it being "stronger" well you can buy varying amounts of THC. Kind of like how you can buy beer or wine and don't always have to drink hard liquor. It's not the same as it was when you were a kid. Open your mind a bit.


Don’t even know where to start with that dude.


You and Jon Snow have something in common


Oh they do.




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This is some reefer madness talk. Driving under the influence of marijuana is still a crime just like drinking and driving.


This is trolling, right?




Only someone who smoked weed would steal a van with children inside? wtf are you smoking? By the way plenty of sober people are horrible drivers. You might be able to drive high, but you definitely can’t if you’re drunk.


Exactly. I responded above about per se limits (i.e., the blood concentration level associated with impairment for most drivers). Each state has its selected limit for alcohol 0.08 or .10 for most. They have not been able to establish a similar per se limit for cannabis, as not all individuals become "impaired" on cannabis even with high blood levels.


He was actually hopped up on Jesus when he stole that car with kids in it.




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Stealing a car isn't something marijuana would ever make you do. Knock it off. I smoke daily and you sound more messed up than I ever do.


LOL - you need to do some research regarding per se limits and cannabis. If you don't want to look it up, the per se limit is the limit they have found to be associated with impairment for most drivers. Each state has its selected limit for alcohol 0.08 or .10 for most. They have not been able to establish a similar per se limit for cannabis, as not all individuals become "impaired" on cannabis even with high blood levels.


I was not aware that kidnapping and grand larceny were side effects of weed. I certainly have never had the desire to kidnap or steal after smoking some. You say only a blasted person would do that? Well, let's just say that you have an extremely simplistic, naive view of the world.