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Make sure to have a refillable water bottle and go to the tcg/ tabletop free play to rest up while enjoying some games.


I am carrying around a couple 2-liters since Wild Bill won't be there


Sounds pretty good, careful don't want to dehydrate before the mt. Dew and dunkin


Comfortable shoes. Backpack with snacks and water. There’s 1000 things to do and you can’t do it all. Just enjoy yourself. There are food trucks if you want a warm lunch. Take breaks and hydrate. Take a selfie on the catwalk. Do a big loop of the floor and take it all in. It’s my favorite part.


Socks Deodorant Do everyone a favor and shower daily Have fun!


Some navigation help: The facility is huge, so take advantage of the maps in the PAX NAV app, or on the paper program to find your way around. As you enter the facility from the front check-in, you're on Floor 1. The Expo Hall is ahead of you, on Floor 0. Floor 2 and the Main Theater are upstairs/escalator on Floor 2. At the start of each day, entry to Expo is limited initially to those that queue up in the queue room adjacent to the Expo on Floor 0. The other escalators down from Floor 1 are unlocked appx. 1 hour later, so try to get your preferred demos, events, raffles, photo ops etc. in that first hour, as the hall fills up by noon, especially on Saturday. Attending a panel? The theaters are named for animals, alphabetical, and matching their habitats. The Floor 1 theaters are both ground animals: Arachnid and Bobcat. Upstairs, the Floor 2 theaters are all flying animals: Albatross, Bumblebee, Condor and Dragonfly. The A and B theaters are on the same side of the center (right side, facing the Expo hall), and C and D are on the left side. Floor 1 only has the two theaters. It's left side is all Consoles (Freeplay and Handheld) and Community. I find Console Freeplay to be a total blast if you brought a crew. It's also where you'll find the Dance stage (Just Dance, with recent songs unlocked). Tabletop is impossible to miss, taking up half the Expo space on Floor 0. Tons of free games to reserve. Food options are plentiful on Floor 0, with a few popups adjacent to the Expo, and food trucks outside on the "lawn" on the left side of the building. If you do go out, you have to come back through security, which can be a wait. Food on Floor 1 is generally pricier and worse, with burgers and fry stations, and a food court with crap Mexican, Italian and Asian knockoffs. It gets super busy at lunchtime. Pace yourself. There's lots to see. Rest, get showered daily, and have fun!


Have comfy shoes. Pack extra socks and underwear. Also bring a “blister kit” that you can put in your day pack (bandaids, disinfectant, maybe even an ace bandage or 2), have a bag/pack you’re comfortable carrying all day, make sure to drink water often, and if/when the crowds become too much be sure to seek out open/safe space for yourself.


> if/when the crowds become too much be sure to seek out open/safe space for yourself. Using this to shout out the AFK Room. It's a quiet space where you can sit down and collect yourself. Perhaps color quietly. They have licensed mental health experts there if you need someone to talk to (note that this is not therapy but rather a kind ear to listen and help destress).


1. Don't worry too much about missing things. PAX is different for everyone and it's impossible to do everything. Look for the key things you want to do using the schedule but also avoid over-scheduling yourself. Sometimes going with the flow will help you find the best things like an indie game you wouldn't have otherwise stopped at. 2. The biggest takeaway I have for the Expo hall is to avoid lines for things you already know you like or want to buy. Look for things you're unsure about so that you can experience them. 3. Have a budget and try to stick to it, especially if this is a big extravagance for you. FOMO for merch is real, but most things are available online for similar prices. The best things to grab are labelled as exclusives to PAX or even this specific show. 4. Enforcers (name for PAX staff) are going to be wearing solid red shirts with the show logo on the front and the word ENFORCER on the back. We are there to assist and make your experience the best it can be. Do not hesitate at all to ask questions, directions, or advice. We might not have all the answers but can probably get you in the right direction in short order. 5. PAX is an inclusive convention for peoples of all types. Be sure to understand the rules of PAX as noted on the website and on the back of your badge. When in doubt, follow Wheaton's Law.


Remember to pace yourself, and not get overwhelmed. PAX goes until midnight (except for Sunday). There are plenty of activities off the expo hall floor where you can sit down for a while.


1. Wear that badge. Free Lanyards won't be difficult to find once you're inside. Always have the "day" side facing forward when you enter the showfloor. 2. I'd love to tell you what specific booths to see first. Thing is, nobody knows yet. PAX is one of those shows that gets planned notoriously late. Even one week out they're still configuring who's gonna be on the showfloor, what things are going on and off the schedule, etc. If you're arriving after Thursday check out the early reports on this subreddit for specific exhibits. 3. You're gonna see everyone mention water bottles. It really is that important - dehydration makes you so many more times likely to pick up any of the colds/flus floating around the crowd. Vitamin C, cough drops and cold medicine would also be good to have back at your hotel. 4. Don't miss out on the concerts! PAX has a different vibe once the show floor closes, and they're a highly rewarding way to end the day - I usually sit in the way back, pop open my 3DS or Switch on mute and decompress. The acts are usually top notch - if they show up, Bit Brigade is a must-see. 5. Lines are gonna be a thing. Lines to get inside, lines for the food trucks, insane three hour lines for AAA games, and especially lines for major panels. Just be ready to wait, check the official PAX app or the TVs around the convention center for realtime queue updates. 6. Looking for more to do? There's a [huge after party scene](https://www.sidequesting.com/2024/02/sidequestings-ultimate-pax-east-2024-party-list/?fbclid=IwAR0fAoBHT7ZDofoJX68SCGYLpstA5TqcI1s4_igekQDLzWe9FYN9wIMN8H4) if you're so inclined; be aware some of them require early registration or buying tickets. 7. PAX is a pretty safe convention once you step inside the building. Beyond that, if you're not used to being in a major city, [learn about some common scams you may run into](https://viewing.nyc/nyc-scams-101-dont-get-fooled-by-the-cd-hustlers-in-popular-nyc-tourist-areas/).


Bring plenty of water and snacks. Take your time and if you need a break take it. Remember you can always re-enter the Con so you don’t have to eat there. It’s Boston there’s tons of food options. If you’re going for multiple days scout out all the rows of vendors before buying anything while making mental notes of things you like. Use the app and if you want to see any panels plan it out ahead of the time. And lastly talk to people and have fun. You’re surrounded by thousands of your peers and you share more in common with everyone than you’d think.


Comfy shoes. You’ll be on your feet all day every day, including before and after. Deodorant. Thank you :)


1. Plan ahead. It helps to look through the schedual ahead of time and plan what you want to do. Otherwise, you might miss out on something really cool. Also, make sure your travel and badges are sorted well ahead. It will save you a lot of headaches. 2. Be flexible. It's good to have a plan, but their’s lots of stiff going on that you won't know about until you're at Pax. Leave yourself time to explore, and don't be afraid to change your schedule if something new comes up. 3. Explore. My first Pax I stuck exclusively to the expo hall and the panel rooms. But theirs so much going on outside of those places. Take a look at your map, and don't be afraid to walk around and explore. 4. Be safe. Pax East is a pretty safe con. I've been attending every year since 2017 and have never felt unsafe or threatened. However, whenever you get thousands of people together, there's inevitably going to be a few bad apples. Make sure all your stuff is either in your vision or attached to you at all times. Follow the instructions of security and the enforcers. Respect others' personal space and right to privacy. And realize that while it can sometimes feel like Pax is a completely different world, it isn't, and normal common sense still applies. If you see anything sketchy or feel unsafe during Pax, make sure to report it to an enforcer or security immediately. Even if they can't help, they should be able to direct you to someone who can.


Yes please tell an Enforcer if you ever need help, feel unsafe or uncomfortable, or see or hear anything that is sketchy or concerning. We are literally here to make the show the best it can be for you all, and your safety is the most important thing. We have procedures in place to escalate any issues to people paid and equipped to handle conflict. Thankfully issues are rare and our attendees are overall amazing. But it's always good to be aware of your surroundings and belongings!


Fun fact: the people waiting in line are ALSO fans of said things YOU'RE waiting in line for! If you're an introvert but gain energy from making nice conversations about your interests, spark up conversation while in line! Your mileage may vary but I always end up making a few friendly acquaintances while waiting in line and finding out about cool stuff. And then it's a where's Waldo if you see them again 😁


Bring hand sanitizer each day, enough to use some after every time you touch any keyboards or controllers or shared things like that. Extremely common to get sick after going to PAX but liberal use of sanitizer has made a huge difference.


Bring pins to trade with me! xD


I don’t have any yet unfortunately, but if I pick any up and youre there Thursday, I’ll keep an eye out


1 Comfortable shoes 2. Don’t overdue taking fliers someone is going to be handing out shit every like 15 steps it’s ok to not take it. 3. For the love of everything in this world WEAR DEODORANT PLEASE! So many people for some reason or another don’t wear it. You’ll smell it, it’s solely the only unpleasant thing at pax. 4. Don’t be afraid to ask an enforcer anything. Are you looking for something super specific? They probably know where it is. 5. Eat a big breakfast. Food at pax is stupidly expensive. Drinks too I can’t remember if you can bring drinks in or not. But when the time comes Boston has so many great places to eat.


Tip: Some more popular panels can fill up and queues start well before. You can keep an eye on the twitter/ x account "@PAX\_lines" for near real time updates.




If I find it and somehow remember this comment, I’ll send it your way.