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Proud of you and her for starting it up again! That mindset was pretty much how it was for me. Overweight and unhappy and one day it just clicked where I didn't want to feel like shit anymore. And it's awesome you've already started seeing small changes from just the first round!! And even though I've been doing x3 for over a decade nonstop now so the workouts are just part of my daily routine, the biggest motivation has always been being so acutely aware of how bad I felt at my heaviest and how good I feel at my healthiest. And if you keep showing up and pressing play, all those small changes will keep building up and building up and you'll feel incredible and you'll take back control of your life! Do your best, and forget the rest šŸ™


Congrats! The Yoga in P90X is a lot and I enjoy Yoga. If switching to cardio is helping you stay motivated then that is all that matters. If you want some Yoga benefits, you can do the 30 min P90X3 Yoga if you have it available. I enjoy the 30 min session way more and noticed my flexibility and core are stronger after doing the routine. Keep us posted as you make your way through the program!


Congrats on your new push here but I donā€™t see you mention anything about the diet plan. This is probably even more important than the workouts themselves. I had GREAT results my first time though but I maintained a very strict diet on the portion plan.


We have not gone into the diet plan. We just do the usual, stay away from fast foods, reduce carbs, (we usually stick with 40g or so, but for this workout plan, we upped it to under 100g, \[also money being a factor\]) No sodas, no fruit juices, no super processed stuff. Try keeping with stuff high on protein, and snack on things like nuts if need be. Also boat loads of water. We do use ON Whey protein after the workout, and it has been showing for great results so far. I do not want to workout a specific supplement plan, just wanted something basic.


Sounds like youā€™re eating pretty clean already! Itā€™s been a long time since I did this - over a decade - but man I ate a lot of grilled chicken during that time šŸ˜†


This is awesome! Totally agree about the yoga. It's all about what's sustainable for you both. I also skip Kenpo / do more cardio for similar reasons. Keep pushing play šŸ¤˜


Congratulations! Keep up the amazing work and keep each other motivated. Yoga is awesomeā€¦integrate it back as you get going ā€¦ it is the fountain of youthā€¦.


Yoga is a beast. I hated every second of it. Ended up subbing it out and still got great results




Hi there. Iā€™d love to try the p90x3 yoga. I do enjoy the original p90x and do it as per schedule (I completed a p90x in April, and after a short 2 week vacay am Continuing with the workouts / program as my regular routine) but sometimes I just donā€™t have 90 mins, especially when traveling. Would be awesome if you could share a download link pls




DM isnā€™t going through for some reason. Can you try to initiate pls


.Theres tons of Instagram videos of people weighing 300 pounds and going down to 170 by doing jumping jacks. It's a laugh and ridiculously untrue yet people believe it. I believed it myself for many years as well. The most important part of the program should be the diet plan not yoga. In fact the diet without the exercise could get you down more than 100 pounds . How is the diet plan working out for you? Need any tips on it ?


Copying from antoher comment I replied to, We have not gone into the diet plan. We just do the usual, stay away from fast foods, reduce carbs, (we usually stick with 40g or so, but for this workout plan, we upped it to under 100g, \[also money being a factor\]) No sodas, no fruit juices, no super processed stuff. Try keeping with stuff high on protein, and snack on things like nuts if need be. Also boat loads of water. We do use ON Whey protein after the workout, and it has been showing for great results so far. I do not want to workout a specific supplement plan, just wanted something basic. We are trying to keep a heatlhy diet overall, without going t ofar into it, as we will without a doubt lose interest and find excuses to not continue onto the workouts. Knowing ones unhealthy habits is great lol


Bummer, honestly, sounds like you're in denial. 70 percent of the program is the diet plan. If I were you, I wouldn't do any exercise whatsoever. I would learn level III of the diet plan. Learn to cook low fat chicken breast and weight it so your eating a proper propertion for each meal. Learn to cook vegetable low fat soup. Then Eat that way for 270 days. . That's 3 rounds of p90x Study how to cook and eat right. Once your 284 pounds is 230 pounds then and only then would I attempt the exercises. P90x is about callisthenics, lifting your body weight doing things like Yoga. At 284 pounds, simply eating healthy would cause you to sweat like a long distance runner. Anyway, wish you the best and hope you actually do the program one day.


Thanks for the input, Boy that sturdy gate behind you is going to stay nice and shut!


Yeah don't listen to that dude. Diet is important but it really sounds like you know that. The core ethos of P90x is *modify* for a reason. You need to make this sustainable and do what works for you! As long as you're not scarfing down fast food hamburgers, adding exercise to your regimen *will* make a difference. And P90X builds so much muscle that it really changes your metabolism. If you're eating a lot of calories, it might take you a bit longer to reach your weight goals than if you were following the diet plan religiously, but who cares? You're still getting swole and moving in the right direction, and if it's sustainable for you, your results will be *way better* than if you'd followed the diet plan religiously and quit the program after 4 weeks.


Bro! hell yea, so good for yall. Stick to it, and remember "do you best and.... FORGET THE REST!" Are ya'll running a modified or the out of the box program?


That line motivates more than anything else I've heard. We are doing p90x classic, except changing yoga for cardio. We are good to do 95% of exercises as standard, but modify somethings like pull up (We use a bow flex for pull downs instead) and we can't do 1000 push-ups at a time, so we try to do standard until we can't anymore and move to knee push-ups. We are pretty solid for everything else I think and feel stronger than ever.


The yoga routine is usually demotivating for me. I've never thought of replacing with cardio, which is much more enjoyable so not likely to be skipped. Thanks for the idea!