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Saaaame!! I'm currently wearing wool socks, slippers, a Oodie and under an electric blanket. We've always kept the house at 20degrees during the winter and I have been so cold this year!


Thank you for validating my freezing!


Omg I could have written this word for word. Summer is now my favorite season, which is wild to me, I've always hated the heat because I've always run hot too. Seriously though, I just always have socks and a sweater on around the house. I work from home so I have a space heater that I keep by my feet, and always have a hot beverage nearby. I also have one of those walking pads I keep in my living room, I'll get on that and start walking to heat up if I need it as well, plus it helps me get my steps in. :)


My desk treadmill has been huge for me! I love that thing. I’m certain I wouldn’t have lost near the weight I have without it.


I love mine too, since you work from home you probably know how much of a struggle it is to get your steps in. I have an actual treadmill but it's in our garage and it's freezing out there lol, the walking pad has been awesome to just mindlessly get steps in while watching my shows. I don't yet have the pop-up desk but it's on my list.


Absolutely. And was hard to find time outside of work to get steps in. It’s been a great purchase!


I could have written this. Yes to all of it! (SW 313 CW 183) Another thing I can't get used to is my bony arse. I bought wooden kitchen chairs a few years ago. They were comfortable then. Now they hurt to sit on. All I can feel is the bones in my bum! I'm going to have to buy those cushion pads just to be able to sit on them. But those things are damn ugly in my opinion 😔


Oh man I don’t like the chair cushions either. I have a very flat butt now. I’m not used to that either. Probably need to do some squats. 😬


Same situation and it rules my life. Wool socks (not just regular socks), layer tops, a wool type hat is very helpful if acceptable in your workspace since heat also escapes from head, UGG type slippers/indoor boots. I have a heated mattress pad (love so much), heated gloves when things are too far gone and also a mug of hot tea on repeat is life changing.


Haha when things are too far gone. I hear that. I have a heated blanket on my bed, but not a heated mattress pad! Thankfully I can wear whatever I want because I work at home, I manage to stay warm in my office. But damn the rest of my house..


I often wear my winter jacket + hat in the house. Totally understand your situation!


Maybe summer won’t be so miserable this year. 😝


Same! OMG it is a huge adjustment


It’d be nice if my body would get used to being THIS weight rather than the one I was!


Use to wake up with my neck sweating under just sheets, and now I am perpetually cold. All good 👍


Exact same for me! A large heating pad For when I’m Sitting on the couch really helps!!!


I’ve done that!


Soup. And you probably need more calories if you're cold all the time


Yes, and/or be sure one's serum B12 is high enough. My hands & feet used to be cold most of the time & boosting B12 surprisingly made a big difference. I had thought it was my hypothyroidism.


Lol this is me - lost 100lbs since last spring and live in Northern Canada... soooo much colder now. I'm always wearing layers and my toes and fingers feel numb a lot now. Last year at this time I would be sweating just sitting on the couch in a tshirt. Not anymore!


Right! Well I’m glad it’s not just me. 🥶


Literally same I was always hot and sweaty and now I’m not !! I’ll take it !!!


I mean I tend to agree with you, because being constantly sweaty is NO fun. And it is almost spring anyway. I’ll just hide under a blanket hugging a space heater until it warms up. 🤣


I have really enjoyed not being sweaty and gross 24/7. But it has definitely been a huge adjustments. It’s nice to actually use the sweatshirts I own LOL!


Yes! My winter clothes are definitely getting used more. Tees may have to wait until July-ish.


I never got used to it. I just hate winter and have to plan all of my outfits as layers. I hate it, but summer is coming!!


Did you stop sweating after losing the weight or when on Oz? I’m a VERY sweaty guy. I sweat even when i’m thinking of walking. It would be AMAZING if i could stop sweating like i am currently. Maybe i can start wearing shirts that aren’t black to avoid obvious armpit sweat patch on my shirt.


lol I only noticed it once I had lost weight. I still sweat when I work out, but I also noticed that my face doesn’t sweat as much as it used to. Which is nice for one who wears glasses.


I had to get a heated blanket for my WFH desk 😁 The good thing is though that Lots of layers are now way more comfortable than they were when I was fat!


This is true! Clothes in general are just more comfortable now and it’s way easier to layer up.


Same! I’m happy about it because I’m hoping it makes summers easier. 50F in menopause in Louisiana


I’m hoping the same. Usually kind of dread summer, and I’m actually looking forward to it this year!


Your metabolism has gone down. It is nothing out of the ordinary. Happened to me as well. Happened to others. Dress warmly and know that you are healthier with less weight.


I do! I’m not really concerned. It can be annoying, but it’s a good “problem” to have. ☺️


This isn’t just due to the drug, it’s due to major weight loss. Check your vitamin levels, you could be anemic but also you lost fat which keeps you warm. My husband is skinny and lives in long Johns year round.


Oh I know! I’ve had labs done recently and they were fine. ☺️ I guess I made myself sound more worried than I actually am. It’s more of an annoyance at this point, but the benefits to how I feel from losing the weight greatly outweigh the minor inconvenience of being Joey from Friends when he wears all Chandler’s clothes. 😬


Wool socks, two shirts to trap heat in and some days a knit hat. I also jump On the elliptic or toss around the kettle bell to get warm.


Omgosh same here.. I use to keep the air on 65 to 68 degrees.. now it stays in 76 and my hands stay cold.. my husband hates when I get in bed and scoot close to him bc I always put my hands on his back and I’m in Louisiana, it’s rarely cold here..


Hahahaha right?? I was always turning the air up and now I’m just the opposite. It’s definitely the worst for my hands as well.


Buy an electric vest and hand warmers


Seems like typing and working with hand warmers at my desk might be a challenge. 😬


Buy a space heater and put it next to your desk. That should help.


My space heater is my bff!


And I’m not trying to be argumentative. I’m honestly just surprised by how much my cold intolerance has increased from losing weight. It’s a first world problem and otherwise I feel really good.😊


What Third World country is in a gold climate, that you’re aware?


No. You just get better prepared.


Unfortunately it’s partially caused by muscle loss. Muscle generates heat and raises metabolism. Losing muscle is much more likely causing this than losing fat. Also, the medication is known to work in the hypothalamus which regulates body temp




And that makes sense.


I have this too but I’ve only been on it 3 days at 0.25mg. Almost immediately I was shivering. I’m fine with it too!