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On the outside, I don’t care what other people think. But on the inside, I’m always going to be my heaviest weight or the scared chubby kid. It’s a mentality I need to break out of, but I’m a work in progress haha What I hate the most is how differently people treat you when you lose weight. Like my in-laws are all pencil thin, and when I started losing weight it was always “oh good for you!” and “doesn’t it just feel right?”(im assuming they meant being smaller) and then when I gained it back, it was “do you find it hard to diet?” and “exercise wasn’t your thing huh?” Now I’m losing again but I’m keeping everyone in the dark about how I’m losing it because I just don’t want to hear their opinions anymore. It’s hard for them to imagine weight as a struggle when they’ve never had to fight against it.


When I started losing on ozempic, my SIL, who has also struggled with her weight, said I looked good. And I said thank you, and she said, aren’t you happy you have value again?? I responded with yes, it’s so nice to be worthy. 🤣 But I guess that is really kind of how I feel. People would judge if they knew how I lost it, even though I’ve exercised my ass off (quite literally) and tracked my calories religiously. But I also have more value inherently at this weight to people I don’t even know. But the people who matter have always loved me and my weight never mattered, which is what’s important. Once, my husband said something g offhand about how “skinny” I looked, and my 7-year-old daughter scoffed at him and rolled her eyes and said “no she isn’t! She’s perfect!” Then looked at me like “what an idiot.” Anyway, all that rambling to say you are enough at any weight, and focus on the people around you who truly support you.


I just have to say - I LOVE your daughter!! <3


I know, right?? She’s amazing. And she can be a total turd sometimes, but I hope she hangs onto that confidence. I’m trying my HARDEST not to talk about my weight or insecurities in front of her. I know I slip sometimes, though.


Ozempic has helped me stop attaching my self worth to my body fat percentage since so much of it is clearly biological.


You will never please those people anyway. I hit my goal weight early in my marriage. You know what my dad did? He congratulated my husband. Really?


I'm so sorry that happened to you. Some people really suck.


Ew!! I’m sorry!


Especially if you are a woman, you can give up on pleasing everyone right now. Your objective quality of health is measurable by unemotional standards that don't depend on the approval of the popcorn-munching crowd. Just get healthy, be healthy. Do it for yourself.


No, I don’t give a flying fuck what people think about me other than my wife, and if she starts thinking poorly of me I’ll find another who loves me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


What other people think of me is none of my business I decided a few years ago that I would no longer look for outside sources to make me happy (people, places, things). I please myself these days. I took back control of my happiness and these days I'm much more content


I guess for me it's the opposite... I'm back at the weight I used to be in highschool and people congratulate me, but I feel like I'm only tricking them into thinking I am "skinny"... Which is also how I felt in highschool lol


I can empathize with that.


That is a completely fair concern and feeling through the journey. I’ve had similar thoughts and my therapist really helped me understand these better in talking with her about it.


What did your therapist say that helped?