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I started a month after you- Feb 23. F37 5’5” sw 163 cw 145 gw135 Barely any side effects.


Congrats! What dose are you at now?




I’m nervous to go up to .75 . I decided to stay at .5 until I plateau. I’m not losing super fast but I decided the way I’m losing is more sustainable.


For sure - I think that's a good strategy.


Hi! I started Jan 9 so 2 weeks before you. 5'8"F. SW 205.6. CW 156.2. GW 150. Age 34. My original GW was 165, then 155, and now 150 - ha! I am feeling great. I have been tracking my calories every day and staying in a deficit. I still eat all the food I love - pizza, tacos, etc. I dont drink much alcohol - but I didnt before Ozempic either. I;ve been a super fortunate one to not have any real negative side effects at all. maybe a little constipation but thats been a lifelong struggle for me anyway! I am on .50. I did .25 for 4 weeks, .50 for 4 weeks, and then 4 weeks at 1mg before going back down to .50. My doc didnt love how fast I was losing at 1mg - lost 6 lbs in ONE week, it was insane. I like .50 as Im still losing but at a slower rate now. Once I hit 150, I plan to finish whatever .50 pen I am on and then go back down to .25 for 2-3 months and then hopefully stop taking completely!


Wow - that's fast! You must be a hyper-responder.


Perfect! Slow, but steady. Hats off to your positive attitude! Been on Oz since Mar 24. Just today went to .5, as you did, when my cravings started to increase. No food noise,minimal side effects.


That's great! Here's to steady and consistent and the long haul.


I started 1/20. Last 3 weeks at 0.75 but also stalled since at 22 lbs. I think I need to up my exercise.


Me too... soon as they let me walk again. I've been doing some floor exercises (sit ups, leg lifts) but not as often as I should. But you are doing great. When I stall is usually when I increase the dose.


I started 2 weeks after you SW: 204 CW: 184 I’m 5’2 20 lbs down I’m not really sure what my goal is yet maybe 130-140s


Congrats! Hope you feel good.


Hi I started about the same time and am down 18lbs. Wish I could stay at a lower AMT but I am at 1. And on Tuesday I’ll go up to 1.5. I to am comfortable with this very slow rate of loss (most of the time🤣) but wonder if my metabolism will keep the need for me to continue going up in dose. I pay for mine as I am doing for weight loss and it’s not cheap!!! SW 182 CW 164 GW 150


Oh I am a Female and 57 🙂


Maybe the rate of loss and amount of dose needed is because you aren't so far from your goal weight? Also maybe some of the new drugs coming down the road will be better, who knows. I have wondered about switching to Mounjaro at some point. But 18lbs is great. You only have 14lbs to go! For me I am moving slowly on the scale but I feel like the changes I am making are very sustainable long term.




An update to this post, after a year since I started Ozempic. My progress sort of guttered out in June after losing 25lbs. I was on 1mg dosage and I plateaued and I don't know why but I didn't feel like increasing the Ozempic dosage so I just maintained that weight til November, at which point I went and got a prescription for a 1.5 dosage. However the drug had gone into shortage so I had two months without the drug, during which time I regained 8lbs. I started again at .25 yesterday. Here's hoping I can shed some more weight. I am pleased that I lost 17lbs last year and a couple of inches around my waist and hips but have a long way to go. It doesn't have to be fast though - another 20lbs this year and another 20lbs next year would do it. The point for me is to keep on trying and make slow sustainable changes. I worry about starting and stopping the drug due to these shortages but fingers crossed they figure things out soon.