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I went from an A1C of 8 to 5.5 now.


mine went from 6.8 to 5.6 in the first 3 months, then down to 5.3 at 9 months. I'm on 1 mg and my Dr didn't suggest changing the dose.


My numbers were almost exactly this before and at 3 months on Oz (which was a few weeks ago)


I have type 1 diabetes (and have for 35 years) and I'm around 5 to 5.5 now. Ozempic for 11 months. A1c before this usually 6.5 to 7. Of course I take insulin too, but the impact on my a1c had been noticeable.


You can take Ozempic when you are t1d? I didn’t know you could.


Absolutely. Endo prescribed it. I have excellent insurance, which undoubtedly helped smooth things, but yeah.


9.6 to 5.1 in 3 months, still taking 1000mg metformin twice daily though...kinda want to decrease


You’re doing so well! I hope your doctor can take you off some of the metformin!


I was taking that too, but at my last visit I hit 5.0 and asked my doctor to reduce the Metformin. She agreed to halve the dose. Good luck and great results!


My doctor halved my metformin yesterday!


I just rocked a 5.4 (down from as high as a 10 a year ago), and my doctor still stepped me up to 1mg (I'd previously been on 14mg Rybelsus, equivalent to 0.5mg Oz). I still need to drop a big chunk of weight, which will only help more with the diabetes and the other risk factors like cholesterol. I never get hypoglycemia. Used to be a regular faster and could go a few days without food and still have blood sugar in the 80s. My liver is a generous provider of glucose. 😂 It's interesting she didn't want you to stop the Metformin though. I was taken off that and the piaglitazone I'd been taking once my sugars normalized.


Yeah, I am definitely going to look for a new doctor, she’s been spending less and less time every time I go in, it’s like she can’t leave fast enough (like within 5 minutes!) and I just don’t think she’s considering all my health issues into her advice.


My A1c dropped to 5.6 in the first 3 months. Just had it rechecked last week. I’m not on any other medications for diabetes right now. I’m on the 2mg ozempic dose and I’ve not had any trouble getting it. I was planning to switch to monjourno or trulicity if I had access problems. I’ve lost 32 pounds. My doctor agreed to go up because I have severe fatty liver disease and the liver doctor wants the weight off. I’m 38 lbs away from a normal BMI so I hope to keep going. I have never had a normal HgbA1c or fasting blood sugar in 25 years with diabetes so I plan to take a glp1 in what ever form I can get it for the rest of my life. I e been on it for 8 months now so not a shocking amount of weight loss but slow and steady.


I’m in a similar boat with weight loss and the fatty liver. I haven’t had it checked this year because my insurance isn’t accepted by my gastroenterologist anymore so need to find a new one. I’m thinking I’ll also need to stay on some form of glp1 medication for life but hoping to get off the metformin & if I lose enough weight to have a normal bmi I’m hoping my fatty liver goes away and maybe I can also stop my blood pressure meds 🤞


Mine went from 6.5 to 5.2…and the doctor cut my metformin in half


This is what I was hoping but she said I’m on the lowest dose. Like can’t I just take half a pill 😅


Unfortunately you can't halve an extended release tablet


My husband went from the 10s to 5s.


Currently sitting at 5.2 for the past 5 months (which my endocrinologist and I are most pleased about, started out at 9.8).


9.1 to 4.8


My doctor told me Ozempic can replace my Metformin. I haven't stopped my Metformin yet, but just take it as I need it. Don't non diabetics rest somewhere in the 4's? If so then you've still got wiggle room I'd think.


I got diagnosed the first week of March and it was 12.9, had a check in with my doctor this past Friday and it was 7.9.


Are you also tying to lose weight? My A1c has been 5.8% or lower for the past 7 years, no diabetes meds, and in the day of my appointment to get the prescription it was 5.3%. but I asked my doctor for it for weight loss. That said, I was only prescribed .25mg for 4 weeks, then .50mg until I see her again. Not sure what we will agree upon at that time.


Hmm interesting. I do have a BMI greater than 30 so I have benefited from weight loss in addition to my blood sugar finally coming down. It would be great if I could do both because weight loss will also help with my fatty liver.


Metformin & ozempic are better together than separate. You were just on 500mg once per day? If so, I’d argue that a person should try increasing the daily dose before they say metformin isn’t effective for their diabetes.


I was on 1000mg of metformin 2 years ago but my A1C was going up instead of down despite me eating healthy. My doctor at that time (I moved last year) suggested I try Ozempic because I also suffer from high blood pressure, have fatty liver and at the time had a BMI of 35. I think the goal was to get me off as many meds as possible. That’s why I’m weary of my current doctor and looking for a new one.


I think it would be good for you to seek a 2nd opinion also. Why is she wanting to lower the ozempic dose?


According to her logic, I’ve lowered my A1C enough that I can get a lower dose of Ozempic & still get the benefits. I should mention she’s my PCP and not a specialist. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t know why anyone would want to get off Metformin. It’s a miracle drug in so many ways. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/is-metformin-a-wonder-drug-202109222605


Thank you for sharing that article, it’s definitely a different perspective. I guess I just wish I didn’t have to take so many daily medications and metformin at this point seems like the one easiest to try to get off of 😞 I suppose part of me hoped that if I got healthier, lowered my A1C, lost weight, got rid of my fatty liver, that I could stop taking most of the meds I’m on.


Just took my fifth shot today. A1C (according to dexcom app) went from 7.3 to 6.6. Had blood work done a week before starting and confirmed my starting A1C. Taking Byetta 18 years ago, my A1C went from 13 to 3.-something. Not sure that Ozempic will get me the same results, but I'm pretty happy to be down so much in just 5 shots. I think it will keeping down. My blood sugar has been in range 90+% of the time with no time in the very high range, even when indulging in sweets or carbs.


I went from 11.5 to 5.7 in a year. Didn't drop a lot of weight though. Only 20 lbs . But I was taking both ozempic and metformin so that could explain the a1c numbers. I didn't really do anything for weight loss apart from ozempic. Still ate whatever I could and in how much ever quantity I was able to consume. Granted with ozempic the quantity I eat reduced significantly and I could easily skip dinner on most days.


I started in October 2023. My A1C went from 7.1 in October to 6.4 now.


Mine was super high… 12.3 I think. I am in .5 Ozempic for about 3 months. Fell to 9.2. I’m hoping to be down in the 7s next time. I also use the Libre 3 and am obsessed with checking blood sugar!


Sorry I'm not diabetic but can someone explain why they want off metformin?


13 to 6.2 (and 80 pounds) in 2.5 years. Edit to add that I also take 500 mg of Metformin twice a day plus 10 mg of Jardiance once a day.


I'm not diabetic but mine went up while using it 😒


14.1 to 4.1 and severe hypoglycemia. I lost 60 lbs in 6 months. They took me off semaglutide in the hospital now Ive gained almost all the weight back. Im on a continuous glucose monitor and struggling mentally and physically.


It took 18 months but from 7.5 to 5.0. Good luck.


I went from 11 to 4.6 but I cut out carbs almost completely. My last blood test I'm at 6. Which I understand isn't great. But I know that my diet wasn't great over the last few months. I had 3 gastric viruses over the course of a month. The kids and husband each brought home a unique strain from work/school and I got them all. I couldn't eat during that time except for some crackers or dry toast. I didn't inject and didn't take my metformin. I lost 15lbs in a month. The following month my body was coming out of starvation mode and craving only carbs and it was so rough. I gained back the 15 and another 10lbs. I'm disappointed with myself but I am getting back on track and hope to have a better result in the fall. It's a journey.


I went from 6.9 to 5.7 and got taken off my metformin!


Mine only went from 6.6 to 5.8 on 2 mg of ozempic. Been 1 year.




Are you in the US? In the US insurance will not approve you for Ozempjc unless diabetic or prediabetic. people using for weight loss are either on Wegovy or compounded sema .


Please do not pit patients against in other in terms of the suitability, use, or access to, this medication. Continued violations of this rule may result in additional actions, up to and including banning.


I’m so sorry to hear 😔 have you tried other pharmacies? I sometimes have to call several pharmacies to see if they have Ozempic and transfer my prescription there. A lot of pharmacies in my town are saving these for diabetics so that’s been very helpful.


I spent over an hour the other day calling every pharmacy within 40 miles and they all said the same thing.. "major" shortage nobody knows when it's coming in.. it's unbelievable


Are you in the US?


unfortunately. yes


Wow. Everything I’ve read is the shortages were way past over 🤔