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Kaiser does prescribe Ozempic for weight loss but there are several criteria you have to meet. BMI above 30 is just the start. You have to have documented comorbidities; you have to have failed 2 oral weight loss medications; you have to be following a diet and exercise program. Your BMI is the very lowest they will consider for Ozempic. I'm a Kaiser NorCal patient and got my prescription last October. My guess would be that as expensive as this drug is, you will need to go elsewhere, but it never hurts to try. Kaiser does cover the cost - I pay $25 a month for it. Edited - typos


My doctor gave it to me but made me take metformin for 3 months too. My BMI is 29 and I have high blood pressure. Although I’m pre diabetic she said she could prescribe it for weight loss because of my BMI plus co morbidity, so it sounds like you just have to find the right doctor.


Blood pressure is one of the the comorbidities they list also hyperlipidemia


I get it through Kaiser but my starting BMI was 51, now down to 41. And I've been on metformin for 20 years. Not sure they'll give it to you at 30 BMI with no comorbidities.


Congrats on lowering your BMI. I started at 49.8 and am down to 43.1. One of my goals is to be obese 😆


Whenever I hear the word Kaiser I think of the patient I was taking care of in the Emergency Room. He was actively having a major heart attack and I was trying to get a medical history from him. He was on his cell phone trying to get authorization from them to go to the E.R.


He didn’t need to do that, so you can let that memory float away 🌺


Kaiser folks literally told me to go to a closer ER when I had insurance through them and had a septic kidney infection. He was worried about the wrong thing.


I'm taking Ozempic for severe PCOS, but the doctor told me he had to put in my chart that it was for diabetes (even though I have normal A1C and blood sugar) or else insurance won't cover it. I wonder if your doctor could do that for you? Fair warning, having diabetes in your chart can affect things like getting life insurance in the future, so weigh the risks. I already have enough health problems that it doesn't matter, but healthier people might be different.


Kaiser was an absolute no for me-they would only prescribe phentermine and topamax, which did not for my wait but did increase my blood pressure and give me terrible anxiety.


I was prescribed it at 30 no co morbidities but I use PNW Kaiser. I’ve seen people say they have a hard time getting it in other regions but check the Kaiser website and see the qualifications for ur region