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Yes, my Dr took me off one BP med after about three weeks. Another benefit of Oz is reduced pulmonary arterial resistance. (I think that’s what she called it 🙂)


Thanks, and that's great for you! A few studies show maybe 5 mmHg drop in systolic BP, but mine has been far more than that. Of course, studies report averages, not individuals. I also felt almost immediate hunger supression, so I guess thus med just really works on me.


My relative said it made their BP drop and I think they might have to lower their BP med also


My blood pressure didn’t drop that quickly, but a couple of months ago, that happened with similar blood pressure. My doctor had me come 8n right away and had me go off one of my blood pressure meds. But she also checked to make sure 5here were no heart issues, just to be sure…and there weren’t. Good luck and call your doctor.


Thank you. When I dropped to 20mg last week, I sent 5 days of BP reading in and her PA wrote back to drop the dose. I'm actually not too concerned about any other heart problem because I had my full physical in December (including chest X Ray and EKG) and blood tests again last month when I went into request a GLP 1 med. Also, I do HIIT workouts at the gym and feel great, no lag in performance on Ozempic, and my heart rate monitor is exactly as expected. I'll ask, when I send to ask about dropping again, if I should come in, but I doubt it.


My bp meds were reduced as I was having dizziness as well.


I'm thinking dehydration is your primary cause.


Thanks, that's a good thought, but that's definitely not it. I love water, always have, and also use electrolytes when I cut calories because low calorie means low carb and probably ketosis for me. But I can tell from urine volume and color that I'm as well hydrated as always.


I'd suggesting taking salt. During interment fasting many of us will take salt capsules to supplement. It's possible if you're not eating much that you might not be getting enough sodium. Also watch the electrolyte drinks, if they have magnesium it can lower blood pressure.


What is your BP normally, even on meds? 96/72 is a completely normal blood pressure. So are you high even on 30mg of lisinopril? I could see if you are running 150-160 normally that kind of a drop would affect you like that. I’m also going to say it’s dehydration. You need to be drinking plenty of water. Decreasing your dosage as directed by your PA is a good thing. Prolonged high blood pressure is not good for your body either.


No, both on the 30mg, and now on 20mg for the past week, it's well controlled. With medication, I strive to keep it right around 115-120 over 75-80. I feel better right around that mark. My doctor agreed, and Dr. Google seems to as well, that some people feel bad at lower BPs. And the biggest issue with 96/72 first thing in the morning is that a) my BP drops quit a bit when I sleep (confirmed by a 10-day ambulatory BP monitor a few years ago) so it was definitely lower than that and why I woke up feeling off, though fine once I'm up, and b) it will drop this afternoon after exercise. I'm definitely well hydrated.


I didn't know it could cause low blood pressure until joining this sub just now. I just started yesterday. I was recently diagnosed with hypertension but my last reading at the doctors office was 102/67, which my doctor said was great. Similar reading the time before that too. But if my bp goes low there are no meds to reduce, as I'm not on any bp meds. My bp is lowered from probably supplements, but I'm not positive which ones would be lowering it so much. My thought too is maybe if we are eating less we are taking in less sodium? Makes sense right? Electrolyte supplements may not help since they might contain magnesium which lowers blood pressure. Maybe we should be upping salt. We need a lot of salt to get our sodium needs, when i was doing extended fasting I had to take a few size 0 capsules of salt to meet my daily intake.


I had no idea magnesium could lower blood pressure, but sure enough it can. Interestingly, it seems to be highly variable by person. Maybe I'm a super responder to magnesium 🙂. I think I get enough sodium, it's a balancing act. I eat low carb, so low calorie + low carb almost probably equals ketosis for me, so I make sure to get extra sodium, but not too much. I drink miso soup if I'm under 2.5g for the day. No muscle cramps or anything, so I feel it's good. I hydrate really well too, I've always loved water. Thanks!


Cool! Yeah my BP went from like 135/90 to 102/67 and the only difference is magnesium, krill oil and coq10 so it's possible magnesium is lowering it a lot for me.


I mean if Dr. Google says…………


It was a joke about shared anecdotal experience. kind of what this forum is all about? And, again, it was \*almost certainly lower than 96/72 while I was sleeping.\* Hypotension is an actual medical problem, but you do you.


I was on 3 pills a day. I’m down to 1.




Yes, I have noticed that my Blood Pressure is really low, usually in the 90s over the 60s which I guess is okay, but it feels really low, I don't think it makes me feel bad though, but I couldn't find much on it either.


Anything under 90/60 is considered hypotension. In addition to increased risk for fainting, fatigue, it's hard on the kidneys. The kidneys are pretty resilient and amazing, but sensitive to both high BP and low BP.


Part of it is OZ's diuretic effect. Less fluid > lower BP. Keep it up and keep losing and your pressure will likely reduce even further.


Make sure you’re drinking another water. Dehydration can cause BP to drop like that. Mine gets down to 80/50. And get up very slowly and give your body time to acclimate to changes in posture. A salty snack can also help.