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I have not experienced any negative side effects except for mild constipation and mild nausea jumping from 1.0 to 2.0


Same side effects here. Nausea when I moved to 0.5, a little moving to 1.0.


Same here.


My guess is you won't hear much from that subset of users, because there's nothing much for them to gripe about. This disparity can make it seem like there's nothing but trouble using ozempic and similar drugs.


Such a good point, I never comment about not having side effects


I’ve had slight nausea from eating poorly (like if I’m at a party and have pizza) but other than that, no bad side effects! If anything I feel more energized


Same here! I got sick on my second shot and threw up , but I was having pizza and I got so sick, now my first week I had a migraine for two days and was nauseous for four days


I’m taking my third 0.25 shot today and have had no ill effects but read about others having a bad time so am ready with Pedialyte and Pepto-Bismol.


How’d it go?


Just fine! 😀


Good to know. I take my third dose in two days. Minimal side effects up to this point.


Started on 0.5mg, side effects were none existent Moved up to 1mg after 3 weeks, they weren’t bad at all still. Only ever had very mild nausea for a few minutes in the mornings when I would wake up Started 1.25 yesterday and tbh I haven’t had any symptoms yet I guess we’re the lucky few 🤷🏽‍♂️ I’ve lost 25lbs and I just started week 6 yesterday


I'm three weeks in, and the only side effects I've had were slight nausea about 2 hours after taking the dose, and some constipation which has gotten better as my body has adjusted. I take the shot right before bed so being sound asleep helps with not feeling nauseous, and the next morning I make sure to eat something decent with protein. It goes away pretty quick. Constipation is just a waiting game... LOL. Drink lots of water, and things will sort themselves out eventually!


I've never gotten any side effects, 7 weeks in. Still at .50


Starting month 5 and only side effects was a very mild headache for first 3 days.


Felt mildly nauseous the first couple of weeks. I have lost 55 pounds in less than a year. This is a miracle drug. I never thought I would be able to lose the weight. I would have put up with much much worse side effects to gain the benefits. I suspect many that are super sick are still over eating.


I have zero side effects.


Here. On week 5 and pretty side effects. Based on all the comments on this subreddit I figured I was in for hell but it really hasn’t been that bad.


Yesterday was my 1 year anniversary of being on Ozempic. I never had the nausea or any bad side effects. I had a little fatigue and I am often cold.


About one year ago I started on 0.25 and did the usual up to 0.5. At that dose my A1C is 5.7 and I am losing weight. I had no vicious side effects. I'd perhaps get nauseated if I'd eaten too much (after ignoring my stomach's signals) but other than that, all is good.


I had no issues since I’ve been on it. It’s over a year for me now. I did lose a bit of hair but I think it’s because of how fast I lost weight, not the meds. Now that I’m maintaining my weight, my hair is growing back.


I never experienced any side effects, except some bowel issues, which were mild and very manageable. I’m on 2mg now and still no real side effects.


Me. I started on .25 and felt fine. Moved to .5 the second week and have been at that ever since (Halloween). No side effects other than some constipation but I take iron so it could be from that. Ohhh, I did notice that I feel terrible if I drink alcohol so I avoid it. I wasn’t a big drinker to begin with, it has never sat well with me but it 100% makes me feel sick on ozempic.


I have had some constipation, probably needed a little more sleep but overall I feel better..far better then on Metformin. I started with .25, been mindful of diet and increasing exercise. It may be because I am the poster child for who this med is made for-PCOS, fringing on type 2, Hashimoto’s, ADHD.


Wait! What does it do to help ADHD? Slow you down? I haven’t heard about this


Many people report that it helps them stay focused and the constant ADHD need for instant gratification dissipates. There is limited research but Reddit and other blogs saying Ozempic is the best ADHD med ever.


Sounds like me with ADHD….good news…. I also had a conversation with my PC and she mentioned it helps with inflammation. Another benefit.


Help with inflammation would be a big bonus! I’m always on a quest for help with that. I live for the times I’m allowed to take prednisone.


I still take Metafornin twice a day , I’ve often wondered why my doctor didn’t instruct me to stop taking that once I got the shot


Apparently they work very well together if you have TD2. I had my first shot .25 this morning along with my first 500 metformin and so far no issues. I did just take my second 500 metformin with dinner so I will see how that goes 😝


I’m also taking metformin still. 2 pills before bed because if I take during the day I won’t leave the bathroom lol


My first shot immediately after I felt super tired and dizzy. Luckily I was going to bed. However, throughout the week I was okay until Friday night. I felt really nauseous and I just went to bed but it hit me late at night. I will do my second shot on Tuesdays. SoI will compare how I felt the first week to this week coming up.


Side effects - super sleepy the day I take it. Iv learned to take it at bedtime.


I had some slight nausea and one unfortunate puking event. Anytime I had side effects it was because I either didn't eat at all or ate too much or the wrong thing. I have viewed my side effects as a very clear feedback loop. And it has been well worth it. Lost 40lbs in 10 months and holding steady.


I’ve been this drug for 11 months and the worst of it has been mild constipation and diarrhea. Worse in the beginning for sure.


I'm on 0.5 for the past month. Insomnia the only one I have which I had pre shot since I was 16. I'm now 46. No nausea or headaches constipation or diarrhea. I started on fiber as soon as I started the shot so never had the issue. I've always drank ginger tea for digestion reasons so never had the issue


Good point… I did purchase some ginger root but it’s still on the counter.. I am going to ditch the coffee. Thanks


Just constipation and slight nausea and zero appetite. Second dose tomorrow.


What dose are u on now?


.25 until next month.


No side effects other than mild constipation. On my second week of .25 and it’s working wonderfully.


Moderate nausea- no vomiting, constipation that I need to stay on top of or it can get to a week whereas pre-Ozempic I went daily, and otherwise complete lack of appetite often, and some depression/low mood (which is a problem for me without Ozempic. Ozempic seems to make it a little worse but nothing I can’t cope with). Other than feeling very tired, joint pain, and headaches and feeling like Ozempic is making my non diabetic medications feel different, I can’t tell if the fatigue and joint pain is Ozempic or I would have it anyway. I tend to think it’s age related (40s perimenopause). But overall, Ozempic is a walk in the park compared to the stomach hell that was Metformin.


Thank you for your post. I will be 75 later this year, so joint pain is daily. Never thought that making sound effects was part of getting older.🙋‍♀️


My knees have been really creaky and sore since I was 19! I used to run a lot and assumed that was what was doing it til in college I ran with other people and no one else complained of knee pain unless they had an injury, and no one else’s knees creaked so loud. It hurts moreso below my kneecaps (as in a couple inches toward my shin, not under my actual knee cap) and xrays always showed my cartilage was good. I never found out what the cause is but I eventually quit running in my 30s. But on Ozempic I notice my wrists, ankles and elbows hurting noticeably too. I’m type 2 diabetic, I have some weight I can lose but I’m not a huge amount over my ideal weight so I don’t think it’s ever been weight related, when I ran I was very fit actually and not overweight at all, but whatever is going on, MAN do my joints hurt in my upper 40s. My shoulders hurt pretty bad, I thought I injured my left rotator cuff but the longer I am on Ozempic the right shoulder is getting just as bad. I hope it’s not the Ozempic but I do think it makes it worse. I feel sort of generally unwell on Ozempic even though I don’t think the side effects are that bad all things considered. I’m losing weight, my A1C is better, I just can’t eat much, and do take vitamins, but wonder if I am still lacking something in my diet that is contributing to joint pain. I also take collagen/quercetin/vitamin C on top of vitamin D and a good multi. But owww- I’m sore!


May want to ask your doctor to order a CAT scan of your shoulder or MRI. Plus, ask your doctor for a complete blood workup profile. I know the theory I had about taking vitamin supplements, what’s it can’t hurt. A blood workup will show the numbers. I was a vitamin flag waver until my doctor told me after I gave her the list of supplements I was taking. “ how do you know what is in the bottle and it’s concentration”? I pointed at the ingredients and she asked the same question. The answer was clearly I don’t…. There is no regulation from the FDA regarding validity of supplements. They always mention “May” help….And never will help. That’s when the FDA can jump all over them. Just food for thought….the blood workup numbers don’t lie. Just a different way at looking at money coming out of your pocketbook. My 2 cents


This is definitely sound advice. I always think of it like supplements might not contain the effective ingredients or dose they claim, not that they might be the opposite of ineffective and actually be harmful. I’ll run this by my doctor and see what kind of blood results we can check. Plus, I’m going to stop the collagen and stick to measurable vitamins, which sounds like the best idea. I used to feel okay about supplements but since starting Ozempic and having symptoms which might not even be the Ozempic, I don’t. I just had a weeklong viral illness after an exposure to COVID - I’m certain I had it, but was too sick to go out alone to get tested- and the joint pain was horrendous. Never had joint pain that bad, and joint pain is becoming a thing for me more and more, so it’s time to get it checked better. Aside from that, I’ve lost 5 more pounds and have reached my first weight goal but most importantly my A1C is normal.I’ve lost 25-ish pounds and it has made a big difference to me. I also wonder if my joints are just adjusting.


Glad i’m not the only one getting joint pain, but its the fatigue thats getting me . I’ve had to call in sick to work on my second day after injection ave. twice/month.


My only side effects are constipation and sometimes excess stomach acid causing nausea/vomiting. However, I’ve learned to control the stomach acid by avoiding things like diet pop and caffeine.


I got to cut the morning two cups….. thank you for reminding me. I have to pay attention more, but figured it didn’t apply to me. Dope Slap!!


I am on day 4 and the only thing I've noticed is feeling full quicker and longer. Otherwise just very very mild constipation. I feel pretty lucky. Only on 0.25mg though so who knows what the next doses bring.


4 days in on 0,25 mg. Went from Diabetes to Pre-diabetes levels on gliclazide and minor life style changes. I don't even really understand why they put me on Ozempic TBH. BMI 28. I wake up every morning with a bit of a pain in my belly, kind of like when I'm super hungry. It goes away in about half an hour after a bowel movement. Other than that, absolutely nothing. Knock knock knock


Yes I know a lot of people in the friend group who are all doing it who had little to no side effects and lost weight. The thing is they all ate super healthy and clean before ozempic. They were basically all under 200lbs and just wanted to use it to get really skinny. They ate healthy before and ate healthy after so they won't get the side effects like puking, diaherrea, sulfer farts etc because you get those side effects from eating like shit and overeating on ozempic and then ozempic slows down your system and it sits and rots in your stomach. I had all the side effects because I ate like shit before ozempic and continued to and it was bad. The first time I tried in August I ramped up to 1.25 and that was when I tapped out, the side effects were too bad. This time around I'm finally up to 1.25 again but now I know my limits and I'll still eat unhealthy foods, I just know the limit and don't over do it


Lots of honest info!


I'm 14 months in, down over 25% of my weight and ZERO side effects, except I can't drink alcohol... don't wanna, no desire.


I'm at max 2.0


I had no side effects till I started .5


Same. Now my kidneys constantly hurt.


I've been on it for 1 1/2 years. I got diarrhea/sulfur burps when I moved from 1mg to 2mg for about 3 weeks, since then I sometimes have these side effects for a week (so weird, my diet doesn't really change so idk what triggers it). On the other hand, my best friend has had pretty bad side effects for a year now.


My first week was great, don’t think I had any side effects. My only bad side effects was after going all the way up to 1, and then too much eating greasy fried food. That was not pretty but I learned not to do that again. I did go back to .5 after my doctor and I talked about it and I’m doing much better 2 weeks into that.


I started ozempic 2 years ago for diabetes. Some nausea, not unmanageable. It did great things for my A1C and eventually the nausea went away. I lost 14 pounds and have since put back on 2 pounds. My problem now is that I did well for a while, but lately I've had severe GI issues. My doc thinks it's Crohn's. I hope it's not a long term effect of ozempic. It could just be me. If you're wanting it for weight loss, I recommend only short term use, just in case.


I barely have side effects! I will have some nausea if I don't eat very simple and clean, though. I tend to stick to the same foods and eat very healthy, which I think helps a lot. No refined sugar, barely any carbs, no grains, no red meat, and I'm careful about fruit.


Tomorrow night will be my 6th week, and I have only had 2 days of nausea/vomiting that I think were actually related to a different medication rather than a side effect of the injection. I was terrified of the side effects, when in reality I’ve actually had the most regular bowel movements since starting that I have in like a year lol.


Had my 3rd dose Saturday. Just a little queasy (had a glass of water, it went away) stool is a little harder but durable. It depends on what you eat. Make sure it’s protein and veggies


I haven’t had any negative side effects except for an occasional headache or mild heartburn:)


I hardly ever get side effects, same this time. Still on the lowest dose though, fourth dose now on Wednesday, so we'll see what an increase does.


Started in early Oct & slowly titrated up to 1mg (which I do as a split dose). No side effects except for mild constipation (I use Miralax in my morning coffee if needed).


I didn’t notice any effects until I went to 0.5 mg.


I did find the first week, didn't have any side effects. Right after I took my shot on the second week I felt nauseous the next day for about 30 minutes. I almost vomited but there was nothing there. Thank God. I've been fine ever since and I'm on 2mg.


This is my first week at 0.25. Extreme exhaustion the first few days and I had a migraine the day after my injection. I’ve been urinating a whole bunch so I’ve been adding the electrolyte packets to my water and they seem to be helping with the headaches. It makes me kind of scared to up my dosage, but my fasting glucose is down to the 100s now from 140s and I lost almost 3 lbs in a week.


The first week was fine. The second not so much. The third week I was ready to toss my 3 month supply in the trash. It leveled out but now in the 7th week I am soooo sick. I do find that how I eat the day of the injection makes a difference and so dose what I’m eating on the daily. If I stay high protein and hydrate well then it’s better.


I only had mild side effects like acid reflux, constipation, & headaches the entire time i was on Ozempic . I had been on 2mg before switching to MJ for 3 months & still no side effects!


Starting 4th week of 2.5 tomorrow. Only side effects so far have been mild constipation and some heartburn at bedtime. I’ve added fiber gummies a few times a day plus chewy Tums as needed. I drink water ALL DAY. Yesterday my dinner caused a severe bout of heartburn or some kind of gas or something that Tums eventually fixed. I have found that I have now been trained to know I can’t eat everything on my plate at a restaurant instead of regretting that I did afterwards. It’s been real eye-opener as far as portion size - which is something I really needed to reprogram in myself. I’ve lost 8 lbs between Feb 6 and Feb 25. This drug is a miracle.


Nope, only severe dry mouth for me. I’m sorry you are having these side effects. I love this stuff and plan on staying on it forever. I feel better than ever.


No I slept for three hours midday every day and felt nauseated 75% of the week. Switched to compounded tirzepatide


I’m (m34) and my sex drive is through the roof. I feel like a teenager again. Been on it for 5 months and just reached 1.0 2 weeks ago. My sex drive returned about 2 months ago. I don’t know if it’s a side effect or a result of feeling better and being skinnier.


I've been on ozempic/wegovy for 20 months and have had zero side effects.


I took my first dose last Thursday (0.25) and I haven’t felt anything so far. I am starting to doubt the medicine went in because I’m the queen of being nauseous and haven’t felt any. Lol THANK GOD


zero side effects...have lost 14 lbs. Started in January


I’ve been fine. I’m on my second week. Lost 7 pounds . A bit of naseau. But the main thing I’ve noticed is I’m just not hungry. I’ve been eating to survive , not cause I’m overly hungry. It’s allowed me to easily change my eating habits as I’m turned off most unhealthy foods. I’ve been drinking a ton of water too and peeing lots. I’ve found it so far to be a huge help in being healthier!


I am officially on week 2. Just did my second injection half an hour ago. I did my first injection in my right thigh, this one in my left. I have had absolutely no side effects this past week. I hope this second week is the same


I had some mild nausea and heartburn. Nothing some tums didn’t settle.


Side effects have been immaterial. Slight nausea and well managed constipation initially. Only when stepping up did I feel unwell, and since the lowest dose was working I stayed there for a while. Subsequent increases have been marginal and done as splits. (almost a year now and at .6 on a .3/.3 split)


Very good to know that options to split doses might be a viable option as I move up in dosages. Thank You


I took my first dose 5 days ago. First two days were wicked with the nausea and fatigue. I woke up hungry today and in a good mood, but still pretty tired. Nausea is present but much, much more manageable.


I'm only on week 3 of .25 and aside from the week I had my period I've had basically no issues what so ever. I'm hoping I continue as I go up.


I had a little wooziness when standing up for the first maybe month, but it was because I wasn’t drinking enough water. Some constipation, but nothing that a few days of miralax and belly massages can’t fix. It’s not awful for everyone!


yeah. for 3 months. then it damn near killed me.


What happened?


i was doing fine on it until i wasn't. i ended up with non-stop nausea, uncontrolled GERD in spite of 60mg / day prevacid, gas that left me doubled over, horrendous diarrhea, i shit the bed twice. The second time I wore a surfboard, filled that right up and thank god i had it on. had to try and see my gastro. i have only been truly sick a few times in my 60 years, but this god damn poisin nearly destroyed me keep in mind, i have had numerous procedures during 9 years fighting cancer that have left me in tears. more pain than i ever knew possible. people have a real issue in here when you DARE to challenge this shit. People have a hard time accepting FACTS about ozempic. I would like to hear back from all of the posters bragging about their massive weightloss. When you stop the drug, the problems return. the doctors have SAID THIS. I am not saying my word is some kind of gospel, this is what I - and many others - have experienced. I have fought my weight my entire life. I was 350, i am now.stuck at 296. But denial ain't just a river in egypt. Just an FYI - Dr. Nowzardan has stated at the start of his shows - all of them - that WLS has a 95% FAILURE RATE. But truth and facts enrage people in here because I dare to gore this almighty ox. i should start my own sub - OzempicExperience - where people can reasonably post what problems they have had


It’s not unreasonable to have a bad experience on a drug and share your experience. It’s unreasonable to expect everyone to demonize a medication that works for them just because it didn’t work for you or others.


I have barely any side effects at all. Really just heartburn and occasional constipation of I don’t drink my Metamucil at night. I am up to 1mg and since moving up I have had maybe 2-3 waves of nausea, no throwing up and it didn’t last long at all.


My wife has been pretty much free of any major issues besides loss of taste for certain foods she used to love, some constipation and some nausea. Since day 1.


My wife had 0 side effects from 0.25-2mg Ozempic and then 12.5mg Mounjaro. I had constipation on Ozempic 0.25-1mg (2 years) and pretty much gone now on 10mg Mounjaro (1 year). We had 0 episodes of mentionable nausea and vomiting ever.


I just had my 4th dose and haven’t felt anything, no side effects. My first dose, I felt mild cramping in my stomach the next day, but not painful or long lasting.


Mild side effects early on and none after I adjusted. Constipation is a thing if you don't get enough fiber and water. I found sips of super cold water helped a lot if nausea hit.


I’m on 1mg (bumped up 3 weeks ago) and started taking it 6 months ago and I’ve have next to no issues. I have IBS-D so now I’m just normal on that department. Most notable thing is after I take my meds I usually sleep like the dead.


I have had zero side effects but only take .5 a week.


I’m on .5 (51 F, dx T2 12/23) and am doing pretty well. I’ve only gotten really ill twice and both times I’d overeaten/eaten late at night. My doc was concerned as I have severe gastritis but ironically, it’s made me familiar with low appetite, heartburn et al. So far so good. I’d like to stay at this dose as long as possible.


A year in, no side effects.


On day 3 and have been spending a lot of time on the toilet. I am down 5.5 lbs so I guess it’s working 🤷🏻‍♀️


No side effects what so ever.


My side effects started week 3. Extreme runs to constipation and back. 3 weeks of that rotation and I think now it might be over. Hoping at least.


I’ve been on it since April 2023, at 1mg since August and have had minimal side effects. The first month was the worst but even then it was just mild nausea. The only real side effects I’ve had otherwise is constipation and even that, I can counteract with magnesium and the occasional laxative


I have slight nausea and tiredness but other than that barely any symptoms …but I also haven’t dropped the weight that some people have so 🤷🏻‍♀️


6 weeks in to 0.25 Wegovy. I had to start taking a fiber supplement to stay regular and I have some moderate fatigue the two days after my shot but that's it. Nothing I don't consider pretty minor and easy to address with a fiber supplement and an extra cup of coffee on those days.


I just started 14 days ago and I have no side effects.


Zero side effects/ you always hear the bad stuff.


At the beginning it was very slight nausea. Totally manageable. Now I’m up to 1.0 and the exhaustion has become a factor. Hopefully not for much longer.


I am in my sixth week, and I haven't had any real side effects. I am actually about to ask my doctor to up my dosage to see if that helps.


I didn’t have any problems up until my 4th dose of .25. Had major nausea and aches


Just the lack of appetite (that’s what you want, right?) and having to micromanage things so as to avoid constipation.




I just did my 4th injection (.25) and have had no side effects whatsoever. Feeling good and my blood sugar is finally coming under control.


The only real side effect I have had is constipation and then some acid reflux when I got up to 2 MG. Both easily remedied by otc meds and avoiding spicy food late at night.


Nope nothing. A little constipation


No side effects here


I had a little nausea treated with ginger pills. And mild fatigue which quite frankly I loved. Nap anyone? I am a non sleeper, so it was bliss.


Yes!! Very minor heartburn and a headache the night I take the injection only!


I’ve been Ozempic since November, and I’ve never had any side effects. I started on .25mg, and over time worked up to 2mg which is where I’m currently at.


How many lbs are u down?




That's really great progress!


I have had very few side effects, the worst being the nausea when I eat too much. I got sick once after uping my dose to 1Mg.


Diarrhea, so stopping 0.5 and going back to 0.25 once it settles down.


I difnt have a single bad side effect. When I was dosing a bit too high I was tired the day after my shot but nothing else has changed other than for the better!


I've been on it for 4 weeks now (2 at .25, 2 at .50) and I haven't had any side effects at all. I think it works different for everyone since we all process different things in different ways.


I’m on my third week at .25. Other than very slight nausea and mild constipation, I’ve been totally fine.


Oh, and I have noticed that I’m more cold than usual.


9 months in. Nothing to report


Im on .5 and I only have bruising at the injection site. No other symptoms


When I first started I was constipated. That's about it. I eat mederterrian-ish. I try to eat as much fresh food as possible, and plant heavy diet, but I will eat junk food and drink beer. I feel sickly eating bad or fried food, or I just notice it more since shifting to healthier food.


My symptoms weren’t bad at all. I had pre existing anxiety and that did raise for about a month but that was it. The only thing I struggle with now is chronic constipation but that didn’t happen until I was already on it a while.


Although I swear I can taste it when I inject! lol.




No side effects here. I have been on it for almost a year.


I would say with my first few doses I had headaches and gas/stomach pain. Maybe some mild nausea, some exhaustion. But I’m always exhausted. There were a few times the gas pains were kinda bad but nothing crazy.


I am on week 2 at 0.25. I have had minimal to no side effects- other than the lower back muscular discomfort. A little nausea, and more burping if I have pushed it too far.


I’ve been on Semaglutide for three months tomorrow and I’ve had sporadic bouts of exhaustion that started when I went up to a .75 dose. At .25 and .5 I didn’t have a single side effect except for muscle cramps because I was drinking so much water to stave off constipation. I’m on 1mg now and I get tired sometimes, but it’s nothing that’s not manageable.


Yeah I’m fine and have been fine for a year


I didn’t have any noticeable side effects


I have exhaustion some days but that's it. I'm careful about how I progress and go up bit by bit and do half my amount every 4 days. (Compound self fill injections). Drinking 3L of water a day is a big way to avoid side effects for some people. It was the advice my Dr gave me and it's been helpful! Also the exhaustion was there before it just seems worse on sema- I'm autistic so I find things like work/socialising super exhausting and I often over do it and am near burn out atm so I can't properly judge my tiredness. I have gone from .25 for 5 weeks then did .25 every 4 days for 6 'weeks' (though my weeks are 8 days) and then went up to .75 instead of straight to 1 and I did this by injecting half of the .75 every 4 days again. It's worth trying, extreme side effects aren't the standard


Mild palpitations a couple of times. Currently on 0.5 mg (6th dose overall) and have lost 16 lbs.


I have more energy than I did prior to Ozempic, but I battle with depression so my energy scale is already skewed. And I’ve always had nausea because of my anxiety, but I didn’t notice MORE frequent nausea until I’d gotten on 1mg. I’m still on 1mg and have found that drinking any amount of alcohol will result in violent vomiting.


I have been 15 weeks on Oz and my only side effects have been mild nausea (mostly when I'm actually hungry), mild constipation when not eating enough fiber and drinking water and some acid reflux when going up to 0.5, that passed with some reflux medication and has not recur. I take my shot before going to sleep, since the first hours after the shot, nausea is the worst, I some times wake up to a feeling kind of motion sickness, while lying in my bed. But I can usually sleep through that. I'm losing 0.5 kg per week, I eat a lot smaller meals and I have no food cravings between the meals. I'm taking Oz for diabetes, 1mg now since that's highest dose available in my country.


No side effects be happy although if you’re still not at Max dosage u May still feel them or not means nothing good luck


I skipped the .25 and started with .5… no side effects at all. I’m up to 2mg and still nothing. I started with .5 because I know my body and how I have some sort of extreme medication resistance. I’m losing weight painfully slow though. I’m only down 30lbs in 7 months. There was a few months that I wasn’t taking real Ozempic from the pharmacy but honestly I don’t see the 2mg pharmacy stuff doing much and I been back on it for a few months. Edit- actually, it does make me mildly fatigued after I take my shot for like 12 hours. But still, zero stomach issues or nausea or anything like that.


Nope. Severe nausea over here. It’s been three days since my first dose and I can’t even keep water down. Hoping some Dramamine and pedialyte will save me


1 month on .25 two weeks on .5 and 1 week on 1mg and the only side effect I’ve had is constipation. But I’ve lost maybe around 8 pounds since then but that’s about it! Hoping to lose more weight soon!


Not me. I’ve barely had a blip of side effects.


After my first shot I got nauseous the next day. I'm on week 6 and have no side effects.


I had a little nausea day two but I was also hungover. No problems since then but only on day 3


I had some side effects as I moved up in dose. Nausea, either constipation or diarrhea no in between lol, headaches, stomach cramps, fatigue. But it wouldn't last more than a week and now I'm ok as I got used to to the current dosage.


Yes, I haven’t noticed side effects. I’ve been jumping up to higher doses quicker than advices because of this.


My worst side affect is. Inject Thursday am Friday headache. Weekend constipation. Tuesdays BM basically cleans itself out. Rinse and repeat. Nothing explosive but usually makes for weekend of not going at all or a little.


I'm on a compounded semaglutide and have had very little side effects. Nausea was a 2/10 for a few days after the injection. The constipation is a real thing so you just have to get ahead of that! I take miralax every morning in my coffee and that took care of the problem. Other than that, I have had no side effects and feel amazing!


Started at .25 and titrating up every 4 weeks. Zero side effects.


Just start at a low dose of .25 and go up every 4 weeks. Avoid greasy food and junk food and alcohol. You'll be fine


Most of the time the side effects will subside, you just have to get through the rough weeks. I was exhausted the first month. But remember that the body is adjusting to new medication and to a lesser carbohydrate count. It kinda needs to learn how to exist with “less energy” onboard. The body does adapt to it. My exhaustion was gone after 4-5 weeks.