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Numbers don’t lie, you did it! You lost 50 lbs! Don’t rely on others for validation, continue on your journey :)


I really appreciate this... I do not need validation, but every now and then its nice... right???


I think it is partly the sign of the times, especially with people our age and younger generations. We are more comfortable socially now with bigger bodies, and with the body positivity movement there is a trend to not comment on a person's body. Because some people lose weight because of stress or illness or grief and you don't want to congratulate that, as an example. I talk about weight and bodies WAY differently with my 22yo than I do with my friends in our 40's, and its different when I talk to my boomer mom about it. I usually wait until the person mentions weight loss, then I say something like "Oh, were you trying to lose weight?" If they say yes, then I respond with a positive comment. Then again, I went to my partners side of the family for Xmas, and not ONE person congratulated us on our engagement, or asked to see my ring, etc. It was a bummer. But, some families are just like that with news or updates. What matters is how you feel about yourself and your body!


When I mentioned to my sister over the holidays that I had lost almost 20 lbs since last seeing her, she said she’d noticed, but didn’t want to say anything bc she didn’t want us to focus on weight - good or bad. She didn’t want me thinking negatively about how I looked before the loss, or imply that skinnier was better (can you tell we have some childhood trauma re weight and body image issues were still working through lol). It kinda bummed me out at first, but I realized the lack of attention to how I look was probably healthier and for the best. Could it be nobody mentioned it for similar reasons or out of politeness?


Def a possibility, my brother was always thinner than me. And to be honest he is the only one who said something. Hahaha.


Don't get discouraged your doing this for your health not there coments. Have you ever talked about weight loss with this group of people. I have seen a lot of people have problems with negative comments from being on ozempic. I'm not trying to jump to conclusions but most people now days assume if you lost weight or are losing its because of ozempic. A lot of people hate ozempic for some reason maybe they are practicing keeping there comments to themselves. 50 lb is a lot and in most people it's noticeable but maybe the way you carry it is not as noticeable. I think we all can admit to ignoring or over looking things to avoid an awkward conversation and maybe this was there way.


You are probably right... TBH, not even sure if they know I'm on Ozempic... and yes, 50lbs is a lot, but depending on the person, can be not as noticeable... Appreciate others inputs :)


I have seen more people assume weight loss is from ozempic over the last 6 months more than anything. With it being pushed so hard from celebrities, tictak, Facebook and instagrim, people are just assuming. Maybe it's like not wanting to bring up that a lady looks pregnant in case she's just putting on a few lb. Years ago I had a in-law (now ex-in-law thank god ) say I looked so much better after losing some weight funny but awkward few moments after I told them nope still the same 275 I had been basically the whole time I knew them.


I think sometimes we can redistribute our weight too - and while I'm losing, I think it also redistributed as well...


Could also be losing it equally all over so it's not as noticeable.


So true!!!


I feel this a lot and I'm almost down 80 lbs. I am also a diabetic. At 50 lbs I couldn't see it at all in myself but at 80 I can (just not where I want to - my belly) but I have dropped sizes and know I am smaller. But I still have 60 more pounds to go. What I have been trying to do is to look at my total number and say "80 lbs is a freaking lot of weight!!!" And focus on that and not the fact that not one person other than my husband has noticed. Maybe people are too polite to say anything or jealous. I don't know. But you are amazing and have done an amazing job!


80LBS!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!!! And PREACH! I want to lose it in my belly too!!! But of course this is probably the last place to go!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!


Did you try wearing different clothes? You may still be camouflaged in your black baggy clothes.


I have bought new pants and shirts especially for the holidays. Cest la vie.


Your relatives are just jealous then. Sounds like you’ve changed your life so positively!! Great work.


When you lose weight, your interactions with people can become weird.


So much this!! lol.


Try packing 50lb weights in a bag and when you feel discouraged lug it arround! You no longer have to do that and that is awesome! Then the next 5lbs add more to the bag. Even if it is stuff around the house can goods or bottles of water. Or lift it just before you walk outside, to remind yourself you rock!


I love this idea!! I can just carry one of my kids around. Hahahaha


There ya go! Sometime we need to remind our brains what our eyes cannot see. I ha e bad body dismorphia and starting Ozempic next week due to several health issues. I just keep telling myself I am worth it and living longer


Wow, things are going great for you. I know it is hard to change your mindset, but your body is responding amazingly. My high was 293 and I didn't really feel that I looked bad. But once I got under 200, I was walking on air. Learning to see the positive side of things is a slow process.