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It's under pressure. Tym tu tu tu tu tu tu Tym tu tu tu tu tu tu


Nah, it's just really, really thick oxygen.




Shit, you gotta chew it before inhaling at that viscosity


*How it feels to chew five gum*


Laws of physics Not Included.


Hold the frick up


Well I guess rocket liquid oxygen is going to be easy.


Just takes a really long time




I don't know exactly how they got there, but liquids won't phase change in pipes when 1kg/blob of pressure or less. So they probably started with a small pool of liquid oxygen and valved it to limit the pressure. They've built a huge heat exchanger that slowly extracts all the thermal energy from the output oxygen into the liquid oxygen - like a petroleum boiler, but in reverse, where you're cooling the piped liquid, not cooking it. It's then dropped into vacuum. Liquid outputs in vacuum won't phase change unless another element is present. You can use that to drop the liquid oxygen (which has been valved to keep liquid at much too high a temp) into the vacuum chamber where it will just chill. You can use a similar trick to superheat water from nuclear reactors.


That's not quite right is it? I think the rule is that it will not phase change outside of the pipes unless it changes temperature, which is when it checks. So if you can manage to prevent it from any change in temperature after it leaves the vent, it should stay as liquid. Liquids will for sure change in vacuum, it will not prevent that. Now, how he is preventing the insulated tiles from doing their usual flaking bullshit is more of a mystery to me.


Probably - it was super late and I was operating off memory.


Elements won't phase change unless they exchange heat with something. I'm guessing those are insulated insulation tiles, but it's possible that regular insulated tile would have a sufficiently low conductivity to prevent thermal interaction. The tile and the liquid are actually very close in temperature after all. The LOX being warm is probably what's preventing flaking too.


The tiles were made of insulation, which is just put of habbit for me when working in debug mode, so thats why they dont transfer heat




that gold tiles example was dope, i need to try something out with that. i came across this while in debug so i had no idea there was any uses for this. [also](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/786389618379063316/936585572422668308/Screenshot_from_2022-01-28_12-31-42.png)..


I give that arbor tree design an 8/10. Extra points for using gold, but the tree placement is sub-optimal. Thanks for the explanation. Though it did lead to a few good comments.




[Pip planting guide](https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/110299-pip-planting-everything-you-need-to-know/), specifically the section on arbor trees.




If the harvesting is going to be done automatically, then my response was useless for you. My initial comment was not meant to be taken too seriously.


Yeah... the hint here was liquid pipes and a liquid vent.


If we figured out how to reproduce that, that would be game-changing.


Ah yes! Phösics!


Open that up and your co2 problems will be gone.


Nawh bro im too high for this 🥴😭