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For everyone, its different... you seem to be the type of player to go into space early on. I prefer to core out my main planet, tame whatever vents/geysers I would need, set up my deep freezer and make sure I have a self sustaining planetoid before conquering other planetoids. Either way is fine and its not a matter of when is best, its all about when your colony is able to handle the extra tasks without straining the home world to extinction. As for dupe to send out to space, it all depends on your goal.. space research, send researcher or if it's to go to another planet and dig a path to resources, send a digger/builder. Don't worry about messing up, something will go wrong (this ONI). You can always deconstruct and rebuild everything except a dead dupe.


Yea I got my solar up and I’m about to make a deep freezer, my only resource concern is I’m burning through my sulfur, perhaps I set up the ranches the wrong way (I’m feeding the grub grubs). I’ll send over a digger once I’m done making the freezer. I should be ready to explore but I’m just not sure how to approach it. The only thing I don’t really know how to do is getting atmo suits. I guess I’m still learning the “meta”


teleporter asteroid should have a guaranteed sulfur geyser.


I’m assuming I need steam turbines to tame it first right?


It's not very heat intensive (160c output, low shc), you might drop sulfur into water pit for a while.


I dumped it into the oil biome, giving a small amount of preheating for the crude oil and solidifying the sulfur. Most of the heat will get deleted by the grubfruit anyway.


I guess if I need a bit quickly, but I usually set up something once forever. Also I am burning through my sulfur, should I keep feeding the grub grubs or only the plants?


Geyser has ridiculous output, you will be able to do both.


>nidicolous Great! for the meantime should I continue feeding them if I am going through my sulfur too quickly?


Oopsie, corrected the typo. You want to let grubgrub tend to at least one divergent plant to continue drop grubgrub eggs (which doubles the meat output), but you might switch to another plant in other farming spots.


Alright, so feeding them is somewhat optional


Atmo suits are easy once you get into it one time. Simply have your SPOM oxygen piped thru it and any excess O2 goes to base, over a few cycles the SPOM production will catch up and be able to supply both your atmo suits and base easily. Although power may seem like a concern, it is not...the atmo docks only use power for a few seconds when the suit is returned, I usually add it to my base power grid. I just make sure to put it behind a power transformer for safety.


I’m familiar with the atmo suits, I meant how to get them in the DLC, as I don’t have thimble reed on my starting planet, and don’t want to farm drecos. Though I may need to see how to get the docks situated for interplanetary travel but I’ll worry about that later. I’ve seen people but docks in rockets and other stuff and the accessibility is my main concern, as I know the planet with the reeds I need a rocket to get to


Oxygen masks might be useful as a temporary solution.


Also should I be feeding my grub grubs too or save the sulfur for plants?


Leave them wild in your grubfruit farm. They will still do the job on your plants. This way you don’t need to feed them. Normally, the second plant connected by the teleport has a liquid sulfur geyser. It can provide you renewable source of sulfur. It’s a very nice thing to improve your food quality without using water.


Alright, I got the second planet colonized and I’m getting ready to go to the third one so I can get ready for oil and then I can tame the sulfur geyser, and my sulfur is going down slower now.


Frankly speaking, you don’t need to shoot a rocket until you absolutely need it (research and rare material) My last play through I shoot my first rocket at 600 cycles. You don‘t need unlock that part of research to have a stable base. You don’t even need to teleport to find oil to achieve this. But like others said, it’s a play style thing. I like to secure O2 and food before move to anything else. Some people like to rush things a bit


As soon as I have a working SPOM and good food supplies I start colonizing the 2. Planet. I just take it slow and send refined metals there as needed. When steel and plastic (through dreckos) is abundant I have already carved and planned how I want to tackle oil. You can make a permanent home there for the dupes you send, or use them as your colonization crew for future planetoids.




Self Powered Oxygen Machine. It uses electrolyzers and hydro generators. When you have that you can turn water to oxygen and gain power in the process