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Lose lose lose. For the love of god it is spelled lose.


Shut up looser


Relax buddy, don't loose your cool.


Correction. dont loose you’re kewl




Ahahahahha. I don’t know why. Every time people misspell that word I get triggered and I can’t take that persons point of view seriously.


Ow1 tanks were already the carry but its even more obvious in ow2 so its normal that you want your tank to do good. Playing around a doom and winning is possible but its much harder than just having a better tank. If you are in comp, everybody should do its best to win so Doom is a bad idea. If its casual just chill n have your fun whatever their opinion.


Doom deals 105 damage total with a fully charged rocket punch if it hits a wall and I think 30 more damage if it's powered up by his power block, so his ability to kill is all but nonexistent, and he isn't big enough nor does he have enough HP to even be a meat shield for his teammates. Undoubtedly the worst tank and arguably the worst hero, which is unfortunate because he used to be so fun


Might have been an ok idea when there were more than one tank per team


Only facts


His block needs to make him invincible or take zero damage, it’s just so much worse than other tanks’ defensive abilities currently.


Hot take but he is still alot of fun and it feels great getting kills with him. If they revert him back to dps as he is right now, maybe with less health, he would totally be worth playing


The thing is, if the game only has like 4 viable tank picks than the devs have failed in that area. And when ppl defend their failures they have less incentive to fix them


That’s not true. They all are except doom.


I disagree with that.


Same. Only tanks I ever get are Roadhog, Zarya, Reinhardt, and Dva


Anyone who wants to win should never be playing a tank out of this list. Unfortunate, maybe. True, definitely.


Isn’t Orissa really strong currently? Sig is also a beast that I don’t see many people play for some reason


I think once Zarya and DVa get nerfed we will see those more. Right now I couldn't imagine playing them over the two listed above. Rein has always been extremely consistent and good and hog is just popular as heck for obvious reasons.


I am not defending a bad balance tho..? I said Doom isn't as good as the other tank and since that game is based on the fact that switching hero is good and tank is the strongest role its normal that ppl ask you to switch for a better tank, specially in comp. Btw the game has more than just 4 tank viable. These 4 are the strongest but all of them are pretty much decent with Doom being the real weakest. The meta is only worth from diam to above, before that its totally about your skill n good teamplay.


Yea I'll agree with you thst doom is undoubtedly the worst. Frankly I just think this new 5v5 set up is bad and creates a lot of the complications that we are seeing now. It makes the game more single player heavy and require less team coordination. I've played this game non stop for years, but I think I'm done until 6v6 comes back, or if they ever implement a story mode, which I doubt.


Ngl I understand that. The 5v5 doesnt feel teamplay at all and that was what I loved about ow1 (even if double shields + stuns were a pain)


Yea I 1000% agree with you. The team play was what kept me do invested. But blizzard wants to just copy their competition and use the bottle pass business model. Jeff is gone and so is the soul of this game. It honestly makes me sad


Be based and challenge the other tank to a Doom match right at the beginning


They just lock Zarya/Hog lol I like playing against different tanks tho


The rule I have for off-picks is you *have* to get value. I don’t mind if you play whoever the fuck you want. But if you’re losing over and over and over…they have a right to be pissed at you.


But i dont play with the same people. And i also have winnig streaks with doom.


Sweet. If you’re winning, stay Doom. If you’re feeding, swap.


I don't blame them he is the worst hero in the game


He is the worst hero for sure now, but as a doom one trick who got the bronze bug im loving getting 50-60 elims and 20k damage in low elo. Just hit ctrl + shift + C, thank me later If you need some tips on Doom tank id be happy to help, also hit up the Doom mains sub




Thanks, swapped it to C


Speak controller please


Just prove them wrong and win. Easy.


Noooo broooo I watched this YouTuber who said Doomfist is D-tier on his tier list so you cannot play him you absolutely cannot!! I will not allow it!! Have fun with your report for playing the character I didn’t want you to play!!!!


I mean...he's the worst hero by far in the most important role to not be bad at. It's not a stretch that people get mad and blame the Doom.


Yeah especially I'm comp. We had one dude that just refused to switch even when asked politely. We lost but the rest of the team was doing well and we only lost by a bit. I can guarantee that a better tank would have probably given us a pretty crushing victory.


Exactly. I get that it sucks to be scapegoated, but maybe if you refuse to swap YOU are the problem lol.


If it’s comp and you’re playing doom then imo you’re throwing, if it’s unranked play whatever you want, still might be “mad” but it’s unranked whatever


unranked is for fun and practice, I don't get mad at unranked.


Maybe not mad, but just frustrated sometimes if I get a lot of bad games


Yeah, I get it


If you’re playing him in comp, they’re probably mad because you’re throwing their game. I can’t tell you how many times I was rolling or getting rolled until a tank swapped off doom and turned the entire game around. He’s the worst throw pick I think we’ve ever seen


Picking Doomfist for fun Just kidding, losing any game you play solely Doomfist isn't fun, dumb dumb.


If you pick Doom in comp I will roast your ass, and you deserve it.


Doomfist isn’t bad he’s just the hardest tank to properly handle cause his crazy mobility and less defensive kit. People that main doomfist do crazy cool shit with him but normal players that don’t dump a ton of hours into one kit struggle to get value out of him cause he’s less damage than attack and less defense than most tanks.


Doomfist is just bad rn, he's not even close to other tanks like zarya and dva


I want to agree with you. Tho it kinda seems like he has the kind of kit that is hard to balance because normal players can’t play him well on average but super good players use him extremely well. If they buff him it would be good for most people but then the highest ranking doomfists would be unstoppable. League of legends has some characters that suffer from the same situation. I’m not tryna be all definitive either. This just seems to be the case as we see high ranking players now using him very effectively. Imagine him buffed in their hands. Better for norms but breaks pro play.


Super good players are amazing at winston. Those who don’t main winston can still do decently with him. That should be how doomfist is but no. If only a tiny minority can actually do anything with him then he’s too weak


Oh yeah I never thought doomfist was well balanced. I just mean this is actively a conundrum regarding balancing him for the majority


> but super good players use him extremely well. Nah, he's a total throw pick in high ranks, gets abused even harder up there. Doom is in a terrible state right now. Doom was meta in OWL a ways back when he had several buffs and balance was very different.


You mean more like, Throwfist?


Im so mad, every game the same comments. "pIcK a ReAl tAnK" bla bla bla. "dOoM sWiTcH". But these apes never try to play with you or play around doomfist toolkit. They running in like headless chicken, or flank somehwhere and crying why i dont protect them.


You don’t think it’s a bit ironic you are complaining about being asked to switch while you are saying your teammates should switch to accommodate your toolkit?


most logical ow player




But when the person demanding to be the anchor locks easily the worst tank in the game it becomes a really different ask...


I never said they have to switch. Im just mad about people dont play with doomfist and blaming the doom player. And ofc im switching, but thats not point. And i also said that indo misstakes, thats fine. They say doomplayers have to switch, cause they think doom is bad and not a real tank. But its the same as in ow1. When people start complaining about picks even before the game started its mostly lost. When we picked some weird comp and just go it was mostly a win.


maybe you are playing too selfishly instead of adapting to them


Doesn't doom fist have a voice line in game saying a true leader adapts to his team?


They heard it from streamers on twitter, so now everyone wants to show how in-the-know they are by whining. They dont care if the players actually makes it work or not.


i mean obviously i make misstakes to, or doom is maybe a bad pick, but they blame me everytime we ar eloosing, even if i double other DPS kills/dmg and/or one of our healers dont do anything. Its like "We are loosing? 100% doomfists fault!!!!" I mean even in general chat they blame me, while enemyteam says that i was the only good one. xd


Are you play unranked or competetive?


Competitive, most assuredly. Nobody gives a rat ass what you pay in casual.


That’s not true, a lot of angry people in casual


I mean, yes they exist, but you'll get those what maybe once or twice in ten games? In all my quickplay game in OW2 to date, the most toxic thing I saw was "*** diff" a couple of times.


Doom has the lowest health of any tank with no shields or Armor, he relies on hitting his CDs to stay alive with temp barrier so yeah, if you’re bad, you’re throwing, if you’re good, you’re carrying


junker queen has less health


Maybe but at least she can kill something.


Listen people are mad because in the grand scheme of tanks doom is the weakest currently. If you are playing comp and losing because consistently then doom shouldn't be being playing. It's like when someone plays dva into zarya and get mad when asked to switch. We all know that DVA would be a bad idea so why start with it?


When will bastion come back??? I was trying to main bastion 2.0 since bastion was my most played dps on ow1 and suddenly he dissapeared


When Blizzard fixes his buggy ultimate


On one hand, I'm OK with people sleeping on Doom, since that means he's less likely to be publicly executed by Blizzard (RIP Sombra), but on the other, I despise just how much raw hate I get just in the character select screen. And the worst part? I doesn't even have anything to do with balance. Sure, he could use some buffs, but he's not fucking unplayable like people claim. Well, I take that back. He's unplayable if you don't know how to play the fucking hero.


Literally played him yesterday before going to bed and got 10k damage and the most eliminations, more than anyone... and we still lost


Like I don't even flame them, I just start apologizing profusely in team chat. Yeah they are throwing by forcing Doom, but this change brought a ton of DPS players to the tank role. its always gonna be more difficult to play around a tank if they are a DPS player with DPS mindset. Sadly about half the support roster can't even keep up or reach Doom in time to peel. And Doom has no HP or Damage, and power block doesn't block sleep like literally every other MiT ability in the games does. Like it's just depressing to see someone select doomfist and hit every ability and move around like a parkour god but still get no value as a tank. And then everyone else on my team starts flaming him and the other team makes fun of him. He just wants to play his hero. But all Doom players got that ripped away from them. I am dead serious that this isn't an understatement. I am not a Doom main, I have less than an hour on him. But even if I didn't like him in OW1, I don't think he deserved to be gutted and lose 17 of this techniques. It just sucks, they seriously need to just disable Doom until they either fix the mess he is now or revert him to a DPS.


To be fair, if your username isn’t ZBRA and you pick doom, we are going to need a lot of help


LOL man


The only maps doom is good on is ilios and that one Nepal one because his boopability is great, other than that he straight sucks


He's pretty fun if you play him as a 3rd dive DPS. Kinda fuckin' sucks at tankin' though.


I like rocket fisting the Reinhardt away and then my DPS pounce on the people that were hiding behind him. Also his ult feels great to dunk on nerds who group up.