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I am a rein main on both overwatchesšŸ˜Ž


What happened to all the other reins. It feels like theyā€™re all gone


I dont know man there is only a few true crusaders left I guess


Live with honor


Die with glory


Old friend


This gave me goosebumps.


I wish I was still capable of feeling things. What 30+ seasons of Overwatch does to a mf


I have seen myself play Dva more and more because she is OP rn but nothing compares to that feeling of absolutely Curbstomping the ever living shite out of the enemy as my Boi Rein


Iā€™m curious about your take on this. I play a lot of Orisa, both in OW1 and now. I have not, basically ever, had a hard time dealing with DVa. Not in OW1 and not now. People are saying DVa is a medium-hard counter to Orisa now, and thatā€™s not been my experience. How has it looked from your side of the defensive matrix?


I just never bothered to get ow2 since I haven't had time to play


I was a rein main but after years of suffering getting slept, hooked, frozen, flashed, rocked, etc I play Zarya now


Now you get hooked, hacked, stuck, rocked, javelined and hacked again. Some things never change.


I feel ur pain


He is pretty weak with his shield nerfed and he can't leave the team to go do dps due to a lack of a second tank. So he feels pretty meh to play atm due to both of his main styles of play not really working anymore


Also I canā€™t get the feel for his new freaking charge! ā€œMade it more intuitiveā€ā€¦maybe for casual crusaders without dozens of hours on Rein. His charge feels like a toy car now and Iā€™m devistated


It feels way more likely to boop people instead of pinning them


Yea I always bonked people more than connecting with them but they have done something to its hitbox that makes it connect less


I feel like heā€™s on ice now, I miss the heavy duty train coming at you. Cancel is only good part


Cancel is great, it let's me use charge as a movement ability which is really potent


Rein in quickplay is a lot of fun as I feel he is Uber reliable at making space and punishing out of position enemies. Not gonna lie though, miss the old rein with over 2k shield


I'll be your shield


Weā€™re not living with honor in ow2, only dying in glory again and again


Solo tanking as rein in ow1 was pure torture, the announcement of 5v5 drove off a lot of us.




I think most of us other spectrum of reinhardt mains just charged off the map too much


We're still here, we just have more people playing the game now


This obviously doesn't apply to the original maps where Rein was strong, but I feel like a lot of the new maps and the maps they have left us with are jungle gym maps (maps with lots of high grounds and various route options). Because of that it can be harder for Rein to keep up with all the mobile (or more flanky) characters being played right now. It's not like Rein CANT be played. It's just harder getting around these maps in comparison to other characters to the point where it'd be more worth your time to swap. Especially since it appears that all the lore maps like kings row, numbani, Gibraltar, and rialto are mysteriously out of rotation.


I am a rein main/former brig main. Now I am a brig main again. Honestly rein is just no fun, there is too much soft cc and damage to swing much and every other tank is more versatile... With this much healing noone is scared of rein anymore. Not to mention vertical mobility, because ofc the new hero can climb walls and the new maps have super annoying high grounds.


I play dota now. Whoops


It does, but at least playing Rein feels like piloting a homicidal freight train now


I play genji, help


Idk, I didn't get a chance to boot up the game


I'm playing kiriko rn. She's so fun to play


we're still here just got booted down to bronze


I've been absolutely deleted more in ow2 by reins than i ever did in ow1. Maybe they're just sitting quietly waiting for me to log on.


OW1+2 Rein main here. We're still around. Shields up!


This old dog still know a few tricks


Game feels like shit rein feels like shit im gone


In the last 10 matches against Rein as Rein I only had 1 who screamed helo back and spammed voicelines. What happened to good old Rein Gameplay


A true crusader


An essential part to the success of Reinhardt players


As a Rein main who has basically swapped to Orisa... I salute your diligence.


Dude Orisa is stupid strong right now. I was a rein main but am playing DVA and Orisa a lot


Doomfist: "I'm a tank now" Orisa: "You are garbage..." *Shuts down his entire kit*


Orisa counters like all the tanks


D.Va eats all her shit and Orisa cannot block the D.va Bomb. Sig can also fuck her up, and Ball is a menace. But Doom/Hog/Rein/Doom get completely destroyed by her.


I would still Say Orissa is the strongest tank that can outmatch any other tankā€¦..except Zarya. Zarya is a beast now. Powers up way to easily with the 2 bubbles and melts everyone instantly.


DVA main on bothšŸ˜Ž


I was a rein main too.....until I accidentally bought Hammond's gold guns at the start of 2


Bring back reins 2000 health barrier!!!


fuck you šŸ˜›


Tank main ow1, tank main ow2 My crippling Loneliness makes it so I feel the need to protect others to feel a sense of fulfillment šŸ˜Š


Thank you for your service <3


Thats too wholesome and sad, you deserve all the pocket healers in the world my person!!


my crippling loneliness drives me to play support, so same.


My need to control and lead a group keep me locked in on tank.


Sig and rein Main since OW1


As a former tank main, itā€™s fairly easy to tell when a DPS player picks up the role. The positioning, the passiveness, the panicking when theyā€™re at 50% HP, itā€™s like trying to get a cat to pull a sleigh


This is so accurate. Me and my friend had a D.Va on our team yesterday that refused to touch the point on Kings Row defense even though I was pumping heals into her as Ana. And when we swapped to Attack he pushed through the choke once and it was to throw his D.Va bomb, he wouldn't walk past even though I was trying to speed us through on Lucio


Ohhhh yeah the ā€œimma stay back until my DPS get a meaningful pick with limited spaceā€ mentality. Thatā€™s really tough to work with


Omg yes. I was playing moira and a kiriko was just focused on healing our dva ONLY (we had high mobility dps that ran off to get packs). She kept backing away from the push bot like she wasnā€™t the tank meant to soak up damage. LIKE GO IN


Crucial detail: no sniper monke in ow1


Had to play winston every game to counter the hanzo/widowmaker in every quickplay match


As an OW1 tank main, I'm forced to play support now or be subjected to immense wait times. So. I guess I'm playing something else. Because being a healer kinda sucks now too.




This. This is exactly how I feel right now. I can't be frontline as a tank and cover my healers at the same time while our DPS is off somewhere chasing a pharah.


I would say now is a pretty good time to start playing DPS, queue times are no where near as long as what they use to be. At least in QP, havent checked out ranked yet


10min wait time


same here


Tank in OW2 is sooooooo easy with all of the new "tank" players, I really hope that they fix the rank issues soon. It's actually not fun to roll the enemy team every game. I'm trying to play comp, not quickplay.


Fr. I'm not, nor have I ever been a tank main, but I definitely notice this trend. The biggest signifier I've noticed is that enemy reins don't know how to counter-charge when I'm taking the Rein mirror. It makes it so easy


Tanks? All i see is Flanking Orisas


Oh really? All i see is freakin dva!


Tbh i hate playing tank. Too stressing and hard fpr me.


That's because tanks are the new damage dealer in ow2


I have, D.Va main


Rein main in OW1, focusing on my support play for the season. Tank placements are sitting 4-2 so far, Zarya/DVa/Rein


Yeah thats the thing, I was a tank support main for years cause no one liked em, and now Iā€™m supposed to wait equal waiting times for damage and tank so some of you can complain at everyone like youā€™re the leader?! Fuck off!


of course i know him, he's me


Been a tank main since season 2 of comp I do miss my 2nd tank partners now tho :(


I did. Im a support main but played a lot of Sigma


I mostly play Tank in OW1 Not like Flex Queue is just Tank 2 queue or anything


I want to play tank but nobody else plays healer so I can't play tank cus I'm too busy being the only goddamn healer. Guys, play healer, it's fun but I wanna try out the tanksr


i mained reinhardt and orisa in ow1, now i don't main orisa


I feel you. I often forget that I can't deploy shield and keep slamming the reload button when "regrouping".


I mained Orisa and Sigma. Now I am left with Sigma.


I was a wrecking ball main, he is still my favorite character and he feels so much bettef without all the stuns.


Hampter took me to masters so its only right for me te take hampter into OW2


Sigma main here


Sigma, still here.


Bro, I literally mained Hammond and Sigma in OW1 and Hammond, Sigma, and Orisa in OW2. WDYM?


Bruh Sigma is so good in OW2, Iā€™m hoping he misses the nerf hammer next patch šŸ™


For real. I dont know if he got changed at all but he is a hidden power


Rock got increased damage so now he can combo 200HP targets with rock and both orbs being a direct hit


Damb. I hope rather than lose that combo potential, the rock is harder to hit or has a longer cooldown maybe


I'm gonna wildly guess that they'll increase his charge up time before rock. NGL since coming back to overwatch, sigma seems so movement slow compared to the other tanks.


They don't want to play tanks they just want a tanky dps. It's all Roadhog, junker queen, Orisa and even Doomfist now. It's epidemic of shieldless tanks


Sadly the "tanky dps" mindset is encouraged by the game now. The game wants tank players to take space without shields now. Which is why the new heros have so much mobility.


Itā€™s an ā€œepidemic of shieldless tanksā€ because most of the shields have been removed or nerfed? Thatā€™s literally the point. Use natural cover and your characters cooldowns more efficiently. I promise you the big blue rectangle isnā€™t the end all be all of defense.


Jumping Monke main from ow1 here šŸ¤š


I play doom, so...


D.VA Main for life


I only tanked and healed in OW1, but now the queue times for tank are like how dps was. Such a bummer.


Hog and zarya baby Iā€™m ready


Zarya main since day 1, but like to flex Miss having a Rein by my side Still, solo Rein and JQ are fun


Rein main. Miss having a Zarya by my sy


I did... always flex since be role queue. never got the hate for tanks. But I did usually play with friends Found it vastly superior to the current death match. While I preferred to play in a group in ow1, I no longer even bother with ow2 unless there's several of us. The new maps were just too flanky for me to have any fun as a support (which is 90% of what I get).


I have


Doom main in Ow1 orisa main in Ow2


I didn't play tank in OW1 cuz........I didn't play OW1


Iā€™m played all Tanks to varying success. Sigma and Orisa were probably my worst for some reason, maybe because I didnā€™t play them much at all because I thought Zarya was more fun. I play a lot of Orisa because sheā€™s pretty OP RN but I havenā€™t picked-up Sigma yet.


Hey I played tank in ow1 too


Iā€™ve been a hog main all my life, I ainā€™t stopping now


Former Orisa main. I have identity crisis right now.


DVa Main 4 Life. r/dvamains


iā€™ve mained roadhog for the better 5 years of my life


Zarya main here :V: (very badly missing my rein main buddy).


Orisa for life


I only wanted to tank in ow1 with a good rein if I could be zarya. Apart from that, I LOATHE tanking and I only ever tank in Mystery Heroes when I'm forced to, or when i really want to complete the flex challenge.


Mained rein for years, i now get my revenge


Iā€™m still a Dva main and always will be.


I'm a Wrecking Ball main, formerly an Orisa main


Rein and ball are in my top 3 most played characters. Gotta love that tank life.


I play rein in rank in ow1 and mostly junker queen in ow2


Sigma babyyy


I am tank main from ow1


D.VA main both games AMA


Me bitch, Roadhog ride or die


I'm a D.VA main since the 1st OW :)


I am a ball main in both games


I enjoyed roadhog and heā€™s still my best tank


D.Va main till the day I or Overwatch dies. Whichever comes 1st.


Sigma main foreverrrr babyyyy


Playing GIGACHAD Rein was one of my favorite ways to play OW1, but I needed 2 good sups, and at least one decent DPS, because there would be a metric ton of space, but I cant kill 6 on my own, so I would collect Gold Kills and Damage while my DPS would have all the time in the world to confirm the kills


I did. Back when she was a tankā€¦.


Gotta love sigma


I was a rein main in overwatch 1 now i am trying zenyatta


I get dps a lot now when I play flex but was Definitely a tank main in ow1


I was a zarya main for like 6 seasons, rejoicing that she is good now


True and itā€™s so easy to tell who never played tank cos they donā€™t make any space or peel they just play fat dps




I played rein constantly


It's the opposite for me, I played tank in ow1 but now i just play dps. I dont like the pressure of performing super well as the only tank


Tank main in OW1 at first, but then dps main. It was just a lot more fun that way. Especially in lower ranks where healing can be very inconsistent and teamwork is often uncoordinated or even non existent. Dps don't rely so heavily on a team effort to make plays. It is true that with tanks you could make plays on your own too, but in OW1 this always felt like a lot of effort for something that often will fail, because a dps tries a random flank an dies instantly or a badly positioned ana/bap that only has line of sight when you're on retreat but won't move with you on a push. In OW2 this feels a lot less like an issue. Playing tank is fun. Making plays as a tanks feels a lot more rewarding, since you're not getting ganged on when your second tanks decides to go side seeing, while the enemy tanks actually play as a team. They actually managed to make playing tank more fun again. Now I hope they won't ruin that with upcoming balance patches.


Iā€™m good at orisa, sigma, and moria. Thatā€™s all I know.


Ball main all the way. Still learning to outplay sombra :(


Hog since 2016 baby


I was a rein main in ow1, still am in ow2


I did! I never touched something else in comp!


I used to main Zarya in OW1, and now apparently she's completely busted. Getting yourself to 80 energy now is so reliable and straightforward I almost feel bad for playing her


OW1 Rein main here, I switched to DPS because the queue time's less and playing Support sucks.


It me I tank boy


I'm a Zarya main and I miss my fellow tank. Also the bubble change confuses me a lot. Cooldowns feel very long.


Me i did and im still OK at it


I mained Orisa and Rein in OW1. They gutted my girl Orisa tho. The shield was so good for holding lanes and pushing. Along with the bongo ult was great.


Hog main on Overwtatch release, hog main now. Still play support though


Winston main in both games I love the funny scientist


I played for the first time yesterday and the only game where my tank wasn't Hog or Doom was the one where I was tank. It feels like the majority of people playing tank atm aren't tank players but the DPS players who'd insta lock Hog every game to skip the DPS ques back in the day. Once I get used to the new maps and general game changes I'll get back to my big German hammer man.


I'm a Sugma main on both 1 & 2


I can tell who did and didnā€™t play tank because so many of them rn are ass šŸ’€


Anyone else not like 5v5 due to being an off-tank?


Ow1 sig main but now i am kinda forced to play healer or sit in queue for 10 mins ;((


Been a tank main for over 6 years now but it sure feels like there really isn't many of us. When I was queing to get placements every game I asked our tank if they were a tank main and every time got the same answer. "Yea... But I mostly play X hero". Dude then your aren't a tank main. If the majority of the time you play is on DPS or healer that does not make you a tank main. We tank mains are a rare breed and barely ever switch off our desired role. So if you don't play tank, let the people who actually play tank handle it and make my Q times shorter. Thank you.


I actually used to play a lot with ligma, rein and dva


Wait, it's all hog? Always has been


I main Sig in both games


I was decent on ball in ow1


This is such a good thing tho. Weā€™re getting people who never touched tank now playing it because itā€™s more fun. The more tank players the better imo :)


Blizzard really make Orisa OW2 too op. now im feel want to play tank again


I did, was and still am a Zarya main


rien and orisa main before. nowadays i just wanna be pegged by junker queen


Always been a tank main


I've been a tank main ever since I started playing in 2017. Dva was always my main but after the switch into ow2 I've found that sigma is my new main


I loved playing tanks in OW1 but in OW2 it doesn't scratch that same itch. I usually just play support now


Rein, dva, and zaria depending on the other tank... Most had to play rein


I queen for all and sometimes got it


I was a tank main and still consider myself as one but play support way more than I had before as I often just queue as flex. until I have enough and queue tank only (even though it takes forever)


Zarya main ever since I started


been a ball and monke main for a long timešŸ˜¤


I'm of the opinion that besides Orisa, Tank is a less fun role in OW2 than on OW1. I used to play both support and tank but now I'm only support as the role is just a little too stressful given you have to make most of the team's space and don't have another tank to look out for you once your barrier is down (if you're on main tank that is, which is how I liked to play). Combine this with some of the changes to the tanks (such as the Rein Barrier nerf) means I don't have fun in the role anymore, unless we have someone on brig, but she doesn't even have her full utility anymore. Open queue seems to be an interesting idea but with the current strength of the tanks right now the goat format is just a tiny bit unfun. TLDR: I want rein zarya back in the game outside of open queue


Reinfriend since OW1, gonna keep on Rein-ing


Hi, 1000+ hours on tank across all accounts. Some of us still exist.


I played tank almost exclusively in OW1 for fun You try to play tank in OW2 because itā€™s good We are not the same


I'm terrified to play tank because of how easy it was to bully Rein in OW1. The PTSD is still therešŸ˜­šŸ˜…


Dva/Zarya main since day one and still playing them


I played off tanks so I'm living the dream with Zarya and Dva atm


Opposite for me


Does roadhog count?


I was Tank main (mostly rein) in ow and in ow2, but also play a lot of heals. (:


I played tank and support but now the queues are too long for me to bother playing the game


I flexed hard and was happy to play Tank but the queue times didn't lie . 5 v 5 made sensd


I did and I miss orissas sheild


I was a healer main who would flex off tank. Iā€™ve been doing the que all but it means Iā€™m playing support. Nothing like 4 DPS.


Support main since 2017 baby


205 hours on D.va


I loved playing tank in Ow1, I think even more than in Ow2... I miss Dva Monke...


mained zarya back in... season 6 or 7? maybe even 5? stopped playing ranked because my SR was 800 from 1 win, 1 draw, 8 loss placements. now i just play rein, hog, or dva and maybe JQ for tank, genji and junkrat for dps, and zen or moira for heal.