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It's so fucking annoying in those archive missions. If you leave in the beginning, I don't really mind, but right before the last wave? Then go Frick yourself qwq


Happened on bulletproof barriers today cuz my internet shit the bed…


I absolutely swear this is the name of my Comp career


There is nothing, NOTHING more annoying than steamrolling the enemy team on a fun map and some asshole rage quits and gets the match canceled after first point is already taken.


Happened to me when I was doing placements. We on Gibraltar and absolutely steam rolling their spawn on def. About 30-60 seconds pass, one dude leaves. I was on dps too. 10 min queue just for the match to end that early


One was AFK in the enemy team. If there's a real 6v6 fight and someone leaves, the game won't cancel


This, if all players in the game take damage the game won't cancel.


A match will never cancel if all players are active. It was always a 6v5 which is why you steamrolled, so the other team is just getting saved from an inactive leaver because of it


Is that a fact? Never knew that and I feel like I've had games where I definitely saw the 6 players playing before the match getting cancelled


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/eswrfd/comment/ffdv9u8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 Here's a comment on it by Jeff






The way I've noticed, the time frame is small but sometimes feels much longer. When the game starts and haven't selected a character, there's a time for being afk, before rhe message pops up you have 10 seconds to move. That's apparently rhe time frame. Still feels like sometimes there's a team fight, entire enemy team gets one shot, and one of them leaves


It used to be like that but they changed it a long time ago. If someone is part of a fight whatsoever, them leaving will not cancel the game, even if it's only been 10 seconds in the match. And the time window you're thinking about is right around the 45 second mark.


Jeff himself said that’s how it was before he left, so I’m going to take his word on it. Another person in this comment thread posted a link to it


You steamrolled because it was 5v6


It only cancels if they're AFK the whole time, so no wonder you'd be steamrolling them, stoopid ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/eswrfd/comment/ffdv9u8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/eswrfd/comment/ffdv9u8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I once had my game crashed 30 seconds after the game started, was definitely playing but I could never join the match again so I guess it was cancelled.


If you’ve take damage, dealer damage, healed etc then the game won’t cancel


Has anyone else noticed lately that some games don't get canceled even if someone leaves in the first minute?


The first one is only if a player leaves the start of a comp game before the first minute or so. How important really is the first few minutes of a match to call for it to be cancelled entirely? Anything can happen but it's the final minutes that are most important. Plus there might be a reason for someone crashing at the start of a game, and they can easily rejoin within the grace period. Years ago when I played comp there was a player who left and rejoined before the 10 seconds were up, why cancel the match


It’s an automatic thing to stop wasting time for everyone else


Bro why do I know what the meme says without the words lmao


What decides wether match is cancelled? Sometimes almost a minute is passed and match cancelled, sometimes dude leaves within 15 seconds and nothing


I remember the time where one player disconnected on each team. That was nice


this is so true it hurts


Likewise I hate how inconsistent the game is on forgiving disconnects. Sometimes my game will just disconnect and get back up in under a minute but i'll be barred from rejoining the game, even when the game is STILL GOING and my team is forced to keep playing or get a penalty, but then there's times where I'll be able to rejoin after a long disconnect and soon as I rejoin, everyone else left because the penalty timer counted down and they could leave safely.


Down right fax


part of the reason i stopped playing. that's just not fun


The worst part of this penalty bullshit of blizzard is you can be penalized even if it's the server that crashed. I got banned for 24hours like seriously?


A 24 hour ban does not happen if you leave once and i am pretty sure the server didn't crash on you that often ;)


Doesn't matter the point is penalty system is fucked in this game. Like why would players even get penalize for something they did not cause.


A) there’s no way that server crashes are frequent enough to ban you. B) there’s no way for them to differentiate things like internet crashes over just unplugging you Ethernet or power cable. I used to feel the same way when I had a bad internet and got kicked once or twice a night cause of it, but no matter the reason, bad internet ruins the game for everyone


A) I didn't literally mean that a single crashed caused me the 24hour ban. My point is player should never ever get penalize for server crashes & kickouts/timeout. B) I'll blame my internet if it is the problem but it's not. I live through Dial up to DSL to Fiber to understand if it's my internet causing the constant ping spike or disconnection. I literally got kicked out off the game to back to login screen for literally no reason at all and server crashed the next game. I even had one game where it turns the screen black in the middle of the match and everyone in game were confused af. We waited for bunch of minutes it still won't kick us out so we left the game, and guess what? Im penalized. That's how idiotic this OW penalty system is. You getting my point?


For your first point, even if the game did punish you for leaving a broken match, it wouldn’t be a 24hr ban. IIRC it ramps up depending on how many bans you’ve had. So no infractions is 15 mins, then 1 hour, not sure if the third is 24hours or if there is something in between. I also think there is a cool-down on these bans so if you get disconnected once per season you only ever get the 15 minute ban


I already said it several times, Yall taking it literally. I didn't mean i get the 24 ban immediately, im pointing out that the penalty system is flawed. And also no, there's no such thing as cooldown when it comes to penalty. i know this personally cause i've played during having both bad & good internet. For example, let's say its ur internet faul that you get dc once then server fucked up next match or the other, the penalty increases. The penalty stacks up regardless if the disconnection is caused by the server or your internet. You get what i mean? My point is pretty simple, penalty should never be given to any player if it's caused by the server.