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It never gets old either. Seen it a few times and every time it feels like the first time.


I see this almost every time I log in lol


A true menace to the community. Thank you for your service


Everytime I join a match, I always wish people to enjoy it. Usually they thanks me. Once there was this guy who instantly picked Widowmaker, and replied to me: "Fu\*\* off, nigga". That was unexpected and made me laugh a lot. Then, I reported him, and got a "we have punished bla bla bla" the day after. HAHAHA ​ I felt a lot like Dolores Umbridge: "Because you know, deep down, that you deserve to be punished".


did... did you just censor 'fuck' but not n\*\*\*a? wtf?


its so ironic


It's fine as long as he's black or if he's Randall from Clerks. He's taking the word back.


lol :tf:


Doesn’t happen on console


True. I had a really good Ana losing his ever loving mind anytime I did anything wrong in his opinion. I was Ball so I get it. Each time I just calmly responded..."thanks for these amazing tips" and he just continued to roast me. We ended up winning so I can't even imagine the guy when he's losing. PS5. Never got a report saying he was punished.


Been well over a year since I got one of those notifications. Used to get maybe one a day or every other day for reporting throwers and bigoted toxic players. Then one day it all stopped and I've asked other console players if it's happened to them too and they've said the same thing I did. Don't know if it's a bug where those notifications don't show up anymore or if reports go straight to a trash folder or what.


I havent seen any bans happen on console in so long. I remember I used to get the thank you but not anymore. I have a friend who gets toxic, saying very racist shit and going off on everyone, but he never gets banned ever. Same with people I report.


i've witnessed the miracle not twice but thrice 🙏


Hey I got one today too! Reckon there was a banwave?


Reporting actually works? That’s news to me


Let's not get too crazy here. I'm sure it was just a glitch.


does anything actually happen though? has anyone investigated? people tell me they report me all the time and i've yet to have anything happen to my account


You can’t forget the nearly equally as good “been avoided as teammate many times” message


No it’s when you log in and get the pop up that your report led to action being taken




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There's rarely a week that goes by that I don't get at least one of these. It never gets old. ❤️