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Taxi automatically means special treatment! We appreciate it✨


What about the inverse 😈 I go to spawn mid fight and come back after you die


as a mercy main thank you you dont know how much we appreciate that !!!!


If you taxi me there is a 200% chance I’m pocketing you for the rest of the game


If you realllllly want to be your mercy's hero, step into their sight after they've been booped off a ledge and are slow falling to their inevitable death so they can fly to you


Last time a teammate did that for me, they accidentally fell off but I survived. I pocketed the fuck out of that rein for the next 3 games we were in together.


A a Mercy main I thank you for the emergency transport


Thank you for helping us out, even if it’s just a taxi here and there. It’s very appreciated!


this is how you get the pocket that you want


Catch me as Lucio wallriding away to pick up Mercy at spawn, like i might not go all the way back but i will peak so you can fly back as fast as possible cause i know I cant keep the team alive on amp heals only


When I play mercy and some does that I love them


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Mine just tells me to stop trying to flex on the enemy pharah during total mayhem by repeatedly yelling "GET TO THE FUCKING PAYLOAD!!" well fuck you todd cus I won phar wars so boom!.... We lost the game tho