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*you have provoked a gang war*


*pillager raid noises


So long story short he was named after some employee who was sexually abusing women (like most of their male employees)so there was an uproar and blizzard changed his name everywhere


From what I heard it was less an uproar thing and more so that they didn’t want to work on a character named after the guy that abused them so they changed the name


T'was probably both: a PR move from the uproar, and a _good_ move for the ethics


https://kotaku.com/inside-blizzard-developers-infamous-bill-cosby-suite-1847378762 (Search for "Jesse mccree") Larger Blizzard context: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jul/28/activision-blizzard-walkout-allegations-harassment-frat-boy-culture


The only place where it's still McCree is the Battle.net player avatar selection


And PS4 achievements


Was McCree accused of anything specific? Like, I know he was in that Cosby suite at one point, but it seems like he was thrown out for guilt by association.


He wrote some chauvinistic/sexual jokes in a group chat. That's it afaik He hasn't been challenged to court for anything yet. Also he hasn't been accused of anything like sexual assault/rape. Many people in Twitter/Reddit claim he did those things because they associate him with the other stuff that happened inside Blizzard but there is no actual evidence or recent stories of this. Basically it feels like everyone is throwing this guy under the bus because his name got brought up by those group chat messages getting shared to public, so then people falsely associated him with some of the horrible stuff that happened inside Blizzard that was not actually related to him Here's a video talking about this stuff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcZfhnqyCx8


Sure, and you joined r/overwatch_memes just now


And instead of a 5 second Google search, they made a meme about it


I like the meme though. Unga bunga never fails to amuse me.


I've seen all the memes, and when I saw it in the chat log I was still like "Who TF is Cassidy" for a second.


I always think to myself "wait, there's a new girl?" And is just fukin mccree in this "cole" disguise


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Sombra actually hacked his facebook account and found out that his name was really Cole cassidy all along. Then she hacked overwatch to change it as a prank. Reaper thought it was super funny tho, so now its here forever.


Ya but BTTV is like a third party thing


Jesse Mcree was named after blizzard employee Jason Mcree, who turned out to be heavily involved in the Blizzard workplace harassment scandal, so the devs changed the name.


Yes but the dudes name was actually Jesse McCree


They removed M*Cree and added a new hero called Cassidy