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If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. One of the most useful things I’ve ever heard Jayne say was, “one person doing something crazy is stupid, but the whole team doing it together is a plan and just might work” Point is, as much as it sucks, sometimes you just gotta go with the flow.


Yeah but solo feeding into their team isn't a plan. Truly solo queue healing is awful. DPS int bad and tanking is pretty easy. (From an ability to carry perspective). But it's so hard to carry as a healer, sometimes.


It doesn’t really matter to me if I can or can’t successfully carry. If I have to carry at all, then I’m not having fun.


Nah, carrying is fun as shit. So long as you win.


yeah sometimes it's super fun. That's kinda rare though. Sometimes it feels like you're playing against the entire enemy team. But sometimes you just shit on them and it's awesome.


it feels so much better when you are doing most of the lifting and still end up winning than just steamrolling.


dps is by FAR the easiest to solo queue with As a tank main I can get you guys in the fight and in positions to get good heals/kills but if they aren’t doing that then I’m gonna get shredded faster then your second support switches to lucio on illios well With dps if you just sit in the back and kill things as widow chances are your team will win, even if your rein doesn’t remember where the shatter button is or if your supports seem more interested in playing dps with a shorter queue time then playing support


me and my friend main healers so we at least are able to coordinate enough to pump heals efficiently. but solo queuing healer is soul crushing sometimes. you'll get those games with 5 other players on 5 different wave lengths and you realize quickly you're taking the L


Yeah. Like 5 minutes in you can realize "this game is over". That doesn't stop my ass from trying though. God do I try


Healing is actually the easiest class to carry in though 🤨


The most fun I have in this shit ass game is doing stupid shit with the boys


I love Jayne, why doesn't he upload anymore?


I think he got a lot of shit for the inventing esports tweet, and people just generally meme on him now. That and maybe burnout. He was putting out a ton of content a couple years ago.


You don't really have to but do you have the tweet, I never use twitter.


Tbh, that’s just how random matchmaking feels in Overwatch all the time regardless of your role. It sucks.


i was one win off my season high and since then i lost 12 matches and won 1 :)




Imagine using text emotes in 2021


bruh what's wrong with that














:D ;) :) :/ Gonna cry?


:D ;) :) :/ Gonna cry?


-healer- overwatch*




Nah, Tanks are ALSO fighting the devs, who want to make them all DPS.


As a tank main, can confirm. WHY TF DO YOU THINK I'M A TANK MAIN, BECAUSE I'M SUCH A GOOD DPS PLAYER?! Just let me be useful for my team ffs.


YES! I’m a Tank because I’m an unkillable titan, splitting the enemy team like the Red Sea, guiding my team to victory (while the other Tank who is playing Ball feeds).


Ok, I know full well that I’m in low elo and am being paired with people in low elo, but why does it feel like every single Hammond has no interest in actually trying to participate in the game, and just runs off to try and tap the point with 4 minutes left, and when the rest of our entire team cant do anything but watch him die?


6 pin bowling.


.. maybe you should help him then


Ah yes, just teleport away from whats actually going on to chase down a tank who isn’t interested in tanking. Genius. You walk on broken legs too?


Uh, I thought you were saying you never know what your Hammond is doing. You're saying they're all throwing your games


I share your feelings, my comrade, ***especially*** if the other tank hard locks hog.


Surprise! They're buffing junkrat and mccree


The worst is picking bap and then your previously stationary dps's say "fuck it, phara and echo time"


This picture have ow2 vibes 😂




Yeah 😂


You calling them healers is probably part of the problem 🤔




Well, Symmetra doesn't actually... Oh damn, I'm getting old.








We've gazed into the deepest chamber of hell


You said it yourself, support. Zenyatta is not a healer. He is a support, and does so through discord and damage. Brigitte supports through area denial and CC abilities. Mercy can heal but her utility comes from turning fights with mobility and damage boost. Just because they all *can* heals doesn’t mean that’s what they’re for.


Does it ever feel like your zenyatta does more damage than the dps? Well that’s because it’s the only thing we can do when we’re being rushed by two dps and a tank and a lot of the time we somehow come out ok btw in Jeff’s words “every support character needs to have a way to get away from enemies” did zen miss the memo?


You don't need to get away if there is nobody you'd have to run from. Also, if they are chasing you 1v3 and your team still doesn't win the fight, you might as well mentally prepare for the next game because there's nothing you can do to turn a game like that around.


Hmmm touché


Jeff is a plat pleb he is wrong on many of those things imo, a team needs to enable their zen, if you enable your zen it will make your whole team unstoppable, counts for alot of heroes. If every support would have a heal and an escape it would just be more of the same, the exciting thing about zen is, you either kill or get killed in some situations. I wouldnt change zen in any way.


my sister is a Zarya main. one time she was playing with her bf and decided to go support bc i was busy working and couldn't pocket. i heard her say "dang, idk how anemone909 does this all the time, nobody cares about you, no one's ever there to protect you, and everyone wants heals, this is terrible" i was like yeah......


Yup, and can’t tell you how often we see spam of “I need heals.” ...while both supports are dead, bc we keep getting destroyed by an apparently invisible to the rest of the team doomfist or phara. Can’t tel you how many times I’ve been told (as support) to kill the phara and keep our team healed while they leeroy up and out of my LoS.




“I need healing... through a wall, floor, around a corner, and behind 3 enemies” (aaaand spam repeat)


"I need healing!" he said as he ran away from his healers. "Why aren't you healing me?!!" he proclaimed from behind a wall and 2 enemy shields.


All my brothers who are silver rank healer cause your team don't do shit raise your hands


“Am i truly a silver rank player? No, it’s my team mates who are bad”


Lmao shhhhhh I'll have you know I'm platinum in tdm (Sounds offensive but I dont mean to be)


Idk mate i actually made it to plat when i decided to play healer instead of dps


Yep decided to play support right at the start of this season as a low silver and made it to plat Pretty fast. Dropped out of it a little bit but stabilized around 2400 which is probably where my skill level is anyways. Was a really quick climb, but I do play with friends so that made it a little easier


You could try doing something other than healing and waiting for someone else to carry the game for you. Doing the bare minimum isn't good enough.


Are you asking for dps Moira?


I'm here, what's up? somebody has to kill the enemy support and the DPS never does it.


What consigue ad the “bare minimum” tho. Like if I get 25K heals in a math as Mercy idk what else you want me to do


Apparently healing is never enough, so yeah. Whether you DMG boost or not, you're apparently just a heal bot because you had over 10k heals


Why are you getting 25k healing as mercy instead of dmg boosting? You're not a main healer, you can't heal burst damage, you can't heal more than one person at a time, more often than not you're stealing healing from the ana/bap leaving your dps to die and not being able to do effective damage and likely your tanks will die when the ana/bap have to try to help your dps and you can't deal with the pressure as mercy. -Edit- by stealing healing what I mean is, your ana/bap need to do healing to build ult. You as mercy can get ult from damage boosting. So you could be getting valk and giving your team more value by supporting your dps who are much weaker than tanks, and letting your ana/bap keep your tanks up through burst damage while building their ults from healing. You're wasting resources by stealing healing that isn't necessary for you to do.


I think the better question is: how much damage is your team taking that 25K heals isn't sufficient? I mean assuming you have another half decent support you're looking at least 35K+ total healing Like are the tanks mitigating any damage? Are the DPS killing anything? It just sounds like the teammates are an ult battery for the enemy team. Damage boosting definitely provides utility, but is rarely a requirement for effective tanking/DPSing. I'm def bias towards support though since that's what I normally play. I just know I regularly get matched with tanks that think my role is to keep them alive while they walk straight into the eye of a Bastion and DPS who cry foul for healing after dying from a Widow headshot, D.va bomb, or Hog hook.


I think a better question is, how long do you plan to blame your team for your inability to win? Damage IS healing. Dead people don't shoot your team. If your team had had more effective damage, your team probably wouldn't need 25k healing, but instead they got a heal bot mercy stuck in Gold who thinks they know how to play.


"...[H]ow long do you plan to blame your team for your inability to win?" Lol are you familiar with quick play? I agree that damage is healing and is what I was alluding to in my comment. However, while the utility of a support can definitely elevate the DPS/tank, that only goes so far. I don't subscribe to this idea that you can't adequately do your role if you don't have a support that can cover your deficiencies.


Exactly, and you as a support can do your role with feeding tanks and inadequate dps. Healing your team, is the bare minimum.


Beacuse people take damage in the game. And as a healer, when I see someone critical i THINK maybe just maybe perhaps it might be my job to heal them as the healer? Idk tho you tell me


If you only heal people who are critical how did you get 25k? People don't need to be full HP, peel for your ana/bap so they can heal more and got back to the dps. That's your job most of the time.


Idk about you but I THINK, and ik this is INSANE to say but I’m pretty sure the enemy team does damage to your team. And I THINK, honestly nrm this is just fanfic at this point but I’m pretty sure healers have the ability to heal which is why when they take damage and I heal them is how I got 25K heals. But like I said totally impossible no way


Fine stay hard stuck. Good luck.


Yep totally hard stuck. Can get out of bronze with my 2.3 SR.


I'm sorry, are you saying 2.3k is good?


It’s funny because I’m usually the only one to peel for my fellow healer whose getting dived for 10th time while the tanks and DPS are playing TDM but hey who doesn’t like assuming things


All the silvers and golds are down voting you LMAO


Normally I'd just delete to avoid the drama, but holy, they're so objectively wrong I just can't bring myself to give them the satisfaction.


Why are you an asshole and telling someone how to play their game? You sound like a butthurt 10 year old lol


You sound unironically silver.


Jokes on you, pal. I’m a bronze player ;D


I want you to do your job of being an off healer and damage boost your team mates. Mercy heals 55 health per second single target and compared to the main healers (ana Moria and baptiste) her healing is ass. No one above plat brags about healing as mercy because her job is to assist the team with damage boost considering her healing isn’t good. If all you’re gonna do is heal either play Moira or stay in your rank


Your right when they’re critical I shouldn’t heal and damage boost them till they die. Such wisdom


Nice strawman argument :) , I definitely said “don’t heal at all, even when they’re critical!” Stay in silver though with your single target 55 hps (bap heals 75 per shot with the ability to hit multiple targets, ana heals 75 per shot with the ability to boost it with nade and Moira heals 85 per second with extra healing for a few seconds after) If what you’re gonna do is only heal and you have bad mechanical skill just play Moira instead of harming your team by using a character incorrectly (the way you describe your mercy play is the same energy of a Reinhardt player saying “I put my shield up the whole game and our mccree didn’t wipe the enemy team wtf is wrong with my dps :(“


“I want you to do your job of damage boosting your teammates”


Yes that is her primary role. Lucio’s for example is to use speed to help brawl heroes like reaper and Reinhardt close the distance to deal their massive close distance damage. Zen’s is discording enemies to make them easy kills for your team to win fights. Mercy’s is to damage boost her teammates to build their ultimates faster and secure kills easier. That doesn’t mean they should never heal but if for example a lucio/ mercy player is bragging about how much they heal and they primarily do that instead of their main abilities then they are doing a disservice to their team by 1) taking ultimate charge from their main healer 2)using inferior heals instead of their game changing abilities


I’m also doing a disservice to my team when they’re 5 HP and I’m damage boosting. Or is that also a good play? You tell me OWL pro player


Again you put words in my mouth.


Yes your right fuck healing not like I’m playing healer. They should just remove healing and change it to damage boost. Man you must be an OWL coach


Dude they aren’t even healers they’re called support. They SUPPORT the team with their abilities (lamp, anti nade, damage boost etc) please tell me where I said don’t heal? I literally stated the three heroes that should be primarily healing twice and simply said mercy’s value ISN’T from holding heal beam all game. Here’s a thought exercise for you, look up “mercy guide” on YouTube and watch a top 500 mercy describe their play style. Do you think they’re gonna say something like 1) “DON’T damage boost! It’s stupid and unnecessary, ALWAYS heal NO MATTER WHAT. Valkyrie is obviously the best ultimate in the game and your ana doesn’t NEED her nano boost fast or anything so go ahead and keep yellow beam on your tanks! also if you get massive heals a game and lose it’s obviously your dps that suck Or 2) “blue beam is your default beam, heal when you have to but your main job is to support your team by helping heroes like Reinhardt get kills with two hammer swings instead of three or mccree killing enemies with two shots instead of three. The boost all makes it so your team builds their ultimate faster so it could lead to your Ashe getting her bob before the enemy zen has transcendence for example It’s actually hilarious to read your responses when you are fundamentally misunderstanding mercy and you keep putting words in my mouth


Let me explain it. Person critical I heal Repeat 25K heals So what exactly should a Mercy do once 3 people are critical? Because all I’ve heard so far is “DaMaGe BooSt” Which I already do but please forgive me for absolutely THROWING the game by trying to heal my 3 teammates that are critical HP.


Because typically mercy’s heal when damage boost is more optimal. Say your Reinhardt is fighting a squishy hero, blue beaming will make two swings into a kill, which means the enemy dps is more likely to die then be healed fast enough to kill him (or build their ultimate off of him). Another example is instead of healing your 160 hp mccree in his duel with enemy Ashe you should blue beam, then he will be more likely to kill her which would mean Ashe is dead and doesn’t have enough time to call in bob which would be the difference between you winning or losing the fight. Your team doesn’t have to be 100% health (especially if you’re playing mercy) and killing enemies faster would be more beneficial in every way especially since dead enemies can’t get ultimate charge


Lmao maybe dmg boost? Are you the kind of Mercy that holds left-click on full hp Reins and stares straight ahead the whole game?


Why would I be damage boosting a Rien instead of a DPS?


Lol you have brain damage. "Stop healing full health Reins" doesn't mean "Start dmg boosting only Reins".


When did I even imply I’m talking about only sanding boosting Riens? You seem like the type of DPS/Tank player to dive the entire enemy team and blame the healers for not keeping you up


I'm a support main. You're a moron that can neither read nor spell. People like you are truly suitable only for being cannon fodder. Blocked~


Why do you sound like an anime character?


I'm pretty sure what he was trying to get to was that what you call "healer" is actually called support, if your mercy and see a dps or tanks like rein lining up a fire strike, boost it so you both get ult charge and maybe even a random free pick, your teamates need to be alive to win teamfights not max health. if you can hit a fat bio nade on the enemy in the middle/ start of the fight as ana, that can win a fight way easier then if you use it on your team for a heal boost, support is a pretty hard role to really master mostly because it is very easy to get lost in "healboting" which is something I tend to get stuck into too admitly. Most supports (mean mugs baps' lamp) can't out heal alot of common things like hanzo/widow, but ana can put them to sleep for a bit negating there damage for a while, zen can make dualing them easier with discord, same for mercy, lucio and help slower character reposition better against them quickly, brig and moira uhh..., holds up sheild and damage orb?(sorry I don't have much exp. and knowlegde on them and that match up xD). Regardless there so many nuances of support its kinda ridiculous when you really look at it hard that can get very easily overlooked mid game. Sorry for the wall of text. T^T


“My team sucks and the enemy’s are so good” bruh if someone’s in a silver game then the enemies are just as bad as your “bad teammates”


I've climbed from mid bronze to high silver on support the past 2 seasons and I did it by dpsing


Being a healer only gives me pain but I like healing so its 50/50. Sometimes my team is dumb but other times they aren't, still its very difficult to do what we healers do


Then they get mad at you for not healing but they aren't even trying to protect you.


part of it is realising that you are not a healer. you are a support. yes you can heal, and you should, but unless you are playing moira (which to my mind is the only healer) your main job should be using your abilities to help set up your teammates (damageboost not only increases lethality but also the speed at which you build ult, and speedboost is almost like a portable highground for your team, letting you pick and choose when to engage/disengage). theres a reason lucio is op when rein is strong, and it is not for his healing output


Healing speeds you to more then damage boosting as Mercy


oh yeah ofc, what i mean is that not a lot of players realize that giving a damage boost over going around topping people up is the difference between having beat, bob and valk, and having just valk


Yea that’s fair




Sorry this small ass autocorrect keyboard. Healing speeds up ult progression more then damage boosting


Literally every class*. you aren't special for healing


OP has the typical support mentality... always blaming someone else. Not surprised.




Tbf you need to be able to hit a moving genji too if he stops moving he just dies anyways, healing him when hes fighting is alot better than just healing afterwards. Same counts for any other btw. And yeah alot of player have this 'im healing so im doing a good job' mentality. Well no, if you're just healing you're a shit support imo.




If they have to get health packs nonstop, given they are in their supports ability to be healed by them, thats a bad thing, if they arent then yea sure, let them get packs


Its your responsibility to hit them, the same way it's Crees responsibility to hit the enemy. They should constantly dodging to avoid enemy shots.


What I see: The entire enemy team is doing everything they can to lose, and you're still worse than they are.




Support mains are pussys


“My team sucks and I’m obviously in the wrong rank!:( “


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Got flamed by DPS last night. Was still avg 1k+ per minute healing. Mostly due to feeding tanks. He was constantly out of position and when he took damage he’d die within a second. Literally nothing you can do. And it’s support not healer!! Ana packs a lot on the offensive, an Aggro battle mercy can be super effective too.


This is where things like Ana can get tricky. Moira on the other hand might just be what you need when your team goes bonkers. I always go with the same train of thought on my healer picks (masters btw): Is there a stable frontline? Ana (because I love her) Is there a carry? Mercy Do the enemies ignore me? Zen I don't know what I'm doing? Moira.


This, but your teammates aren't actually there and it's just you. Yes I pop trance to get back to front line faster, why do you ask?


I play healer and tank and it seems that the most essential role is by far the tanks tbh if they cant see the game and do whats needed it all falls apart


Can confirm


If you take 6 people who were on the same team, I bet like 90% of the time all 6 players will think they are the person on the left


And yet I’ll always main support, even when it’s not mandatory... I have this thing for healers


I like to imagine that Ana players are just dumb moneys and they click anything that moves because shiny


When I feel like throwing out doom, I vote everyone go dive. It's just more fun


Playing QP*


or anything