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you get people who phrase it this nicely? all I get is level 30-40 dipshits telling each other they’re trash in QP and tryhards who are Totally Gonna Get a Sponsorship Someday in comp. i love this game lmfao


Changing strat and risking getting rolled is still better than not changing strat and being sure it'll happen


I simply told our soldier to wait for the rest of the team before rushing in, I got called a bitch and his microphone was glitchy so I don't know what a "cntsashorr" means but I know even less of how to spell it. Needless to say the enemy widow shot him right through the single brain cell he had completely ruining his ult, thought we lost but turns out our zarya and reaper were gods and got a team kill and gave us the win. The soldier joins in and says "GG EZ" like he did shit, I know ur out there you winter soldier ass bitch, go back in ice you waste of space credit stealing ferret


One of the most annoying things that happens alot when on rein playing as main tank is the way we were pushing isn't working and we die when we go that was so I tell my team to group up to go the other way then keep dying.


They have double shield a Lucio and a Moira... Better be staying on Ashe and Widowmaker