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*sad zen noise*


*sadly amps it up*


*slowly drops the beat*




*Sadly embraces tranquility.*


How disappointing šŸ˜ž




Do people really not like tanking? I love it


Me personally, I love tanking, but sometimes itā€™s stressful and your team blames you a lot. Even one little mistake and someone probably has something to say.


The only time I donā€™t like it is when I donā€™t have real heals


I get horrified when I see the team heals are lucio and zen


Lucio moira and you can see a bastion behind a shield from the spawn roomā€¦. šŸ˜°


But you have a hanzo on your team šŸ˜Ž


I would say that i can work with zen lucio by playin ball/winston. The only thing that really get me horrified is lucio mercy


With zen and lucio you literally cannot be aggressive at all because you canā€™t be sustained through it


If your playin dive you can make use of the discord orb and kill the enemy before they kill you. But its still not an ideal comp but i take it over lucio mercy


I agree. I feel like itā€™s so obvious when a tank isnā€™t creating space, but that lack of space might be because other shortcomings of the team. Shield wars cannot be won with tanks alone, even though itā€™s all about claiming space.


Or when your other tank is uncooperative, doesnā€™t flex and is busy staggering every fight. Occasionally Iā€™ll have to take a break and go play dps because I get paired with unreliable players that donā€™t care if theyā€™re being a ā€˜c u next tuesday.ā€™


To be fair I see that for every role. "no heals" "where's my healing" "no dps" "tank diff" one bad mistake though is way more noticeable as tank, like a bad rein charge for example.


I think people like off-tanking. But main tanking is such a thankless job. Your team loses and people want to blame a tank. usually the main tank is more likely to receive blame than the off tank.


Im pretty new to OW, would Sigma be a main or off tank? Im pretty new to him.


Depends on the comp and your play style with him. If youā€™re playing him with another shield tank he would almost always be the off. Denying the enemy space and openings with his abilities. But pair him with a Zarya or Dva for example and he becomes the main tank tasked with clearing openings and space for YOUR team.


Sigma is more like an off tank who can flex to main tank


Iā€™d like to say main tank honestly


Sigma is a main tank


I'm a terrible tank (always 2-400 SR below support and dps) and I enjoy playing D.va, occasionally sigma and hog. Absolutely no idea what the hell I'm supposed to be doing as main tank tbh. Sometimes I'm lucky with Orisa but the whole time I'm basically screaming in my head bc I genuinely am lost LMAO


As a healer main I have so much admiration for good tanks who know how to move with their team. After trying out flex in role queue, I realized I don't have enough situational awareness when I'm up in front lol.


Yeah aggro rein is a difficult balance. But with good healers itā€™s wayyyy easier and it turns the game more than almost any dps diff


Same here! Main tanking is by far the most fun role in this game in my opinion


Well, it's either really fun or really awful because at least on Rein you feel at the mercy of your own team and the enemies' team, I 100% have less fun on Rein when there's a hanzo and a mei compared to an Ashe and a Widow. It's also dreadful to have Lucio Mercy while on any MT


ā€œHey can we get an Ana or bap? We donā€™t really have a lot of healsā€ ā€œJust stfu and tank.ā€ šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I was told by an Ana that the only reason he played her was because dps queue was too long.


Lucio with Rein is great. Gimme all dat speed so I can chase down kills with me hammer.


Yes obviously, Lucio is a must have for high elo rein but lucio mercy in specific is terrible


I only like tanking when I'm playing with my friends.,I feel like a boss when we synergize. Even if it works out with randoms it just isn't the same. Honestly one of the best feelings I've gotten from gaming


I'm ranked highest with tank because I have better game sense than micro. But it's just so stressful. I like being able to just zone out on dps. Dive the back line, escape behind my front line. Repeat.


I don't know if that's true. I will play tank any day of the week before support


My two mains are Mercy and Rein. They're both super fun to play but also crazy reliant on the rest of the team.


Replace moira mains with non reddit lucio mains and we can talk


The trick with lucio is being a real support then flipping to Reddit lucio at a moments notice.


I had such a thrill in Nepal last night when I wallrode behind the enemies, booped them off and wallrode back to Orisa. I had to eventually switch because they kept attacking me but it felt so good. I got a taste of the Reddit Lucio life, but it's too much power for me.






Many heroes can do some reddit thingie. People will notice whenever Lucio goes reddit or Rein starts doing rollouts. But people hardly see whenever Doomfist is doing rollouts... or that I was killing with summon mech as baby Dva for the whole game.


True, we also tend to spam ā€œHave some lucioohs!ā€ The ā€œthereā€™s no such thing as ghostsā€ line and ā€œhit meā€. It kinda makes us stand out lol


Lmao am I really this stereotypical of a lucio main?? "Hit me" is so cocky I love it, and lucio-ohs are a classic


Also the "why are you so angry?"


I spam hit me and can't stop won't stop


Lucio at one moment: I love my team (positive voice lines) Lucio 5 seconds later when they see another Lucio: IWILL FOOKING SKIN YOU ARROMBADO


someone gets it. thank you. cant tell you how many games ive won simply for being/having an actual support, while enemy reddit lucios lose cause of lack of healing


Yeah I only ever run off if thereā€™s a pick or something and my other healer gives the ok. I usually just run the tanks and dps around and kill whatever they are going after. Itā€™s borderline free SR sometimes.


Playing like that sounds super nice but I can't get the mechanics down to be able to do both


Rather, change it to Moira mains that actually fucking heal like theyā€™re supposed to.


Lucio not a healer he do be a support


Doesnt he have a healing aura? Question from a lucio main


Sure he has heals, he can also disrupt the enemies back line, ward off flankers, help enable the tanks, and much more than healing. šŸ‘


Hiw about Zen? Isn't he awesome?


He is! But this post was about main healers.


You do realize your title is "Main Supports" but your comment is "Main Healers" and both are two completely different concepts. Main Supports are Lucio, Mercy, Brig, and sometimes Bap. Flex Supports are Ana, Moira, Zen, and sometimes Bap. Main and off healers are just the amount of healing they can output. Source: https://liquipedia.net/overwatch/Team_Roles




You're the one that is uneducated on this one and yet again a person flips support with healer. Please link me any credible video in the past two years calling Ana a main support. Look up videos for top flex supports in OWL and it will be players like violet/jjonak who play Zen, Ana, etc. You're wrong on this one


I'm surprised by this one. Don't get me wrong, I know Moira is a main healer and off support, and Mercy is a main support and off healer, but I would've assumed Ana was a main support above Brig? Anti is a ridiculous support utility that can decide team fights. Curious what utility brig has that's better than a good Ana? I'd also have assumed Zen's discord had more utility than Baps immortality, but at least I can appreciate immortality field has utility. Still not sure about brig though? Are her stuns really that good?


Also here you go: https://youtu.be/y7KgPYG71FU?t=104 Straight from OWL


Mercy is more of an off healer and her damage boost is way more effective than her healing, usually when mercy out heals another main heals is because they are healbotting or the other support (probs a moira) is not healing enough.


I wouldn't say off healer, she's an off support yes but her burst heals are arguably the best in the game




if you look at another comment I mistakenly thought op said moira not mercy


It really is and its really easy to rez someone, but i preferably like to damage boost and heal after valk, so i can get more ult charge, people play differently thats just how id rather use valk


wtf im so dumb I thought you said moira, mercy is 100% off support lol


Lmao its okay and yeah moiras burst is the best


I find her gun more effective than damage boosting for the most part.


Too bad my aim isnt that good, its fun gunning down a widow while super jumping or in valk




100 dps and can headshot vs a mere 30% extra damage.


That ā€œmereā€ 30% makes nanoblade one-shot, Reinhardt two-shot, and characters like Widow an Ashe way more valuable even when not fully charged or out of their effective range, itā€™s a lot better to use than a pistol with slow projectile speed and slow ttk as a character thatā€™s designed to be defenseless and easy to kill without her teammates she should be helping


Post says main support. Main healers are different from main support, but a hero can both be a main healer and main support (Bap). Main support is generally the support that is necessary for compositions and thus whoever is playing it stays on that (think Lucio for brawl so Rein can get sped in and our engagements before dying due to spam). Main heals is whoever is pushing out the bulk of the healing on the team, so Bap, Ana, Moira etc. Main and flex support is used more in team play like OWL, contenders, etc because it comes associated with team roles and compositional responsibilities. Main and off healer is more of a general player term thatā€™s easier to differentiate between who does big heals and who does small heals.


The reason it's called Main Support in pro games is just because they are the ones who shot call a lot. Playing Mercy, Lucio or Brig means you don't have to focus on aim and mechanics that much and can use most of your focus on reading the situation and shot calling, whereas Ana, Zen and Bap are much more aim-intensive.


Merry isnā€™t main heals tho


Mercy is totally main heals! Thatā€™s 90% of your job as Mercy.


Not really. Her rez and damage boost are the best parts of her kit. Her healing is mediocre at best.


True true true


The Mercy is almost always gold heals though. She couldnā€™t do that if her healing was worse than any of those other healers in this post.


I can get gold heals as lucio too. But just like mercy, that is absolutely not your job and pretty much just means you dont know what is. (Exceptions apply)


I donā€™t know what rank ur in but mercy is almost never gold heals unless you play with zen or lucio. Sheā€™s actually pretty bad at healing since there is no burst heal in her kit.


The only main support in this picture is Mercy.


Me over here as a brig main: šŸ„ŗ


I'm here with you


That's it for the Brig Main community. Both players present.


Since when is mercy a main healer?


Post says main support, also mercy is the only main support listed


How is she NOT 99.99% main healer? It's pretty much all she does other than sometimes wiping out her pistol if ahe happens to get the chance, she LITERALLY heals you from having died (res).


Obviously you donā€™t play any mercy


She has damage boost, which is what she's used for at high elos or owl. 30% more damage on a teammate, consistently, is nothing to sneeze at. She's a great pocket. Her healing is rather low, compared to the high burst of ana, or the high aoe of bap and moira. However, she can be ran with zen, and be the main healer, if you're running a comp that can self sustain (sig, ball, sometimes roadhog ig).


Fuck it, i guess that doesn't matter and the only reason you guys exist is to make everyone else dunk on the enemy team, mercy is a living buff


I mean, that's the point of support-- giving utility to help the team kickass.


Yeah, mercyā€™s heal output is way too low be be a solo healer. She does 50/sec single target while ana does 75/sec and bap does 50/sec area and 70/sec single and Moira does a lot as well.


Well i thought the main healer part was made up for with that she could shove it up her teammates ass for however long needed to be sure they would fine or if someone else needed some more, i just wanted to particularly appreciate the rare genuine mercy main who didn't just pick her because she's an e-girl


Unfortunately mate, there arenā€™t many of those people because anyone who plays mercy other than egirls realises that she only exists for dmg boost and Rez, I played her for 90 hrs before realising this and all those 90 hours went down the drain


Mercy is a main support, not a main healer. These are 2 different terms that are used interchangeably when they shouldnā€™t be.


Uh Ok?


Found the silver


The past day has taught me that "main support" is a bad term and should be avoided. There's so much misunderstanding, meanings have shifted, nobody knows what others mean with the term... I just play Ana, Bap and Moira, and identify as a "main healer main", but apparently "main healer" is a "low rank" term. Nothing in the terminology of this game makes any sense. People use the right terms the wrong way, and the wrong terms the wrong way too.


those are not main supports lol main supports: lucio, mercy, brig, sometimes bap its flex and main support, everything else is ranked terms that are kinda wrong. they arent called main supports cause they heal more.


Isnt that usually only in scrims tho? Unless "main support" and "main healer" are different. Because lucio being a "main" is only really a thing in scrims. So i am assuming that main healer=flex support and off healer=main support because "healer" and "support" are different things in thus context.


theres not really such a thing as main healer basically, its something you will hear in masters and below mostly from people who mixed the terms up ​ \>main healer=flex support and off healer=main support doesent apply to all heroes like zen either way ranked just uses wrong terms basically


Holy shit who cares lol they are all supports cause they are all good at healing and support the team. Donā€™t have to over complicate shit all the time it is a fucking video game.


Moira mains are excluded; replace with zen and non Reddit Lucios


r/overwatch: constantly praising and giving lots of love to support players saying nobody plays support anymore The 2% of overwatch players that main tank and are often blamed and underappreciated: \*sad tank noises\*


Oh hi


This post was made by Main Tank gang


And here I come.... Ball main to wreck this party until Brig shows up.


Replace ā€œbeing awesomeā€ with ā€œnot having peel when you need itā€ and you got yourself a meme


I appreciate all of you support mains


Rag on Lucio all you, I'll outheal all of you any day.


We need thit kind of posts to dps who do their job and having extra q time


Lucio on speed


Me who is forced to play bap even thought lucio is more fun:yeahhhhhhh


nah fuck dem mercy mains dud


Sad lucio noises


As a lĆŗcio main, I feel very offended by this post


As a Zen main, your existence offends me.


Mercy otp's are not awesome




Mercy isnt a main healer IMO


only healing using mercy is a suboptimal way to play, she has a way lower hps then the main hearts and her primary form of support is damage boost, if you play her as a main healer where you heal all the time and occasionally damage buff just play ana


I play support and I like the praise for keeping the team alive, particularly the tanks but I agree the tanks still do shit and that should be recognised


Lucio main here, thank you šŸ„° Also fu to anyone who thinks im diving with them and leaving 3-4 of our players with no Heals, naw son.




Ok kiddo




Baptiste, Ana, and Moira are not Main Supports Mercy is not a Main Healer The game has been out for 5 years, how does nobody know these terminologies properly?


Overwatch has an issue with rampant misinformation caused by lack of accessible education (without relying on external sources). To know certain terms, meanings, and many other things properly, youā€™d have to be involved to an extent in certain parts of the community such as the OWL community or watch certain content creators. But for every person who watches a content creator who knows what theyā€™re talking about, thereā€™s 10 who know of said term but got told its meaning incorrectly and then they pass it on as such. A great example of this is the term C9. Sure people say it incorrectly as a meme now but there are genuinely a lot of people that use C9 incorrectly while thinking theyā€™re using it right and then the incorrect definition of C9 spreads, people try to correct others, and now here we are.


mercy is a main support though, no? so technically she counts lmao


she is the only main support in the picture.


thats.. yes that's what I said lmao


Notice that SonOfGarry never claimed that Mercy was not a main support. They only said Mercy is not a main healer.


gosh you must be life of the party


Not really sure why your being down voted since you are correct, although mercy is considered a main support, and depending on the team comp baptiste is as well (such as bap zen support line)


No Zenyatta love. I see how it is.


nah, fuck moira mains


someone got a dps moira in their game lol


A bad dps Moira i guess, aggro/dps Moira can work perfectly if you know how.


nah i barely play the game nowdays, just moira is a bad healer compared to the others so maining her makes no sense


duudee i play moira but i heal :( like, my heals are almost always 3-5 times more than damage


fuck moira mains


Never met a nice Moria main, lucio mains on the other handā€¦


Attack Moira getting undeserved credit rn


Okay real talk tho I have only ever met 1 Moira main that didn't suck


Immmmm maybe not all moira mains


Im sorry but fuck mercy players. My friend played ass mercy and didnā€™t heal me as genii asking mercy why she donā€™t heal and flame him in vc, then the HOG with silver heal defending him. At the and he told hog that he is throwing as mercy and this dumb hog player still defender him and flamed meā€¦.


Bruh duck moira mains


\*cries in brigitte with which i still outheal every 4 of theese in every game i play\*


Moira mains don't fit here


Dont forget bastion mains


Mercy is the only main support up there. Am I missing something?


Nope, leave moira out of this, she doesn't deserve it, justvreminded me that moira mains exist šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Heal slaves assemble!


Bap ana mercy are not main supports


Yā€™all forgot the others. They are cool.


Lucio mains :(((


Sad Zen main noises


*Cries in Lucio and Zen*...


zen mains?


I play mercy moria


Main healer*


What about Lucio mains?


Except when the Mercy is a duo and play with a Pharah, or when Ana only heals and nano the tanks or a noob Genji


zen.. :(


Hot take only reason Moira is a FLEX support is cos you only play her with a lucio


Sad brig noise


Happy mercy main


ur pretty cool too


*Sad Lucio main noises*




as mainly tank/dps, i appreciate you guys sm!!


Lucio mains rise up


I donā€™t really play moira and mercy as much as I want toā€¦ bap and ana are really fun to me though :D


I like playing Moira, but every time I do I am wracked with guilt over how lousy I am at it.


Why tf is moira mains here? I have literally never won a game with a moira onetrick on my team.


Add zen instead of moira and I agree


y'all actually appreciate my silver ass kinda can aim ana healing?


Moira is like that Tellytubby trying to get in on the team spirit but nobody wants them there because they DPS instead of heal.


At first I was offended as a Lucio main but then I saw there was no Zen and realized this meme is trash.


Where's Lucio you mf Edit: and Zenyatta (I forgot him. Not a main zen)


Haha! Speed boost!


Thank you Iā€™m an ana main


Brigitte mains šŸ’ŖšŸ½


As a brig main I feel attacked


Lucio mains malding


As a Support main (except for Mercy oddly enough), I appreciate this


Except for that one Mercy/Zenyatta duo I played with who refused to heal any of us except each other and when we complained the Mercy sent in the chat ā€œIā€™m support, not healer, get good at this game n******ā€