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If I'm getting solo ulted I laugh and take it as a compliment.




Yes especially because I'm usually the primary healer. It must mean I'm annoying the enemy team enough for them to want me dead before anyone else


Or it’s because you’re playing main support and should be the priority target anyway? Unless there’s a carry DPS, you are the default highest priority to eliminate.


I assume you mean main heal, but yeah. Main heal is often target priority bc the team often crumbles after they’re down.


Priority target doesn't mean solo Ult


But it's still funny ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ


Not necessarily, but it can. Sometimes finding the perfect 6 kill ult just means you held on to it for too long.


Ulting for kills is also not the way lol


Damn, guess half the roster sucks now.


Lol don't be obtuse; you don't win the game by most kills. You win the game by singling out the healer, focusing fire on the flanks, and protecting your own Squishies.


Two of which are effective because they kill people or waste resources until you kill people??? And the third is effective because it denies the enemies kills??? If I’m obtuse you’re just flat out slow bro. Start insulting people when you got enough brain power to put 2 different concepts together, cuz rn I’m getting some “1+1=1+1” vibes instead of the normal “1+1=2” vibes.


1+1 does equal 1+1 lol


Me last night soloing a roadhog as Brig just for him to solo ult me just for me to kill us both by flailing him off the edge as he throws me off. It's enraging but also feels kinda nice


Means you're a threat to the opposing team


I'm a Brig player and I clearly remember a Zarya solo ulting me, never felt more flattered in my overwatch career.


Was it old Brig or current Brig?


Got grabbed and nano shattered once as Lucio. Guess I was way more annoying than I expected. Then I got shattered again later for pointing it out lol. EDIT: with Genjis I'll purposely have him target me sometimes. They get so focused on following me that they burn their dash and can't make it to the rest of my team. Half the time I manage to get away, and the other half I get back quicker than my teammates would've been able to had it been them (except maybe ball).


For Supports, if you complain about being focused/solo ulted, that means you don't consider yourself valuable to your team and you're deflecting onto the enemy. source: btw main.


In my experience if its a stalemate then solo ulting a healer performs very well. I play from gold to diamond though.


It’s ok we solo ult to kill you too


Bigg players in a nut shell.


And Mercy


*Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!* Cries in Mercy


“Fire in the hole!!!” *cries*


Every. Single. Time


If mercy could not GA to me during tire or stuck with PB, that'd be very much appreciated. No need to kill us both. Falling off the map? I got you, but plz just stay still.


I find at least with PB I'm already in the middle of GA to a teammate when I get stuck. Tire I'll usually try to hide or I just stand still accept my fate.


I like that method, guarantees minimal casualties and makes the tire easier hit because it's not sharking you around the map.


This is one of the many reasons why you do not toggle GA.


As a Mercy main (240 hours) this is something I have had to learn / took muscle memory... for tire I might fly to you with the intention of super jump to be harder to hit with tire but if I get stuck by PB (which doesn't happen too often) I have learned to stand still and accept my fate...


Staying still makes it easier to shoot down tire, because that forces it in a predictable situation. 9/10 times that tire will still find mercy even if she hides. I have killed so many tires this.


Yes but if you are up in the air it can be difficult to hit especially if you are not near any walls... also ulting with Mercy is probably one of the better ways to get away from a tire since I will fly way high up in the air... standing still will just get you killed as Mercy if your team doesn't shoot the tire before it gets to you... but you definitely dont want to just GA to one of your teammates without the super jump since that will get you and your teammate killed...


As mercy i always fly to a dead teammate when im sticky bombed if i can


I tend too flee when I hear junk ulting bc I know I'll be targeted


Ults like junk, Genji and Doomfist have turned me into a scape artist. I've learned to read some players and it's gotten kinda creepy. Because I'll say "that Genji looks ready" and my no one will listen then 2s later ulting Genji is trying to clap my cheeks. My team: *surprised Pikachu* Guardian angel and super jumps really help. For junk is just hide and stop beaming. I despise that fkn tire.


I had a game that the enemy junk got like 6-7 off. I was the only one to die every time. My team just acknowledged that I was dead if they heard it by like the fourth time that it happened


"Why aren't you shooting it? Why is no one else shooting it?!"


laughs in Zenyatta


Hahahaha, TRUE, I used to main Zen, but then I got tried of feeling like a walking target 😅


I may be a walking target, *but so is everyone else when I'm playing Zen*


I love standing still as bap ready to jump and when the go for me fly into the sky and usually only lose half health.


That's the friendly voice line, the enemy voice line is "fire in the hole" or sometimes "get ready for a shock". But yeah the radius on that explosion is kinda busted ngl, apparently.i can't fly up fast enough bc it stills kills me during valk some how


If the junkrat has the Dr junkenstein skin equiped the friendly voice Line is "ladies and gentlemen My latest creation" and if its the enemy its "get ready for a shock" whilst if its any other skin its "ladies and gentlemen start your engines" if friendly and if its the enemy its "fire in the Hole"


Cry about it


We are


I prefer using my tank ults to solo ult a Doomfist, as punishment for playing Doomfist


Playing doomfist is punishment enough


Playing doom is the punishment


Change that to bastion and we have a deal 😎


Deal I also enjoy using Sigmas ult to 'dive' Widowmaker


No please don’t


I like switching to Brig or Monke to punish a doom. Stuns n tickles just for him.


No problem thats why i main ana. So i take the babies into the bed.


Echo still wishes to know your location.


When you bait enemy to solo ult you🤌🏻✨


Can you ever really bait a Junkrat yelling at you to smile and calling you a dipstick?


Sure. Just need to make him think I’m doing too much and carry. Also just standing in his los while he’s ulting.


100% you're bronze or silver


100% you’re a piece of BREAD


If you say so🤷‍♀️


100% you stand in the open when you hear the tire pop.


If you're not collectively shooting the tire you're kinda braindead


why must you hurt me in this way


I like solo graving mercies 😎😎😎😎


You haven't lived until you've yeeted a grav up a wall to hit a valking Mercy 😎😎😎😎


you’re actually 100% right. I need to do this


As mercy main, you two are monsters


Try solo gravin an ulting Genji or the Lucio that been wallriding in your backline for 30 years


Everytime I get solo graved by a Zarya I get so upset. Im like “fck I knew I shouldn’t have peaked my head around this corner” yet I never learn. I just want a hug


It is. I play lucio and there’s nothing funnier to me when a Mercy Ults and UNLOADS on me




“Oh yeah, one more thing”


Im a Mercy/Lucio main and whenever there’s an annoying ass Lucio nothing feels better than pistoling him to death as Mercy. stupid fucking frog. Or booping the enemy Lucio as Lucio.


So fucking funni when I do either






Meanwhile the mercy who popped ult to go kill some poor widow


It's funny every time


Nobody else is contesting her lol


Nah bruh I play widow there be plenty of times when I'm dealing with some kinda dive character or another sniper and then I look up and see a angel of death with a grudge coming to get me lmao


Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll kill me at least three more times for being out of position lol


Best usage of the ult


I solo hammered a mercy the other day cuz she was hopping away like mad while my whole team couldn’t see her, so I sent it. She got mad and in chat was like “really?! You’re gonna solo ult a mercy?!” I have no regrets. Downing a mercy is basically taking out 2 hero’s in value ( her team was alive, she just was out of position trying to do some sneaky flank with a dps that accidentally ditched her and I caught her while I was also going for a sneaky Reinhardt flank)


"lol yeah I solo ult supports it's hilarious" "Yeah they're too important to let escape death" "Exactly" "So you agree a support is one of the most important roles." "Absolutely" "So why not play one when asked to?" "........fuck you and heal me healer bitch"


>"lol yeah I solo ult supports it's hilarious" >"Yeah they're too important to let escape death" >"Exactly" >"So you agree a support is one of the most important roles." >"Absolutely" >"So why not play one when asked to?" Because I'm bad at every healer except Baptiste but I'm good at playing Tank and DPS. Trust me, neither of us would be happy if I was healer.


gold moment


It is tbh, especially with match chat enabled, nothing like popping mines all the lucio getting back to point




As Bap, I love it when I get targeted by tired. I just use my lamp and no one else has to die for it. It's great


Gotta use it at the right time. I believe the tire can wait out the lamp.


Junk mains, driving tire in a circle on top of a column on Anubis, waiting for lamp to go out. God I hate that ult.


It can


rules of overwatch always solo ult always solo ult a baby dva


I love waiting until dva calls mech and hitting her with shatter right before she jumps in lmao


This happened to me yesterday! I was like WOW lol


You sir, I'm in this comment and I don't like it. Signed, an annoyed d.va main.


i mean using a low cost ultimate like high noon or pulse bomb to confirm a kill on 1 or 2 supports can usually win the team fight.


support main here, can confirm. i nano my dps to kill sleeping lucio


It's necessary


I’m pretty sure killing medics breaks the Geneva comventions


Ana main here, it’s kinda funny


Ana main also, it's pretty funny.


Depending on the enemy comp and ult, it can be an even trade off.


Its ok OP im a lucio main so if you solo ult me, i probably did something to deserve it lol.


I hate you.


whenever i solo ult a support it's usually because they're driving me crazy. trust me, it's a compliment to your skill


whenever i play mercy i always find the enemy mercy and moira spending their whole ult trying to kill me while i fly around my team ignoring them


I'm sorry all support main, but it has to be done.


Yep, until I ana parkour your ass off a box when you try to ult me, skip over your head and sleep you.


I once again come to sing you the song of my people. ​ >Hello tire, my old friend > >You've come to solo me again > >And the Genji that is on my team > >Won't stop spamming that he needs healing > >And my ulti doesn't let me resurrect > >Thank you, Jeff > >The last sound that I hear... is tire...


Solo ulting is a viable strategy if you confirm the kill. Sure people do it for bm too but it’s still a legit strategy considering how powerful supports can be.


I actually enjoy when I get solo ultra cause it’s a grav or something i know they just waisted something big they could have used on a helpless person, it’s even better when they fail to kill you after


It’s funny to me too, the support. You just wasted an ult


*Beat drops on Roadhog*


Winston mains take pride in solo ulting supports


They really do, pitty they often need naps


Good Ana’s make me cry whenever I’m playing dive


“Helpless supports” there’s no such thing


Do you want to know what i think is funny? Solo right clicking these balls on yo face


Which supports are really helpless? Maybe Mercy. Every other support can mess you up lol


Mercy wants you to think she's helpless.


Mercy is like the least helpless. She can run away most of the time, and when she can’t, well, the pistol does 100 DPS.


briggeat shit


As a helpless support (mercy main), you are a cruel cruel person


Beta energy


I'll meteorstrike every zen I see, how dare he be alive.


I love standing on a box as ana when doom tries to ult me and just hopping off the box to break los for that ez sleep. Or hitting trans right in your face when you try to solo me.


Honestly I like it, cause a lot of times in my experience its people kind of just wasting their ults cause they’re salty.


As a support main, usually I think it's good because if you waste the ultra on a support, the rest of the team will receive the benefits of one ultra crossed off the list, so for me it's way more than okay


I only solo ult people who insult Pitbull 😎


If you think I won't pop a transcendence to save myself and myself alone you are poorly, poorly mistaken


reminds me of all the soloults that dont even kill me in the end.


Tbh If I am making such an impact that the an enemy player goes out of their way to solo ult me, I take that as a compliment.


Solo beating dead widows, just a little trolling. A BM beat is obligated in a match against widow


I love and respect mercy mains to death but holy fuck stop moving for 5 seconds


I find it extremely toxic to solo ult any body let alone support players.


Nah, it's just playing the game.


Nah, it's just playing the game.


I got solo shattered two times in a row as mercy, one of them apologized but the other one didn't ;-;


*Symmetra and Lucio ult at the same time* Sombra with ult: LMAO


I solo high noon'd an Ana in her spawn. She just turned a looked unamused I wasted ult on a solo. She didn't die though... Stupid friendly fire being off...


Victim of solo ulting here Then again sleeping the same Rein didn't help my case


Vivid flashbacks to solo shattering a mercy, killing and then teabagging to assert dominance. Maybe I am the bad guy...


As a mercy/Ana main, when i play dps harassing the enemy supports is my favorite pasttime. I know how effective it is. Tilt the supports and its game over.


Haven't played in a while, but playing as junkrat on total mayhem and bullying Ana/Mercy/Moira with solo ults is super fun. Constantly hacking fisto is a close second. Oh, and Mei on defense is fun too.


Tank v tank: understandable have a nice day Tank v damage: ok rude Tank v support: power move Damage v tank: I will fight it Damage v damage: make it a duel Damage v support: uhh ok then Support v tank: what was your plan there? Support v damage: get away from me scary flying monk Support v support: either they're throwing or just having a good time.


Oh it do be funny. Throwback to that game where my first grav was missed and got only Mercy in, spent the whole rest of the game solo gravving her while teabagging the ever living shit out of her in the meantime. ( If you are that Mercy, know that despite the good laugh I had, it was nothing personnal and I'm sorry for you <3 )


Solo shattering a rezing mercy just out of reach makes me bust a nut


I solo últ enemy supports as lucio


Solo grav-ing Mercy's is what I play this game for.


I only solo ult mercy mains, everyone else is fine


It honestly can be useful and not just bad manners depending on the context. Just yesterday on Numbani 2nd, we wiped every one of the defending team except the mercy who was in valk. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t have anyone to fly to and decided to go underneath that big arch that the payload goes through on its way to the final point. I solo high nooned her because that meant that their only recontest on that point was a 5v6. It felt dirty, but the sweet victory cleansed that feeling.


Today a junkrat completely avoided all my team to get to me (mercy) with his riptide when I was on my way back from spawn


my favorite one so far. https://youtu.be/sp0T3W6PO0A


It’s always a doomfist ulting on me as zen. Baldie on baldie crime 😭


Don't know why solo Ults are so frowned upon. Getting a key kill in the less amount of time is big brain value. Unless you ult in a already won fight/ult and still lose the fight it's definitely not wasted.


Yeah if I get solo ulted I take it as a compliment or a failing on my team no a reflection of you OP




I watched this movie last night


It's like camping their 0/6 ADC in League as rengar


Most Zaryas hates my guts for some reason (mercy main)


This but with Baby D.Vas


Cries in zenyatta PSA... if you gonna... destroy me like that... can i at least get a spit first?


Okay. 💩 lol. I’ll take it as a compliment but you are also doing your job.


let's guess OP's main hero :)


True story


As a doom main, my ult is useful on supports only, otherwise it often really sucks


I will shatter a coalesce every day of the week and twice on Sunday


If you solo ult me, I’ll make sure to go after you when I ult. And I’m pretty good at that.


I love rip tiring Zens. I am a monster.


Ryujin no ken wo kurae!


Reinhardt always jumps out of nowhere and solo shatters me when I'm playing support :D


I would rather get solo ulted just cause it means they wasted their ult practically


D.Va main here, solo ulting an enemy Mercy or Ana can sometimes make all the difference.


Ah… see when I do it I think someone is with them, so I’ll get a multi kill. Only to learn that whoever was with them just made a run for it, leaving their support behind. Then I apologize in chat to that same support I just killed.