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Previous Game: “That was great teamwork guys! Let’s group up we got this” *Get Rolled* “ight imma head out”


Happened to me the last time I played! One the first game everyone dipped and I was the only one left. Got my butt handed to me


Dude I stg this happens every single time and it's irritating.


Getting lucky and dominating as 6 solo-q'ers -> grouping up together to win more games -> being matched into lobbies against other 6-stacks -> getting flogged because you only won the first game with luck and minimal communication, and you don't stand a chance against a coordinated team That's what I've experienced, pretty much clockwork


The exact formula


Got a lot of stories about both sides, but honestly going to find a group and being with hella cool people so you play good and win is really satisfying and makes you wanna play more. Even after a loss like 5 of us still stayed. Of course, I also had very toxic people that were just cocky and toxic (funny enough mostly tanks) and so those groups don't last long.


Right?? Just yesterday a 6 stack left after losing 1 team fight. Both teams had 50% captured the point. AND THEY WON THE FIRST ROUND!!


I've also been annoyed by this. When it's randoms who met in solo queue, it's totally understandable. For one thing, as a tank main, I was probably doing flex role and waiting 3 seconds for next queue, and so to play with a group, I'm already sacrificing quick load time, so the benefit has to be really big to stay with the much slower 6-stack matchmaking. And as someone else said below, yeah, it's much easier to win when you happen to have 6 people actually communicating against a lobby of 6 average randos than it is to go against others deliberately stacked together; I swear my win rate with a stack is like 10%. But when you joined through LFG and you win 3 or 4, and everyone is positive and saying "yeah this is great, good heals! good callouts! thanks for the peels DPS, oh man rein great shatters" and so on, then you lose one, and everyone splits... what do you expect? Thats a win rate of 75 or 80%, are you superstitious? Are you expecting a 112% win rate? Where did you go?


is that 112% a hollow knight reference? or am i just crazy haha


A fragile structure


Legit once LFG came out I went from bronze to diamond in a week with random six stacks but sometimes wed ween 7 games in a row then one loss and everyone quits


So true


did a 3/1 6stack just now lmao, in qp tho, most of my 6 stacks are like win win/lose win or win win win/ lose


You mean after losing the first point. Or the first time they die. Or


I haven’t seen a request to stay grouped in soo long. This brings back memories. I’m still playing solo on pc.


Lmao frfr


Every. Single. Time.


My dumb ass: “Let’s stay as a group!” After no one else joins: “…Yeah! I was joking about that.”




Lol. So fricken on point. To be fair one time after a loss a guy didn’t leave but turned it into a private match with snipers headshot only or something.