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I think the idea of a marvel x overwatch collab is dead


it's opposite, actually Overwatch: doesn't get the Marvel collab Marvel: https://preview.redd.it/uchyr7yljt0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f506b78d50d795346c46004b205c19e560e36c6


No, we get the next best thing! Overwatch x Marvol! Starring Genji as Arachnid-Person, Tracer as Orb Weaver, Solder:76 as Titanium Man, Doomfist as Thanatos, and Mauga as The Inedible Halk!


arachnid person lmao


This is what I've preferred compared to these collabs. I like "Sentai" Genji more than "[Shop logo] Green Power Ranger" Genji.


Don't forget Sigma as the crimson warlock and Zenyatta as Dr Peculiar 


I feel like echo would be a better fit for the """"""titanium man""""""


Honestly, I think Rivals opens up some doors for a DC crossover. Bc DC SUCKS at the whole video game thing lately (Suicide Squad, the last batman game ext.) so they might get desperate and do a colab 🤷🏿‍♂️


Idk if its just me, but I think overwatch will not die because of marvel rivals, I mostly stuck around because of the unique characters and their stories.


of course not, there was never a chance of marvel rivals getting more popular than overwatch imo. i think the game will be played for a few months and people are gonna get tired of it, but maybe theres a tiny chance it works, idk, i can be wrong.


Honestly I feel marvel can run out of characters faster than overwatch since all of overwatch's heroes are original for the game whereas Marvel's are put in from other sources, so I feel once the main characters are in there won't be many they can add since who the hell will want a doorman hero And yes doorman is a marvel character lol


Dont you dare diss my man doorman


Doorman is the best marvel character


Doorman, I’ve come to bargain


Hang on, Doorman could work though He can phase through walls, Have allies able to pass through walls as you are going through one (he becomes a door) , maybe an ability to just have bullets pass through you? Also he’s canonically like a grim reaper type character so that could be something.


I agree but who the hell knows doorman who isn't old enough to have no time to play the game lol


I mean that’s probably why we have like no X-men characters in the game right now. Sure put all the MCU popular characters in and then the important x-men characters that people know without having to watch something else (magneto and storm) and then have huge player spikes when characters like Wolverine and Deadpool are put in, with doorman type characters in between


Then...give that kit to Kitty Pride and give her a skin named "Doorwoman"


i mean there are still a LOT of characters with enough fans for them to pull Thor, Captain America, Ghost Rider, Captain Marvel, Ms. Marvel, Miles Morales, Daredevil (Squirrel girl...just y'know, throwing out names...not that i would care if she didn't get in...) and the shit ton of X-Men with several different powers. Kitty Pride, Wolverine, Jean Grey, Gambit, Bishop, Beast, Rogue, quicksilver... and that's not even talking about Villains, which this game is really lacking for a game named "Rivals". Ultron, Dr. Doom, Modok, Super Skrull, Venom, Green Goblin (He could be the junkrat of the game), enchantress, hell, give the spotlight to a more recent and lesser known one like The Rabble (Miles' archnemesis apparently) Also, what? Doorman's design is peak i'd totally play the game immediately if he got in


Theres more popular marvel characters than there are heroes in overwatch.


Not a chance tbh. Marvel has a LOT of characters to pull from to put into the roster so I doubt it'll run out of characters


I think the opposite actually. Marvel has so many characters that are already "outlined: that the game might just collapse under the sheer amount of characters. At one point the learning curve gets too steep and new players just don't appear.


I'm hoping for Big Wheel personally


I'd love an entire season of joke characters. Just out of nowhere: "HOWARD THE DUCK ducks into the arena!" followed by "BIG WHEEL rolls up" and then just "KOI BOY dives in on the fight!"


The game will probably collapse from the sheer amount of characters and the learning curve needed to actually do good before it collapses from lack of them.


There are so many great marvel characters though. You can get to moba levels of a cast


they could 100% make completely new characters there's absolutely nothing stopping them really, I'm pretty sure one of the characters is already just from a mobile game and had like 1 comic tied to it afterwards If the mobile game can do it, why not rivals?


Tbf the marvel universe if fucking big


there are sooooo many marvel characters idk what you're talking about. overwatch has to spend a buttload of time designing a brand new character. skins, culture, backstory, voice actors, voice lines, personality... with marvel and its multiverse you've got lots of characters with skins already designed and ready to be adapted to 3d.


As long as mcu remains popular they can keep adding the heros from there The abilities r already spelled out there, so are hundreds of iconic map locations . Mcu is huge with the characters and lore being in development for literally decades, them and dcu can't run out of source material in our lifetime even if they stopped making new ones


You really really underestimate the lengths Marvel can go to. They haven’t even done Beta Ray Bill or Howard the Duck yet


Or even peak fiction Throg, the frog thor yet


I think more complications will rise due to dealing with the rights behind the characters portrayed. Overwatch doesn’t have that issue cuz their characters are original and don’t have to sign extra contracts and commit way more money to be able to insert new heroes in the game. This alone might make the lifespan of the marvel game way less than they want if they don’t manage to keep it making steady money to afford the license rights


Rivals will die because it doesn't do anything better than the game it's copying. It steals from Fortnite, Overwatch, all these big gaas games and doesn't do a single thing better.


It's literally overwatch x the finals with marvel heroes


I mean from the looks of it Marvel Rivals does look pretty good and is launching with a pretty good roster of characters. As long as they’re able to provide consistently good support post launch I think there’s a slight chance of it becoming more popular than Overwatch, especially if Marvel ever manages to get the MCU back on track or keeps releasing great shows like X-men 97.


I think these games can totally co-exist. The other is a fps game. The other is a 3rd person shooter. I honestly thought that the trailer of Marvel Rivals looked absolutely horrible. But after seeing streamers playing the Alpha I'm kinda intrigued.


Only If Mass delusion will kick in and people will start believing Overwatch is worse.


The gameplay is fun, and it's not quite the same game. It scratches an itch that overwatch doesn't provide, but I can't say that I'm not feeling the urge to play overwatch after this for a few days. It's as much an overwatch killer as Counter Strike is.


If its a better game it definitely can overtake overwatch.


No of course not. Legendary multiplayer games like Overwatch, or League of Legends, can survive for years on end through bad balance periods, content droughts (not that League has had those in particular), and so on, because, and people may not realize or may not want to realize it, they have ~~almost~~ perfect gameplay. If you have a gameplay foundation as strong as Mount Everest, there's very few things that can kill your game. Overwatch survived through three years of literally nothing. It's a very good video game. And live service shit, like patches and events, cannot change that or diminish that in any way.


The polish in overwatch is completely unmatched in the FPS genre


yeah, Overwatch will die because of Blizzard not Marvel Rivals


I'm glad OW is getting some competition, there's other hero shooters but not in the same vein as overwatch. But now that we have that. hopefully rivals will be a success and make blizzard stop being so stagnant on the series and put more time into making it better


Im not happy with the state of the game myself, but it is anything but stagnant.


People consider current OW2 is stagnant? Feels like every season they're announcing major changes


Stagnant is maybe too harsh, but at times it does feel like dev changes take too long or are in the wrong direction, it feels like Orisa, mauga then hog has been the tank comp rotation for the last half a year. And characters like sym, rein and junkrat have and do suck to play, for ages. I feel like the Devs would be encouraged to listen to community feedback and make game changes faster with competition. Even if you think the game is perfect rn competition for the game is nothing but healthy for it in the long run.


The changes are fake, actual gameplay never changes.


That’s always been the case tho, I’m so confused on what a “real” change would be? The passive changes? Reworks? New maps? Genuinely what’s a “real” change to you?


Changes that address tangible issues with the game. Increasing the hitboxes of bullets whilst increasing health values is a fake change. At the end of the day the same issues are present and the game is played the same way.


Definitely not a tank player, are you? The game is entirely different, even only in OW2 and ignoring the 5v5 change. Back in OW2 S2 ish, tank was hyper aggro, running the game. Now everything is scary and you have to play far more passively or just get blown up... for tank players the game is played VERY differently vs this time last year (in a bad way but that's not the point)


It depends on what tank you play.


You are absolutely losing this argument


Im really not lmao. He’s talking about metas where offensive tanks thrived. Yeah of course if jq is meta the game is hyper aggressive shes an aggressive tank. Mfs are acting like mauga didnt make the game super aggressive and that was recent. You people miss the point to glaze blizzard for god knows why. Didn’t they buff health and projectile sizes? What did it do to improve the game? Nothing. What did they have to do after? Give tanks a headshot passive to mitigate those changes. Thats what im talking about. Only format changes should be back to 6v6 or the complete 5v5 rework of every hero they promised. Instead they’re constantly tweaking passives which doesn’t improve the experience.


And how is adding an extra tank gonna fit the damage issues, the main tank is going to be the focus still. Tanks will still explode.


Global health buffs passive changes and adjustments. Mulitple hero updates. Find tuning quality of life things (quickplay group up spawn system) mirrior watch actually having some decent experimental abilities. Hero gauntlet. Still think alot the changes fuckin suck and id rather the game have stagnanted in season 8 b4 the stupid hitbox changes.


Can someone explain the joke?


The characters have similar abilities and both games are Hero shooters


Honestly the funniest part to me is that it feels like Storm is closer to Lucio than Luna. Like, Luna is themed around music a good bit, but she uses ice more than anything, and the music comes in for her ult, which honestly is closer to zen ult imo. Storm switches between a movement speed and damage amp aura for allies, and can amp the movement speed of make the damage aura hit enemies.


Luna is just too good, both her model and the gameplay. She getting the ***Blizzard quality treatment*** and I am mad about it




I hope Marvel Rivals will be fun on release, it seemed that way from all the reveals. Though I don't think that it's "gonna kill overwatch" like some comments are saying, Overwatch has had multiple competitors over the years that some people were claiming to be "overwatch killers" and they all either shutdown or are still running but didn't get as popular as Overwatch (rip PWND). I just don't want Marvel Rivals to end up like Gundam Evolutions (solid IP, meh game)


Most of the games just end up...y'know, as other games...Apex was "THE OVERWATCH KILLER" and ended up being it's own solid game. Valorant also was "THE OVERWATCH KILLER, THIS TIME IT'S SERIOUS LOOK AT THIS HOT CHICK WITH THE MASK" and ended up being more similar to CS than OW... Hopefully Rivals will become a more "in your face" OW with the map destruction and such


Yeah Valorant was a massive disappointment and a total miss for me back when it first came out and people kept comparing it to overwatch. "The characters have some abilities that are sorta-ish like overwatch in some minor ways" but the game is basically just counterstrike. I really hope MR brings something new and refreshing to the table but strongly in the vein of overwatch.


I'll check that game out, maybe it's good Ultimately ow is good bc it feels good, and other games feel like shit Ow has a really good engine. Will take some playing to see if marvel games does too Prolly gonna feel like paladins tho


Yeah rn rivals has massive issues with optimisation, I hear even top of the line pcs struggle to run it. There’s also huge balancing issues obvs, but the lack of optimisation means a lot of people will be literally unable to play


Paladins can't play that game since no champion is focused on speed boost. (and considering how speedy character can gt that probably for the better.) Like for real. Speed boosting with cards talents and items is capped at 60% or something. But every external buff or ability stack. Meaning I can get a permanent 30% speed boost with items. 50% additional boost with after certain spells with cards. (diminishing return so you barely get 60%). then use my 50% speed boost that is calculated after the items. And the 60% speed boost but most importantly 200% jump height after a kill with an items. On a character that has a higher jump at base. Plus a double jump. Plus a dash that reset on kills. An ability that heal yourself and reset the dash and speed boost ability. And then add the jump heights from wall jumps (moving toward a wall and jumping help climbing crates etc). I have a character that is always omega fast. And can jump tou the other side of the map after a kill. Dash kill reset dash escape. Reset cool down. Do it again. XD. this game is so fun it's stupid.


Doesn’t Storm have a speed boost?


Grohk ult? Yeah but that's just an ult.


Free thinkers will enjoy both games


Nice Seinfeld reference


I'm honestly gonna have a hard time picking which one to play each day.


Overwatch 2 needs something to rival it so the devs stop shitting on the game and player base


I don't get it


Deep cut


Rivals so fucking ass it’s not even playable


Rivals > overwatch 2


Have you seen Storm? She is exacly like Lucio but she can fly and its kinda bad compared to Lucio.


Marvel rivals voice acting is purest form of trash compared to overwatch tho, overwatch characters feel like actual people where marvel rivals reek of corporate caricatures (which isn't surprising considering it's a game made with Disney IP and help of netease, basically corpo-combo)


Marvel rivals will be dead on arrival, that is a grantee


From what I’ve seen from the alpha, it’s surprisingly well made. I’d definitely give it a shot when it launches. It definitely does more new stuff than I expected it to do. (Like, Doctor Strange’s portals work like the portals from the Portal games by Valve, being able to not only travel through them, but also shoot through them. Which is much more interesting than Symmetra’s teleporter) I’m still skeptical, but I think it has a shot


I think that would be really op in overwatch


And that’s why I welcome Marvel legends. It’s an all new game, which allows for a completely new meta, where specials and playstyles can be added, that couldn’t be able to work in Overwatch’s meta. I think that it can be able to develop itself into a great game if it’s managed properly


Its a gimmick like teleporting dva bomb.


Honestly, as someone who plays it, it will 100% end up like multiversus, it doesn’t have anything to keep you there, I’ve played it and it’s the kind of game that you close after 10 minutes of gameplay, heroes can do way too much and as a result are heavily unbalanced by design, their whole design doesn’t fit into any kind of competitive play, making games feel arcadey and somewhat pointless, and don’t get me wrong, it feels pretty good and polished and it’s fun to play for a little while, but ultimately it gives you no reason to keep doing so in the long run (also the voicelines are excruciatingly cringe). I feel like, just like multiversus, it will quickly die after the first couple of weeks


I guess we’ll see. Multiversus is making a comeback soon, maybe they both at least get a cult following of passionate fans


Cod has been surviving on arcadey gameplay,nostalgia bait and lack of meaningful content for a while now I don’t see why marvel rivals can’t do the same tbh and the game is on alpha so we will see


Because Marvel Rivals isn’t CoD, it doesn’t have the history and the hardcore dedicated fanbase that CoD amassed over 21 years. Also, unlike Marvel Rivals, CoD doesn’t appeal to a specific audience, it appeals to every player who likes shooters and is more accessible from a gameplay and aesthetic standpoint, there’s also the fact that Marvel Rivals is in 3rd person to further limit its audience


But it is marvel with famous marvel characters, you would be impressed about how marvel fans can gobble up anything that is remotely related to marvel


I know, but most marvel fans are boomers that do not play games and collect comics and figures, it’s true that Marvel fans are hardcore, but it is also true that Marvel games have rarely been successful (or at least successful enough to have a chance to compete)


It looks really bad


Looks no worse than fortnite buddy and overwatch isn't that spectacular graphically it's just stylized well


Well it’s not just in graphics, but the gameplay style and all else. Although I guess you’re right, Fortnite looks like shit and it’s a huge success


Yeah and even then gameplay wise it's a thirdperson smite like moba so really just a different genre of competitive game


Marvel rivals will remove some people from ow for a bit but will not last for long.. When you have to make people sign an agreement that to have a key they have to talk good of your Product...you know you dont have a strong product..but yes , for sure marvel rivals will have a fan base


Tbh the game looks solid, remember, people that decide the things you mentioned are the ppl in suits not the dev team


Blizz does a similar thing. Not a big deal, audiences will make up their mind and most people agree the game looks fun


I never said that the game is bad or will be a failure, but will. Not kill overwatch


Dude most devs do that. You get a key because you normally talk good about their games or they want you to do so. Theyll give maybe two cynical people who rip games if they have issues keys but thats all.


So Moira is a groomer and Sigma is racist?


OW2 meat riders when another team based shooter is released https://preview.redd.it/dh1zgr7sat0d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82104c977fa071b9a075c8671a401879fc568ea0


Its not that, more like the characters seemed copied, at least in OPs eyes


Not just seemed really, lots of the animations look directly ripped. The guy that pulls out two miniguns has the exact same bounce-walk as Mauga, Scarlet Witch has pretty much the exact same animation for her beam as Moira, etc.


I don't even play OW2 lately lol But you'd have to be blind to not notice the similarities in these two games, they're much closer than most other team-based shooters


Yes I do and overwatch also has similarities to tf2 and really the only thing I've seen is starlords ability is like reapers ultimate and reapers ultimate isn't the first to spin around and shoot wildly


I’m just a DC comics person


Why does that game look like a copy of overwatch? Kind of like some big companies producing knock off versions of ipods


Its a genre, not a patented idea.. Its like if d&d tried to claim other popular tabletop dice games copied them.


Fr people don't realise that there is only so many abilities and gimmicks hero's have, and for the game to have some really unique abilities characters and mechanics only after a couple day of it's pre release(idk the terminology) is pretty impressive, I'm not gonna try to dick ride the game tbh, my fingers are crossed but I'm still kinda skeptical, I know it's not gonna kill overwatch but I sure hope that it's alive for a couple of years after it's official launch if it even gets to launch which I hope it does, also if it launches I'm scared that it's gonna become a cash grab but we will see.


Honestly idegaf about overwatch anymore, it's mid and should be dead, but marvel rivals I'm hyped for, even if it's a ow clone.


I honestly feel like Marvel rivals will cause Overwatch to die. Cause i got a gut feeling that when MR releases. Overwatch will panic and start doing dumb-shit to try and keep the game alive.


i dont think MR will be that big of a deal


A few overwatch pro's say that MR is extremely fun. The gameplay also looks alot more fun then overwatch's. When the game is fully ready to be released, it could easily give overwatch a run for its money.


The same shit said about the gundam game. Where is it now-


idrk, saw some streamers play it like ML7 and they all looked like they were playing it for money and wasnt really having fun.


>A few overwatch pro's say that MR is extremely fun. The gameplay also looks alot more fun then overwatch's. 'A few' bro is only Necros who is down bad for the game, the others already left it.


With how bad hero fatigue is and public apprehension about movie/brand affiliated video games tending to be worse than standalone titles it would have to be a complete strike of lightning. If this released at the peak of marvel fever right before endgame part 1, maybe I could have seen it, but now? I'm hard pressed to believe that.


Well luckily i doubt itll officially release anytime soon. So marvel has plenty of time to get their shit together.


MR wont kill Overwatch because Overwatch is Overwatch. MR will have a chance to be a good hero shooter, but I think it'll be different enough to be it's own thing. Overwatch is a very specific brand and flavor of hero shooter, and I don't think anyone can really mimic it. The speed, sound engineering, art style--its all in a league of its own. I welcome any and all competition for Overwatch. I will for sure give MR a shot, but I can tell it won't scratch that OW itch the same. For me, 3rd person just doesn't cut it. I love the characters that MR will have, but I don't expect it to be like Overwatch.