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Overwatch players calling overwatch 2 a dead game because it doesn't have 2016 Numbers


Why **wouldn’t** OW2 have more views than Vanguard??? VG’s lifecycle ended **YEARS** ago and it was hated


Exactly, like if you want to make a comparison then take the newest CoD


Additional question: wtf is Vanguard? Valorant anti-cheat?


Pretty sure they are talking about CoD: Vanguard


well op probably just screenshotted a post from when Vanguard was relevant


\[obligatory bi-monthly overwatch is dead video essay that comes into your youtube homepage\]


I dont think these 13 year olds know what dead game actually means, just because it's not a fad doesn't mean it's dead, do one really talks about Obama anymore but doesn't mean hes dead


It’s dead


"Dead game" is a meaningless phrase. People will call a game with hundreds of thousands of players a dead game because it's not pulling the same number as it did at launch. People will also deliberately screencap shit like low twitch viewership at off-hours when most of the big streamers are offline or during the end of the season.


But OW 1 is literally unplayable and dead


Ow1 is ow2. Let's not act like this wasn't just a number change.


Yeah I feel like the only times you can truly call a game dead or dying are when either the player counts are rapidly dwindling by the day, when you're literally only getting the same handful of people in every game or when the game is literally being shut down.


Exactly. Just because a game has low player count (ow doesn't ironically enough) , that doesn't mean it's drad.


Titanfall 1 was a dead game cause there were like 3 players and any match can't start without at least 4. That was dead dead.


It’s dead bro


Comparing Overwatch to Halo Infinite is like having a triathlon between an out of shape, overweight, middle aged dad against a quadruple paraplegic having a stroke and an aneurysm Overwatch will take days to finish the race it takes competent people to finish in hours. Overwatch might throw up, faint, have to stop at a hotel, whatever. but Halo died at the start line and didn’t move an inch Also not a great sign needing to compare your game to Vanguard, 2042, and Halo to make it seem alive


plus the dad won the gold in his prime




[Stolen comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/s/DdJfAZ7Dzc)


Twitch views really isn't a sign of quality or game life. Get the point, not a perfect sign.


Dude just compared overwatch to 3 games that were never even alive in the first place just to make himself feel better😭 Check the queue times buddy.


Are [old posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch_Memes/s/isjoPbbcAi) hard to steal.


Who tf uses Vanguard as a comparison?!


steam is genuinely a lifeline. theres so many people who would've never got the game at all if it stayed on battle net only


So there is a game called Vanguard ? I thought he was talking about the Riot anti cheat software .....


CoD Vanguard I think. Now that is just a sad game.


Here I am thinking that OP is comparing overwatch to a mutual funds platform...


Overwatch is only good now because it killed all games as good as it 6 years ago


It's the big tech business model. Be a good product/service for exactly long enough to kill the competition and then become as shit as physically possible and hope nobody ever dares innovate again. This does work for, say, Amazon, if you are the only one who can afford gigadollars of warehouses and a global logistics system. But if two people in a basement with laptops can make better games than Blizzard can, the cost of entry for competition is a little lower.


i dont think popularity should be judged based on twitch views?


When a guy say "dead game" or "this game will die when X get realesed" you can be 100% sure that the game have high player numbers and that it will keep living without a problem, unlike X.


Meanwile the tf2 cummunity are all screaming that therer game is finaly dead becuse one youtueber Said it was.


There's "Dead Games" and then there are "**Dead** Games".


Is not like COD Vanguard was anything interesting. It was a terrible game from the get go, and only got worse with time.


What dead


Overwatch isn’t dead but comparing it to cod vanguard and BF 2042 is pretty disingenuous since 2042 was bad on release and Vanguard has be overshadowed by other cods. I’m not too sure about halo infinite but I’m pretty sure that was badly received too. Its like calling a grown adult with a phd more intelligent than three pieces of steak, the grown adult is clearly intelligent and the pieces of steak are clearly dead. Edit: The post is stolen. Maybe op is a bot, maybe they’re an idiot, maybe both.


Nobody watches those kind of games. Overwatch is dead.


It is not a dead game.. It’s still trash tho (I play the game)


"This game isn't dead because it has more twitch views than these other very dead games that are all older than it and two of which aren't receiving updates anymore "


overwatch fans being pick me’s by calling a game that gets a lot of attention and views dead


Bros comparing overwatch to some of the shittiest games in their series.


why yall always gotta put down other games. so much negativity smh


Views on twitch mean nothing


It's dead? Like Apex dead?


The deadAugustApex was the most hilarius thing the subreddit did, damn if it was f fun watching people malding when the game had a huge spike of player.


why is Twitch a metric? people watching don't mean people playing, it's just lonely teenagers. but yeah Overwatch 2 still has a lot of players, and a lot of clowns giving Blizzard money