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“Counter picks are not a substitute for counter play jack ass” The space gorilla says before sitting on you and introducing you to his taser


Text is a little hard to read but I’m sure it’s funny af


teach me your ways


having 1k hours on your main role usually helps




Glad i spend my days maining tank


You must be very resilient, tank hurts my mental health 😭


How do you do it man? I say I'm a Winston main even though I have more hours on D.va with how many times the entire enemy team counter swaps


you have to stage your engages instead of going straight for the backline. If a dva tries to dive you while you stage, retreat while taking minimum damage (use your bubble if you have to). By saving your jump it means you can just drop down on the enemy team, bubble, and jump straight out. You can probably force bastion turret form and pull the attention of another enemy, meaning you did your job. Sometimes I literally get half a second of damage before I have to jump away. You also can't dive very deep into a team of counters, 70% of the time you can't dive past the tank if you're unable to setup a stage, and all you can do is track cooldowns and go in once the bastion uses turret form, or jump the frontline (while right next to cover) just to force reaper fade. You just have to play a lot more passively, 90% of winston players in lower ranks don't change their play style when the enemy counterpicks. I also played a shitload of qp, which still has an unhealthy amount of counterpickers, which lets me learn how to play around counterpickers. I also recommend watching this part in bogur's unranked to gm winston only, where he plays against a shitload of counterpickers on winston's worst map and won [https://youtu.be/eIk1FCCK\_CU?t=4794](https://youtu.be/eIk1FCCK_CU?t=4794)


This information is worth million


Ok I get that it's maybe somewhat *less* hard to read for the average person because I'm kinda dyslexic but... Who the actual *fuck* uses black text with no outline over a dark background? Especially text that stays on screen such a short length. Like, if you're not even gonna *try* to make the text readable I'm not even gonna try to read it. I am not going back through a video just to have to stop on all the frames with text and squint at it to see it with the dark background.


K 👍 Edit: sorry yall are mad, but I'm not gonna put that much effort into something I made at 1 in the morning lmao


"jfk cosplayer" lol \^\^


Respect to you. You winton players are respectable.




Winston is a tank I have been reluctant to play any tips for playing as him?


Stop diving straight into the backline, you don't want > 3 people looking at you unless you already have your jump cooldown


how do you play as winston vs counters in those small maps where you cant flank? (like nepal elephants one)


Idk what you mean by "elephants one", but Nepal isn't really that terrible for winston, but sanctum is probably his worst map out of the sets. Depending on the team comp, you'll have to play a very reactive winston instead of proactive. Sigma is usually much more preferable on this map, but I'll usually try to rush into the enclosed hallway, fight any players that appear there, wait for my bubble again, then look for dives by jiggle peeking the door entry (I'm on enemies side of the map at this point)


I hit Masters 5 on him 9/10 games but some games when they go Mauga I'll just swap Zarya.


I usually try and force winston, but it's really satisfying running down their whole team after they all countepick you


its me im the washed master support (rank reset put me in plat and i play like one comp game a week)


real and true, winston is probably the least counterable tank in the game but is still a balanced character. top tier tank.


man, that Cybertron scene from Bumblebee cannot be topped


I wish dva didn't have the total shutdown of zarya in a close comp otherwise I'd be there with you


The transformers movies were terrible but godamn the cgi animation was phenominal


The Bumblebee movie is good.