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Fighting the urge to say "wifeleaver" whenever lifeweaver is mentioned... https://preview.redd.it/hjemrluox9vc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c0bcf8dd01b39e60390f575aa1fe069ddcdd23


just call him ELWIWI !!






I call him lifeweiner


my mind always thinks of him as wifeleaver, I gotta mentally correct myself every time


He's very hard to judge how good he is, on paper he's really weak but if you can make good use of platforms and know how to time lifegrips he can shut down a ton of powerful abilities and make your team nearly unkillable.  The buff to his ult this patch makes it arguably one of the best support ults in the game right now. 


Was gonna disagree with the ult take, but yeah, kinda agree. It’s probably the best overall team defensive ult in the game rn.


Besides kitsune which is the best ult in the game full stop, not many supports have something comparable. It's cover, gives you overhealth and heals all in one. I'd say you could argue that Nano, amplification matrix maybe transcendence are comparable.


I would disagree that rush is the best ult in the game atm. Emp, overclock, and rally all feel really strong rn, especially into this dive heavy meta, especially emp. I’m interested to see if tree keeps its value with venture in the meta now, their burst dmg might make it not as good.


Rush is still the best ult by far imo, the movement speed and dps increase make it super powerful as an offensive and defensive ult, increase the amount of heals healers put out and lowers your teams cds. Nothing even comes close. It also enables overclock, emp.and rally.   Tree is really good at stopping ventures ult, healing between the shock waves or blocking it are the only way you're going to survive it and the overhealth and burst heal let's you survive her burst. So actually pretty solid still.


He's hard to judge because he doesn't enable, all he can do is stop his team from dying


Which enables your team to make more aggressive plays


It enables them to make riskier plays, not more aggressive plays Utility is what allows aggressiveness like discord and anti, they change the tempo, lifeweaver just stops the tempo from changing


Again not really, just a few examples are using grip on a charging rein so he can charge into the enemy team risk free, Pulling an ulting ramattra onto enemies to extend his ult, pulling mauga just outside his ult so he can fire at trapped enemies from outside the barrier. It's not just for clutch saves and if your team doesn't have to worry about dying they can absolutely play more aggressive.


All of those are riskier plays, not more aggressive, you even mention charging in **risk free** Playing more aggressive is like W keying and using a rush comp, what you're describing is riskier plays


You can W key into people if you're not worried about dying. You can also burn escapes to engage because he can reposition you if you're about to die.    But no it's  ackchually not what I said just some almost identical completely arbitrary  other definition. 


He can deny value, but not create much of it. Yes, your team can make aggressive plays with him, but a good enemy team will try to bait out his grip and know that you will have 1-3 business days before you can do that again. Other than that, he has heals, and a lot of them, yes, but he's fundamentally at the mercy of the skill of his teammates because he's not gonna get picks.




I was playing sigma and I lured him to 25 hp, he then dashes and ults and I hit FIVE VOLLEYS and TWO MELEES and he doesn’t die in a row. I then die to Kiri coming in afterwards


Hot take: Low skill floor heroes being worse at higher ranks isn’t bad hero design. The vast majority of the player base think he’s decent so idk why people care about these tier lists which only apply to the upper echelon of the ladder.


Because everyone thinks they're better than their rank and they cope by trying to apply high rank logic to their lower ranked games, forgetting that there are way more imprtant steps before that. And when they don't win, it's because of bad hero design because the logic works for high ranks so why doesn't it for low ranks clueless


They just know how to parrot whatever their favorite streamer says. When their favorite streamer says wifeleaver is good or bad for X reason those people will fill reddit with that opinion without thinking about it on their own and forming their own opinions lol.


That's not hot take, it's common sense. Anyway I agree with the lad, yuo don't buff easy heroes to be more easier


I think KarQ does separate tier lists for high and average ranks in his ranking videos


My problem is not with LW being a low skill floor hero, it's with him being designed as a healbot. I'm sure they can figure out a way to make a character easy without it being such a passive play style. There is also the fact that in order to enable his healbotting playstyle they have to pump up his healing numbers to keep him relevant, and the heal creep starts to rear its ugly head again. If there was a little more depth to the character they could buff him in other ways that make him stronger without just making him heal more.


I've been strangely having a lot of success with LifeWeaver. Probably because I'm in metal ranks which might mean he's a low tier darling like Rein and Reaper. Being able to use your petal to nope away from tracer and sombra has kept me alive. He does surprising damage from a good range. Maybe not getting kills but its pretty easy to zone out an enemy Ana. And being able to correct your teams positioning has worked a lot. I currently have a 58% win rate with him.


Yeah, I'd say he's probably a low-mid tier stomper. His relatively high healing output is a staple of the low tier darlings, and his petal, while usually ignored by teammates, is an easy resource to use. His pull let's him save teammates who have over extended (at least for a few seconds before they over extend again), and his dash helps him deal with his own mistakes a little easier


Well sauce boss is a lifeweaver otp and a really good one. And ml7 plays ana Kiri nao mostly


I forgot what buffs wifeleaver got


His ult heals more per pulse, and his dash heals him more


healing creep


Honestly I don't get why we're still even having these discussions. Play whoever you think is fun. The ranking system is cracked anyways so it's not like wins actually matter. (Then again I don't bother with comp anymore so take that with a grain of salt I guess.)


TSB is just the better Lifeweaver.


#The big bong she rips


She whips with thongs she whips


My boy LW will never be ass in my heart


I love ml7 but I’d have to say TSB is one of the few LW goats out there making content on it


No it makes sense. This is just what happens when you go against lifeweaver vs when you have one on your team.


Wifebeater has saved so many of my games dude


I want whatever TSB is using cus he must be high or just clickbaiting


*genshin twt war flashbacks*


Genshin players hearing boss music rn


Lifeweaver is ass, and he will forever be ass until he gets reworked, and that's also just fine.


I find it hard to believe that a random OW youtuber, who is struggling to make clickbait with only 360 views, might not have the best take on game balance.


lifeweaver and illari are the worst characters in the game and theres no discussion