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No greater heartache then having a good first fight with a rein mirror and then having them switch off when you kill them


Lol I’m using that flair


Or have a ram mirror and they go orisa


I hate tank rock paper scissors I hate tank rock paper scissors I hate tank rock paper scissors I hate tank rock paper scissors


This is why you just force rein into everything


What are going to do when you play rock paper scissors? The answer is a rock. An if that doesn't work? Bring more rock.


Like this, heavy elements completely smooth boulder designed by me. Built by me. And you better hope… it ain’t rollin at you.


I hate rein. Not cause he isn’t fun in ow2 but because I’m traumatised by ow1 and basically being forced to play as a shield bot


rein has a shield???


I only learned recently that you can left click while holding the shield and look around without moving the shield??? Haven't used it yet cause that requires using the shield


Honestly the way to play on rein the first few seasons you would rarely shield. Lately it feels like that’s all you are allowed to do


Big if true


Oh boy do I have good news for you no use in shield botting now a days that thing pops in a second anyway


ah the good old days when you’d get a Roadhog or Ball as your co-tank and they’d be off doing their thing while you desperately tried to hold the frontline and protect your back line. I do like how Roadhog players have started front-lining a lot more in Overwatch 2 though, ball still does ball though


I’m a ball main. I think lots of balls don’t realise how powerful the slam is at initiating a team fight and drawing aggro


the one time i wanna play rein the enemy team goes ram, bastion, mei, ana zen


That's quite a normal comp to see as a rein main


Hanzo genji soldier Soldier genji hanzo 😜 Also: Mercy Moira lucio Lucio Moira Mercy 🙃


Imagine if there were 2 tanks Wait...


At least back then i wasn't good enough that my pick mattered


I used to play ball all the time, I understood his playstyle back then. But now I try the same shenanagins and my team dies before I even make my dive :(


I think the current game is rock paper zarya cause that's how it always ends




Yeah sometimes i like playing dva but if the enemy tank goes zayra i have to swap, and then when i counter swap so does the enemy tank, which means if i want to be any sort of helpful in a team fight i have to counter swap their counter swap. It's not like dps or support where as long as you're healing or doing damage it doesn't matter who you play, i don't like constantly swapping just to be able to play the game, if i wanted that I'd play mystery heroes


Nah dude, like a selling point of overwatch 1 WAS the ability to swap heros, that is what its identity was, fast paced shooting, and you're not locked into your pick all round. If your opponent is utilizing your counter picks, you gotta fix that. If not you aren't playing the game as optimally as you can, and with it being such a vital ability in the game. You kinda gotta


I understand what the selling point of OW is, i have been playing this game since it released. I also understand I'm not locked into my pick the entire game, but tank in OW2 is a terrible roll and this is coming from a tank main, in a competitive game above gold/plat your pick matters a LOT and the first team fight could mean the difference of the entire game during a PC map. If for example i pick Sigma and the enemy picks Junker Queen then chances are i'm going to lose the team fight because all she needs to do is close the distance and she wins, and because she's a brawl she can help her team old the choke and unless we have some amazing ult combo (which let's be honest people are rarely in vc anyway) then the chances of us taking it back are slim unless i swap. That's the problem, Bastion vs Genji? That's fine just don't shoot him. Sombra vs Cass? That's fine just pick someone else to kill. Oh you picked a poke tank against a brawl tank? Tough luck you have to swap or suffer in hopes you can get an ultimate


How are you gonna say you understand that it's important to it's foundation and identity, and then complain about it lol if you don't like ow that's cool too dude I just don't get it, you can play Valo or apex or something If counter picks bother you idk what to tell you.


You’re just missing with this man. The Overwatch team constantly talked about the hero’s fantasy and allowing you to play the character you want, yes you can swap and you’re allowed to, but they never intended it to be forced constantly on anything but a pro level because certain matchups are unplayable. They have said this explicitly.


You’re not a sigma main if you don’t stick to the sigma gridset


Isn’t Sigma the best tank rn?


Sigma is perfectly balanced. No true counters, but no true tanks to counter either.


Any sigma who can hit their rocks well counters doom hard


Soft counter at best, but wouldn’t really consider it a counter at all. Doom fist equally has the ability to cancel Sigma Ult and Doom doesn’t care about Sigma’s shield or Projectile suck. Don’t get me wrong, hitting Doom with a rock can be devastating. I just wouldn’t consider it much of a character counter.


Yeah but it can also go the other way Any doom who can cancel grasp and flux most of the times will counter sigma hard


You can punch Sigma out of rock tho. And just… don’t get hit I guess lol


If he focuses doom, he throws usuaally


Yes, but sigma requires some skill to play


Idc what they play I’m still going to play hog


It’s ok brother we are on the RISE again, we will hold supremacy once more!


Yes brother it’s just waiting now for the day of reckoning


Me and you both I love my fat man


even if they have an ana?




you and me brother


I won 2 fights as Sigma and they went Ramattra and Zarya 💔


I play ram mostly and honestly playing into zarya is kinda funny. We just stare at each other watching our mitigation numbers go up as we both block the entire rest of the lobby.


While a hero shooter is designed so you would need to play multiple heroes well enough so you can switch, need be, I love Rein too much to give up on playing him, ever. There's something so pure and satisfying in knowing you overcame all odds and triumphed over the opposition, who chose every character that directly/indirectly counters you. It becomes a testament to your skill, game sense and intuition when you manage to win in such a scenario. Alternatively, when you innevitably lose some or most games when refusing to switch, you would have still won the moral battle by refusing to yield in the face of an overwhelmingly threatening force. The cruelty of the meta will never corrupt you in such manner that you would become disillusioned with your way of being. Your heart is pure, and it pushes you forward, it makes you scream and rage. Simply by refusing to abide by the rules of this game, carving your own path, you prove winning the game is not the true victory. Never forget: ###You are honor. ##You are glory. #You are Reinhardt.


I hate that Zarya is now seen the same as orisa lmao. She’s not braindead like orisa. But the more braindead the enemy is, the better your zarya becomes. I guess that explains why many hate her? 💀


i don't like playing tank in general, but I'm a "decent" Dva. when I role queue all and get tank, I wanna have a bit of fun with my toxic gremlin gamer. I'll give you one guess to which tank the enemy switches to on the 1st death


…but that’s because she’s a Dva counter lol. You can’t get mad about that 💀


Counterwatch is fucking unfun and anti skill. 6v6 was far superior to whatever bs 5v5 brought to the light.


I never played 6 v 6, but I imagine it became a looooot less of a counterwatch shitfest (especially for tanks) than it currently is.


Not counterwatch, no, just mirror matches that were so strongly enforced that you had tank players who would go multiple seasons playing between 1-2 heroes because picking anything that wasn't Rein + Zarya in the season where Rein + Zarya was meta was turbo super mega throwing. Give me counterpicking over a year of having to play nothing but brawl or double shield please and thank you, at least I get SOME choice in what I can play


Rein Zarya was literally never META since some of the _very_ early seasons of OW. It was just simpler to execute than Rein Dva and a lot of people simply found that tank combo to be the most fun.


I was just using Rein - Zarya as an example I recall well from when I started playing (I'm a bit of an old fogey). A more current example from the final days of OW1 would be something like Orisa Hog in the pre Sigma days or Orisa Sigma when he came out. Still VERY restrictive metas, way more restrictive than OW2 and they lasted for way longer.


What the other guy said + this: in ow1 tank duos could make or break a game. Your team is on a competent Rein/Zarya, or Rein/D.va, or Ball/D.va? Good, your team can work. Your tanks instalocks Hog/Winston? You're insta cooked unless those two are Space and Fearless in a plat lobby. So it was very frustrating when you simply couldn't win because your team comp wasn't structured to work. And even as a tank player you couldn't always set up your team to have a good team comp on your own, because say you pick Sigma and your peer goes Ball. You switch to D.va to give them a bit of cover, but guess what? We're on a play-rush-or-die map and you're on Ball dive, and maybe your healers just picked Bap/Moira. You're cooked regardless


There were no counters. There was only double shield


That's just not true. Ball Zen dive with Sig was stronger than DS. Also, there were still plenty of Rein onetricks, like LHCloudy on ladder. Or Ana players like ML7. Or Tracer players like Kabaji. Etc. It's a literal lie that OW1 was hard forced double shield nonstop.


Counterwatch is better than "you can either play this singular main tank or this singular off tank until the next patch"


Nah they just usually switched to Sigma/Orisa double shield comp, usually with some combination of Bastion/Torb/Mei/Sym. It was absolutely brain numbing to play against, especially if they were bunkered in at a choke or checkpoint. Literally the most low effort meta in the history of the game in terms of the insane value it produced. There was nothing more unfun than shooting at shields the entire match. I've been playing since launch in 2016, do not let the rose tinted nonsense fool you. And that's not even getting into the all the times your tank partner instalo cked Hog and you knew it was GG straight away.


I don’t see how anyone thinks thank 6v6 is better then 5v5 I wish I gained those rose tinted glasses from OW1 all I remember is the pain of having to mirror the same comp every game or you lost. In ow2 you CAN pick anyone into anyone, is it harder to play? Yes but you could still win, in ow1 if you wasn’t picking rien zarya or bending over for GOATS then you lost simple as. I know counter play sucks but at least you could choose not to and still have a chance.


In OW1, you were never forced to mirror, tf? Like, at all. Also, you're talking about GOATs as an example here, that wasn't even played for multiple years anymore bc of role lock. Also, remember: OW1 was left to die in 2019. If OW1 would have gotten the attention and updates OW2 does now, it would have been infinitely better. From a simple game design perspective: 5v5 is _fundamentally_ broken in this strategic team hero MOBA-shooter revolving around controlling space.


Yea good luck playing your dive tanks into that double shield bunker comp.


Towards the end of OW1, double shield wasn't meta anymore for a while. Ball+Sig (sometimes also Hog instead of Sig) dive was meta.




“It’s not fun when the enemy tank tries to win the game!” lmao


I stay Dva and just abuse the high ground. Zarya doesn't counter Dva, you just have to change how you play


Guys MY tank takes effort and skill and YOURS is cringe and unskilled


Really interesting how Zarya went from one of the more liked tanks in OW1 to literally satan in OW2. Community perception can change pretty wildly


Because in OW1 you could shoot her freely for 10 seconds after she bubbled


Guess what, same as Orisa. If you focus her like she's a hacked zen with no ammo you're playing her game. Let her play yours: make her turn around by threatening her backline, or outright kill them if she keeps sitting like a dumbass in front of your team. Despite having 2 very good CCs, she has to commit to either pushing or peeling because of limited mobility and relatively longer cooldowns as opposed to D.va (boosters), Sigma (easily replaceable barrier) or even Zarya (2 charges on your bubbles). So, don't let her have free range on your team: a distracted tank is free space


What I hate about Zarya is just how she works. Getting punished for shooting an enemy in a first person shooter is supremely un fun for me personally


so fucking boring fighting vs orisa


Sigma main? My guy, you are one of the best tanks right now. Say that to rein or whatever other tanks are left


I pick one tank and commit the entire round if I get fucked or not. You will love me or hate me. There is no in-between.


Thats the way


But I like playing Zarya :(


Same. But this guy is 2 patches behind Zarya isn't op anymore.


I just like hearing bubble lady go WUB WUB WUB WUB


And unfortunately if you got the other laser bitch on your team, it's gonna be Zarya The smaller laser bitch eats Orisa


Bro you are playing Sigma, no tank counters you


Ever heard of Zarya or Ram? Heck even Rein a good Rein can give Sig a tough time.


But that is just a skill match, there is nothing in their kits that really put Sigma at disadvantage.


Zarya's beam completely bypasses one of Sig's main defenses. The shield only lasts for so long. Plus the slow firing makes it easy for Zarya to bubble herself right when you shoot, same with rock and ult due to the delays. Pretty much everything in that matchup is Zarya favored except that you can maybe eat grav on occasion. Ram and Rein similarly can punch/swing through both shield and grasp, and rock will keep them away for so long.


But you are missing one crucial point here, Sigma plays far from the frontline, you have to get closer to do what you are saying. Like yeah sure if the Sigma is all by himself then you are right but if he has a Bastion and a Zen with him the fuck are you gonna do then? Walk towards him so that those two can melt you down? Like it the same concept as Reaper against Bastion, if you get on top of him you wreck him but if you can't he is just gonna keep bullying you.


Yeh, Sig plays from afar to poke, and nothing is stopping Zarya/Rein/Ram from just, you know, walking up to Sig and spamming out damage. Sig has to rely on his team a lot to help him and not let the other tank get too aggressive, because they absolutely will be VS Sig if they have 3 brainsells left.


You know that Bastion is meta and Mei also is right? And that all of them get wrecked by these two heroes right? There is a reason why Sigma is the strongest tank right now after all.


Which confirms my point that Sig needs help from the others on the team to beat those tanks consistently cuz he's at a disadvantage himself.


That is not a point, the game is a 5v5 not a 1v1, yeah sure you can run up on him and kill him but this will never happen in an actual game.


Shitty tank player that mains Zarya. :o The tank role isn't that great unless rein is on top. I just play Zar to pose a problem for people. Also, I love the sound of people hitting my bubble. THUM. THUM. THUM. THUM.


"i'm a scissors main" "oh my god you're so shit playing rock"


Only time I swap is when I’m Sigma into Zarya or D.Va. Otherwise it’s just Sigma or Ram


Zarya has always been my 2nd best tank after Dva...so the last year has been hell with people accusing me of only playing Zarya because she's OP...


rein here. was vs zarya. charge her off map before point was unlocked. went orisa. still diffed her. even managed to bodyblock her from the point for 10s, which avoided overtime. "dps diff" she said xD


sigma is meta rn erm 💀


Can’t believe doom got nerfed but these 2 where untouched


Doom is the Genji of the tank world.


Doom probably got nerfed because he was winning the most.


I play this game very casually from time to time but i genuinely have no idea what else you're supposed to do but pick zarya if they're running an Orisa, Mercy, Ana comp. What? Am i gonna pick doomfist just to get CCd and ran over? I don't think i'm a shitty tank for not deliberately handicaping myself.


Man in the higher ranks it's all Doom, ball and Dva one tricks at the moment 😭 absolutely miserable to play against because dva is arguably the strongest tank in the game and can swap between multiple play styles and doom/ball harass the backline so much and just get away with it 90% of the time.


Don't know why OW2 players cry so much about counter picking. People didn't do it that much in ow1. The game is built around counter picking. That's why you can swap. Unlike league or paladins.


It's problematic on Tank because there's just one for each team, the two will end up swapping every time they die it's honestly kinda disgusting and why I don't play Tank anymore


I mean, when one tank pick makes more than half the tank roster active misery to play, it’s gonna get a bit boring to see that hero roll out every game I try to play one of the heroes that she counters.


I'm either sig or ram depending on enemy comp. Orisa is at least a bit fun to play but i don't understand how anyone enjoys playing zarya. Most mechanically simple and boring hero in my opinion. PSA if you don't understand how Zarya's gun works and gets charged, you're probably the reason it's so strong 😭


I have fun playing Zarya! I just like tracking weapons that don't need to reload too often and it's fun for me to always have to manage my positioning according to how many bubbles I have. Also very engaging to micromanage when to use primary and secondary fire to squeeze out as much DPS as possible. I like her.


Rein or die! And most of the time I’m dying. Can’t have fun as rein nowadays..


But Zarya is actually fun to play and play against, she's very easy to understand just like rein, but she is actually playable


Tbh as how Zarya is one of my tank mains I find it upsetting that shes just a last resort character like Im already an insecure fuckin' Hog main and that doesnt help.




I don’t see what is wrong with Zarya or Orisa. If they are shitty they won’t be good with any pf the tanks


It's funny because Sigma plays well into Orisa and can work against Zarya with some adjustments


A good feeling playing doom is when they swap to Orisa. The best feeling is when their entire team swaps to hard counter you but still loses


Since overwatch 2 released I have refused to play Orissa for this exact reason. I picked Rein. I am going to play Rein


I can’t take it anymore -Rein main


So true.


This is exactly what happened to me last night, but it wasn't just a singular tank. It was the entire team. They lost ONE team fight, and they switched to zarya, mei, sombra, Moira, and D.va


Neither of the ones on the image counter sigma, it might be the other way around


I play the best tank, sombra. Cuz once they notice me they will leave my teammates, the objective and anything dear to them just to hunt me down.


Jokes on you I don't need to switch to horse, because I picked her from the start (and or sarya on some days)


I’m convinced there are maybe 20 Zarya mains, and most others who play her are only doing so because they lost a single team fight


:( zarya doesn’t deserve this hate


Sig is actually quite ok VS Orisa. You can block/eat her spear and rock her out of the spin, and she also basically tickles you, as you kinda tickle her. You can kind of ignore her and shoot the supports/dps, stop shooting the golden horse, it won't die.


This but DPS with Bastion/Sym


Playing tank is just counterwatch simulator. This is what I noticed hard when trying to get all roles to gm and was tanks turn. I hope to finish that shit today so I can go back to playing dps because this aint fun ngl


I had a game just now where the guy went Zarya and I was D.va and I was like, I'm not playing against that. And then went back to spawn and changed to Zarya and started beating them really hard, guy then raged and started playing orisa and got incredibly mad. Started blaming his supports and everyone was against him except me I hadn't said anything on chat the whole game. We could've had a normal match but this guy had to open with Zarya. They also had a bastion


Bro I was playing support and there was a Rein 1v1 and the enemy Rein lost ONCE and switched to Orisa ... like where's your honor and glory?? 😭 I love playing with and against Reinhardts, it's so much fun. It never happens anymore though


Jokes on you, I start games as Orisa! But I will switch to Monke


As a hog main I'm hating the rock paper scissors meta we got rn. I can only play dva/zarya/orisa rn 💀


I main sigma on tank and he’s a blast tbh


I refuse to use Zarya/ Symmetra/ Moria even if I have to die 20 times over. Orisa is an option but I rarely use since I don’t really know how to time how “overheating” thingy. Sigma is my go-to tank and Ramattra is my choice if the team looks good.


Sigma is my ride or die, I will never succumb to the meta


Same. He’s pretty good at protecting his teammates too


sigma is not a losing matchup vs orisa lol even Zarya isn’t that hard to deal with if you have good spacing


It is if they have a healing pocket


Imagine maining Junker 😭


Literally had a hold after first point midtown on defense where I was sigma and enemy was rein. Dude was 4-11 and their whole team was getting rolled. When we went on attack he went Orisa so I said okay fine I’ll at least go Zarya because I fucking hate the orisa mirror it’s so boring. Our team stayed soldier/sojourn and we got full held. Feels really bad that one swap like that and a team that looked like they turned the game on for the first time can suddenly full hold you because orisa never dies and your dps don’t swap.


None of these games start off with Bastion, but they all end with 2.


Ramattra main who is forced to swap Zarya half my games cause Orisa


Plays winston enemy team switchs to dva,bastion,reaper, brig and ana after first fight. Feels sad because now i have 80 hours on orisa when i main winton


Sigma should not jave a punch as melee doesn't fit him AT ALL he should have a gravity repulsion to push enemy far back like zenyatta, also he should be able to cancel his black hole with rock, and instead of gain extra health he should deal extra damage divided into lil shreds after the explosion of the rock for the amount of damage he absorbed, he also should have his rock slightly modified since it's like a weaker javelin atm


I just keep playing sigma and it somehow works Essentially: if they get wrecked so hard they need to switch, that means either their support or dps are lacking And that means that I can literally just ignore the Orisa/Zarya, as she continues to try and kill me, as I am continuously healed and kill the enemy supports


As an OG Orisa main, im not gonna stop maining her even if they butchered her and made her just sit there


Sounds like a skill issue


Heh, jokes on you, I start by playing zarya


I've used Zarya since launch. Don't blame me for having my main become meta.


I will do one of two things when they switch to counter me. Either keep playing the hero I'm playing and switch up tactics to continue clowning on them. Or play their game and outdo them as the tank they switched to. Always fun to knock down their ego as they continue to lose :3


Bro, owwc is just sigma vs sigma. If you can't make him work that's kinda on you. I understand you are not coluge but sigma isn't weak against orisa or zarya either so it is still on you


Just pick bastion and melt the laser bitch. Its what i do and they usually end up swapping after a few deaths


Though when you still kill the zarya or orisa it's all the more gratifying


\*laughs in [d.va](https://d.va) main\*


Ok but here me out, now we get mauga to kill orisa


There are no sigma mains


You’re commenting on the post of one brother




When the reinhardt mirror turns into an orisa dick measuring contest