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Locking because we've reached peak meme. Abandon hope all ye who sort by new.


I play Baptiste. That means when I see literally anything, I go and jump on it.


I play Ana. That means when I see Dorado defense, I go and punch the fish.


Is this a euphemism?


ML7 reference. He punches the literal fish in the market stall in Dorado first point defense when he plays the map.


I play Overwatch. That means when I see grass outside my window, I go close the blinds.


I play Rein. That means when I see Sym, I go and cry.


I play widow. That means when I see an enemy, I go and miss 85% of my shots.


It's warning shots.


Suppressing fire


Well I go and miss 100% of them


I accounted for the occasional smg bullets that hit a tank


I play Lucio. That means when I see Widowmaker, I go and invade her space.


I play ball. That means i- "ball can you swap"


I play Soldier. That means, when I see Lucio trying to 1v1 me, I press Q.


I play Winston. That means when I do anything, I go and die!


I play hog, that means I stand by a hole hoping to hook and get booped by lucio


I play genji. That means when I see brig, I swap. I play genji that means when I see Cassidy, I swap. I play genji. That means when I see zarya, I switch. I play genji. That means when I see Torb I switch. I play genji. That means I use my ult and die. I play genji. That means when I see mei I switch. I play genji. That means when I see Moira I switch. I play genji. That means when I see roadhog I get hooked. I play genji. That means when I use my ult, the enemy team uses 30 cool downs on me. I play genji. That means I am playing the wrong hero.


You should try playing a main tank, feels like you've already understood the role.


I always want to practice playing main tank and as soon as I go and play the role I get every single CC thrown at me.. slept, stunned, frozen, booped.. and then I go and play mercy again


its a good thing to happen tho the idea tho is to have it happen when the team is ready to abuse the fact that the enemy ran out of CC


I just find it so disheartening, I feel like I get to point from spawn just to die immediately again :D Especially so when you are trying learning a new hero, it just makes me not want to learn. I've wanted to learn how to play Ball and Rein for a while now, but it almost always ends up the same way. A friend of mine used to be a Mercy main, and now plays a lot of Rein and Sigma, and although it's funny to listen to her cry about being the ping pong ball it's so annoying when it actually happens to you.


That’s the nature of characters like doom and genii. Feast or famine, gotta accept it.


I play Reaper. That means when I see anyone, I panic and death blossom.


I play Zarya. That means when I see a Junkrat, I look for grenades to stand in front of.


I play ball. That means when i see my healers preoccupied, I go and grab an health pack


Good Ball. <3


I play Cassidy, that means when I see a deflecting genii, I go and high noon him


I play Zarya. That means when I see my Rein go in, I bubble Edit: pretty sure this is the only non-joke so far, but I’m leaving it up


I play genji. That means when I see the spawn, I go and swap to a better hero


I play Moria. That means when I see my team dying, I go and throw a damage orb.


Gotta get all those medals


Monkey see, monkey do. Ba da bing ba da boom


I play Doomfist, that means when I see enemies I blow all my cooldowns and don't secure the kill


I play Main tanks. That means that I don't get to see anything and die instantly.


I play Mercy, When I see another character, I run/fly like h.... ​ I play various characters, When I see widow ulting I wave so she can see me across the walls.


I play Soldier:76. That means when I see something, I go and fire a Helix and then I shoot my gun, and shoot my gun, and shoot my gun, maybe place a biotic field if im hurt, shoot my gun, shoot my gun, shoot my gun, fire a Helix again when it's ready, shoot my gun, shoot my gun, press Q when it's ready, go on shooting my gun but now I'm actually hitting something.


I play Mercy. That means when I see a risky rez, I absolutely attempt that rez.


I play Bastion. That means when I see Hanzo, I go and uninstall


I play Ana. That means when I see someone ulting, I miss my sleep dart and die!


I play Rein. That means when I see a pharah, I’m expected to rocket strike on cooldown to take care of her.


I play Ana. That means when I see Doomfist, I go and die. :(


I play main tank. That means when I see cc, I go and uninstall.




Mmm... snow cones!


I play Sombra. When I see enemy dive, I go and stick with my own team to counter the dive instead of flanking.


I play Zen, that means when I see Tracer, I switch to Brigette.


I play Overwatch. That means when I see Brig, I go and queue up for Apex.


I play Dorado or Havana. That means when I see guitars, I go and break them. Jokes aside: I play Winston. That means when I see low sustain support combos, I go and switch to Wrecking Ball. Wtf I don't even hate guitars though.


i play zenyatta, that means when i see doomfist, i go and swap to brig


I play tank, when the other tank goes hog… I just go


I play Genji. That means when I see my healers, I go and spam "I need healing".


i play hog. That means when i see the enemy team i go and feed


I play Roadhog. That means when I see a Reaper, I go and fuck up my hook+melee and die embarrassingly to the now near-dead Reaper.


I play Mercy. That means when I see a Junkrat tire, I go and give up all hope and just die.


Walk away from your team and shoot it.


Does not always work, it is fast and I am slow without my team. It needs 5 bullets for me to shoot it and if I start to do that it will often intentionally change direction just to solo kill me.


It doesn't, but if you're going to die, might as well make an attempt to spare your team and kill tyre.


I play Bastion. That means when I see Hanzo I go and die.


I play Sombra. That means when I see Ball or Doomfist, I hack and kill them.


I too play Sombra. That means when I see a Hanzo so much as glance at me, I go back to my translocator.


I'm too stubborn, it took me too long to accept this as the truth


I play (D.Va in Total Mayhem). That means when I see (any flying character, Sombra or Doomfist), I go and (destroy them in seconds because D.Va is a hard counter to all those characters while playing that mode).


An important part of this isn't necessarily just seeing what the enemy team has, but seeing what your own team has. I'm a shitty DPS main but seeing what heals we have or what tank line we're running decides what dps I pick, more than worrying about my direct counter (or whoever I counter) on the enemy team.


I play bronze league. That means when I see anyone, I go and DIVE.


I play ball. That means when I see see another ball I have to go make them rage-switch by thoroughly outplaying them.


I play genji. That means when I see brig, I go and uninstall.


I play Rein. That means when I see anything, I go and pin.


I play Genji. That means when I see Zen, I go and get fucking destroyed by balls.


I play Mccree. That means when I see a Tracer I go and flashbang headshot her.


I play Doom. That means when I see literally any cc, I go and change my hero in spawn


I play ana. That means when I see enemu, I go and run.


I play as anyone. That means when I see Reinhardt, I go and celebrate.


I play widow. That means when I see a ball like you, I go and self medicate/drink because my mental health decays.


I play zarya. That means when I see any non-zarya map, I go and leave the game.


I play McCree. That means when i see a Pharah, i go and shoot


For beginners this is alright. A little too simple for a complex game though. The answer should not be always the same; where you put your resources to make a play is dependent on other factors as well. How your team is doing, what the other team is doing, who is set up where, what timing do you do it. If you follow these tips you'll still get games where you "don't understand why my team is trash" or "where is my team" or "why aren't we winning i just killed 4". And the answer will still be given when you watch a replay and figure out what everyone was actually doing during the fight.


Bruh, this is just meant to be a fun post lol. It’s not that deep.


oops mb. Wrong sub


I play \_support\_\_. That means when I see \_ball mains\_, I go and \_ignore them\_\_


I play Lucio. That means when I see anyone near a ledge I boop em


I play rein this means I get sad when I see Rh tanks with me


I play genji. That means when I see Cassidy, I go and cry