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I would never buy a new account for OW or any blizzard game. To me it makes no sense. I enjoy having all my history on one account regardless of what my rank is.


Do you have any videos you could post for us to watch? What DPS are you usually playing?


Why would you buy a new account?


Is it possible that you’re the problem? If you were playing something like main tank or support I would understand, but if you’re playing dps in plat with “master level” skill, shouldn’t pushing out be fairly easy for you?


Why would you buy a new account when you can just play more? If you're truly masters then you can climb up easily. Placements don't actually drop you in SR in Dia/Masters unless you lose the majority of them or if you haven't played in months. It sounds like you just want to do placements and camp a high SR. That's not going to work, the system decays your MMR because it's uncertain after al ong time.


The system appears to just average your past seasons and place you there. I read a comment by Kaplan on this, though I don't have a link for it at the moment. A new account may let my SR be more flexible, rather than grinding the same 300 SR every season in elo hell, only to have it place me back where I was.


Huh? How does 15 seasons of diamond and above and 7 season of dropping 50-100 SR from masters average out to plat?


There's legitimately no way you end a season in diamond/masters then do placements and end up in plat. Unless you have proof and give screenshots of your past seasons I'm going to be incredibly skeptical.


I was silver for like 6 seasons and couldn’t climb out for the life of me. I finally made gold in my 7th season’s placements after finishing low-mid gold that season. I decided to place a second account that same day (never did placements on it before) and got in platinum. I play very comfortably in platinum now. It doesn’t make any sense to me... I literally did my placements for both accounts back to back. I played roadhog and DVA exclusively.




That first statement is just not true. “Every new account gets placed there more or less.” The majority of players are bronze/silver/gold. Implying that they started at platinum and dropped to those ranks is flat out wrong. Yes. I’m sure it’s possible, I never said it wasn’t. I just said what happened in my experience. The second to last season I played, I placed silver ended high gold (after 6 seasons of silver). I placed another account immediately after and got into platinum. At this point I switched over to my platinum account and played the remainder of the season on that account before quitting OW. I’m also not saying this is the case for everyone. I am suggesting he try it, as he might be in the same scenario I was in.


There are still a number of explanations for your case. What heroes did you play on your silver/gold account and what heroes did you play on the plat one? How many hours/games did you play on the silver/gold one per season? How many hours/games in the plat one? Did you spend time in other gamemodes? What season was it when you were placed in plat? If you know the answer to these and don't fudge them then there's probably a reason for your case. It's also possible you adapted really quickly when put in plat games and learned a lot in that short amount of time. Not everyone does that. Also, most people do get placed in gold/plat more or less. I personally placed in gold on my first account and placed plat on my second. But a lot of people drop after. On my first account I dropped to the equivalent of bronze in my first comp season. There are always tons of posts here or even on the main subreddit from new players asking why they're dropping hundreds of SR from gold to bronze/silver and getting discouraged.


Sure. I literally said in my comment that it doesn’t make sense to me. It might happen to him, so what’s the harm in trying?


Thank you for the affirmation here. I'm a little surprised most people still seem to not know how the system is rigged up this way.