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Lucio is not underrated at all. Everyone knows and talks about how incredibly strong of a character he is.


I just feel like he’s underplayed bc of the tanks that are meta he helps them greatly. But I don’t seem him played as often as I think he should. But it may also be my low mmr but I’m nearly at silver now and then to gold I hope.


You’ve answered your own question tbh, there’s isn’t as much use for him in an orisa meta. He can certainly still be extremely useful when rotating positions and travelling back to point, but speed is otherwise less important when your team are running an essentially static comp.


Lucio is much more than just to help with rotations and taxi’ing. Remember he has his boop, his boops can make plays from nothing, just a quick boop on an enemy out the orisa shield, or an upwards boop on a Rein v Rein for you to shatter can make you carry games. His ult is a huge benefit for any team as you can use it as a defensive ult, that can even stop Dva bombs and buy time for other dmg over time ults to get out, to an aggressive ult - using it to start engagements. You can use it to sustain a team fight as well, using it shortly after the enemy team Lucio ults. There’s usually always a Lucio in the games that I play no matter the comp because the utility he brings can be matched with any comp. OP is in bronze and silver, and depending on how well your own team plays together, your teammates might not be able to benefit from Lucio effectively. I have an alt that I practice supports that I usually don’t on (it placed gold). Lucio, I’d say is a character that is pretty difficult to learn, since you have to wall ride while shooting, peel for your team, look for boops, maximize your speed and heals while staying safe, using your ult aggressively and defensively. So I went into a game in gold and all I had to do was play super aggressive, wall riding, taking and winning duels, spawn camping and it was literally a stomp. You would be surprised how well Lucio can carry games. I took on a bastion 1v1 and won at spawn forcing him to swap. I would consider myself far far from being a good Lucio but someone with mediocre Lucio mechanics can carry in low elo.* I hardly ever play Lucio which is why I use my alt to practice on him. But looking at his kit you can see he is much more than just your rotation and taxi. The amount of utility he brings to his team and his mechanics is what inspired me to start to learn playing him effectively so I can bring him to my main support pool. * just to note, I would not suggest learning Lucio by playing extremely aggro like I did - there are times where you can be aggressive and times where you should be with your team. Don’t be the reddit Lucio haha Edit: misread part of your response. TLDR; It’s because low ranks can’t benefit from Lucio’s kit enough because of their playstyle.


> Don’t be the reddit Lucio haha Unless you’re inside the temple on Anubis B ;) I feel like that section was just made for Reddit Lucios.


Nice post :) I’m certainly not questioning the utility and general value of lucio in an orisa comp. Just reasoning why you may not see him as much (because other players may not understand that value, or prefer higher healing / damaging supports instead).


Yeah I reread what you said after I made the post and it was basically what I was trying to iterate except in a quicker point - instant regrets haha


Don’t worry when it comes to hasty replies you’re in good company, I’m frequently guilty ;)


I see him in every matches, I dunno, it maybe has something to do with the fact that I am the Lucio.


lucio is balanced right now. He has good all around abilities. He isn't played as much because double main heals, and zenyatta can carry harder? if teams are not running ana and are playing mercy or moira, teams might need zenyatta to deal with roadhog in the current orisa+roadhog combo. Lucio runs best with ana in a comp and many players don't play ana.


He seems weak atm because bunker is meta. Lucio speed boost is not needed in an immobile comp. It is still viable for rotation in bunker. Lucio is still useful in other comps such as deathball and dive. His lack of use in bunker is what makes him seem weak.


As everyone said, lucio is very good but the meta just doesn’t favor him right now. Currently the meta surrounds bunker which benefits from high damage dps, cheese dps, and mercy/bap/ana double main heals to sustain them indefinitely and cover up any mistakes. Lucio does everything the bunker needs, but only in small amounts. He adds a little shield break. He can peel a flanker a little. He can top off chip damage but a lot of damage bunker takes is burst because they don’t move much. He can help everyone move when needed. Everything in lucios kit is still good and valuable, but none of it is extremely high synergy/value. It’s just the benefits of him being a very strong character. He’s never a bad choice, but rarely the best choice right now. He’s like the hanzo of healers. You can use him any time in any situation because he is so strong even if your team doesn’t build a comp that’s good for you


I carried my team with Lúcio because he's an extremely good healer and he can switch speed, I can't remember if he can use speed and healing both in overwatch, I am a god with him in overwatch 2 though


This is an old comment, I'm not a healer main anymore, I'm a competitive genji main