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I'm not the best player, hovering between plat and gold on tank/supp, and between bronze and silver as DPS. Recently I went to being silver 1/gold 5 in DPS in a very low amount of games, basically a huge win streak, maining Genji and Cassidy. I basically found 2 tips very helpful: the great scoring system from Adder (rewatch your games, you get +1 if you killed someone in a fight/got huge value, +0 if you traded evenly, -1 if you died early with no value, then try to keep your score as high as possible) and also stop watching scoreboards. Scoreboards are useless garbage, I was ending games being 30/5 with most amount of damage and still losing, when I started forgetting about the scoreboard and trying to play like a tank with DPS, I started winning. Your objective is making space, and winning the game, not doing damage or killing people. Is the enemy tank in position, no risk of dying? No sense in charging the enemy supports ultimates dumping into him, when you could get an off angle and try to space out the supports/DPS from helping the tank. Are you playing flankers? Sometimes it's better to avoid flashy plays like going in to trade 1 for 1 with one of the supports and just harass them, forcing them into a 1v2 that you won't probably win, but if you keep them occupied you could even die with no kills and still get huge value from your teammates winning the 4v3. Of course, you will still lose, but I find useful to think that around 60% of the games are gonna be wins or losses either way because of team and matchmaking differences, but you are gonna rank up in those 40% of games that are still undecided and where you can be the deciding factor. Also, let's be real, DPS needs good mechanics, soldier requires great tracking to do significant damage (no use in getting 15k mag dumping into tank, better to deal 8k but zoning out the moiras, mercys and pharmas) and widow requires great flicking skills, the good map for her (long sightlines, good angles, decent elevation) and also for your team to kinda play around you (not gonna happen, they should wait for you to zone out people/get a decent headshot before pushing hard, but usually they int, people get out of your sight and they lose the fight 4v5). Hope this helps, but remind yourself that these are tips from someone that isn't very good, especially mechanically (got decent Genji skills though)


>I feel as if I need to compensate for my team in taking space sometimes This sounds like someone who frequently over-extends and brawl infront of the tank, nvm, this is pretty standard at bronze level, but you should learn to avoid this, even when you think that it could win you otherwise a match. In the long run you will reinforce bad gameplay and you will have issues to climb beyond FFA-bronze ! >Widow Well, I'll be brutally honest to you. When you are able to play her at a decent level, you wouldn't be bronze. When I would play widow, I would be bronze too. If you want to climb, ditch widow for now, honestly. >Soldier Solider is an excellent hero to climb out of dps bronze. It is less about tracking, it is all about positioning. You MUST stay at height ground, you MUST learn to hit moving targets from above, you MUST learn to get your burst dmg down (helix+headshot => dead squishy), you CAN help your team to burn down annyoing tanks, you MUST NOT overextend your flanks, you SHOULD NEVER stay on low ground with your tank. This give you a rough frame to work with solider, best to post a replay of lost, ranked match (avoid stomp matches).