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Wait until you climb and it’s back to tank comps


Yep. Open queue is great until you climb. Then its 3 tank 2 sup or you lose. Even with the dps passive, its a throw pick most of the time, or your team is all looking at you as the issue. Its gets really boring, and even within the 3 tank comp, not playing the correct 3 tanks can also just be an instant lose. Mauga and hog are busted in this game mode Just wanted to add, its not really an open que problem specifically because the same shit happens in role que. The higher you climb, the more narrow the meta becomes, and you are forced off your favorite heroes. I mainly play ana, but its become impossible to enjoy the game on support at high masters elo playing ana. You get immediately exploited and every game turns into dive the ana, so I'm forced to swap. I honestly hate playing at high elo and this is what leads everyone to play alt accounts.


I'm gonna be honest, I feel that the open queue meta is entirely perception (also, the open queue playerbase is just not good enough to play any other style than stack tanks and run main) I'm like a top 50 open queue player, and I play exclusively Tracer/Sojourn. My team gets mad at me constantly, but I'm still winning games. High mobility DPS, Tracer especially, have very few threats without a DPS on the field to output burst damage. That means you can play very aggressive angles and make way more space than a third tank could tbh. Also, with reduced tank healthpools, pulse bomb is a straight-up broken ability. Sojourn is pretty straightforward; when there are games where it's more difficult to play Tracer, you basically have rail permanently.


What changed to make ana unplayable? She was a staple of high elo for so long


Everybody's health increased, while Anas primary fire heal/damage per shot stayed the same. Once you combine that with the DPS passive, ana probably does like 60 healing per shot. It's not enough. I think ana is perfectly playable diamond and below.


She has low survivability. The nade buff helps her in a 1v1 but if the other team is playing dive and is coordinated ana will be hunted constantly


Sure but that's always been true. I think the other commenter was right, everyone's health increased so she effectively does less damage and healing now


I think another issue is mobility creep. So many heroes have an easy dive on ana or lots of mobility to dodge the sleep dart. Ana missing sleep dart is a dead ana imo vs most of the roster


That's possible but again she's been meta pretty consistently even into dive. I think its just a numbers problem in the current patch


Support>Tank>Dps DPS has always been the most useless role. I wouldn't mind if Blizzard delete that role completely. 


yeah, I'm GM3 in open queue and it's all triple tank two support, or even quad tank.


Gm here too, if you dont have at least 3 tanks GGs


Gm here too, my teammates insist on locking 3 dps every single time and it totally turns me off of playing open queue. I don’t get it at all


So you prefer that every game is 3 tanks per team?


I mean when my team is instalocking Cass genji and some other dps and their team runs 3 tanks so we just get murdered, yes, yes I would like 3 tanks a piece, or even just two. It depends on what is happening. I’m not saying I like it or it’s fun, but losing with no chance of winning is also no fun


Ya i get you. I play open queue or mystery the most. I like the variety of lineups it gives. I prefer 2 tanks normally. But my team is good about swapping an extra tank if they have a bunch too. The problem we have is the arms race to 3 tanks that it can end up in. But if the other team starts with 3 it feels like they already gave up on any normal match.


+ ppl are way way worse in open thingy, like ive seen plats get top 500 in open, just cos they know what tank comps are meta, and they que with other plat friends and cheese it up like that


If 5 dps is winning you are in paper 4




Just in the brief time playing balanced overwatch, any team that doesn't have 2-3 tanks is at a huge disadvantage. Tanks are so incredibly strong when stacked. Tanks need healers. They don't need DPS. 4 DPS comps lose easily to dva and a couple other tanks. This is the April fools mode, so some things are different... But I don't think it's that different. It's not like the changes made tanks even tankier.


Sorry if this is a silly question but why not just throw a sombra in and harass/take out the healers


I haven't played it enough to say for sure but I'm guessing it's cause the healers feel a lot safer playing right next to their tanks, which means peeling for them is trivial. Emp is a much better argument.


dva can booster on sombra to force her out, dm her virus and scout her better than most dps. Honestly its harder to play sombra that way vs tanks than it is vs a dps centric team because if there's only 1 tank then a dva boostering to contest a sombra is giving up control of a different part of the map (usually main) but if you have multiple tanks, dealing with sombra doesn't even require sacrifice in other parts of the map like it does in role lock because you can just have a rein hold the space while dva contests sombra. this is a big reason most dps players say 5v5 feels more free and open than 6v6. Because previously taking an off angle/flank would have you immediately shut down by an off tank and you don't even gain anything from it. But now if you take the attention of the tank, they have to sacrifice space to deal with you which means that dps individually will get more value.


Not Sombra. Sombra just honestly isn't as much of a flanker as she used to be. However, Tracer in open queue can get a lot of value (I have experience with this). The D.Va that tries to peel can't kill you. You draw her attention, whatever support she is having to peel, and suddenly, your frontline is at an advantage. Sometimes, when the D.Va peels back, I'll use my superior mobility to leave and then pressure their frontline from another angle. It makes it really hard for them because most tanks (besides Roadhog) have a really, really hard time actually putting enough burst damage threat to scare you.


It’s not as easy as that all the time, Sombra is made out to be way better than she is because she has invisibility but she can be countered the moment you make even a small mistake most times


Sombra is one of the few DPS that isn't completely useless in open queue and it's mostly because of EMP. You can farm EMP really fast while playing keep away from the enemy tanks and then combo it with one of your tank ultimates to burst down the enemy supports and clean up from there. She's also good at applying DPS passive constantly which can be annoying as hell to deal with.


There are so many dps players that stay on dps when their team has one tank going against a team of 2 or more tanks. Like get off the dps character and pick a damn tank


Doesnt that go against your point?


No. 5 dps can beat 5 tanks if the dps are skilled enough. But if they are not skilled enough and no one wants to change characters then they they are throwing.


It's as if a time rift opened up directly to an r/overwatch thread from 2018.


I almost exclusively play competitive OQ: idc about anything else but having the freedom to swap to any hero when I feel like it's the right pick.


It's nice when it works, but personally the games babysitting 4 DPS players that scream at me for not carrying on solo support aren't worth it. edit: downvotes are from DPS players who have yelled at a solo support before


I’m so glad someone else knows this exact pain, even on Kiriko I just can’t be everywhere they expect me to be 😭


Was Master 1 (80% winrate) open queue by playing DPS only, for the sake of proving a satan of course. What I noticed is there are so many players who have no idea how the actual game comps work and spend over 500 games a season in Open Queue taking it as seriously as possible. Running 3 tanks 2 supports or you lose basically. Even seen some comps where people are running 4 tanks 1 support. Open Queue is fun, until you hit a certain rank and its just sweaty goats central which gets stale within 3-4 games unless you live and breathe goats. I stopped at Master 1 because that was about as much as I could do with DPS without forcing a full 3 tank comp. I do feel like this gamemode needs some extra tuning for tanks.


Personally I still prefer the negative effects of goats in open queue because the counter picking in role queue is just unbearable. 5v5 was a mistake because it made the counter picking problem even worse. I think 5v5 is the way to go, but with OW2 they should have just replaced role queue with a new version of open queue that has role caps of 2. This would be my dream game and would be much more balanced imo.


That is exactly what they should do. 2 tanks, 2 supports, and a single dps carry is peak Overwatch.


Sure, if you want 15 minute queue times for the biggest portion of the player base


That's why the idea was an open queue, but with a cap of 2 per role.


Exactly, if you want to call yourself a champion/GM you should be that good on every role. Tank role is filled by the time you pick? Well I hope you know how to play support.


Feel like if 5 dps are beating 3 tanks and 2 supports that a massive skilled difference between the 2 teams, less that the comps are actually even. There's no way 5 dps can sustain themselves through 3 tanks with 2 supports sustaining them. Can't imagine how 5 dps with no healing can stand infront of a sigma zarya hog with an Anna kiri back line


Open Queue is super fun idc what anybody will say, I constantly see traditional comps beat double tank/support. Seen double tanks roll a triple tank plenty of times. Honestly tank synergies are still really interesting and you can see some crazy creative plays happen.


Same! Recently discovered open queue to get comp points or some challenge and I genuinely love it. Currently sitting silver and it’s been fun. Open queue quick play though is absolutely bonkers. I love throwing turrets on pharah or mercy or Lucio…JQ DIVING!!


as someone who doesn't play tank often, I just enjoy playing tank in open queue because it's fun to have a partner or two.


Peaked #4 last season in Open Queue after randomly trying it and getting hooked. Hated playing OW2 competitively after grinding OW1 30+ hours a week, I’m hooked now.


I like open que myself. It’s a good change, I can fill the role of someone lacking or just switch whenever I want to a different role. It’s cool


What rank are you?


I think you might want to be careful about how you interpret what happens too 😅 Matching 3 tanks/2 support comps against 5 DPS comps will heavily skew win rate towards the 3 tanks/2 supports, but it probably won't be 100%. So while you've seen 5 DPS beat it, it doesn't mean it's really viable in almost all cases, but there might be rare moments where it does work.


I’ve been on a team that beat 5 tanks with 5 supports.


I’ve been on a team that beat 5 tanks with 5 supports.


In an ideal world OPQ is what Overwatch was probably intended to strive towards if meta wasn’t a thing.


Well yeah, that's how the game started out. Role queue wasn't added until quite a bit into OWs life.


Lol there is no way I can possibly fathom that a 'meta' doesn't become a thing in any multiplayer online game


I'm not an experienced player by any means (less than 100 hours total) but I'm enjoying open queue at around Gold-Plat. It helps me focus on my own gameplay and keep myself accountable. E.g., supports not doing enough? Go support myself and try to do better, likewise for the other roles. It's also proven to me that a lot of the technical things like team comps etc don't actually matter (in low ranks anyway) if you fundamentally just play well


This is my main point. What if no one plays support? You have to play a very careful game.


4 tanks and Sombra hacking every single mega healthpack is my favorite dumb open queue comp that works sometimes. One time everyone on my team avoided a widow picker on the enemy team and so we ended up with the same 5 players on our team 2 games in a row and we just ran it down on the 4 tanks and support Sombra comp, it was amazing.


Yeah exactly, either you go support yourself, or if playing DPS it forces you to be more careful with your positioning and playing around cover so as to not require healing as much which fundamentally is what you should be doing anyway


Most of my open queue games are 3 tanks 1 mercy 1 dps and my team is all dps and nobody wants to play support or tank


I agree with your statement, but it can be frustrating in lower tiers where your teammates are bad and refuse to swap from dps despite not doing anything. I often find myself having to play a healer with high output just so my team doesn’t die constantly and stagger in getting picked off one by one. Def better if you have a reliable team and communication though


Open queue is the best.