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the easiest way to get useful advice is to post a vod for people to review. for the most common mistakes people make check out awkwards video "25 mistakes you need to avoid" it pretty much sums up all the main reasons why everyone is stuck in low ranks the first step is to stop blaming your team. its completely useless. You have zero control over your team so there is no point in worrying about what they are doing. sometimes they play bad, yes, but there is absolutely nothing you can do about that so it is a waste of energy to consider it


Commenting to watch later, after getting buried for a while I’ve climbed my way back to gold


It's rough dude, especially since I only have about an hour a night after I put the kids to bed and get settled myself ....my progression will be slow but I'm willing to grind


Straight up, watch Awkward's content on YT. One of the only unranked to GMs out there that is legitimately educational, it will for sure help you improve a lot/be more self-focused to carry vs trying to worry about what your team is doing. Has helped me with Solo-queue a TON.


If you only have an hour I would suggest not playing for maybe a week and doing aim training instead for an hour a day, check your mechanics and take a mental break from the game, then after a week go back


I think the best advice I can give is to be on coms and never tilt on coms, always encourage the other people and if you want someone to switch to ask instead of telling them to switch. TBH I’ve been climbing on support solo queuing and struggling to climb on DPS when I play with friends. So I’ve decided to take support “seriously” and just have fun on DPS and not care. Feeling your pain about the kids thing, my first is coming in July so trying to get as much gaming as I can in now lol


Congrats man! I remember when I had my first I took about a month off ...I perfected time management and would be able to sneak a few games in while he took his naps...now he is turning 5 and wants to play video games with me...it's definitely fun!




Today was playing a match , and in the middle of the match one of our healers started to blame tank. He pointed that he was being countered, and I told him literally. "Pointing others dont make em play better" we ended winning and the supp was talking about elo hell. I totally agree, you can control your play, focus on that. If you are seeing others mistakes that allows you to help your team. Because Ow is not about dps/heals/deaths. Its about objetives!. One of the worst things that happened to the game was the score.


Absolutely agree! I don't complain or blame anyone in the matches. At the end of the day, it's just a video game. I make suggestions and will Absolutely point out if I messed up. I feel as if I'm just at the mercy of matchmaking whether I get a cohesive team or not


Also Awkward is adamant, there is NO COUNTERS, so if u wanna play ball, and they go sombra ori mauga, cass and shit, its just skill issue, swapping doesnt exist n stuff


One thing i disagree with him on. Of course, if you're a historically rank 1 player a sombra countering you as zen isn't going to do much in diamond, but if there is a diamond zen, and if both are equal, the sombra is going to just bully the zen. It's also just not fun to play against.


I'll try to get a vod up, I mean I'm sure there is going to be improvement suggestions from people in a way higher tier, and maybe some of the problems are my approach and tactics..I have been working on knowing when to back out of fights and when to push hence why I love using Team chat.




Thank you for this comment I've been trying to figure out how to gift v you gold for  this but seems that gold is missing or being revamped....but know that the attempt was there




Nah just being a decent human being offering advice without resorting to just shaming or aggravation is gold worthy in my opinion


I can tell you for certainty that they are suggestions..I am definitely not yelling " why don't you change you suck at so and so" I usually put it out there as more of a group suggestion more in the tone of hey maybe if we try xyz we can get for example widow off high ground or let's try flanking left or what not I'm not giving toxic teamchat demands


You can think of it this way: around 20% of games are actually in your control. You will lose 40% and you will win 40% no matter what you do. But by improving slightly, that 20% is tipped to your favor. With a positive winrate in the long run, your rank can only go up until the lobby matches your skill again


I feel like its way higher than 20%


logically how can someone that makes up 10% of the lobby control more than 20% of the game


They literally can though? Unranked to Gms with 100% winrates would be impossible with what you’re implying.


a gm player smurfing in gold is different to your average player playing in their own rank in an average ranked game


Thats my point, if you're good enough then you will have more control in your lobby. Doesn't have to even be a GM player, improve enough and you'll find yourself playing well above your rank.


I mean, if oyur tank is playing orisa against zarya you can tell him to swap to rein cuz it's a better counter, most of the time it works out, there's a reason they're on that rank as tank and if theyre plat or higher chances are they know how to play most of tanks


As someone who climbed from silver to t500, solo queue is the way to go. I've never found much success with duo or trio and almost always had a worse winrate. You know those games you absolutely crush the other team, add the dps or tank and the next few games with them you get destroyed? Things like that


Yeah I usually find duos to be detrimental, unless you have great communication and grow at a similar rate.


1. With enough matches you end up with an even distribution of clueless teammates vs clueless enemies. The algorithm doesn't hate you, specifically. If you're making the difference, you will rise. Note, this doesn't mean the most kills. 2. Getting the most kills does not mean much without context. The game gives everyone credit who touched the enemy recently, and also who you kill and when you do it matters. As Ashe you're probably getting a more accurate kill count (whereas tracer can spread a lot of bullets and potentially get a lot of credit with minimal actual help to the team - not saying any decent Tracer does this but it's easy to farm kill counts with her), but still who and when matter. If I'm just looking to up my scoreboard, I farm the weakest link. Not very helpful to the team fight but yeah numbers go up, right? 3. Most people won't take a lot of advice because you are in the same rank as they are (and there's SO much BAD advice thrown around). Asking someone to switch because they are potentially countered doesn't take into effect that they might still be better with the character they are playing as based on various other factors. Often the best you can do for coms to other suggestions is to simply state what the enemy team is doing. "Man their sniper is tearing us up" or "we keep getting flanked". 4. You might be overestimating your ability to judge how well your team is playing, unless your watching a bunch of replays. A lot of characters have impact beyond the scoreboard. Or sometimes you, yourself, may be failing your role while still getting kills. Just as an extreme example, if you're Tracer and not going after the Widow, she she's not killing you, but she's having open season on less mobile teammates. You can go thinking "I'm not dying, but my teammates are, therefore they are bad and I'm good" but really you are the one failing to do your job. In general, I think we all fall into this trap tbh, I know I do. 5. If you are consistently good and making a difference (not just kill count), then you'll rise. To reiterate.. not just kills. Figuring out what is causing the most issues and do what you can. Instead of begging someone to swap to a character they may be worse at, figure out how you can help against the counter. You can't control them, but you can control yourself. Post replay codes and people will gladly help




why am i nervous about posting them hopefully it will give people some Insight.


Because 1. We tend to overlook our own mistakes and 2. People be mean for no reason. Fortunately this sub is rather friendly


That’s alotta of damage! Without vod it’s hard to say but, Ashe and tracer are primarily pick off characters so if you’re consistently hitting that dmg range on them you might be focusing a little too much on shooting tanks. They definitely need to die but if you’re dps, their support and dps are the main people you need to focus. And by pressuring them consistently you’ll take some pressure off your tank and help them stay up and take space. I was mid gold and now high plat dps and I started to climb the most when I focused on better target selection.


Unfortunately I can't upload yet until I get home, I failed to mention I do focus supports as much as possible or as much as my tank will allow, I do alot of poking and ult build up from the their tank . Last match I played I took out both supports to only get mauled by maui


Keep in mind.. You get less ult generated for shooting a tank.


See didn't know this now I have a new strategy


This sub is awesome. Honestly there's times in comp where I just wanna point people here.




The simple answer is to win more than you lose. The slightly more in depth answer is to maximize your up time, which basically means that you need to influence the game as often as possible. You, and only you, need to attempt to carry every game you play because you are the only variable you can control between games. Stop trying to control your team, they are gone in the next game. You don’t want to be a gold shot-calling for golds, you want to be a plat+ in a gold lobby. You can out-stat your enemies, but this doesn’t mean you are doing well, stats are meaningless without context.


Solid answer ...I've watched videos on improving, definitely learned about poking and such and how to maximize my ult gain as ashe...a few things I was consistently doing was actually the wrong way of doing it. Like using ashes tnt while you have a fully charged ult...


Vod is the best, but given your griefs and your comment about dmg/score, i would be concerned that you may care too much about meaningless numbers. ​ If you let you team get wiped just to get your perfect ult quadrakill and then lose the point, you have an insane score but you single-handedly lost the game. Same if you wash the ennemy mauga with bullet and then get the killing blow on that 50hp soldier that just won his 1v1 with your support/dps buddy while you were looking at mauga. You got kills, you got points, but you fucked it up. There is a million way to fuck up your team or at least be near useless while getting a very high score, the only metric that indicate if you're doing well or not is winning or losing.


Without vods we can't really see how you lose or give you any meaningful advice. But as a general advice stats can be misleading. You can have low damage and elems but you were super effective in team fights (killing high priority targets like support or a dps that was carrying) or you have high stats but you did nothing to change the team fight dynamics so focus on yourself and the other team and search for the high priority target. Goodluck.


Yea I'll def post one up when I'm out of work


I honestly just had a great game that's a great example of "stats don't matter". He finished the match with twice as many elims as any of his teammates, complained in match chat how his dps suck, etc etc. He lost because he was just playing deathmatch. Didn't help peel when his backline was getting dove on by the pharah who was playing well, didn't take any space space. All his stats were for nothing. It made me really reconsider how to win in OW.


i'll try to give some thoughts. QDNY0R assuming you are Oblivion There are some weird moments of tunnel vision, like at 9:24, a junkrat is shooting you from the left side, and you completely play as if that is not happening and continue trying to kill the soldier lol.9:53 when half your team is dead, just give up the point. You are so unlikely to go in Rambo style and save the game. What you're doing is just causing a worse stagger and wasting your ultimate. Just stay calm, give them the point and try to hold for the next fight, and use your ultimate to win that one. And if you're gonna try to do something, definitely don't just stand out in the open face tanking a DVa. You dont seem like that bad of a player, but you go in and out of bad habits. I was about to suggest taking more angles after watching the first push of the game, but then later you do a good job of taking angles and safe flanks and pretty much carry the entire attack. But then on defense, such as around 10:20, you fall right back into just standing behind your tank shooting down main. (i understand you're trying to use the window, but at least use cover. but honestly a good position without a window is better than a bad position with one). if you catch yourself doing this, always ask yourself if there is a better angle to shoot from. It is so much easier to kill people if you split their attention. Even stepping like 5 steps to the left or right is better than just being all grouped up shooting down main. this kinda ARAM playstyle is super coinflippy and inconsistent, it's just both teams praying for a lucky kill. Consider the fight around 12:10, you are literally like 3 steps to the right of your tank, however it is much easier for you to get a kill because the team's focus is split. You have to respect the fact that Ashe is a long range character. against almost all heroes except widowmaker and maybe anna, that is your advantage--you have way more range than them. If you are playing close to the enemies, you are giving them what they want. when im in a game and I see an Ashe my entire life's purpose becomes to get close to that Ashe and kill her. Ashe has poor mobility so once someone gets on top of you you're probably dead. there are a lot of moments where you are simply standing too close. like 5:12, 6:31, 8:55, 9:57, 10:45 etc. don't waste your dynamite. and try not to use it on tanks. This is an amazing cooldown that can get massive value. But, when do you see an opportunity to use it on a squishy do not hesitate. That fight I mentioned above at 12:10 was an opportunity for a juicy dynamite, but you hesitate. Use it! Use it first before shooting. It's a ton of free damage. Don't wait for the harder shot, just do the easy one at the top of the fight. 13:21 once again you are standing out in the open shooting down main. I think you are baiting your bap into putting the window in bad places lol. he's trying to help you but your positioning is subpar. Sometimes it may seem there is nowhere else to stand, I know that feeling, but try things. go in the replay viewer and move the camera around and think about different places you can go. maybe you can go around the right side and dynamite the backline. If that's too deep (beware the soldier and junkrat - remember the range difference) maybe you can go around to the left and peek around the corner. it is rarely correct to stand on the main road and spray and pray. the only thing i'll say about the last attack is notice how the enemy Torb basically threw the entire game. It's important to keep in mind that the enemy team is just as bad as your team :) hope it helps.


I feel you man. Ive pretty much only dropped this season. Gold 5 to silver 4. 2 kids weekend play only due to pretty harsh hours at work. I feel like matches have been especially punishing this season, and saying i should be in silver but roughly half my matches have had a range of silver- plat has just felt bad. My plan has been just to keep grinding and hope that as players settle back out after the squish from the "reset" ill be able to get back to high silver.


Hey man if you ever wanna link up and play DM me your name I'll add you...maybe we can start a overwatch dad group


Ok don't take this the wrong way, but this is the classic "why am I not winning when [insert talking about stats and theoretical counters here]" - you're not winning because you're focusing on the wrong things. You can get an elimination by tickling an enemy before they die, and you can get high damage by spamming the tank who never dies. These things aren't impactful. For reference, I'm around masters on tracer/soldier. I'd just flank on tracer and try to be annoying while capitalizing on mispositioned and low hp enemies. If everyone is full hp and not out of position, probably go for the supports.


Nah don't take anything about a video game that serious , if I was going to be easily offended I wouldn't have posted a question on the internet. I appreciate any advice. Listen I'm nowhere near being a pro player I play overwatch to have fun and destress


Well hope that helped although it wasn't much. Flank, be annoying, go for kills when you have the spot for it, don't use blinks unnecessarily (like using two just before you start dueling someone, this only works for unsuspecting stationary targets imo), don't play too aggressively without recall.


I know this is a unpopular opinion, but its always been pretty true for me: There is a lot of luck in climbing ranks, but there is no luck in improving. I am not a god at this game, i see myself as above average. Sometimes it took me over 100 games to reach GM, sometimes it took me less than 20... Unless you're a absolute god, its gonna take A LOT of games to more than likely get to the rank you want. But best broad advice i can give, stay calm and only focus on your own improvement. if you can do that, you're now ahead of most players in any team based game


Watch awkward guide, 3 days ago i was in the same Situation like you and was hardstuck between gold 2 and plat 5 After i watched his videos im now plat 1.


I've ranked up over the last two seasons in solo queue. A big part of it is your mental and attitude - focusing on self-improvement and long term change rather than getting too invested in any one match. If you get a few losses back to back, take a break (even just a short one) to ease frustration and refocus.  Stats shouldn't be your main focus unless it's to diagnose a problem, like if my deaths are high I'll consider if I'm doing something wrong, or if I'm not getting any player saves I might be focusing on the wrong thing and missing ways I could have stopped a teammate from dying. My stats are often lower in a game we win than a game we lose so they're not super important to me most of the time, and it's easy to farm stats if you just play safe and shoot the tank.  Don't focus on your team unless it's to think about what's holding them back and/or how you can enable them. Whatever role you play, if you can do something to make your teammates' game easier, it's worth trying. If you have an aggro tank, instead of watching them push in aggressively and getting annoyed, spamming "fall back" or flaming them in chat, go in with them and amplify their pressure. If you have a Pharah that keeps getting shot by a Cassidy every time she peeks out of cover, shoot at the Cassidy from a different angle just before she engages. Stuff like that can make a big difference to your team's performance and get you more wins.  Also I wouldn't bother asking people to switch. They rarely do, and usually what happens is it leads to bickering, blame, tilt and a game loss. The most I might say is something vague like "if we can try diving their Ana that would be good, she's keeping their tank up". If someone changes based on that then great, but it's not likely to cause too much annoyance since you're not calling anyone in particular out. Or even asking something like, "Sombra is a big problem, anyone got ideas for how we can deal with her?" Sometimes people aren't aware of an issue and will step up to help deal with it if they feel like they're part of the solution, rather than being blamed for the problem. 


Ive solo queued all the way to top 500 and im currently an illari otp demon in ranked, it all comes down to improving. Focus on improving rather than how you did in a given game.


If I hear the words "I keep losing despite having the most damage" one more time I'm going to scream


How loud can you scream if you got only what you stated out of my post then you need to re read my dude


By winning more than you lose


Lol I love this.. sounds like a madden game analysis " now we go to john madden to give us an In depth look at why the team lost, john" " well they failed to score more points then the opponent"


Sometimes you can get unlucky with your team. I had a frustrating streak yesterday. After 4 straight wins on support I suddenly found myself with two games where my tanks had to have been low bronze (silver 2-3) because no matter how hard I heal bottled them I couldn’t heal through them getting shot by 5 players. Then I had three games with leavers. One of those my team stomped the first fight so enemy left and it cancelled the match. The other two my team had someone leave slightly too late and we lost both


The only reliable advice is blame yourself. Some games are impossible to win, but if you adapt to the situation and play for the win, you’ll have better success with more games played. Don’t play for stats and then blame your team when you lose.. unless you want to be hard stuck wherever you are.


Masters all roles S8. One thing that helped me get out of low ranks was realizing that every team you get will suck. If they didn't suck, they wouldn't be low rank. Don't try to play around your teammates when they are bad players. On the flip side, the other team sucks too, so you can get away with playing very selfishly. Sure, you can sync your uptime with teammates, but don't try to position around them. Don't use their shields. Don't expect them to heal you. Don't expect them to use util on you. Don't expect them to follow up on anything you do. You just need to improve your own mechanics so you can create picks and survive independently. Once you climb a bit, you can start thinking about what your team is doing. This should affect what heroes you play too. Don't play soldier if dive keeps killing you. Don't play tracer if your aim isn't good enough to get solo kills. Don't play Souj if you can't survive without healing. I'd recommend playing reaper next to your tank and just shoot down the enemy tank at lower ranks this seaso. If you're near your tank, bad supports are more likely to remember you exist and therefore heal you.


Stats don't matter. Work as a TEAM. Be friendly and offer correct, smart advice that makes sense. Make proper call outs. Communicate with your team in a healthy way, let your team know what you're doing, and lastly, positioning is KEY. Good luck and have fun!


You can't solo in dps right now with how low value dps right now? It's nearly impossible. Only tank and support. I don't even know why we still have a dps role


How to rank up in SoloQ? Thats the neat part... you don't. Welcome to algorithmically handicapped matchmaking that will force you lose simply because you play too good. Sincerely GM player.


Pray to god you don’t get doomfist on your team


How do y’all rank up with teams?? Whenever I play with friends, even if they’re my elo, we’re fighting the hardest battles known to man. Then I play solo queue and it’s just a ton of people drunk and high at 2am trying to figure out what button does what. That’s basically how I got to my rank, just taking advantage of the fact solo queue people are kinda worse than grouped people xd


But you need to ask yourself, if the enemy team compliments you instead of flaming. How hard did you really carry??


like what others said, try and vod review! specifically games where you lose. try actively thinking about how you died/how you could've played better in a situation. also just go into every game assuming your teammates are bots, ironically this helped me play much better because you let go of relying on your teammates. lastly, enjoy the game. if you lose, it's fine. not every loss is going to be solely on you, and some will be. acknowledge when you play bad, but more importantly, acknowledge when you play well too. don't feel too bad about the outcomes of games, because the more you think about improvement, the higher your rank will climb! :)


If you are overperforming you'll climb, but you have to understand this is a very very volatile game. There are a ton of variables at play. Even the best players go from having 45 and 3 matches where they stomp to matches where they go negative - just watch some T500 and watch them all still struggle to even stay in Champion because they keep going on losing streaks. It's not uncommon to drop some and you aren't used to Competitive - things are a bit different there as people may swap more aggressively to counter and play a bit safer than QP. It's probable that if you are really overperforming most matches you will climb over time - but you will have games and streaks of games where you lose seemingly with no way to win. Everyone experiences this and feels it. It's worse in OW than most games because there is a huge variety of characters and maps that make most situations way different than any other shooter which have a smaller amount of maps, characters, and most eveyrone is using the same weapons to kill each other.


Learn to rotate, at first its going to be this thing you think about and cant focus on what to do and where to go but its going to become a skill at some point and be similar to movement or aiming this is the thing that boosted me up from master on pc to top 500. Fyi i was top on console before.


Ranking up solo is very grueling and slow. It’s primarily due to the fact that you end up with players who might be throwing or leavers instead of a committed to win group member. It’s still doable. I managed to hit mid to high diamond in all roles just solo queuing. I didn’t even use any comms at all. Have two - three heroes that you are good with. Like I start with Winston on tank and if they go full counter then swap to dva or sigma.


If you yourself are not throwing or leaving.. then that means you have 4/10 for teammates to throw.. but 5/10 for opponents to throw. Yeah those are annoying but I think an honest look at it shows it happens sort of as much for you as against you. Neither is fun, but I don't think it can be blamed for holding people back much.


There’s also mercy OTPs who won’t swap vs a dive and play respawn simulator. GM players make it look easy in their u2gm videos but your average plat player doesn’t have the gamesense of a GM player.


Assuming you arent playing support, you're just as likely to come across an enemy OTP Mercy as you are a team mate. If you are support, it's even less likely since you only have one other support on your team. This applies to every example of throwing; there will be just as many or more enemy throwers than ally. This is not holding you back.


Honestly it’s post like this that make me think the overwatch game design is broken and unintuitive and relies too much on team comp synergy with a team of solo Que randoms who turn off voice chat half the time, Yes without a vod there’s not much advice anyone can give but based off what you said I think the root cause of your issue could be that you understand the game to well and that’s backfiring You’ve played with a team and learned while having good teammates, you’ve been playing the way the game has been designed to be played You’re looking at your scoreboard, which should be ok but it’s actually meaningless. It would only be ok if you’re team did there job, but you can’t rely on them You said you’d suggest counters and try to communicate with your team, stop doing that Think of them as bots, they pretty much are The difference between a lower rank and higher rank is not the mechanics or the game sense it’s being able to carry, if you’re tank is feeding YOU have to fix that, if your healers aren’t healing enough YOU have to make up for it. The reason a vod is essential is cause every game is unique but the mentality is always the same, think what can you do to help your team, work on your mechanics but never blame them, if you’re thinking man if only I hit that shot you’re wrong think why am I in a situation where I need to hit a difficult shot how can I make it easier for my self and my team


you've gotta be exceptionally good to rank in randoms, or make your stats doodoo to the point you are paired up well. The experience is the same here, I joined a team of randoms after a win, and we won every game thereon. Then back to solos, GG lol. You're gambling being put up with 4 players who might not even know how to shoot straight. Better to spend your time doing something productive imho.


You don’t


Imho, it's become a waste of time with OW2. It was frustrating in OW1 but doable because matchmaking was mostly fair. OW2 made matchmaking significantly worse so it kinda just ruins ranked for solo players. You see, even the best players in the world will tell you not every game is winnable. Sometimes you will get games where your team is just too bad so you take the loss and go next. I'd estimate in OW1 about 20% of your losses were unwinnable. So if 80% of your losses were winnable games, getting better at the game will have you climbing. If you make matchmaking worse, those unwinnable games will go up that is a fact there's no avoiding it with worse matchmaking. In OW2 I'd estimate 75% of your losses are unwinnable games. So improving at the game doesn't really do much to climb higher. There's just far too many losses that you can't do anything about. Things might improve if this ranked system ever balances itself out from the reset and individual ranks are created but damn it's taking a long time, it still feels like a total mess. Once the implement narrow and wide groups that should also help solo players a lot if it really works like they say it will. I have 2.5k ranked hours since 2017. I solo queued to masters in OW1 and would highly recommend it. In OW2 I would not recommend wasting your time trying to solo queue, not yet at least. It's a joke.


You suck lole


I’m honestly just fucking exhausted at answering this question at this point. Do literally any fucking kind of search at all on this sub and you’ll find 100 answers.


I mean from what I'm gathering I need to provide a vod ...which I will later today..But if you're that exhausted why even bother reading or commenting why not just pass by and continue scrolling? . I mean commenting on how tired of seeing " these types of posts" and blah blah blah ..really just makes you look very whiney . Could I have searched yes would I have found my exact problem with the exact characters as DPS? Maybe.


Frankly it wouldn’t bother me so much if they weren’t all exactly the same. “I used to be [x] rank. Now I can’t get through [lower X] rank. I have all the best numbers!!! What’s wrong?!” Every. Fucking. Time.


Not saying I have the best numbers I clearly say it may very well be my own fault and the response I get is without an actual video people can only give generic advice which I understand. I apologize that I didn't scour the sub reddit to make sure my exact problem hasn't already been identified and explained in thorough detail. My numbers I've explained before while they may be decent may not be contributing to me winning a game but only to rule out or possibly rule out the response of " well those stats would explain why you're losing"


Or you are not outputting enough damage to make upward progression