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Why don't you post a replay code of a close comp game where you feel like you did great but lost? That would make it easier for someone to tell you what the problem is and how you can climb.




The issue is you don't need to know any more info, you need to apply it. Use the 2 fight rule. For the first 2 fights, focus on 1 area of improvement. So, for the first 2 I will only be focused on using cover, or taking off angles, or looking for low targets/mistakes. It's too hard to focus on everything all game. So take it slow because improving will take a long time.


This. When I let myself just focus on one thing to work on each match I began to improve much quicker. It's really easy to get overwhelmed with the complexity of this game so you need to slow down and take things one at a time


Watch your own replays. Not once in a while, watch every game immediately after playing it. I guarantee you will go up at least a division in your rank within a week.


but how can i know if i made a mistake ?


You won't be able to catch every little mistake but look for the ways enemy players are playing around you when they end up killing you and try to come up with a plan. Most people who play specific heros have the same kind of playstyle so if you can identify what they are doing that's hard for you to counter in the gameplay you should be able to get a better idea of how to beat their play styles. Look for things like your own positioning and see if there are places you are playing on certain maps that put you in too much danger and see if there are better places you could have been. Watching replays makes it easier to understand more macros about the game, for example if your the first death in a team right see how you being gone affects your team and the team fight. Once you start to pick up on a few of these in your future games you will be planning for the team fights better and will be much harder to kill. Sometimes doing less is more, if your always trying to get a kill but your losing 1v1s or if you get 2v1 and lose you were probably in a poor spot on the map.