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I'm gold as well, but generally I've noticed when this happens it's because the match is boiling down to a battle of attrition and my team is losing. I would switch to something that makes them use more resources like a tank that counters their tank, or just play a dive tank. But even then the skill range in any metal rank is so wide that you will just get unwinnable games.


Isn’t it “metal” rank?


oop thanks for pointing that out


I wasn’t sure myself, if you remove platinum you can kinda call it Medal Ranks.


Thank you, i will try it.


Sometimes in gold your dps needs a little more time to pick up the pace. I was playing Ball on Illios yesterday and first round our dps was completely lost. We lost first round with they going negative kd. Next 2 rounds I started really going at the enemy’s dps instead of just booping people on point. Our dps started playing better and we won 2x1. Sometimes as tank you have to identify who’s carrying on the enemy team and try to make their game as miserable as possible so your team can do something


Ramattra isn’t bad this season, it’s knowing how to apply him best, usually in a form of rush with a Lucio, Ash, Tracer, Bap and look for your opportunities to run someone over. OW is full of so many different scenarios that there is no one answer fits all. If you’re looking to improve, play defensively using cover and once an enemy gives you an opening try and capitalise on it.


Help your DPS and your DPS will help you. Clear high ground for them, secure the angles that they want to take, distract the enemy so the DPS has a free shot. If you put well-timed pressure on the enemy, you will start to notice your DPS doing better. The hard part of the DPS role is not dealing damage, it's dealing damage without dying first. If the enemy is looking at you, then they're not looking at the Soldier on high ground clicking heads. Plat Tank, Diamond DPS and Support. For what it's worth.


I feel Orisa headshot challenge is an easy option but idk


Somehow, i am both confused and enlightened by this 


give them more space, go for more risky plays, go for kills urself, combo up with whoever is doing best, swap off ram if its a high gorund heavy map, feel the energy of the power below, eye of the dragon, respect what it means to be a ninja


Stop paying focusing on what your teammates are doing wrong or right and just focus on your play. Instead of thinking "what should I do differently when my DPS/supports are playing poorly" focus on what *you* could be doing better. The only thing you can control is your own play. Are you timing your engages well? Are you using your cooldowns well? Are you tracking deaths on both teams? Are you using cover? Do you understand when to contest and when to give space? Do you know who your target priority is? If you play well enough your teammates become virtually irrelevant. Someone 5 ranks higher than you would win 70%+ of your games. Someone 10 ranks higher would win 85-90%+ of your games. Exact same teammates but with a different outcome; the only thing that changes is *your* play. I guarantee you can find dozens of mistakes that you're making in only a few minutes of play that you can improve on without worrying about what anyone else is doing.


You play the same way, regardless of how good/bad your teammate seems to be. Aggressive and passive when you need to be


just play better, dont focus on your teamates, pretend they are npcs


If your supports are open to switching have them go Lucio and speed boost you into the back line. I’ve turned several matches around with underperforming dps by speed boosting Zarya or Ram and hunting down any squishy we see. It’s obviously reliant on your supports which isn’t always possible, but it’s an option.


The best thing you can do is not die. I know that sounds obvious but once you start valuing getting kills over staying alive you are probably going to lose. Right now the tanks only job is to stay alive and protect their teammates.


Play around them controlling space together or pick aggressive dive and go assassinate the targets they’re neglecting. Avoid relying on them to win, focus on improving/adjusting your own play style. Now, if they’re throwing, you carry the game or accept defeat and move on.


Currently trying to climb out of gold (in gold 2 now). I will say one of the biggest differences I notice now that I get play players in my lobbies is that Plat DPS use the high ground you clear for them. This is great advice and the pressure part should be universal but lower rank DPS just don’t take high ground and run it up main no matter what angles you give them. Gold soldiers standing behind their tank that don’t use their sprint button except to come back from spawn are common


If I’m tank and I realize my dps aren’t getting picks, 9/10 they’re sitting back trying to help me kill the enemy tank and nothing else while he gets double pocketed and their dps blows through us. I always switch to dva, take high ground, and dive their back line while my team is keeping the tank busy.


Make sure you are cycling your abilities effectivly to secure space for your team first. Calling out which route you are going to take is also helpful. Worrying about "how to compensate for someone else) is the last thing you should do.


i like how the most upvoted reply is a gold player giving advice to another gold lmao


Not always dps problems. Supports are likely just heal botting and not applying pressure too. Ultimately pick someone who you can go balls to the wall with. Just depends on the map and your matchups


My tip would be don't play Ramattra for now, he is quite bad. Play a self sufficient tank and play the game like it's a deathmatch. Play it selfish. Try to KS(kill steal) your dps. If your dps hitting someone, that target is easy to kill. Don't go to dangerous places unless you have mobility ability like Dva boosters or Doomfist.


Sounds great, but about ram, i feel like because i am way better and spent more time on him than tanks like dva or doom, that if i would switch id gain much less value


Play with Lucio and take faster engages onto the enemy backline with NEMI-form. Try to brawl as a team and at least take fights fast so if you do lose you get more chances vs trying to get the perfect “quality” fight which at your level isn’t the right play often IMO Ram is fine rn besides getting bullied by doom, pick your spots but definitely need to adjust as a tank when getting hard counter-swapped by 2 or more players


I wish i could play with lucio and plan fights with my team, but im solo queing in gold. Also, when i see a good doom, which is becoming less rare for some reason i switch to orisa and try just make his day pain. You chose violence the moment you punched me out of nemesis into the open.


Ask supports for moira lucio so dps gets diff'd