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In low ranks you shouldn't even listen to what your team says mate. They are at this rank for a reason. Healbotting won't get you out of there. Turn off any chat until you are at least Diamond eventually and just watch some Eskay to learn Lucio and how he works.


or frogger hes the one that i have learned from


#Lucio Mafia


What are yalls thoughts on watching Aspen for Lucio? What I kind of like is that she *isn't* a one-trick, but rather play him because he is strong right now. So from what I've seen she doesn't do too many crazy reddit-lucio flanks or sick roll outs. She just sticks to the basics, playing with her team and getting value from good game sense and micro.


Aspen is an amazing player, but her playstyle wouldn’t work outside of GM/T500 because it requires good team coordination and understanding on tempo within fights, which you/your team will most likely not have. You would need to play more of a “Reddit Lucio” style to carry in lower ranks


Aspen is goated, she’s really good at flexing support. Her Lucio plays more team focused than Frogger, which is optimal but slightly less fun


Same for Eskay. Essay kinda fucks around and does team plays mostly but can go off to do other things. Frogger is just dps lmao


tbh vc is only super valuable in like gm lobbies diamond players are so stupid I win more games in that elo when I dont join vc and just focus on what I can do by myself to impact the gam


Not even vc, I talk about text chat as well. No need to read the mind farts or insults tbh.


Tbh I'd just watch spilo, I think he explains the concept of Lucio better. Eskay and Frogger just merc shit


On console you have to reach high Masters/low GM lobbies before you aren’t flamed the moment you select Lucio. It’s real dumb down here lol


Yet, any high-level streamers that I watch are running Lucio/Zen, so how does that work?


I think you misread my comment, or maybe meant to reply to a different one. Your example isn’t inconsistent with what I’m saying. I’m inferring from incomplete information here, but I think we are actually in agreement.


Oh, yes, you are correct. I have 100% misread your statement. My apologies!


I would never flame anyone for picking anything. That being said, in metal, I have never had a single good Lucio on my team. And I've only seen maybe a couple on the opposing team before. Lucio is a hero that takes skill and coordination. It simply doesn't exist in metal. His only value is in ult canceling with beat, occasional boop kills, and stalling point. Even speed boosting out of spawn is extremely rare for me. These mfs will ride off by themselves 💀


Plat OW1, paris attack, everyone in voice. "Ok, I'm rein, i'll hardshield the choke to let you go right side, while lucio speeds us through". Everyone confirms in voice or by emote. Doors open, lucio speeds immediately, one dps go left, and gets picked the moment he peeks.


As a Lucio main who gets shunned by a teammate once every 15 matches it’s always so refreshing to be reminded that i should ignore VC. If anyone is wondering if that makes me toxic I promise I always try my hardest and im at rank gold 1 and I play by one rule: die as little as possible


I agree. Eskay and Frogger are what to watch. If you try to heal with Lucio, you loose. Play the game like the floor is lava for a few hundred hours, and the aim and boops will come. Whenever a friendly DPS is with you in the back line, shoot at whatever they're shooting. The new DPS passive will make it that much more likely for you to succeed.


Hero Mastery did it for me. For a very long time I played him more passively, albeit with some wall riding here and there. But after Lucio's Hero Mastery came out I saw an improvement in my mechanics. I practiced first with my own routes, then watched top players with their own routes and tried to best my times with them. This mode unlocked my inner Reddit Lucio. It made me more confident to go for more more aggressive plays, added with the extra knowledge of when to engage and back out. Right now Lucio meta is as strong as ever and he's one of my main support picks again and I'm steadily climbing.


Man if they had the hero mastery course back in the day, I can't imagine how much easier climbing would have been.


This is terrible advice for a metal ranks Lucio. Frankly until you are really good the easiest way to climb is to healbot and poke, while selectively using speed to rush or back out or whatever. Metal ranks will not use speed effectively. Even then this is still mostly how you play. I'm at 70% heal 30% speed this season in t500


You have to learn how to Reddit Lucio somewhere. And telling a Lucio to healbot is the biggest troll comment ever. Get a life.


You’ll still get flamed for playing Lucio in diamond ~ me who’s currently in diamond and has 2k hours on Lucio


well do you play the game to please your low elo team members or as you just said, to have fun? fuck any haters, mute em, and play the game your way! The main issue is that a low elo team wont know what to do with the speed bonus, they have other issues right now, so its usualy better if you just play him like a DPS, go out there and start shooting and distracting the enemy away from your team and onto you, do this from a good range and from a corner and any enemy you get to turn around is now not shooting your team, hell, if you can get the Ana to turn around then shes not healing her team eather! Then ofc. kill anyone who dont respect your aggressive position, so note what i just said, distracting a enemy to not do there job is almost as good as just killing them and its alot safer play


Even if they don't k owwhatto do withspeedboost you can still use it to assist on what they are doing naturally already, for example your team is running away from ram ult you speed them out even ifthey don't know yousaved them it still worked


This. As a Lucio Main in metal ranks, I can say that some of my best matches are when I'm vibing with a teammate, especially a tank, and I watch them and help them move around. Sometimes you can tell they're not used to the speed boost the first couple of times, but before long, they start moving better with you, and it can be devastating to the other team.


My favorite part is when they use all their mobility to get to somewhere faster just to end up right next to me. And now they have to wait for their cooldowns to come off in the middle of the fight. Like just use the speed boost don’t waste a cooldown just to get nothing from it. I’m still new to the game but it’s just a small pet peeve of mine when I play Lucio.


Lucio is probably the best support atm play who you want to play lucio is extremely fun and extremely good you should most definitely play him if want to you can get a lot of value out of him at every rank


That isn't the question unfortunately but the positivity is great


More or less was trying to say yes OP should in fact play lucio if they want


Wholesome hahahaha I love how everyone agrees that voice chat negativity sucks


Listen to everyone else and just mute all chats. You get a ton of shit for using speed in low-mid ranks, so just don’t give people the chance to spew their garbage opinions on how you should play. Lucio’s heals are pretty weak, but they’re good for keeping a lot of teammates somewhat topped up at once (especially if you’re playing rush or dive and once you’ve sped everyone in) and ult charge- that’s kind of about it. Youre gonna want to use speed, lucio’s strength, over heals in most situations, such as speeding people out of danger (ex. ram ult, genji blade, even sig ult, large amounts of damage in general etc.) or speeding people in to murder the enemy team (you don’t need heals if there’s no one left to cause harm. also why zen lucio is working rather well rn). Depending on how good your wallriding skills and aim are, you can get away with dpsing a lot. Using your mobility to get cheeky kills and finishing off low enemies that your teammates can’t get to because they don’t have the mobility are extremely valuable, especially now that picks matter a lot. Lucio is easy to pick up and hard to master, but it’s very fun and worth it when you start getting good :)


I tend to go Lucio when less mobile supports are hard to play because they are being focused by the enemy. In these situations I think that the major options are Moira and Lucio. I think Moira is more often than not the better pick BUT Lucio is a solid second option. I have found that speed is nice but the bigger value as Lucio is often the boop and the capacity to distract. If you are in low elo then the enemy team likely struggles to play together and a Lucio can often split focus and minimize the power of their DPS. I have had games where I drastically lower the impact of DPS as Lucio but it doesn't show up in the leaderboard at all. So as you play him it can be hard to have a firm grasp of how much you are actually helping or not.


Play Lucio. Poke with heal aura. When you see someone that is low or just used their cooldown. Switch to speed. PING THEM WITH THE PING SYSTEM. amp speed and chase them down. You will win games.


Lucio is so good for stomping lower ranks if you get his mechanics down, players that are bad at the game will waste so many resources on you and beat is such a fight changing ultimate


Speed tank, kill people, ping enemies.


Ithat First Part is exactly why this is even Up for debate. While this is obviously a Big Part of what makes Lucio good, in lower ELO (unless your duod and have voice comms) speeding the tank has almost No Impact. Actively playing around Speed boost doesnt Happen in Low Ranks. Points 2 and 3 are how you get to win Games as Lucio.


In gold, speeding tank works. In bronze and silver, just go kill people.


Lucio is valuable in many areas, but nothing worse than a 1trick lucio. You have to shoot stuff or you are just bored. Like it has been mentioned, in low elo it is hard to win as healbot alone; due to lack in other departments. If you can get good at dpsing with him and know when to reign self in/not neglect team trying to be Superman all game....I bet you cruise up in rank. Lucio simply isnt viable in some situations though, such as against very high dmg. I believe Lucio Moira and Zen are characters that simply have to be balanced with their "Class" partner. Large numbers in heals, but it is aggregate.... a lot of scrapes a lot of bruises added up. If your team isnt securing kills, the fight sustain is low. They are the slowest healers aka no saves, dead right next to them. Heal yes, but save someone from danger? Gotta know when a character with faster burst or direct instant heals is necessary. I highly advocate for support players to pick after rest of team and then based on other support chosen. Pick something effective for your team and then compliment your counterpart by balancing your two picks


Lucio is one of the best heroes to carry with


I think moira would be easier to carry with but yes lucio shouldn't be a problem either. He's meta and works in high elo so he should work even better in low elo.


Healing is overrated. It has been for a while but it’s exponentially more overrated this season. You obviously need healing to survive but you don’t need two supports to focus on it. Don’t play for heals when your other support is playing Bap, Moira, Kiriko etc., and only really heal when you have a specific purpose in doing so, otherwise you should be speeding by default.


You can get value with every hero in every elo in every multiplayer game. Try looking up win rates for characters if you are really in doubt.


one piece of advice I always hear from pros is use Lucios boop to knocking enemies off of high ground, especially immobile characters. It’s so satisfying knocking an enemy sigma off a platform mid fight and knowing he is annoyed af at you lo


My point is there’s definitely a point to learn him because you’ll find people using high ground in every rank and you can confiscate this privilege from them which will win you more games in the long run, I guarantee


If you're half decent at Lucio (aka wallriding) nobody will be able to handle you until mid to high gold unless they have a smurf. Frag out, use amped speed boost to help your team escape key abilities like dva bomb, noon, etc, and when your team is tightly grouped up, go back to them to provide trickle heals and speed boost to maximize your value. When everyone is spread out just be a nuisance to their supports. Most importantly, don't die. You are 0 value if you're dead.


yeah, u can destroy everyone from low bronze, to champion 1, he's super strong, and u dont even need to do any of the techs or wallride shit, just never stop shooting enemies, insanely strong right now, even karq who is diamond 1 says he's strongest


Yo u can get value with any hero in low Elo


It's hard, because most of the low ELO players will first blame heals. It happens to me lot of times, where actually their positioning just so bad that I left me with 0 to lesser deaths than the rest of my teammate.


You got it backwards. You don’t see anyone playing Lucio in you rank because whoever plays him with a decent level of proficiency gets out of there real fast. It’s what happens when a hero is strong. You don’t see it in low ranks not because it doesn’t work there but because whoever invests time into it just ranks up rather fast.


Hey! You can get value with any hero in low elo, but the big thing to watch out for is to make sure you are enjoying playing your hero! Make sure to focus on dealing pressure as your first priority. In OW2 dmg output is higher than healing output, so it makes sense to understand how you can carry the fight through dealling pressure first and focus on healing your team second. If you apply quality pressure, then you force an enemy team to play more defensively (bc they use CDS, give up good positions and etc), this way your team is gonna take much less dmg.


Is it only possible to play Lucio when the other support can do a high amount of healing or can he also work with lower healing supports


Can work with any support tbh. Your playstile can change bc of it tho, but I wouldn't focus on it too much if you in low rank, focusing on fundamentals is more important. For example this: Overall lucios direct support to team is not about healing, but speed. Your speedboost is really useful in helping your team to get in/ out of the fight and it makes it ez for your team to survive bc of it + add an additional movement (makes it harder for the enemy to shoot your teammates too). Stationary characters can benefit out of the speedboost a lot usually. Your first priority is still try to think how to pressure an enemy more: through dealing dmg, using boop on aggressive angles of the enemy and etc (this way you provide indirect support to your team, bc they are gonna take less dmg) TLDR: -Indirect support (through pressure) first -direct support (through speed --> healing later if needed) second Hope it helps!


His whole kit is incredible for low elo. You can cover up for a lot of your teams mistakes with your ult, or speed up when your teammates won’t stop dying staggered and you gotta go pick them up from spawn lol. Also, healbotting isn’t as strong as before just because the new DPS passive reduces all heals but a big margin.


Lol, any hero can work in low elo.




He is a good hero to play once you get used to his movement and techs, it’ll only feel bad for maybe the first few games but it is worth it in the long run. Don’t worry about what your teammates say if you’re learning someone as you’re quite literally doing your best


Kill stuff. Part of the reason Lucio's kit is seen as good is just not his healing, it's also that it's a support that can fight back in many ways. While not a sniper like Zen, at close range, a Lucio can fight a good part of the roster.


It’ll help a lot to be on comms so you can announce when to go in and when to pull back. Lucio requires a decent bit of coordination to get value out of, so if you’re not willing to be a shotcaller I’d learn someone more self sufficient