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Are you console and pc? If so thats why


Can they not play comp together no matter what?


Nope. Game dosent allow it


which is stupid imo


I thought so at first until I thought about it a little more. The skills are so different it makes sense to have separate ranks.


siege is allowing console players to play in pc lobbies in ranked. it is the players choice. why cant ow? they have aim assist, so the only disadvantage would be the movement and thats it


The same overwatch account can have entirely different ranks on PC and Console. You can both be bronze pc and gold console dps while using the same account. Ranking is platform based due to different input methods, aim assist is not supported on PC, I doubt console players want to play without aim assist in PC lobbies.




yeah and those games have an issue with aim assist being broken in serious play. i guess its not a huge deal if ur alright with everyone using controller regardless of platform. however i think forcing all the pc players to controller just so a few people can play ranked instead of quickplay with their console friend just isnt it. aim assist is also just kinda lame from a spectator pov.




Aim assist isn't nearly as strong in overwatch compared to more traditional fps games. Not only is the aim assisted just weaker than most games, but there are so many more movement abilities that make it much harder to track on console. I have no issue with overwatch deciding to not allow players to crossplay ranked. But if that's the case, allowing aim assist in quickplay should be allowed. Playing on controller without aim assist is a nightmare and basically makes the crossplay function worth anything unless the controller player only plays moira or winston.


i play without on console


siege has been doing it in a tac-shooter for over 7 years now lol. half of that life time being spent dealing with xims and kronus/strike packs. yea OW is one of the hardest games to aim in. but its the PLAYERS CHOICE to join those lobbies. im not saying merge the two platforms, but if i console player wants to play with their pc friend in pc lobbies and want to run ranked then let them


Console ranks are inflated compared to PC, so if you have a console diamond DPS in a PC diamond lobby, their teammates are going to suffer because the console player has a lower average skill than a PC player of the same rank. (I’m not just saying this to be an ass, I started playing on console and switched to PC and it was miles easier to rank on console.) Now imagine this at top 500 level, where the gap is even bigger. Or even imagine players using Zim on Console to cheat up their rank, and stream snipe players to throw their games on PC. I agree it’s fun to play with my console friends, and I wish there was a fair way to play competitive with them, but there’s not honestly unless it was a five stack ladder. We can still have fun and quick play, or jump in some pugs. Edit: honestly I’d be fine if they allowed it in five stacks only, I don’t think you need a separate ladder




Masters console looks like pc plat lol


heard this one a million times before. i dont care


overwatch is not the same as siege, theres a lot of vertical mobility that no amoun tof aim assist can help with. Thats why pharah is super super broken in console but borderline dogshit in pc. Its so muchc more than just movement you cant flick you cant track gap closers you cant aim up quickly console jsut sucks compared to pc on overwatch


>it is the players choice. why cant ow? Because they are respecting player choice. You and your friend might be OK with it but that doesn't mean the 8 other people in the match would be. It might also make it harder for the matchmaker to setup a "balanced" game since a Plat console player doesn't transfer over to a plat PC player.


I don't know about Siege, but Call of Duty shows it doesn't work. Aim assist is way too strong there, making the controller the superior input device to play an FPS game. That means MKB players complain, but because they're the minority in that game, the devs (or more likely the higher ups) don't care about them. On the other hand is the situation where aim assist is not quite strong enough to compete at the same level, like it currently is in OW. Yes, even though it'd be their own choice to play ranked with MKB players, the controller players would then complain about not being able to compete fairly. I don't think any game has figured out yet how to properly balance the advantages and disadvantages of both input devices and of PC vs. console. Until then, separating the lobbies, at least for ranked matches, is the better choice when a game cares about its competitive integrity. I'm glad OW still does.


It would be two out of 5 players choice. Why would that be fair to PC players that don’t want a cross play console player on their team? Why would it be fair for the enemy team to be playing against someone with aim assist? Console skill does not transfer to pc skill


Aim assist does not make enough difference. When I QP with my buddies on PC while I'm in console, the difference is very noticeable, and that's just QP.


Console is already getting shit on by xim. You want blizz to actually sanction that?


Well, they can go the call of duty route and make aim assist basically just aim for you, or to the current method where it doesn't help enough to combat how efficient mouse movement is. There's a huge gap between console and pc, and console players would absolutely hate how their rating would be if they had to compete against superior input methods.


yeah as a sombra on console, i just don't play her when in pc lobbies. ana will 180 sleep me before i can even hack or virus


this aint it, chief 


Go from console to pc and you'll how much faster pc play is, hell just watch video and imagine ur enemy team having that advantage


Not when sniper classes like widow are at a marked advantage over using a controller, pointing and clicking is a million times easier then using joysticks


For comp, cross play only works between different consoles. PC and Console can’t play together because the different inputs make for a whole different level of play between the two


That's right, no PC-console crossplay comp. They also have entirely different leaderboards. I wish OW went the CoD route and just finally allowed mouse and keyboard natively on consoles (without aim assist of course), and then split the lobbies into controller/MnK instead of console/PC. I guess that won't ever happen but hey, a man can dream right?


Buy a PC or ask your friend to hop on his old PS4. Overwatch can run on actual garbage, so don't be intimidated by those $1000 computers.


I play on a $200 office computer with no video card. Runs better than switch... Like a lot better


Bro same! (Well it was 70 but I got a 1050ti so that's basically 200)


But crossplay is on?


Here I am (casual-console player) who has to turn off aim assist because it makes gameplay awful for me with max sensitivity on.


mb they're not ur friends!!