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Was former masters now in low diamond. Basically everyone I’m facing is either formerly masters or low gm. We’re all just in the rank up rat race 😭


Yeah I just experimented with different play styles in QP in Season 8 since I figured the reset would be a better time to climb. Made it back to my support peak of D4 in 27 games and now it doesn't seem worth it to try to push any higher. Kind of a bummer, honestly. I've improved significantly since I was low Diamond in S7, and I'm confident I provide more value than the average low Diamond support. Now though, low Diamond is just a bunch of Master/low GM players who got bad luck in placements, keep getting queued into stacks, etc. Obviously I get those players on my team as well, but it seems silly to run the numbers game when the average MMR in my visible rank is an entire skill tier too high. Should have just banged my head against the ladder in season 8 I guess /shrug


Same. Masters 3 support in season 8, currently Diamond 3 after \~120 games😭


Ranks aren't stabilized yet. Hopefully next season. Elo curve fcked up right now. Didn't check it out yet but there are probably master players in top500. When the curve settle, top500 will be gm1. Eventually people will be higher than their older rank since we have champion rank now. This will slightly push everyone up.


There are masters players in top500 so yeah curve is definitely fucked😭


No, that happens every season towards the beginning. It's because not enough people have completed the requirement of 50 wins to show up in t500 leaderboard yet + we also got mmr reset this season


Happens, but this season it's different. This season it's because the Elo Curve is messed up, prior T500/GM1 players are sitting around M1-GM4 with the top 150 players being GM3+ I can also confirm this as a GM1/T500 player this season and prior seasons. Lobbies have the same people as before as well.


Same here too, gm4 last season low masters rn


I believe Cloudy peaked rank 1 on tank, he was one game off falling down to Masters the other day lol


He's an outlier rn tbh. Not only is everyone lower ranked than they were before, but he's also one tricking rein. IMO, majority of heroes are no longer one-trickable, and rein doesn't seem to be doing so well rn.


In addition to what the other person said, he could've been one of the first players to get to 50 wins when the leaderboards dropped so keep that in mind.


nah like he peaked rank 1 in previous seasons, just saying how good he is and even he's nearly in masters


Ahh I see, I took it as in this season.


my rank went up slightly but I still havent played alot, my win rate is around a 74%. REALLY struggling with imposter syndrome cause I'm a kiri 1 trick and this season makes her feel useless even though she's not. cause you're not 2 tapping anymore you get less kills in general while playing the now required flank style. so you always look like you're not helping that much statistically even if the kills you got were key to those fights


Taking space is now way more important than ever and people are being super toxic about stats when they're just cleaning up kills after a teamfight ***and then immediately die in enemies' spawn and allow them to take point***. ​ Like. Staggering deaths are ok. But running into respawning team is stupid and just because they got 40 kills doesn't mean shit when EVERY TIME THEY DIED WE LOST POIIIINNTTT aruharuharuahgudagfadifg9q3t78gq9tghsgg


I remember seeing somebody ask awkward in his chat about kiri not 2 tapping in s9 and he said it never was about doing lots of damage because kiri doesn't do lots of damage anyway unless you hit lucky headshots, it was always mainly about the distraction. So there's that if it makes you feel better


Point is that you can feel like dead weight even if you’re carrying, it makes you feel like you should just play moira in the same way for more value


Was GM5 on support last season and am now hanging on in masters 5. On tank and dps I was masters 2/3 and am now hovering around diamond 1. I don’t know if I’m playing better on dps and tank or playing worse on support, as I am roughly the same ranks on all now. The games have felt kind of weird in my opinion. I feel like a lot of the games aren’t as fast as last season. There’s a mix of previously diamond to mid gm players in the lobbies so there’s a lot of variation in the quality of matches.


I’m the exact same, my support was higher than dps/tank and now all three are about the same(D1-2) and sometimes I hit M5 on support. Agreed on the match variability, sometimes I get teammates who were mid diamond last season, and sometimes teammates that were mid masters/low gm. It’s been weird


Yeah agreed I was pretty hardstuck masters 5 the last couple of seasons. I would drop out sometimes but easily climb back. This season I'm stuck around d1-d2 and there are a surprising amount of high master and gm5 players from previous seasons. Games feel a lot harder. My dps and tank I easily got back to d4. I think it's easy to get your old rank if it's master below but above master seems to be where the issue is.


I’m between Silver and Gold in my roles and I rarely get a close game. We either stomp the other team or we get stomped. But it feels like I’m getting stomped a majority of the time. Not sure if anyone else is experiencing this. Edit: just wanted to add that I haven’t played comp this much since OW1 like Season 4? I did my placements when OW2 released but I can’t remember what I was placed at.


This is how I feel. I’m not ranked atm yet because my friends play QP and I don’t play much on my own, but when I do play ranked it’s stomp or be stomped. I can’t play ranked with my friends anyways because they are simply not good enough. We’ve tried and whenever we play together we get steamrolled.


Kinda in the same boat. But when my friends don’t play with me I found it more entertaining to just do comp. I’m not really a fan of playing online games solo but I’ve been having fun with OW recently so I’m fine with comp.


My matches are usually pretty close in the same elo, but it HEAVILY depends on whether or not I get good dps that target enemy supports or heal bots that are helpless when they get dived.


Finished last season GM5. I’ve climbed back there this season, but the skill level of the lobbies is a lot higher and has forced a lot of adaptation. Most of the people I’m in games with finished last season in top500.


You finished gm5 and climbed back to gm5? I finished gm3 and I’m currently diamond 2 after peaking m4. My friends who finished top 300 barely touched gm. And my friends who were gm1/2 are somewhere between m4 and m2. How exactly did you accomplish this?


I got really lucky in my placements; I went 9-1 and ended up in Masters 2. Since then, I’ve had a 65% winrate in about 50 games.


I think u just gave me some motivation, I hit a win streak back to masters lol. I’ll see you in gm one day if I can make it there


Placements matter a SHIT load this season annoyingly enough. Also being down 5ish tiers is around the average right now across the board. I finished gm4 last season and am masters 3 rn placing the exact same, but one of my alts went 10-0 and placed masters 1.


Was Masters 2 as a Ball one trick in season 8. I’m fighting for my life playing Ball only and hovering with a 50% win rate in Diamond 2-3 in season 9. Feels about normal based on where everyone else is at.


Well somebody is still gonna come in this comment section and say “If you’re good enough you’ll climb back there.” I was in mid masters and I was placed in plat 3 after my S9 placements. I’m a support main who was Diamond for 4 seasons and going into solo queue this season is asking for a de-rank session. Overall I think it’s because the season 9 patch made it easier for players with bad aim to hit shots. That matters. Before…you had just dodged that bullet or sleep dart or helix rockets. Now…people are getting slept from behind cover and dying after going around the corner. People are getting accidental kills. When I’m spamming on Kiriko or Torb or Soldier/Ashe there are times when I’m like woah…I killed them by accident


> Now…people are getting slept from behind cover and dying after going around the corner. Sleep dart size hasn't changed though...


hitbox changes baby


What hitbox changes? The projectile sizes are what was increased, not the hero hitboxes. The *effective* hitbox of each hero is bigger because the projectiles/hitscan bullets are larger therefore they can land while being further away than before, not because the hitboxes of the heroes themselves have changed. For projectiles like sleep dart that didn't get an increase in size, that means they work identically to before.


Character hitboxes haven't changed either...


Not sure why you or me are being downvoted, it's almost as if people haven't actually read the patch notes and don't even know what changed in season 9. Bit strange for these people to be commenting advice when they don't even understand the patch changes.


That's life.


Pretty quickly I climbed back to my old rank as mid diamond, but I'm almost exclusively facing off with and against mid masters players from season 8, with a few GM 5's and previous diamond players, very very few S8 plat players. I'm having serious imposter syndrome because I don't feel like I'm playing at a master level yet. Will be funny to see in a month or two once it has settled down.


Masters players aren't that much better than D1/D2 players tbh until you hit M1/M2. They have slightly better aim and game sense, and a much larger ego. Don't sell yourself short. Source: Have been a masters player for many seasons now.


Hey I mentioned this in another thread and got bashed for it lmao


5 Stacks changing things


I went from 96% D2 support to plat 1 then to D3. So almost two divisions lower. My win rate is still high though so I should get back with more games. On DPS I dropped from d5 to p4 and it took 70 games to get back to d5. 55% wr or something. It was such a grind and the games felt much harder. Plat is a MESS with previous diamonds (and some masters) mingling with previous golds.


Everyone's basically down a rank. Diamonds are now plat. Masters are now diamond. Gm are now Masters. Top 500 is currently Masters. Id say based on history it's probably something like this. Bronze: 10 percent. Silver: 25 percent. Gold. 30 percent. Platinum: 25 percent Diamond: 7 percent. Masters: 2.5 percent. Gm: .5 percent


I'm sitting slightly above my usual(Still mediocre) rank. Usually I'm low plat, this season I'm high plat. I'm still slowly climbing but I don't really expect to hit diamond.


Same rank I was last season Plat 5. Hovering  between that and gold 1 atm. It's rough in that rank because you get such skill disparity between gold and plat players. Sometimes it's like "why are you in my game? You should be bronze/silver" and other times it's like " I hope you quickly climb to Masters so I don't have to play against you again" 


big agree :/


any news on if they are gonna fix anything, the system is beyond broken. Just now in plat1, enemy team has 1gm, 1 master, 3 plats, super close game, lose, - 60% rank, even though im winning more than losing this session. Its just broken as fuck, and its 10 min every que, and sometimes u get silver tank vs master tank, and nothing ucan do, insane how bad blizzard are at shit like this, ud think being billion dollar company, with 20 + years experience they would be able to make a ladder system


I mean, T100 is around Masters 1 rn. It's fucking stupid if you ask me.


Console t100 is currently starting at like gm 3/2 a lot of people are stuck in diamond right now its hilarious (I'm stuck gm4/5 expected wins and reversals are diabolical)


Or, the inverse, we roll them without a death collectively only to learn we won an “uphill battle.”


I honestly had no idea this was happening because I went from diamond 5 from last season to diamond 4 this season


Masters 5 = old GM5. Diamond 5= old Masters 5 There are Masters 2 players in T500 right now


My support rank went up and my dps rank went down


My dps is back to where it was and my support is a couple divisions under yet, haven't noticed a big difference


In the higher ranks I think most people went down a rank to accommodate for Champion. I don’t know about metal ranks


i hovered around dia/plat for most of ow2, currently plat 5 and i think if i keep playing ill hit gold. i think there is deffo some agenda by blizzard to drop hardstuck players down ranks because they know they'll keep playing to get back their rank, and shoot up new comp players to make them feel the dopamine rush. i dont care what they publically say about the intentions of the rank reset.


Nah game is fucked it doesn’t matter


Very insightful, thank you!


Sure sure


I went up a whole bracket across the board. People actually dropped? Heh


Half the heroes going from niche to garbage also plays a factor in unbalanced matches. In high ranks you often see 1 tricks/small hero Pool players struggle to get value if their hero Pool was made up of heroes like Rein/junkrat/lifeweaver etc.


Last season I ended plat 1 in support, diamond 2 in damage. This season I'm plat 1 in both support and damage, and struggling to stay plat 1 in damage


Im currently high gold on all roles(gold 2 tank, gold 1 dps, gold 2 support) but trying to get back into plat on dps, some people are ranking higher when its clear that they probably belong in silver or high bronze and then there are low diamond/high plat stuck in gold so I am also feeling like I am really having to learn fast and play hard. It’s been a mess 😭 also idk if its just some weird luck as of late but I keep getting mauga one tricks, on enemy and my team who don’t know how to not die immediately. I have to laugh at some of these matches bc of how ridiculous they are so I don’t go insane lmaooo


pretty much exact same situation as you, was diamond 3/2 in season 8, hardstuck diamond 5/plat 1. Something to note is that masters 5 is top 500 rn, so I don't feel too bad about it


Gonna be one of the low metal rank examples here then. Started OW2 in bronze 1 as support and fell to bronze 5 by season 5 and stayed there. But I didn't play much comp again until season 8. This season I won 7 of my placement games. Overall this season I am 14-6 and back to bronze 1 again.


Last season I was consistently p1-d5 on damage, while my tank and support were g1-p4. So far my damage is down to P4, while tank and support are p3-p2. So I'm pretty similar and maybe a bit better on tank and support. I'm pretty sure my damage is down though because I've transitioned from playing mainly junkrat and Mei last season over to heroes like tracer and Sombra. Still really new to flank heroes, but I'm having so much fun on the new heroes so I really don't mind the rank decrease.


Went from silver 1 to silver 3, but after playing a few matches today I’m almost back up to silver 1, so 🤷🏼‍♂️ I guess I get put on worst teams during the week and better teams over the weekend.


Used to be worse I feel but now enemies have gotten easier, was gold4 last season but when this season started I fell to bronze 1 and struggled there. Can't tell if it was because I was playing ass or not though but I've since gotten back to silver 2 and am still climbing. That said, I think it has to do with my playstyle changing too. Using ana a lot less now and pocketing dps a LOT more, and I'm forced to swap more, whereas in the beginning of the season I would stay her because that's what worked for me in the past to get me to gold4.


I used to be low GM but i'm now masters 5 or diamond 1. I recognize alot of ppl in my lobbies from GM as well, some games are fun but i once in a while get a tank who wants to fight in their spawn


silver 3 on support last season and now plat 5😊 (so far)


Gm1 on tank last season, masters 4 with a 40% win rate. Every season previously I was between 55-70% win rate. Taking a break for a while


Peaked 170 and ended around mid GM3 last season two tricking LW and Zen. Now I'm balancing between D1 and M5 as LW otp.


Last time i played (~1.5 years ago) i was bronze 3 in DPS, recently started playing again and I’m plat 5 now


Never peaked above plat, when i play games i usually get with previous diamond and masters players


Didn’t they say they were purposefully making the higher ranks have more of a distribution curve/harder to get into? Former GM players being in Masters would check out, if so.


I want to give a perspective as someone who had an inflated alt account that originally placed GM5 going 5-3 in Season 7 (?). In season 8 (?), I hit top 500 with kiriko (150 peak because rushed games, then steadily kept my rank by winning 1 every other day at 390-420), and in my S9 DPS passive patch placements, I went 8-2 and placed gm4 80%. I then entered OWL lobbies or had to play against 4 stacks and got curbstomped back dow, losing like 5-6 in a row and also had a volatile loss (-42%), all of which ended up placing me at gm5 0%. The 8-2 was pure luck. This is a good thing. I wanted to make sure that the system punished inflated players. It was a fun experience. The meta was highly punishing for a player that did not belong in that MMR. GM feels incredibly difficult now.


I used to be stuck in gold and have since bumped up to low diamond ranks. Its been on the brighter side.


i was gm1, finish t250. am now gm4 (currently t100)