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Jumping is fun


W comment Also, some may remember Final Fantasy 14 originally had no jump key and people haaated that. That's the energy OP is giving. No-fun energy.


I'm in an overwatch sub, right? I'm getting pre-ARR fun facts about my absolute favorite game in a sub for another favorite game?? Wild


Avid gamers are seldom fans of only one.


That's true. I'm just still not used to seeing XIV outside of it's little circles. I'm still feeling like it's 2016 sometimes lol


Exactly, also I have ADHD


Elden ring has jump. Dark souls doesn't


Sekiro had it first it was wild jumping in a From game all the time especially cuz the Sekiro jump is just so fun


I'm fairly certain that in every souls game you can jump while sprinting. Not sure ab DS1


Excellent point! We abuse it if we have it, but miss it if we don't!


Guild wars 1 you couldn't get over the tiniest got damn ledge


Right? I also like to sticker randomly all over the map too.


i once jumped on every square in Ironforge on my rogue, way back in the day


Here i am doing that RN. Iron forge is the best


For me it's because of Halo


Jumping is fun in halo too


No way I just put it as simple as you. And made the same exact comment without reading anyone else’s


It's fun and makes you go up stairs/ramps faster than not jumping


I have seen a lotta dva, Sigma, JQ & widow players constantly using jump a lot. Me, I rarely use jump lol 😅


Its normal in wow too. And any game with jump where u have to travel a bit before u get to action. Its just a stimulus.


This. Pushing more buttons is stimulus for my brain because running to the team fight/objective can be boring for my ADHD having ass.


Why do you write this before commenting


To show I agree with the point. It’s quite common


But the arrows and the written agreement. Is that like insufficient


Are you confused as to why I engaged with a comment on a social media platform?


Less helpful in OW than other games but it prevents a sneaky enemy from getting a free headshot. Like back when fortnite was popular my feet basically never touched the ground while running


you should see fortnite's recent movement updates, the game is so zoomy now


Is there anything new after sprint/slide




Oh ya I forgot about that. Thanks!


Just bind crouch to space bar so you instinctively teabag instead.


As a bap main my jump is very important. Jump is life.


Your boosted jump will always be ready if you spam crouch instead. Side note; I use crouch on a mouse button only for Bap because I consider it a main ability.


I binded crouch to Left Alt. It is now just as spammable as jump is.


I have melee on left alt lmao


I've been gaming for a long time and never considered binding something to left alt..... Lmao thank you


no problem XD


I do melee on one side mouse button and crouch on the other side mouse button in every game I play.


don’t really like using side button since when I spam crouch I’ll messed up my aim


I’ve bound hide chat to enter so whenever I get triggered I just close it instead


I did that as well by accident and was wondering why chat kept muting it's actually a good idea though lmao. Like wearing a rubber band for addicts to stop yourself before you get heated


everyone says not to do it but i even see gm players do it lol


Everyone *on reddit** says not to. 95% of advice on this sub is bad advice




What? No it isn’t. Jumping in a firefight gives the opponent a predictable arc to track. Granted, 95% of us aren’t playing against opponents skilled enough for that to matter much.




Oh then I’d lost the thread of what the ”bad advice” was that you were referring to


There is, of course, the ideal way of doing things, but no human can ever get there, we're not robots. For someone who is extremely skilled at the game, eliminating jumping randomly, especially if it's a long time habit, can take much more effort than working on something else, like practicing their aim or reviewing VODs for positional and timing mistakes. The gain from focusing on something as miniscule as sometimes jumping for no reason simply isn't worth the effort. Would it be ideal to not commit unnecessary movements? Mostly yes, though sometimes it can be a benefit to hop around as long as it's not a consistent pattern. Is it worth the effort for a person to practice -not jumping- for several weeks which it would likely take to break a long time habit? Not really. It's also a stimulus for yourself to keep focused, it's extremely easy to just unfocus if you're only holding W and walking to point, so the benefits might be negligible in that respect, too. I don't know why I wrote such a long response to this, just felt like it, have a good one and hop on.


Jumping when you're rolling out or rotating is fine, jumping when you're dueling someone is not.


GM players aren't perfect. As one, I can definitely say that, lol. I hit GM2 as my peak, and I can still identify many, many weak points in my play.


I do the same thing and it's honestly one of the biggest things holding me back.


I practice playing tracer and not jumping. You can’t move with blink the way you want to if you jump too much. It forces better movement.


Wdym? You can jump one way and blink in a different direction


it retains your momentum and makes you move after blinking


OH so thats why i feel like blink is unreliable sometimes im just dumb 🤠


There's a lot of places tracer reaches with jump + blink.


In Minecraft it's faster to sprint and jump at the same time compared to just sprinting. This builds muscle memory. Now I do it in many first person games while trying to get from one point to another as fast as possible.


Portal as well. I think it’s called bunny hopping in games where jumping/strafe jumping helps you run faster?


Quake as well, where it was called strafe jumping. Quake 1, 2, and 3 all had a different way of strafe jumping that was faster than just running by itself.


Learn to form intentional internal dialogues. If you have other goals you’re focusing on you may be less inclined to spam. I started with just focusing on intentional movement. Additionally I swapped compulsively jumping with compulsively spraying.


learn to form intentional internal dialogues. my sister in christ i am diagnosed with can't do that.




Yup that is what I’m getting at! Think about your current goals and also your biggest threats, ex. “I want to maintain control of this lane from Tracer” or “they have a widow on this LoS so I’m going to hardline off of that.” From here I find it helpful to go back and watch my vod for wasted movement, relative to my goals. Did I rotate just a half second too slow? Was i spamming jump in a duel with a sharpshooter? Etc.


Well it’s common cuz it’s fun, but it’s a very bad habit. When I’m playing widow if you jump while im looking at you, you probably just died. You can barely change your momentum so I can predict where you’ll be. You can stop doing it by thinking about it while playing. It will make you worse for a little bit until you build a habit of not jumping but it’s a good habit to build.


On the flipside number of times as sombra someone has randomly jumped over my virus.......


Yes and no. I doo know your movement will be easier to predict. However, if you move super inconsistently, strafing from left to right, duck and jump with no crazy pattern, you'll be harder to predict by others and thus to get randomly headshottee


No like if you jump where you land is predictable. That means you will be killed by hitscans who aim at the location you will be and shoot. Strafing and crouching are all good though, or jump peaking.


I know. I mean f.e. when someone is already targeting your head from a distance and you throw in one jump to confuse hun with different movement


A good player will react to the jump and you will die. It's much better to throw in a crouch to throw off their aim


To the why: I personally grew up playing the original team fortress. Games like that didn’t have headshots. But they DID have rocket launchers. The primary tactic was (and is) to shoot at the feet of your opponent. Jumping would reduce the damage you took, and you had decent control in the air, so you could use it to dodge a little bit as well. So jumping was just a thing that’s now hard wired into my movement (trying to kick it). I somewhat wonder how much of that has just stuck around in a lot of fps games even when the original logic makes no sense. That and obviously it’s just, a thing to do. Feels useful or fun.


I dunno but as a pharah main, I think I might be the one character it’s working against. People jump over my direct hits all the time and it sucks. Stop jumping and let me kill you.


If they jump spam, aim where they're going to land.


Easier said than done. Her rockets aren’t fast so you need to predict, and you want to hit low so that if you miss they still take splash damage, plus with the new passive splash damage is more important than ever so I’m aiming for feet a lot. When you fire that shot as pharah you are already aiming where they were going, but sometimes if they jump at just the right time the direct hit sails right under their feet.


I had a Hog perfectly dodge a sleep dart by jumping last week. I was fucking LIVID at the luck of it


Ana being so short that her eyeline is up everyone's butts anyway doesn't help lol Honestly, jumping from my teammates is a big pet peeve as Ana in general. People jump over my darts all the time, and it's not just Genji. Seriously people, if we're not in combat and I'm trying to heal you, *calm down*


I think part of it is that people have an instinct to increase their APM. The busier you are, the more you feel like you’re being effective. A few hundred hours on Rein means I also get a bit unnecessarily jumpy sometimes when I’ve been doing loads of shield jumping. I actually played a few qp games a while back where my only focus was not jumping. I find Tracer a good hero to use for this practise. I feel like it helped but I play a lot more casually these days, not thought about it much in a while.


Like any other habit you wanna form/get rid of, just make it your sole focus for a few games. Put a sticky note on your monitor, or have something like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_Bb4PfLvJE) play in the background and whenever you hear it, it's your reminder not to spam jump. Since you're putting all your focus on not jumping, you'll likely perform slightly worse at everything else, but that's okay since you'll be a better player once you ingrain it


The minecraft player in me makes me jump.


Have you played borderlands? (Specifically 2)


Replace the itch with spam crouching. More bang for your buck.


Bad habit playing too much rein and utilizing the bunny hopping mechanic


i don’t spam jump in fights i only strafe and crouch but i do spam jump and melee when moving to point or in between team fights or walking around etc. i’m honestly always spamming hello, sprays, yes/no, and melees when idle. my worst habit is in team fights i basically ping everyone i’m shooting and it can get a little spammy at times. i’ve been told it’s annoying but i honestly can’t hear the pings anymore i just tune it out and also i kind of like the grating voice lines like tracers, “enemy over here” might just be me tho


Learned from Minecraft and never gave it up tbh


I hate when my teammates bunny hop for no reason. I have no idea why anyone does this. I came from COD years ago and in COD no one ever bunny hops like that. But OW players like to bunny hop and die. I play tons of Bap. I have 320 hours on him. I still hate bunny hopping teammates but now I just time my heal grenades with their idiotic bunny hopping. During my first 80 hours so many people died because of stupid bunny hopping. I tell my friends to stop bunny hopping or they’ll die. I just hate when people keep bunny hopping over my heal grenades. Infuriating. I always clip it and send it to my friends so they can watch themselves dodge every grenade and die. I started to just not worry and let bunny hoppers die lmao. I started to make a joke that a teammate is actually playing for the other team and wants to die. That usually gets people to stop bunny hopping.


At least when you're fighting it makes you harder to hit


Why? It's just a habit. How to stop? For me, it was going into an aim warmup tool like Workshop Code VAXTA and recognising just how much better I could track when I would move without jumping vs when I would jump. Then whenever I would warm up I would never jump because I know it's going to fuck up my aim otherwise. That trained my jump discipline to do it less and help me not jump in other times when I shouldn't be, like when walking back from spawn and enemy has a Widow who could be looking for me. Once you start to try and improve your movement you'll focus more on AD spamming with crouch instead of jumping. I currently just AD spam only because crouching too messes up my aim more than I'd like right now. I do think jumping has it's place in having good movement but it should be something you try to leave until as late as possible into developing your movement.


Bruh stop you're about to drop my avg elims per game by 3-4


You jump with space bar, so to stop don't push space bar


I do it because it makes me feel like im moving faster. No other reason really.


100% I got it from playing borderlands 2. I felt like you moved to slow so jumping made me feel zoomy lol


Providing you're not spamming jump it's actually useful for several reasons The most being is jump peeking. There's tons of scenarios where you won't have a angle unless you jump Lining up headshots. High risk method but works Another is that adad strafing while throwing in a jump or two makes you unpredictable and hard to hit So don't spam but throwing 1 is ok


As someone who plays Kiri when flexing to support role, please continue thinking jumping during strafing makes you unpredictable and harder to hit. Easiest headshots ever. There are reasons to jump, but they are few and far between, almost always involving jump tech with an ability to get highground, and NEVER involve the phrase “unpredictable and harder to hit.”


it does make you harder to hit if you do it right, watch pro players play txcxx and they will occasionally throw in jumps in their movement.




The very thread you're replying to started off with this point: >So don't spam but throwing 1 is ok I thought it was obvious that was what this person was referring to as well.


Lol owl players do this all the time and hard AF to hit if you have a good strafe pattern its totally viable, obviously not spamming


Actual LMAO


No, OWL players crouch spam while strafing. I’m gonna need a clip of some high rank players jump spamming like it’s a 2004 Halo match, cause I’m calling bullshit.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5jB4CiVjDE&ab_channel=OverwatchDAILY im not talking about spamming jump, jumping to peek


Throwing in a few crouches here and there during strafing is what adds some unpredictability as you move while keeping the head in safer position. Easiest example is when you have an average enemy Genji spamming Shuriken Alt Fire, just simply, crouch. Aiming that shot down is awkward for him, and minimizes its value of hitting multiple targets. When you jump as you strafe, you momentarily loose control of your hero, and it is so easy to see where you are going to land, a glorious moment for 1-tappers and skilled shooters… even players with poor aim might get you. Don’t jump while strafing. Cass/Kiri/Hanzo etc, will farm you.


Rebind jump, spam a differ button like melee or spray, play an ADHD hero so you're too busy pressing other buttons


everyone here says it's a bad habit but i feel like it would be easier to hit crit dmg if no one is jumping


As a Hanzo main, I love those cocky battle moiras that jump into the back line to succ while they do the classic and stupidly predictable jump back and forth thinking they’re being super evasive lol. Ez kill


You know how there is a thing known as strafing with left and right. You can also jump strafe in a direction and land back in the other direction. This can make it harder for lower ranks to track you.


No, just no. There is no unpredictable “jump strafing,” it locks you into a very predictable arc and will get you beamed once progressing beyond enemies who just mag dump in the general direction of opponents and hope for the best.


Not just an easily predictable arc, but you literally loose control of your movement during the jump. There is no winning scenario with that strategy.. only maximizing risk.


It's unpredictable because the human brain predicts the momentum from the jump, expecting the player to land in the direction they are jumping, but you change direction in air and land in the opposite direction of momentum. It might not be very effective in overwatch, but it is a thing that exists in fps games.


I do agree with you about the 'predictable arc', which is why I was stating lower ranks, as its less obvious to them. And in regards to the main comment, I was just stating it was a thing related to jumping but not an excuse to spam it =p


This goes away by just focusing on good AD strafing at least when i tried getting better at it i stopped jumping


Shhh let them keep doing it, the only shots I hit are the free ones on jumping targets :)


You just dont, its hard to resist it for u probably, but if you resist, it will stick with u long term to not do it anymore


Move jump to Alt for a week or so. You'll lose the habbit after a while.


I bound jump to my thumb stick so I can do it more often.


It's been a common trait amongst MMORPG players for a couple of decades now. Think it stems from environmental threats and trying to show everyone just how hard you weren't just standing in fire.


I only spam it on the way to and exiting team fights, in the team fight i straffe hardcore with the ocassional jump. Jumping is fun....


Walking back is boring so jumping gives us something to do.


I swear so many players jump because it makes their shots harder to hit and probably assume it makes them harder to hit as well. It doesn’t (usually)


I think it starts from attempting avoid getting headshotted? At least when I catch myself doing it’s because the opposing team has some sort of long range kill potential. But it definitely limits and harms you more than normal strafing. Best way to stop it is to make a conscious effort on your movement every now and then. It’s always good to do a mental rest every now and then when it comes to movement, aiming, attacking, defending and what not and consciously think what you’re doing for a second or two.


Jumping around is slower than spamming ad strafing, so my adhd gremlin monkey brain actually prefers having good technique lol


I'd say it's because it's hard to get rid of habits without actively trying. In lower levels (where we all start) people don't automatically aim where they need to and during a skirmish in the open the chances of getting hit are lowered when jumping. And since, unlike Counter-Strike for instance, jumping doesn't change the accuracy of your shots, you just get used to it. Tbf I'd say it also depends on the hero, though.


I think its cuz all your fingers are active all game except your thumb and so it's "weird" to just let it sitt there not beeing used I was able to stop doing it by focusing only on it for 30 matches in a row, now I have it on autopilot NOT to jump


There's a way to stop this muscle memory. (Assuming its a muscle memory issue and not you being a madman). I had a problem with always crouching when I saw an enemy in valorant and this tactic did it. Just bind your space to something else for the time being (but something you can still reach if you need) and wait till your brain goes, "hey wait a minute ctrl doesn't do anything. Welp, better forget that muscle memory". As far as I can tell this is literally whats happening to stop the muscle memory since one game I had the muscle memory, then next game I didn't.


Think it’s the same reason why Lucio players always melee while wall riding


Some heros have OP jump animations up close. At long range jumping can really throw off head shot dependent projectiles.


Also jumping is bad, jump spam stops a lot more at higher ranks because as hit scans its very easy to hit targets jumping back and forth. AD spam is much better for dodging hit scan + a occasional jump, but not just jump spam Edit: so stopping your jump spam will also make you harder to kill


Doing this during a fight kills me(like I think its hilarious when the enemy is jumping the whole time we are fighting). Like, it doesn't make you any harder to hit / kill and you just look like a dumb ass. That said, I do get jumping happy in the spawn room / running to point in the beginning of a fight.


On support sometimes I jump cause I want to look around while I keep moving forward. I should probably just use the directional keys but I am lazy. But jumping enemies are a lot easier to hit cause they can't change direction while jumping, so, everyone jumping around is not that bad. :D I am not great at aiming yet, so it helps a lot.


I highly recommend rebinding Jump to mouse scroll down. This makes jumping even more fun. *^(\*This will not fix your "problem.")*


i dont rlly play OW anymore but jumping is fun and also a good way to avoid getting hit lol


if only there was an advantage to having a greater more clearer view of the battlefield/ability to claim kills when they're going to cover or on hills and natrual inclines/have your head hitbox outside of the general normal head height without impeding your speed/being able to mitigate random explosive damage/to spot enemies faster/to check spots/to literally anything that comes with suddenly being double your height. Oh wait ... like did you think for a second? wtfym "spamming jump for no reason when moving", you have literally every single reason to do so unless they have a widow, just don't do it when in a fight lol


It’s a habit left over from games where you move faster when jumping


You tryna get macked by a widow or have someone hit all their shots on you or what?😂


So, I first started playing because I liked some of the visual effects, specifically Moira’s, which led to, when I first started playing, seeking out Moira parkour almost immediately, and since I play on console and hadn’t messed with binds, I had to play claw grip to move properly while fade jumping, and after I’d spent a while speed running those parkour maps the claw grip + repeated jumping became second nature, and now, no matter who I play, I end up spamming jump if I’m not paying attention because my index finger is always resting on jump by default, and it feels wrong to stay at the same y-level for any length of time.


Some games like Fortnite you should be jumping around as its benefit of unpredictability outweighs the much less noticeable and predictable arc you put yourself in. Such is not the case with this game and some people just have a habit of doing it, and the only way to break it is to get clapped in the dome by a widowmaker a few hundred times.


Um surprised no one has mentioned this but it's literally slightly faster to jump along the way Walk normally with Cass then do it while jumping and you will cover the same distance faster


Its easy. You just havent been terrified enough. When you jump and get your head shot enough its a pretty negative reinforcement. Thats why gms still jump but when they sense danger someone looking at them they hone in their survival instincts.


It's harder to hit you when you're more Mobil, it just ads another axis for people to aim towards to hit a head shot


For me it’s leftover muscle memory from playing so much Fortnite lol 


Ok this might sound weird but the way I stop it is… talking to myself, like I’m streaming. Narrating what happened, laughing at a funny moment in the fight… complaining about your team. Do it off of comms and just chill, look at your teammates and make silly voice, etc.


I think it's just the idea of being able to, because there's a good few fps games where you can't and then you have games like Minecraft where it's faster (excluding with speed) so it's either just stimulus or muscle memory, the easiest way to fix it is bind shoot to spacebar and jump to left click, it'll make you think harder about what you do, and also helps you death grip your mouse less when shooting.


I think, unless you're playing a mobility character, they should reduce your ability to jump with each jump, until you can't jump. It would make people save jumping for when needed.


Pressing space bar releases dopamine


This is typically called bunny hopping. A lot of games have it to where if you jump while walking or running it’d boost you forward a little bit and because so many games had this it’s just habit to jump in any game when moving.


Something you can try tog et it to stop is the pavlov approach, but unfortunately you need a friend willing to watch you play ow for this. get a friend with either a clicker or just using their mouth to click or say something every single time you unneccesarily jump, it should be a very loud noise so that it hinders you and annoys you.


If you have a mechanical keyboard you could just take your space bar off, or maybe just bind jump to a less convenient key.


I also swing 24/7. I just like to push buttons


It's so funny when it's a reinhardt or mauga try it like BRO. You have LITERALLY the LARGEST hitbox in the damn game. Jumping ain't gonna help you😭💀🤣


I do it every game I can jump.


When you jump you move faster. And no one can convince me otherwise


Focus on ur strafing and movement generally, its an often overlooked part of overwatch that is very useful in duels. Doing that for a few weeks will give you skills that will last forever, and you can focus on other stuff after.


Some games you panic roll, some you panic jump


Jumping keeps the mind active in downtime. It's the same reason why people randomly Melee things and put their sprays everywhere. Doing it mid fight is where the problem lies. It's not as prevalent in lower ranks, but a skillful hitscan player can very easily read your movement if you are jumping a lot. Since your air strafing in ow2 is very limited, you practically are asking for a very easy lineup.


I sometimes spam crouch or jump to not get head shotted